Chapter 404, first class
when the crowd gathers.

It's in a conference room.

Today's news is being broadcast on the TV at the front of the meeting room.

Qilin was a little surprised to see Huo Xie coming here.

"You're here too."

Huo Xie waved his hand and said hello.


The two can be regarded as suffering together, and they are relatively familiar with each other.

"Gah, it's your boy."

A thick voice sounded.

The little gangster Liu Chuang stood up abruptly.

"Last time you played dirty tricks, let's practice again."

Ge Xiaolun looked at Liu Chuang.

"Fuck, can this scumbag come here? Isn't this place to save the world?"

Qilin looked at Liu Chuang who stood up and snorted coldly.

"If you dare to do something here, I will continue to lock you up."

Ge Xiaolun also took a step forward.

"You dare to try it here."

Rui Mengmeng was at a loss when she saw this scene.

For a while, the atmosphere in the conference room was tense.

The latest news is still being broadcast on TV.

"An unknown civilized life form fell from the sky and took away a humanoid crocodile creature. Some people were injured in this battle."

What was broadcast on the screen was the battle between God Crocodile Thornton and the Taotie team.

But no one was in the mood to watch the news at this time.

Because the battle is about to begin.

Just when the conflict was about to break out.

A female voice full of teasing sounded.

"Hey, everyone is very energetic!"

Di Lena who had been sitting in the back corner stood up.

Dressed in jet black, he was domineering.

A beautiful face with a haughty expression.

"Beauty, don't interfere in our men's battle."

Di Lena smiled lightly, her haughty face was full of mockery.

"You still don't know what you are doing?"

Xin Zhao pointed to the news.

"Isn't it, let's fight the aliens!"

"It's just you, now the past is to deliver food."

Liu Chuang looked at Di Leina and said directly back.

"Who are you! Do you know who brother is? Boss Hei, there are four NO.50 brothers under his command!"

Qilin looked at Liu Chuang with disgust in her eyes.

In the previous police station, Qi Lin had already read all of Liu Chuang's files.

Unemployed, hooligans, often looking for trouble, gathering crowds to fight, playing hooligans...

Is a typical social gangster.

Rui Mengmeng was a little at a loss.

"Can the underworld also come here?"

Huo Xie smiled slightly, looking like he was watching a good show.

"What kind of underworld boss, at most, is an older society hooligan."

Qilin said disdainfully.

"Sister Qilin, let me tell you, we big men, can you not mix together? In the society, no one knows Liu Chuang's name..."

Di Leina shook her head, then stretched out her right hand and clamped Liu Chuang's neck directly.

That terrifying power made Liu Chuang feel as if he was being clamped by iron tongs.

"Compared to God, what are you?"

Di Lena said coldly.

"Big... Big sister... Big sister, I was wrong, I was wrong, who are you!"

Di Lena snorted lightly.

A flash of light flashed.

A big hole was blown out of the wall of the conference room.

Liu Chuang flew upside down from the big hole, fell hard to the ground, and slid out for more than ten meters.

"I, the light of the sun, your goddess, Reina."

At this time, Lena is still a cold goddess, and the character design has not yet collapsed.

"Let me tell you another secret. I am an alien, the main god of Lieyang civilization, and I will protect you with love... It's just that you still lack education and need me to teach you."

After saying that, the wormhole around Reina opened.

Countless armors appeared, and finally put on Reina's body automatically.

This is the battle armor of the Sun Star civilization.

Similar to the battle armor of the Colosseum in ancient Rome.

Everything after that is the same as the original plot.

Liu Chuang is threatened, Ge Xiaolun picks up Qilin's gun and prepares to attack Di Leina.

Di Leina directly summoned Ge Xiaolun's Black Armor of Galaxy Power.

Then stop playing.

A big stick, a carrot.

Ge Xiaolun looked at the pitch-black armor on his body.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, study, study".



A month later.

Everyone is training according to their own super genes.

What Huo Xie showed was the ability to snatch and melee combat.

So his black armor tends to be lightly loaded, and two black pistols are stuck in his waist.

The whole person looks like a sci-fi armored killer.

Very cool, very cool.

On the training ground.

All heads held high.

Looking at the people who had obviously become stronger, Di Leina nodded in relief.

Huo Xie also integrated into this group during this month.

It's just that he feels very low-key, doesn't like to express himself, and hardly uses any strength except for necessary training.

"Not bad, not bad, Qiangwei described you as crooked melons and cracked dates before, but now you are worthy of the title of a heroic army."

"Now, let's assign the work of this team, and me! Your goddess Lena, your boss."


Huo Xie looked at Lena who was speaking, his thoughts began to waver.

The existence of civilization is the rule of life in the universe.

The crystallization of every civilization is precious.

No matter how weak this civilization is, their knowledge still has merit.

Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade.

Live and learn.

The main god is a super big computer, a computer that can store knowledge infinitely. As long as there is corresponding knowledge, the main god can continue to become stronger.

Finally reached the realm of invincibility.

But even if it reaches the realm of invincibility.

There is still not too much knowledge.

It's like money.

Who would dislike their own money?

This month when I came to Super Seminary.

Huo Xie has obtained all the scientific and technological knowledge of the existing Earth super theology. It has to be said that, except for the super genetic engineering, all the technology of the super theology lags behind the gluttony of the Styx galaxy.

Not to mention the angels and demons that followed.


Reina intends to let Qiangwei be the captain of the Xiongbing Company.

After all, in the entire Xiongbing company, only Qiangwei is more mature, more stable, and able to take care of the overall situation.

"Qiangwei is more sensible, so she will serve as the team leader."

Ge Xiaolun chuckled, he definitely had no objection to the goddess he had a crush on.

It doesn't matter to anyone else.

After that it was frolic.

Because Liu Chuang and Ge Xiaolun were poor-mouthed, they asked me to come out.

Leina came to Cheng Yaowen first.

"What about you! I won't say more about Cheng Yaowen."

Then came to Huo Xie.

"And you! To be honest, I haven't seen you through until now, but I know you are a good person, work hard, and you have great potential."

Huo Xie smiled slightly: "Captain Leina, it's a little early for this good guy!"

"Oh, then you want to chase me? It's not impossible, but you have to be strong enough."

Huo Xie didn't speak, and he didn't bother to speak. His goal from the beginning was the crystallization of civilization, including the Lieyang civilization where Lena was.

I'm an emotional task-completion machine.

Next, Reina will discuss the situation of each team member one by one.

After that, the two chickens pecked at each other.

Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang go to war.

(End of this chapter)

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