The road to elves starting from a bear child

Chapter 35 Changes in Mind Power

Chapter 35 Changes in Mind Power
"Okay, okay, they've all evolved!" Looking at the two big butterflies flying around him, Xiong Lin was still very happy.

You must know that the general green caterpillars evolve to the Ba Dadie, and they are all at the level of LV10 in the game. In reality, they are at the middle level of the freshman level. They are really weak.

However, the two bat butterflies that he spent so much time cultivating reached the high-level newborn level as soon as they evolved, and they both developed well, and their body size surpassed that of their fellows working in the fruit forest.

After playing with them for a while, the boy also asked the most concerned question, which was also the most critical question.

"Xiaoba, Xiaodie, both of you should be able to use superpowers, can you try to move this little rock?"

After speaking, he picked up a small stone from the ground, which was about the same size and weight as the one controlled by the leader Ba Dadie before.



The two big butterflies nodded, looked at each other, and then decided that the little bus would come first.

After all, it came out of the shell earlier, it is the elder brother.

Then, its eyes lit up with blue light, and with a "swish", the stone flew up steadily.

Unlike the previous orchard Riba Butterfly leader's barely controlling it, it obviously still has more power.

This shows that the minibus is only a high-level freshman, and has a level of mind power that exceeds the one-year training of the leader Ba Dadie.

This made him very happy, and immediately picked up another pebble of about the same size from the ground and asked:
"Minibus, can I have another one?"

In this regard, the blue light in Ba Dadie's eyes brightened again. He wanted to move the stone in the young man's hand, but unfortunately he could only shake it twice, and there was no follow-up.

He also used up his little thought power, and the stone that was floating in the air also "clicked" and fell to the ground.

"Hey~" Sorry~
Seeing that he didn't do it, Xiaoba lowered his head in shame and let out a low cry.

"It's okay, it's already great, Xiaoba, your level of thought power has surpassed that of the leader Ba Dadie in the orchard. I believe that as long as you continue to meditate in the future, you will definitely be able to truly use your thought power."

For this, Xiong Lin quickly praised a few words.

"Hey!" Well, I will work hard!

After receiving the young man's encouragement, Xiaoba nodded and promised solemnly.

"Next is you, Xiaodie." After comforting the minibus, his eyes turned to his other sister, Xiaodie.

"Hey~" Okay!
Xiaodie flew out when she heard the words, her eyes were also shining, and soon a stone flew up, but when she tried to control another stone, she also failed.

I saw the second pebble "buzzing" twice in Xiong Lin's hand, and just before it was 1 cm away from the palm, it "clicked" and fell back, but the other floating pebble did not fall , but also trembling.

Seeing this scene, he also decisively stopped.

"Okay, Fluttershy."


Xiaodie agreed, and withdrew her mind power.

Although judging by its performance, its performance is higher than that of its elder brother, but its expression is equally lost.

Because it understands that neither of them has actually reached the standard of a teenager.

When cultivating them before, Xiong Lin said that the basis for them to follow him in battle is to be able to control fist-sized stones with mind power.

But now the two of them can only control a stone about the size of a fingernail, which is obviously too far away.

"Okay, okay, don't be unhappy, it's okay.

In the future, you can help me take care of the orchards in the territory, defend against intruders, and cultivate your offspring well. "

Seeing that the two elves were quite disappointed, Xiong Lin also understood what they were thinking, so he gave a few words of comfort.

As for taking them out to fight because he couldn't bear it, that's impossible. With Ba Dadie's auxiliary moves, without the power of thought, taking them out is just cannon fodder, and if they harm them, he may also harm himself.

Sometimes being too weak is indeed a drag!
It's better to let them help take care of the orchard in the territory and contribute to the genetic improvement of the population!


Xiaoba and Xiaodie nodded when they heard the words, and flew towards the orchard by themselves.

In the past ten days, the boy also took them to see the orchard, and told them that if they didn't meet the standards, they would come here, so they were also very conscious.

After the two butterflies left, Xiong Lin quickly took out his notebook and recorded the discovery.

"It's far more effective to do mental exercises when you're a green caterpillar than when you're a big butterfly.

At present, the two green caterpillars with ordinary aptitude, after spiritual meditation since they were young, have achieved a level beyond the sum of the mental power of ordinary adult Ba Da Die as soon as they break through! "

When he was done, he put the notebook back in his backpack.

In this real world of elves, the cultivation of elves is not about feeding some experience candy, fighting a few times, leveling up, and then becoming stronger. In fact, the strength of an elf is still composed of many acquired factors.

And it is still the beginning of the alliance, when everyone is exploring and nurturing, even if there is a breakthrough result, it will not be announced to the public.

So the teenager can only explore it by himself!
In fact, according to his speculation, even if the two butterflies continue to meditate, they should not reach the level of being able to send out a wave of thought force in this life.

This point can be seen from the previous leader Ba Dadie. After evolving into the final form, the brain area has been finalized. After a year of hard work, it was surpassed by Xiaoba and Xiaodie in 10 days.

This also shows that the best period for cultivating the mind power of Ba Dadie should be in the primary form of the green caterpillar.

It's a pity that the super talent of the green caterpillars is indeed too low, or it may be that the pseudo-meditation idea in his previous life is not effective.

Thinking of this, he thought of the strong trainers in this world, and muttered to himself:
"Those well-known strong men must have their own unique methods. I don't know if I will have a chance to exchange one or two when I become stronger."

Of course, the premise is to become stronger first, so soon, he continued to prepare a stronger venom bath.

As portions of toxic materials were thrown into specially purchased iron buckets, the clear water that exuded the fragrance of honey gradually turned purple.

Even the smell it gave off made the young man cough endlessly. He had no choice but to take out the mask from his backpack and put it on.

After all, his strength only belonged to the newborn level of cubs, and there were a lot of poisons from ordinary elves in it, and there were even some poisonous fruits that even ordinary elves dare not eat at will.

"Okay, now it's up to you two, little two, little five!"

After matching, Xiong Lin said something to the remaining two iron shell kuns, and transferred them to this iron bucket.

(End of this chapter)

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