Chapter 41
Chu Hao is grilling meat.

When I suddenly learned that my younger sister had signed a contract with the platform, I took a look.

"Just decide for yourself," he said.

Chu Yue giggled, "Brother, when you gain popularity, build a few more groups."

Chu Hao rolled his eyes at her, "No matter how many people there are, the output of soy sauce can't keep up. Unless we find a way to build a workshop and do nothing else every day, just make soy sauce."

Chu Yue nodded seriously, then shook her head, "The manpower is definitely not enough, we have to recruit workers, and you have to open a store, so one person can't handle it all."

Wang Ting whispered next to him, "I can help Brother Hao run the hall."

Chu Yue groaned, "What kind of job are you doing! It's tiring and dirty. Brother, you can't let Tingting do that kind of work for you!"

Hearing this, Wang Ting blushed.

Chu Hao: ...

I haven't said anything yet.

But recruiting and running out of time is indeed a problem.

There is also the sauce-making work in the workshop. If there are not enough people, they can only recruit workers, but the formula of pepper sauce... can't be easily revealed.

This is something to ponder over.

He doesn't know much about this area. He only knows that in the catering industry, most of those who play with secret recipes will use the second-level menu for mass production.

The first level, that is, the core level, is mastered by core personnel and compounded together, called small materials.

The second level is directly compounded by the ingredients room, mainly for auxiliary materials and first-level small materials.

There is another method, which is to process separately and use the information gap. Each factory focuses on the ingredients it processes, and then sends them all to the small material core processing factory for processing, which can also play a role in keeping secrets.

Of course, there are some people who think that the so-called secret formula is just a gimmick, used to build a brand, and they are actually playing with the brand, not any secret formula.

One of the most typical examples is Coke.

The largest and most perfect fudge in the FMCG industry.

Beverages are a large industry, and the volume of fast-moving consumer goods such as Coke is astonishingly large. Moutai can say that it has an environment, and it is normal to have tens of millions of bottles a year, but the global sales of Coke are close to 20 billion bottles a day. , what kind of mysterious formula can meet such a scale requirement?
Moreover, many Coke products are OEMed by others, and domestic factories are also joint ventures. Huiyuan has OEMed many things for Coke. Is there really a secret formula that is not afraid of being stolen by competitors?
Therefore, the core competitiveness of Coke is the brand, and the mysterious formula is just a story that shapes the brand.

Another example is Shancheng Hot Pot, which is expanding through a chain model. It is said that they have a central kitchen that specializes in making hot pot base ingredients, and then sends them out to chain stores across the country.

In fact, it's all bragging.

Generally like that kind of large-scale catering enterprises, there are only process standards for mass production, and the formula is only for those who don’t understand, and the process is greater than the formula.

The competitive barriers in the catering industry ultimately rely on strict quality management of dishes, high-quality dining experience and corporate culture. You cannot compete with your competitors just by relying on a few recipes.

But Chu Hao’s pickling sauce is different from pepper sauce.

That is the painstaking effort of the previous two generations.

It is not impossible for Chu Hao to keep the formula secret, but if something goes wrong and it is leaked, it is not a very troublesome problem.

Thinking about it this way, Chu Hao became clear.

Go back and study it.


The queue in front of the booth is long lasting.

In addition to buying barbecue, the rest is to take pictures.

Chu Hao is wearing a mask today, and he is a little more handsome. There is no other reason, because there are always people taking pictures, and the phone is clicking, and he directly hits his face. It always makes Chu Hao a little embarrassed and uncomfortable, but he is a guest after all, and he is here to cheer Yes, if you refuse, it will definitely make people dissatisfied, so you can simply wear a mask and take pictures as you like.

While the smoke was rising, Chu Hao was concentrating on grilling the meat when he suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from the stall.

"We want two."

Chu Hao looked up and saw that it was Lu Chenyu.

Her dress today is very mature, low-key and unobtrusive, dignified and elegant, following the mainstream. She wears a light blue basic shirt made of soft material, which adds a bit of drape and pleated lines. Paired with black straight trousers and flat heels, she has the look of a university lecturer. She is majestic, but also has the charm and softness that she should have at her age.

This made Chu Hao couldn't help but look at her more.

How did she do it?

Why was it so big yesterday?Today it can be hidden very well, only a little obvious?

Can this thing still be big and small?awesome……

Lu Chenyu was observing Chu Hao with a smile that wasn't a smile, and seeing his piercing eyes staring at her with burning eyes, her heart beat faster, and Jiao Nuo urged quietly, "You still watch."

Duan Xiaoli stood on her right, holding Lu Chenyu's arm with his hand, while covering his mouth with his other hand and snickering.

Only then did Chu Hao realize, "Have you been in the queue for a long time?"

"Yeah, your business is so hot that our legs are weak from waiting."

Chu Hao: "It's been hard work, I'll treat you to this meal, you guys will wait later."

Lu Chenyu shook his head and said with a smile: "No, I'd better pay. This is my treat. You can't steal my favor."

Chu Hao was stunned and glanced at Duan Xiaoli, who waved hello to him generously and looked at him with interest.

Chu Hao had met her before. She and Lu Chenyu came together last time. She should also be a lecturer at Shandong University.

When Chu Hao took out a bunch of barbecued meat and put it on the charcoal grill, Lu Chenyu introduced: "She is my good friend, Duan Xiaoli, we are unique at Shanda University, an associate professor who studies sociology."

Chu Hao was startled, "Associate professor? Wow... amazing!"

He knew that Lu Chenyu was a lecturer in finance at Shandong University, so he thought that Duan Xiaoli would be the same, but he didn't expect that he would become an associate professor at such a young age.

"The last time I ate your barbecue, I will never forget it, it was really delicious!" Duan Xiaoli boasted.

Lu Chenyu said with a smile: "When we open a store on North Street, I'll bring you to eat every day, but you have to pay, I won't give you any discounts."

Duan Xiaoli blushed, "Okay, forget about girlfriends when you have a partner, right? You value sex over friends!"

Lu Chenyu kept smiling, looking proud.

"It's not you who has the final say on whether to give a discount or not. What do you think? Chu Hao."

Duan Xiaoli's voice was too clipped, and it didn't sound like he was pretending, which made Chu Hao slightly overwhelmed, and they were all talking about who they were, how could he respond?So I could only smile and said politely: "Of course there is a discount, we are all friends."

Duan Xiaoli narrowly won a wave, and then glared back at Lu Chenyu proudly.

Lu Chenyu smiled and said: "You give her a discount, she can bring everyone she knows there."

Duan Xiaoli became angry, "Xiaolu! Is there someone who talks like that! Am I that kind of person?"

Lu Chenyu chuckled, "Just kidding."

The two best friends put their arms around each other, and out of anger, they pinched each other's waists and twisted their flesh. They started fighting like crazy, and the waves suddenly rose and they were swaying. Chu Hao could only cough, pretending not to see it, and grilling the meat carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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