Chapter 63, Breath of the Sun

Ida Jinglong exhaled lightly, even the avatar retained the habit of breathing.

"Your Excellency is optimistic."

Ida Iryu drew the ancient sword from his waist.

Breath of the Sun · One-shaped round dance, Ida Iryu slashed forward with a sword in an arc-shaped slash wrapped in flames.

Breath of the Sun · Bi Luotian in the form of two, the Taidao swings from the bottom up, slashing in a circle wrapped in flames.

Breath of the Sun · Three-shaped Sun-red Mirror, the Taidao retracted and swung a crimson arc horizontally forward.

Breath of the Sun·Four-type Phantasmal Sunbow, on the basis of the three-type, uses high-speed twists and turns to complete the specialized dodge dance.

However, the better the eyesight, the more clearly the afterimage of the user will be captured.

The Breath of the Sun and the Five-shaped Train, after somersaulting for a circle, swing an arc-shaped vertical slash entwined with flames at the enemy.

It is similar to the pose of "Breathe of Water, Ninotype, Waterwheel".

Breath of the Sun·Six Types of Burning Bone and Flaming Sun, releases a rotating flame slash, and when cutting off the body parts of the ghost, it will cause severe pain like being burned by the flames on the wound of the ghost, and at the same time, it will not be able to regenerate temporarily.

Breath of the Sun Seventh Form Yanghuatu, thrusting at the enemy above itself, when stabbing, a ring-shaped flame will be generated around the blade.

Breath of the Sun · Hachi no-type flywheel Kagero makes the tip of the blade sway like a Kagero, creating the illusion that the blade is shortened.

Breath of the Sun Nine-shaped Sunset turned around, flashed into the air in an instant and slashed horizontally in an upside-down posture, the blade would be entwined with blazing flames like the sun.

The breath of the sun and the ten-shaped radiant light, descending from the sky, slash the enemy in a spiral from top to bottom. The blade will be wrapped with blazing flames like the sun, and temporarily prevent the enemy from regenerating.

The breath of the sun, the eleven-shaped sun halo dragon, and the head dance, a high-speed combo skill like a flying fire dragon, will cause severe pain in the wound of the ghost, and it will not be able to regenerate temporarily.

Breath of the Sun · Twelve-shaped Flame Dance, the two-combo version of the "round dance", which is more powerful than the original move.

"Yanwu" is the same as "Yuanwu", which means "from one shape to twelve shape is a reincarnation".

After performing the 12 postures of the Breath of the Sun, Ida Jinglong put the Taidao into the scabbard.

Huo Xie at this time.

Σ(っ°Д°;) っlook.

"What the hell? What the hell? This is the breath of the sun, Nima, what did I just see???"

Ida Jinglong looked at Huo Xie with a stiff face, thinking that Huo Xie didn't like this sword skill.

"I understand, Your Excellency, I will be serious next."

After Ida Jinglong finished speaking, his aura suddenly became very fierce, and there was an indescribable charm between his breath and breath.

Swing the knife, and 12 afterimages appear in an instant, each afterimage corresponds to a move of the sun's breathing method, the afterimage dissipates, and the knife is retracted.

The breath of the sun, the type of thirteen.

Huo Xie.

Σ(°△°|||)︴Super surprised.

"I... Ida Jinglong, how did you do it?"

Ida Jinglong thought for a while, and then spoke.

"First this, then this, and then this!"

Huo Xie, although I don't understand, I still want to ask.

"Then what's with the fancy special effects? This red flame seems to burn everything."

Ida Jinglong thought for a while, and said, "Are you talking about sword power?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!!!" Huo Xie nodded excitedly.

"The power of the sword is the proof of the unity of spirit and spirit of every warrior. When our spirit and sword become one, the sword is our hand. All my thoughts and thoughts can be released through the sword."

"Oh oh oh!" Although he didn't understand, Huo Xie thought it was amazing.

Ida Jinglong nodded, with a smile on his serious face.

"However, I would also like to thank you for your secret biography. Without your secret biography, I would not know that there are still such powerful swordsmen as His Excellency Ji Guoyuanyi in this world. It seems that countless strong swordsmen have appeared after my death." By."

Huo Xie's expression was a little weird. This is just a cartoon from another world, and it's totally fake. Wait a minute!Since Hokage, Tiga, and Doupa all exist, it makes sense for there to be another Demon Slayer: Blade! .

"Jiguo Yuanyi is indeed very powerful, but he still hasn't escaped the fate of old age and death." Huo Xie said with some emotion.

"Life, old age, sickness and death in this world are irreversible for mortals. If I can be born in the same era as His Excellency Ji Guoyuan, then I will definitely challenge him, because only swordsmen can understand swordsmen." Ida Jinglong sighed softly.

In the era of Ida Jinglong, the achievements of samurai and onmyoji would be compiled into stories and ballads by poets and spread around.

Therefore, in the eyes of Ida Jinglong, Demon Slayer: Blade of Demon Slayer is a real story, but the times are different, and they missed it.

Huo Xie looked at Ida Jinglong approaching from a distance, and suddenly said.

"Your Excellency Ida Jinglong, how did you practice the breath of the sun?"

Ida Jinglong did not hesitate, but said excitedly.

"This is thanks to Your Excellency's secret biography. This secret biography tells a story on the surface, but in fact it hides various swordsmanship training methods. Even ordinary people, as long as they have the talent for swordsmanship, can obtain swordsmanship from it. .”

Hearing this, Huo Xie became excited.

"Your Excellency Ida Jinglong, what do you think of me?"

Ida Jinglong glanced up and down at Huo Xie.

"Your Excellency is very talented."

"Then can I learn sword?"

"of course can."

"Coach, I want to play basketball... No, I want to learn fencing."

Huo Xie immediately said excitedly, you must know that Ida Jinglong is a swordsman who stands at the pinnacle of swordsmanship, and under his personal guidance, even a pig can fly into the sky.

"Do you want to learn swordsmanship?" Ida Jinglong was puzzled.

"Of course, the swordsmanship is super handsome and cool. After I transform into Ultraman, I hold a lightsaber and use the breath of the sun. I kill a little monster with one knife, and the mere evil god Gatanjae is nothing to worry about."

Huo Xie's paranoia broke out again, and the evil god Gatanjae was still very powerful.

Ida Jinglong pondered for a while: "Since your Excellency is willing to learn swordsmanship, I will go all out, but learning skills requires daily hard training."

"Leave it to me! I'm ready."

Huo Xie is full of expectations for his future.

(End of this chapter)

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