Chapter 84, 12 Firecrackers

Some people are born with powerful talents. It is undeniable that they are people who are loved by heaven.

Huo Xie understood this truth when he was in school.

His tablemate, a super college bully, obviously played games together, became king together, and ate chicken together.

As a result, he became the King of Hundred Stars, Super Ace, No.1 in the class.

And what about yourself?

Eternal diamond, gold, class No.1, last one.

So talent is something that not everyone has.

Lin Fei, Xue Mei is such a genius compared to her peers in the Jia Ma Empire.

"Teacher, here, here."

Lin Fei waved at an old man at the door and shouted loudly.

The old man was wearing a black robe of the Alchemist Guild, with a four-star alchemist badge hanging on his chest. He was a fourth-rank alchemist.

"Master Otto!" Xue Mei greeted with a smile.

Master Otto smiled: "It's still Xuemei who knows how to be polite!"

Lin Fei was a little disdainful.

At this time, another old man in the robe of an alchemist came over.

"President Frank!"

Several guards said respectfully.

Frank nodded.

"Let's all go back to their posts! This time, the pharmacist assessment is about to begin."


After a while, all kinds of medicinal materials were placed on all the stone platforms.

"The exam begins!"

Following President Frank's order, the assessment of the first-grade pharmacist began.

Candidates one after another took out medicine refining cauldrons of different colors from their receiving rings, except for one person, Huo Xie.

Huo Xie looked awkwardly at the people around who had already started refining the elixir.

"Damn, I forgot to prepare the alchemy cauldron!"

Huo Xie, who had never practiced elixir, forgot the crucial medicine cauldron for refining medicine.

"I just read two books, and it really didn't work."

Huo Xie said with a sigh.

In the distance, President Frank looked at Huo Xie who hadn't done anything and said with a smile.

"This young man is interesting. Everyone else is in a hurry to start refining medicine, but he is here in a daze. Could it be that there is no medicine refining cauldron? It's impossible! Haha, which pharmacist doesn't prepare a medicine cauldron when he comes to the assessment!"

This situation is equivalent to not bringing a pen for the exam, and no paper for the large size. Of course, you may occasionally bring sandpaper.

"What should I do?"

Huo Xie fell into deep thought. As a scumbag who had received nine years of compulsory education, he knew that even if he didn't write the answers, he had to bring a pen for the exam. This was called loading a pen.

Time passed by bit by bit.

Huo Xie recalled the contents of those two books in his mind.

In Dou Qi Continent, if one wants to refine pills, one must have Dou Qi of two attributes, fire attribute and wood attribute, and at the same time, have powerful soul power.

The fire attribute battle qi is to refine and dissolve the herbal magic beast crystal core, while the wood attribute battle qi is to extract the medicinal power in the herb, the soul power is perception, through perception to distinguish which medicine is the essence and which medicine is the residue, and finally all the essence Combined together, condensed into a pill.

This is the principle of refining pills.

Once you understand the principle, you can refine it in a more efficient way.

A new idea was mentioned in those two books on refining medicine. Although there is no general name, Huo Xie is willing to call it a high-tech refining method.

The general meaning is to use tools to refine medicine.

One tool is refined, one tool is refined, and then the plagiarism formula is used to form the alchemy. This method is similar to a modern mechanical factory.

The elixir is the assembly line of the machinery factory.

You must know that the background of the world of Fighting Break the Firmament is the background of the Western Middle Ages. There is no modern high-tech equipment here. The person who can come up with this concept is definitely a genius.

However, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and no matter how powerful the theory is, it needs to be proved by practice.

There is no medicine cauldron now, and he is still practicing a fart pill.

Huo Xie rubbed the center of his eyebrows with his fingers.

Light energy is the purest energy, and it is also the purest energy. Both wood and fire attributes can be simulated. Huo Xie, the power of the soul, has a powerful Ultraman idea, so it is not difficult for Huo Xie to refine medicine under normal circumstances. .

"Forget it, let's fight. In the original book, I remember that Yao Lao can refine medicine through the method of different fires and cauldrons."

"Have you never eaten pork or seen a pig run?"

"I don't believe that I have read nearly a thousand novels, but I still can't find a way to break the situation."

Huo Xie secretly made up his mind, and it doesn't matter if he fails.

Open the sheepskin scroll on the stone platform, which records the prescription of a first-class elixir.

"Congealing Fire Pill! The function is to speed up the absorption of fire attribute energy, a first-grade pill."

Huo Xie looked at Dan Fang carefully, and then began to think about the formula in his mind.

Flame grass needs to be refined three times.

Hydrangea blends in the second of the refinement.

The first-grade fire attribute magic core is ready to blend in after refining all the herbs.


Anyway, he is also a person who has gone through nine years of compulsory education. Huo Xie quickly applied the formula to answer the time, frequency, and order of refining each herb.

"If I had half the talent I have now when I was in school, I wouldn't be grabbing someone's No.1 [the bottom one] every day."

At this time, Lin Fei, who was on the side, also reached the most critical moment of refining medicine, and the scorching flames kept roasting the medicinal materials inside.

Huo Xiexie smiled charmingly, and then summoned Zihuo, the beast fire.

In an instant, the violent and beastly flames suppressed the flames of everyone present.

Lin Fei, who was at a critical moment, exploded in an instant.


Black air filled the air, and a small mushroom cloud slowly rose from the medicine cauldron.

Countless residues flew around.

Followed by another fried tripod.


As if in a chain reaction, all the candidates exploded one after another.

Twelve loud firecrackers sounded.

Huo Xie said that it was none of his business. I just summoned my flame and didn't interfere with them. It was their fire that was too cowardly.

Frank on the side shook his head, these little fellows who are not yet in the first grade are too young.

Mental endurance is also an assessment for a pharmacist. Without a strong psychological endurance, a pharmacist would have been silent in the midst of countless failures.

"This little guy, if I'm not mistaken, he used the purple fire of the Amethyst Winged Lion King. It's not easy for this little guy to be able to cultivate the purple fire to this level!"

Master Otto had a gratified smile on his face.

The disgraced Lin Fei stared at Huo Xie angrily.

Huo Xie responded with a smile.

"Damn bastard, you wait for me."

Lin Fei gritted her teeth and said.

At this time, she could only speak harshly, because this was an exam, and if she dared to act recklessly, she would probably be expelled from the exam room immediately.

But failing once doesn't mean you've really failed.

There are three materials placed on each stone platform, which means that each person has three chances.

Soon the second refining medicine started.

Huo Xie fell silent looking at the purple fire in his hand.

"What the hell!."

(End of this chapter)

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