Becoming a god starts from farming on Mars

Chapter 13 This young master is extraordinary

Chapter 13 This young master is extraordinary

Yu Le and Shi Kun planned to find a place to have fun. The boring life in the plantation was really depressing.

Unexpectedly, there was a huge crowd of people in front of us, and the traffic was blocked.

A rough voice came from the wall of people.

"Everyone, whoever can grow spiritual plants in this sand table from a distance, is qualified to challenge my young master.

"If he can beat my young master, this basket of diamonds will be his. Who will challenge?"

Yu Le and Shi Kun looked at each other.

"It seems that someone set up a ring competition, let's see." Yu Le said with interest.

"Masters, what's so interesting about fighting in the ring, the business matters." Shi Kun dismissed the matter of the ring.

"What's the matter, you think I really want to go, just to tease you!"

As Yu Le said, he raised his hand and poked Shi Kun on the forehead, and continued:
"Master Yu is a very upright person, I won't go to that crappy place."

Shi Kun glanced at Yu Le, muttering in his mouth, what kind of grandson are you pretending to be, are you right?Don't treat the welcome lady in the happy hotel, pedicure, massage is not good?
Yu Le didn't want to hear Shi Kun's noise, so he had already squeezed through the human wall and walked to the front.

"Hey, brat, wait for me." Shi Kun also squeezed in.

As I heard just now, on a large round table, there is a large basket filled with dazzling diamonds of various shapes.

Diamonds are rare items on Mars, even more precious than on Earth.

Being able to take out so many diamonds as a bet, it can be seen that this person should be the top figure among local tyrants.

Next to the basket is a two-foot-square sand table filled with purple-gold gravel.

Next to the sand table is a small wooden box with the lid open, presumably it contains some kind of spiritual plant seeds.

Seeing this, Yu Le already understood that this young master wanted to compare planting with others.

Strange, after talking for a long time, where is their young master?
Yu Le only saw a burly man yelling, surrounded by people eating melons.

At this time, a young man in a black robe stepped forward.

He walked to the big round table with steps of disbelief, and squeezed out a seed from a small box.

Then, he took out a black cloth to cover his eyes, and took a few steps back.

"Everyone, keep your eyes open. I want to use my martial arts skills while blindfolded, and plant Dafa in the air, so that this seed will take root and germinate in a sand table a few feet away."

This person performed in a serious manner, but everyone present thought it was an impossible task.

So everyone looked at him suspiciously.

Yu Le's curiosity was aroused. Does this guy also have a spiritual field in his body? Could it be that he can also teleport?
Shi Kun whispered in Yu Le's ear: "I don't know if this kid has diamonds, anyway, I don't believe that someone can plant them in the air."

Yu Le smiled lightly, noncommittal.

At this time, the black-robed man squatted down, clasped his palms together, clamped the seeds between his hands, and began to adjust his breath.

I don't know how much time has passed, and everyone is impatient, and the black-robed man is still acting constipated.

At this moment, the sound of gongs and drums from a distance interrupted the performance of the man in black who was about to vomit blood.

As the sound of gongs and drums got closer, everyone followed the prestige.

The man in black took the opportunity to breathe a sigh of relief, and secretly threw the seeds in his hand into the sand table.

The black-robed man thought no one had seen him, but unexpectedly he was caught by a burly man.

The burly man grabbed the black-robed man's wrist and said angrily, "You bastard, you want to cheat?"

The black-robed man wanted to explain, but was lifted high by the burly man and thrown out of the crowd.

At this time, the sound of gongs and drums had come to the front, and everyone unanimously gave up a passage.

It turned out to be a funeral guard of honor, with gongs in front to clear the way, and banners in the middle, and behind it was a large coffin carried by 32 people.

Yu Le wondered, why is there still a funeral at such a late hour?
I still have to walk through this congested street. Doesn't this waste my time?
In a blink of an eye, the coffin was carried among the crowd.

Only then did Yu Le see clearly that the lid of the coffin was not completely closed.

At this moment, a woman in red with an enchanting figure came out from one side of the coffin and shouted loudly, "Master Lin is here!"

Bang!With the sound of a gong, the coffin landed steadily.

Yu Le was surprised, this is the young master?

Shi Kun couldn't help but asked curiously: "Beauty, your young master is dead, how can you challenge?"

"Bastard, our young master is alive and well, and you died." The woman in red glared at Shi Kun.

Just as Shi Kun was about to argue, the woman in red jumped in and said, "Our young master likes to lie in the coffin. Can you take care of his personal hobbies?"

Yu Le and Shi Kun were completely stunned. They looked at each other and laughed awkwardly.

The woman in red glanced at Shi Kun and started to get down to business.

"Everyone, my young master said that in the whole world, he is probably the only one who can plant in space, and it is really difficult for everyone to do so.

"So, temporarily changing the method is equivalent to reducing the difficulty for everyone.

"I hold a hundred seeds in my hand, including the seeds of the ore fruit and the seeds of the desire fruit.

"I'm going to throw these one hundred seeds into the air later.

"Whoever can identify how many desire fruit seeds are there before the seeds fall to the ground, and whoever catches the most is qualified to challenge our young master.

"Everyone get ready, I'm going to throw it away."

After the woman in red finished speaking, she raised her arms and tossed the seeds vigorously into the air. A hundred seeds fluttered like a goddess scattering flowers.

At this moment, everyone is scrambling to be the first, looking up, and rushing to reach out to grab it.

At the same time, Yule thought and used the space transfer technique on the desire fruit seeds in the air.

However, this space transfer technique failed.

The reason for the failure turned out to be that there were no seeds of the fruit of desire in the air.

Therefore, among all the people present, only Yu Le was indifferent.

The woman in red looked at Yu Le with a smile on her face, and asked curiously, "Everyone is scrambling to grab the seeds, why are you so calm?"

Yu Le smiled lightly: "Because there are no seeds of desire fruit among these one hundred seeds, why should I work in vain."

When everyone heard what Yu Le said, they realized it later and began to discuss it.

The woman in red gave Yule a thumbs up with admiration and said, "This friend has really good eyesight!"

Hearing the woman in red's admiration, everyone cast admiring glances at Yu Le, and everyone applauded unanimously, with continuous praise.

Shi Kun approached Yu Le and asked, "How did you see it?"

"It's a wild guess. If you really have to see it with your eyes, even Erlang Shen can't tell it."

Yu Le responded to Shi Kun while enjoying the admiration and applause from the crowd.

"Erlang God, who is it? Could it be that the boiler burner again?" Shi Kun was puzzled.

At this time, the woman in red came to Yu Le and said, "My young master wants to challenge you."

Yu Le was surprised: "Me?"

"That's right, I just said something earlier, whoever can find the seed of the fruit of desire is qualified to challenge my young master.

"Just now, those one hundred were all the seeds of ore fruit.

"The seeds of the ore fruit are very similar to the seeds of the desire fruit, and it is difficult to distinguish them without looking carefully.

"As for you, you were able to confirm that there are no seeds of desire fruit in a very short period of time, which shows that you are not someone who is waiting for nothing."

When the woman in red said this, she winked at the burly man beside her.

The burly man stepped forward and challenged Yu Le: "Why, don't you dare?"

(End of this chapter)

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