Chapter 38 Eat?
Counting it, it had been more than a month since Fang Chang came to Douluo World, but this was the first time he met a female spider-shaped soul beast of suitable size.

This feeling is like a [-]-year-old man who was trapped alone on a deserted island for several months, only to find himself in a celestial bathing place in Hawaii when he woke up.

It's subtle and hard to describe in words.

But...he understands the truth, but what is the mouth of this ten-thousand-year-old crypt demon spider doing so wide |ω`)
Fang Chang suddenly paused in the air, and spat out a poisonous net downward.

He dropped the poisonous web first, but was bitten by the ten-thousand-year-old crypt spider, and then sucked by her like powder, and the entire spider web was sucked down by her.

Fortunately, Fang Chang took advantage of this moment when the spider leg touched her head, and quickly jumped to the side.

But before he had time to be happy, the ten-thousand-year-old crypt spider looked at him again, with bloodthirsty eyes and a little... that kind of feeling.

While chewing on Fang Chang's poisonous net, she walked towards Fang Chang. She was not affected by the toxicity of his poisonous net at all, but became more interested.

"Gulu..." Chang Fang swallowed. He suddenly remembered a cold knowledge from his previous life.

Some species of female spiders choose to eat their mates after mating to provide nutrients for breeding.

And among these, there are some female spiders who go too far, fearing that their mates will run away after mating.

So they often choose to eat part of their spouse first, making them unable to escape, leaving them alone, and eating the rest after mating.

And the female spiders of the most special species go even further when they find a male who fits their requirements.

They will eat all eight legs of the male spider first, without harming their lives, just incapacitating them, and then taking them back to the nest to raise them...

And then……

Usually this will continue until the male spider dies; or they find a better male spider, at which point they will choose to eat the original one and replace it with another one to continue raising.

Fang Chang's scalp was numb, and he didn't dare to continue thinking.

But the ten-thousand-year-old crypt spider was still approaching, her eyes were even more frightening, her expression was even more ferocious, and there was still saliva dripping from her mouth...

The next moment, her eight spider legs moved, and her figure rushed to Fang Chang's side in an instant, and her mouth was aimed at one of Fang Chang's spider legs and bit off!
Wait... leg biting?Fang Chang panicked even more now!
He tried his best to retract that spider leg, narrowly avoiding her bite.

But then, she bit down again, and this time she aimed at Fang Chang's other leg.

Because of his posture when he dodged the previous attack just now, this spider leg was alone in the front, and it was too late to retreat.

With a "click" sound, Fang Chang gritted his teeth in pain, his spider leg was torn off by the crypt spider, and then took it away.

He subconsciously used "Xiang Leap" backwards, and quickly moved away from the Ten Thousand Years Pit Demon Spider.

The long and square spider legs were chewed up in the mouth of the crypt demon spider within a short period of time, even the hardest armor on the outside!

After being attacked one after another and paying a heavy price with a spider leg, Fang Chang didn't dare to neglect any longer, and quickly withdrew from his fantasy and entered a fighting state.

Race: Crypt Spider (can devour)
Soul Power: 10000

HP: 3300/3300
Strength: 660
Attack: 570
Defense: 652
Speed: 666
The panel of the Ten Thousand Years Crypt Demon Spider appeared in his field of vision.

Although powerful, but not impossible to deal with, such a thought appeared in his mind.

Although the soul power of this crypt demon spider was high, its attributes were not much higher than that of the giant ape. If he took it seriously, he might still be able to defeat her.

After confirming the combat power of both sides, Fang Chang was about to make a move, but the crypt spider made a "squeak" sound, and then spit out a web from her mouth without warning.

Fang Chang's consciousness was distracted for a moment. He originally planned to listen to what the crypt demon spider said, but he couldn't understand it after thinking for a long time.

There is a language barrier between different species of spiders!
He could only vaguely feel from her tone that the crypt demon spider seemed to be provoking him, and it seemed to be teasing him.

When he came back to his senses, the crypt spider's web had already flown in front of him and he couldn't avoid it.

Her spider web became as hard as iron in an instant when it came into contact with the wind, like an upside-down cage that locked Fang Chang firmly on the ground, so it was like a "spider web cage".

At this time, her body swaggered over, looking at Fang Chang as if she was looking at a prey that had been caught.

The toughness of the spider web cage was far beyond Fang Chang's imagination, no matter how much he struggled, he would not be able to break free for a while.

The crypt demon spider got closer and closer, her mouth opened wide again, aiming at Fang Chang's other spider leg.

Fang Chang was very anxious, and flames burst out of his body in an instant, "Fire Armor", "Dragon's Blood LV1", "Blade Armor"...

Almost all available skills were used by him at the same time.

Right after the tongue of flame appeared, the spider web cage that he couldn't get rid of no matter how much he struggled, lost its function in an instant and burst into flames.

And the Ten Thousand Years Crypt Demon Spider, who was about to bite Fang Chang's spider's leg, retracted its head almost instinctively.

She is afraid of fire!She is afraid of fire!

Fang Chang was overjoyed, yes, according to normal circumstances, spider-shaped spirit beasts should be weak fire, and he is the only special case.

Knowing his weakness, Fang Chang also felt complacent. If he was only [-]% sure that he would be able to deal with this crypt demon spider, now it is at least [-]%, or even [-]%.

With the fire on his body, he leaned towards the Pit Demon Spider step by step, but this time it was her turn to retreat.

She looked at Fang Chang at this time with hesitation in her eyes, not knowing whether to continue with her great plan.

But Fang Chang didn't give her the chance to choose. He jumped up and just rode on her body. The remaining seven spider legs were all inserted into her body, and the paralyzing poison began to inject.

The crypt demon spider was in unbearable pain from the flames on Fang Chang's body, and rolled crazily on the ground, while the paralyzing toxin began to take effect slowly in her body.

Her movements became smaller and smaller, but the long and square spider legs penetrated deeper and stuck tighter, preventing herself from falling off her body.

In the end, the Crypt Demon Spider was still defeated by the double torture of flames and toxins, lying limp on the ground and unable to move, only the spider legs twitched slightly from time to time.

Fang Chang looked at the crypt spider that was going to eat him before, should he eat her?It seems a bit pity...

To be honest, if you look at it from the perspective of spiders, this Ten Thousand Years Crypt Demon Spider is actually not ugly...


Three hours later...

Fang Chang stretched his waist, moved his tired body, and looked at the crypt spider again, wanting to give her one last chance.

But when he saw the venomous little eyes in the eight eyes of this crypt demon spider... as expected, he still ate it.

He walked to her side, his mouth was already open, but he held back at the last moment.

After all, just now...

Alas, forget it, let's spare her life first, Fang Chang suddenly realized.

Of course, it is not necessary to eat her completely, but she still has to avenge the fact that she ate one of her legs, so just ask for a piece of meat from her.

Fang Chang raised his head, selected the most fleshy place between the chest and abdomen of the Pit Demon Spider, and took a deep bite.

Finally, I ate the meat of the ten thousand year soul beast for the last time!Fang Chang couldn't help crying!

(End of this chapter)

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