Chapter 422, Particle Reconstruction

The universe is made of the most basic particles.

If you know the structure of particles.

This will restore the item to its original appearance.

Even life is the same.


The City of Angels remains intact.

Keisha snapped her eyes open.

She seemed to experience death just now.

It was an ethereal darkness.

The other angels stood there blankly, as if the death just now was fake.


The crisp chewing sound came suddenly.

not far away.

Huo Xie was eating an apple.

Those cold eyes lightly scanned all the angels present.

All of them died once.

In an instant, all the angels took out their weapons.

Blade of Flame.

"Do you want to kill me? You can't do it, are you angry? It's as if you are insulting the civilization of the earth, calling yourself the righteous messenger of God!"

Huo Xie's face was full of arrogance.

Just like Kaisha who descended on Earth before.

How Keisha treats Earth civilization.

Then how does Huo Xie treat the angelic civilization.

You are proud and think you are a god.

Launch the Heavenly Blade Judgment directly above the earth.

Want to sacrifice millions of people to kill Morgana.

Then Huo Xie stood in front of the angel civilization and called himself a god.

Even killing you can bring you back to life.

On Earth before, if it weren't for the fact that Earth has its own god, the power of the galaxy.

I'm afraid that millions of civilians will be reduced to ashes in the Heavenly Blade Trial.

Moreover, Morgana, who has upgraded her divine body for four generations, will not die so easily.

Not to mention Karl, the old bastard behind the scenes.

If the Heavenly Blade Judgment is really launched.

So in the end, only the earth civilization is really hurt.

The angel chased, unable to stand Huo Xie's arrogant attitude, said angrily.

"Angel's justice and order cannot be profaned, even you..."

"To shut up!"

After Huo Xie's words fell, Angel Chasing's mouth closed instantly and could not be opened again.

"Angel Order... You seem to have misunderstood it from the very beginning. I was just talking to you. It has nothing to do with destroying you!"

Indifference does not contain a trace of murderous intent.

Huo Xie's destruction of angel civilization was like crushing an ant on the side of the road.

After finishing speaking, Huo Xie casually threw the apple core aside.


Dare to litter the City of Angels.

Huo Xie is No. 1 throughout the ages.

Kesha waved her hand.

"Indeed, in the eyes of us angels, you are indeed a god. You have mastered technologies that we don't understand, and you can easily kill us and even resurrect us."

This time, Kesha did not have the arrogance of the past.

Apparently he was overwhelmed.

"But it doesn't mean we can give in."

Kesha continued to speak.

Huo Xie knew that it was impossible for the most advanced civilization in the known universe to accept the fact that he was weak in a short time.

But it doesn't matter.

Anyway, just at the moment when the angels died.

Huo Xie has read all the knowledge in the angel treasury.

By the way, they plundered their civilization crystallization.

Since their resurrection, the angel civilization has no use value for Huo Xie.

Yes, no, if it blocks the way, it will be wiped out.

But thinking of this universe, the angels and those old YBs are still needed to check and balance each other.

In a sense.

For unnecessary trouble.

Huo Xie would either kill all the [Gods] in this universe.

Or stay with the angels.

The justice order of angels is relatively tolerant to human beings.


Huo Xie weighed the pros and cons in his heart.

In order not to let my subjective consciousness of human nature affect my judgment.

Huo Xie descended directly on his body and started the mode of possessing the main god.

this moment.

Huo Xie is divine, omniscient and omnipotent.

This momentary change made the surrounding angels feel abnormal.

All the surrounding rules were invaded by Huo Xie.

Huo Xie's [Domain] covered the surrounding area for several light years.

The rules of all things operate and change under the rules of the Lord God.

The genes of all angels are locked.

Just like the genetic lock of human beings.

A wonderful feeling filled the angel's heart.

It was an extreme sense of danger.

It seems that they will be transformed into nothingness in the next second.

"To live or to die, to exist or to perish."

There is no human subjectivity.

This time Huo Xie was thinking about the pros and cons.

After thinking about it.

Huo Xie made his own choice.

Angels are worth living.

The strongest civilization in the known universe can guarantee the order of this world.

Before the earth reaches the third-level civilization, it is best to have a strong civilization asylum.

Angel civilization is the best choice.

Huo Xie doesn't like trouble, so he won't protect earth civilization.

In general.

After computational thinking.

An angel's interest in living is greater than that in death.

And the other side.

The holy angel Kesha felt powerless for the first time since becoming king.

It seems to be back to that male angel again.

In that era of self-powerlessness, no power could be used.

The treasury of angels is also gone.

The four generations of gods disappeared.

The weapons disappeared.

The firepower was gone.

She is like a weak woman.

Can't even open the wings.

"Angel, hello."

Huo Xie stood up, and with a teleportation, he came to the Holy Kaisa.

This is the ontology.

Just received all the memories from the projection.

So know what just happened.

The change in attitude made the angels a little confused.

"Killing is not the best choice. Cooperation is a win-win situation. Although you are weak, your existence is reasonable. Your existence is beneficial to this chaotic universe. You have added order to this universe and broken The natural law of darkness that should have been generated."

Huo Xie said plainly, without any human subjectivity and objectivity.

This instead gave the angels an extreme sense of danger.

Those extremely indifferent eyes showed incomparable indifference to life.

As if he could crush everyone to death in the next moment.

"Next, I will give you some known information."

"You angels need to do two things".

"The first thing is to apologize to the earth's Chinese civilization!"

"The second thing is to protect the civilization of the earth. Before the god of the civilization of the earth grows up, protect him and protect him. After that, you will be free."

Keisha frowned slightly, then spoke.

"You think I'll...".

"No, you will. This is not a request, but an order. There are only two ways in front of you. Either protect the civilization of the earth or die. There is no third way."

It was still that flat and indifferent tone.

As if Keisha said no, the next moment was like just now, countless suns exploded.

The City of Angels was wiped out in an instant.

This is an absolute power gap.

There is no third way.

It is also impossible for the protagonist of some novels to suddenly go berserk and play the third way abruptly.

 Write another dragon clan, this is almost the same, more than 100 million words.

  Long Er and Long San wrote together.

  A 500-chapter draft of the next new book will be released first.

  Yesterday's birthday was still spent alone, and it feels almost the same as usual.

  In the morning, my parents sent a happy birthday.

(End of this chapter)

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