Chapter 82

Yule finally returned to the secondary world again.

After traveling through time and space, the secondary world at this time is already 200 years later.

The people here have also changed dramatically.

Yu Le couldn't help but think of the former Bailu City. After eliminating the third purple-haired man, Bailu City has been renamed Happy City.

200 years have passed, and the words "Happy City" have been clearly engraved on the city wall.

There is an endless stream of pedestrians on the street, and everyone's face is filled with happiness.

Suddenly, a little boy who was running accidentally bumped into Yule.

"I'm sorry, big brother." The little boy seemed to be only ten years old, but he was very polite.

"It's okay, little brother." Yu Le said with a friendly smile, "Why are you running in such a hurry? It's very dangerous."

The little boy said: "My sister and I are playing hide-and-seek. It would be bad if she found out."

"It's so serious, what will happen if she finds out?"

Just as Yu Le finished speaking, a girl's voice came from not far away:

"Thinking of Yule, thinking of Yule, where are you... I don't want to play anymore, I have to go home quickly."

Miss Yule?
Yule was surprised, how could there be such a name?
"No, my sister is here, I have to hide as soon as I see it."

The little boy said, and just as he was about to run away, his sister suddenly shouted: "Miss Yule, I saw you, don't run away, it's too late, it's time to go home."

Yu Le said: "Little sister, you said this little brother's name is... Xiang Yu Le?"

"That's right, my great-grandfather named him." The little girl said.

"Your great grandfather?" Yu Le asked curiously, "What's your great grandfather's name?"

"I love you." the little girl said.

I love you?Yu Le was surprised and delighted, with mixed feelings.

The little boy and the little girl looked at Yu Le inexplicably, and sized Yu Le up. The little girl asked, "Brother, who are you? Looking at your expression, you seem to know my great-grandfather."

Yu Le took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, and said, "It's not just acquaintances, your great-grandpa and your great-grandmother are both my good friends."

The little girl asked again: "Looking at your outfit, you don't look like someone from our Happy City. Brother, you come from afar, right?"

Yu Le nodded and said, "Yes, I come from a very far away place."

The little boy said: "Big brother, you said you knew our great-grandfather and great-grandmother, do you know where they went?"

When Yu Le heard it, he was shocked: "Why... Are your great-grandpa and great-grandmother gone?"

The little girl and the little boy looked at each other and nodded.

Yu Le's heart trembled, as if hit by a heavy object, a pain arose spontaneously.

Could it be that...are they all dead?

Yes, 200 years have passed, birth, old age, sickness and death, who can escape it!

"Little brother, little sister, can you take me to the grave of your great-grandfather and grandma?" Yu Le said.

The little boy and the little girl looked at each other again, with an inexplicable feeling on their faces.

The little girl said: "Grave? Our great-grandfather and great-grandmother are alive and well, and they don't have a grave yet."

Live well!
Yu Le became excited, and in the next second, he asked suspiciously: "Just said they are gone, what do you mean?"

At this time, a man came over and shouted: "Xian Yule, Nian Yule, why did you two come here? It made me search for a long time. Come back with me quickly. In the morning tomorrow, we can still find out far away."

"Dad, this big brother said that he knows our great-grandfather and great-grandmother." The little girl said.

The man looked at Yu Le, and asked inexplicably, "Excuse me?"

"I am... an old friend who I love you and you love me. I came here today just to see them. Unexpectedly, these two children said that they are not here." Yu Le said.

The man suddenly said: "Since you are an old friend, please come to my house and have a talk."

Yu Le nodded: "Alright."

When I came to the man's house, the house was very spacious and stylish. From the furnishing, it was not difficult to see that this was a very traditional family, and every item had a sense of age.

This is, Yu Le suddenly noticed, a portrait of himself placed on the main wall of the hall.

Although the painting is not very professional, but it can also be recognized at a glance.

There are two lines of characters on both sides of the portrait, which probably mean thinking about Yu Le, and being very reluctant to leave Yu Le.

The man's wife brought a cup of hot tea and placed it in front of Yu Le.

The man said: "Excuse me, Your Excellency, Gao's name."

Yu Le said solemnly: "My name is Yu Le."

When the man and his wife heard this, they were dumbfounded and shocked.

The two children also looked at each other in surprise and quickly ran into the back room.

The man couldn't believe his ears, and asked again: "Are you... really Yule?"

The man's wife looked at Yu Le in disbelief, and said, "I'm not dreaming!"

The man thought about what his daughter said just now, this big brother knew his great-grandfather and great-grandmother, so he should be right, and he compared Yu Le with the characters in the portrait.

Yes, it is him, he is Yu Le.

Just as the man was about to speak again, an old man came out supported by a little boy and a little girl.

The old man asked in amazement: "I heard from the children that a young man named Yu Le has come to our house?"

The man hurried over to help the old man, and said, "Dad, this person is Yu Le."

The old man looked at Yu Le in disbelief, looked him over carefully, and compared him with the person on the portrait worriedly, then said to the man: "Presumptuous, what is this person, come here quickly, come here with me Meet the ancestors."

The man, his wife, and the two children all gathered behind the old man and knelt down to worship.

Yu Le hurriedly helped the old man up, and said, "Old man, please don't do this, how embarrassing it is for me."

The old man began to introduce himself: "My name is Xun Yule, this is my son, Xun Yule, and next to me is my daughter-in-law and two children.

"Our parents gave us such names in memory of you, and they spent their entire lives looking for you all over the world.

"I haven't come back until now, they said, even if they travel all over the world, they will still find you.

"The reason why I can still stay at home is because I was looking for you. I accidentally fell into the mountain stream, and finally survived a catastrophe and saved my life, but this leg is not good.

"Tomorrow morning, my son will also start on the road, following in the footsteps of my parents, to the ends of the earth to find you.

“This is a mission that my parents have left to my family for generations to come.

"Unexpectedly, you finally appeared. It seems that our actions really moved God. Our long journey to find you has finally come to an end."

After hearing this, Yu Le was deeply moved: "So, how can I contact I love you and you love me?"

Looking for Yu Le, he said, "Tomorrow, I'll take you to see the king, he has a way to find my parents."

(End of this chapter)

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