Becoming a god starts from farming on Mars

Chapter 72 Temporary Change of Plan

Chapter 72 Temporary Change of Plan
Under Bai Lin's persuasion, Chen Butou finally calmed down.

Bai Lin continued: "Friends, join us, beat this dark system, beat the purple-haired man, let us regain the original secondary world, I believe, you will not like the current secondary world."

Chen Butou hesitated for a moment, and said: "But...just with us...isn't it hitting a stone with an egg."

"I am confident that I can gather 3 men. You are the most senior headhunter in Bailu City. You should have 5000 men under your command. This is also a force that should not be underestimated." Bai Lin said.

Chen Butou smiled wryly, and said: "Brother, don't be too happy, since the moment Queen Bailu ordered the closure of the city, all officers' military powers have been taken back, let alone us little Butou gone."

"What, Queen Bai Lu actually took back all her military power!" Bai Lin was shocked, "It seems that it is really not easy to bring her down."

"Nothing is easy."

Yu Le's voice came suddenly, and then he got out from the basement, followed by others.

When Chen Butou saw Yu Le, he was startled: "Brother Bai Lin, isn't this... the man in the portrait given by Queen Bai Lu!"

"Exactly." Bai Lin said firmly, "Let me introduce it to you."

Bai Lin gave a brief introduction to Yu Le and Chen Butou.

Under Bai Lin's bitter persuasion, Chen Butou decided to try to treat Yu Le with a kind attitude.

But he is still wary in his heart. He still can't weigh whether Yule can really defeat Queen Bailu.

He was worried that if he stood on the wrong team, he would end up in an irreversible end.

This is a person's instinct to protect himself.

However, Yu Le is different. He has the same opinion as Bai Lin, expanding the team is a wise choice.

So he was frank and open and gave a brief introduction to his situation.

He also told everything that happened in the first-level world of Mars, and described in detail the battle experience with the purple-haired man and what the purple-haired man did.

After hearing this, everyone was shocked. They never knew that there were twelve purple-haired men, and two of them had already died.

What's more, Yu Le actually traveled from the first-level world of Mars through the mine.

Now, after listening to Yu Le's story, everyone agrees that the purple-haired man must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise the same trouble will appear in the secondary world.

Bai Lindao: "The purple-haired man in the second-level world is the third one, and I don't know where the other nine are."

"I believe there must be a way to find out." Yu Le said, "Now, follow the previously customized plan, hoping to succeed in one fell swoop."

Chen Butou hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Yu Le, what do you need me to do?"

Bai Lin excitedly said: "Brother Chen, you finally decided to join us!"

Chen Butou nodded heavily, and said firmly, "I am fighting for peace and justice."

Yu Le said: "Well said, for peace and justice, we all work together, come on!"

"Come on!" Everyone said in unison.

Yu Le said again: "The current situation is more beneficial to us. Chen Butou can pretend to capture Bai Lin, and this soldier brother and I love you don't have to appear on stage."

Bai Lin's eyes lit up, and he said, "That's right, why didn't I think that Queen Bailu only knew that I betrayed her, but she didn't know that Butou Chen had also become a member of our team, so Butou Chen can definitely Escort me to Queen Bailu."

I love you took Bai Lin's words and continued: "At that time, my grandpa will be able to project seeds in the dark, and everything will be logical."

Yu Le suddenly thought of a question, and he said suddenly: "Wait a minute, there is a question that we have neglected."

"What's the problem?" Bai Lin asked.

At this time, there was a shout outside the house.

"Chen Butou, where are you? Have you found those thieves?"

"Chen Butou... come, let's go and have a look at this broken villa."

Yu Le said in surprise: "Someone is here, in order not to affect the plan, let's go underground first."

Several people went into the basement again, passed through the wooden door, and came to the safe valley again.

"It's safe now, Yu Le, you can continue talking." Bai Lin said.

Yu Le waved his hand and said, "I ignored the purple-haired man's perception.

"The original plan was that Bai Lin was captured and Queen Bailu interrogated, and I hid in the dark and the driver projected the spirit seed.

"On the surface, it looks seamless, but in fact there is a huge hidden danger that I forgot to take into account."

"You mean the purple-haired man?" Bai Lin said.

Yu Le nodded: "That's right, the purple-haired man, the first and the second purple-haired man have a kind of perception, they can sense a certain target at a certain distance.

"If I hide in the dark, the purple-haired man will definitely find me.

"If I'm too far away, I won't be able to implement the plan, and Bai Lin's life may be in danger, so this plan needs to be improved."

Bai Lin looked fearless: "Am I the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, it doesn't matter, just follow this plan."

"No, now it's not a question of whether you are afraid of death, but a question of whether you can get rid of the purple-haired man and rescue Bai Lu." Yu Le said.

"Yu Le is right. If you want to do it, you must succeed, and you must not take unnecessary risks." Chen Butou said.

Yu Le pondered for a while, and everyone else fell silent.

After a while, Yu Le suddenly said, "Well, let me release the prisoners."

"You?" Everyone was shocked.

I love you and said: "Grandpa, if you are a prisoner, who will project the spirit seed?"

"That's right, if they tied your hands, how would you project the Spirit Seed?" Bai Lin asked inexplicably.

Yu Le smiled lightly: "Everyone, have you forgotten that arresting me is our friend, Chief Chen.

"He has the right to decide whether I will be tied into the palace. If he wants, he can put a knife on my neck to meet Queen Bailu."

When everyone heard it, they suddenly realized.

"Grandpa is right. In this way, you can free your hands and do whatever you want." I love you and said with a smile.

Bai Lin was thoughtful: "I'm still worried, I don't believe it, if you hide in a dark place and stay a little far away, can the purple-haired man really detect your breath?"

"Bai Lin, what if the purple-haired man doesn't want to see you?" Yu Le asked without answering, "What if he suddenly ordered Chen Butou to send you directly to the dungeon?
At that time, we still have to focus on saving you? "

Bai Lin remained silent, thinking that what Yu Le said made sense, so he didn't refute.

Yu Le glanced at everyone and said, "Since everyone has no objection, this matter is settled like this."

Everyone agreed with Yu Le's plan, so Bai Lin had no choice but to follow suit.

A few minutes later, Chen Butou left the villa with a steel knife on Yu Le's waist.

(End of this chapter)

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