Chapter 95
After seeing the renovation progress and parting from Qin Jiangyi, Chu Hao drove a small three-wheeler to the factory, and threw all the ingredients brought in this morning into the mod, including 100 catties of pork, 60 catties of beef, and a lot of fatty intestines , chicken hearts, fresh brain flowers, and fresh bamboo shredded eggplants.

Chu Hao's mod can accommodate ten copies, so he himself does not need to make any preparations in advance. He wandered around the factory, checked the quality of the new ingredients, and supervised the work by the way. When he learned that the boss was here, Zhou Kuang hurried out to meet him.

And the new workers are also very curious, because when they signed the agreement with them before, Chu Hao just showed his face, and Zhou Kuang was responsible for the specific matters, so the newcomers didn't know much about Chu Hao. many.

Chu Hao didn't have any annoying airs, but he was very boss-like. He entered the factory, accompanied by Zhou Guang, and browsed the production line.

"Boss, now the workers are familiar with the production process and can guarantee to increase production at any time." Zhou Kuang smiled and handed over a bottle of freshly packaged pepper sauce, and unscrewed the cap for Chu Hao.

Chu Hao picked it up with his little finger and took a sip.

This is what he has to do every day, that is, to taste the sauce and confirm that the craftsmanship and various links have not cut corners.

The workers also admire the sensitivity of Chu Hao's tongue. Chu Hao can taste everything that is missing in the sauce, and his judgment is very accurate. At first, the workers didn't believe it. After tasting the sauce, I went back to the production line and found that some workers accidentally added more peppers during the cutting process.

That worker was severely reprimanded by Chu Hao. At first, he didn't care about it, but he just poured half a catty of chili peppers into the feeder, which shouldn't affect the taste, and most of the workers present are from mountain cities. Humans have a closeness to chili, and they simply think that it doesn't matter if it is spicier, and it will even taste better.

In the end, there was only such a difference of half a catty. Chu Hao caught him and deducted his wages. From entering the factory to now, that worker has worked for nothing.

From that day on, the workers began to strictly follow the schedule and requirements given by the boss in any production process. The difference of half a catty may seem small, but it is actually very important.

What is even more surprising is that the boss adjusts the taste of the pepper sauce every day, and the measurement is accurate to "two", adding a few taels more and adding a few taels less. I can taste it.

In the eyes of the workers, this boss is really amazing!The tongue is so good!

But although they were greatly shocked, they still didn't understand, is there any difference between more or less?Can the guests eat it?

In Zhou Kuang's eyes, this is the pursuit of excellence.

His current admiration for Chu Hao is endless like a torrent of water, and he also feels that he has a unique vision, the boss strives for perfection, his meticulous attitude, and his extremely tricky tongue, if he makes the sauce with his heart, he will definitely be able to dominate in the future mountain city.

Although the reason is not limited to this, the boss's collaborator with a beautiful woman also seems to have an extraordinary background.

"Well, yes, how much can you produce today?" Chu Hao asked.

"About 6500 bottles." Zhou Kuang said truthfully.

Spices are piled up in the warehouse every day, and the purchase channel is Qin Jiangyi. Her requirements for spices are also very high, and she sends a special person to select them personally. Too much flour to ensure that the spices sent to the factory are all high-quality goods.

Chu Hao held the sauce bottle, "I discussed it with Boss Qin. In the future, we will gradually improve the pepper sauce, and maybe make some meat sauce to test the water. Let me say hello to you first, and the number of workers will be maintained at the current level. , don’t recruit any more people, take care of it more, and wait for my notification when the time comes.”

Zhou Kuang nodded respectfully, "Good boss."

He is now the second-in-command in the factory, and he also knows the sales of pepper sauce very well. The sales results of the channels developed outside are not satisfactory, but the business in the mountain city is very good, and most of them are bought by local people.

"Have you completed the quality inspection, the factory's registered trademark, and the sanitation permit?"

Zhou Kuang quickly said: "It's over, Boss Qin personally checked, and I've left the certificate in your office."

"Okay, I'll go over and have a look, you're busy with your work, keep it up!"

After speaking, Chu Hao patted Zhou Kuang on the shoulder, and while greeting the workers with a nod, he left the factory with a strong smell of pepper.

Zhou Kuang breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly remembered something that he had forgotten to mention, and was about to speak to remind him, but found that Chu Hao was walking very fast, and had already left, leaving only his back.


Chu Hao wandered around, went to the cafeteria again, chatted with Master Wu Tai for a while, and inquired about the eating conditions of a wave of workers. Now the meat in the factory's cold storage is from the old Zhu's family in the vegetable market. Master Wu is good at cooking. The big pot rice he cooks tastes good, and the portion is large. Most importantly, it is very nutritious, and every meal is guaranteed to have meat and eggs.

It is indeed an exaggeration, but for Chu Hao, the treatment of workers is more important than managing the workers themselves. Only when the treatment is good can the workers trust him as the boss and work harder.

After all, everyone comes out to work, and when they enter the factory, the boss is God. If the boss treats the workers well, the workers will naturally have no complaints. Under normal circumstances, "no complaints" is already a very good level of trust.

At least the workers wouldn't intentionally backstab Chu Hao, cheat on him to play tricks on his foreign workers, or do anything that he wanted to do.

As long as you don't make mistakes, everything is fine.

Of course, except for those who are dishonest, intentionally backstab, or lazy. As long as Chu Hao catches him, he will be fired just once.

Afraid that he would reveal the secret recipe of pepper sauce?The confidentiality agreement still has your fingerprints and signature. If you are brave enough, you can walk around the court.

The workers in the factory are all ordinary people, so what time and energy do they have to go to court with the factory?

Except for meat, vegetables and fruits are all bought by one of Wu Tai's apprentices. He goes to the vegetable market to buy them every day. Chu Hao went to the warehouse to take a look. The freshness is quite high, and the lowest will not be lower than 70%. , some dishes can even be stored for a long time, such as green onions, cabbage, eggplant, beans, pumpkin, etc...

The daily menu is a fixed set. Wu Tai is getting old, and the ceiling has been revealed in the chef's side, and there will be no obvious improvement. Half a lifetime of practice has allowed Wu Tai to master some fixed dishes. .

He himself is a student of Sichuan cuisine. Authentic Sichuan cuisine has been misunderstood by many people. They think that Sichuan cuisine is spicy, and that it is not authentic if it is not spicy. Some people think that Sichuan cuisine was invented by the people of Sichuan in ancient times...

This is all rumors.

(End of this chapter)

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