Chapter 35

Yang's restaurant has been open for ten years. The owner is a thin middle-aged man with dark skin and a smile in his eyes.

As soon as you enter the door, the decoration is very dilapidated. You can see that part of the wall has been repainted. The concrete floor has just been dragged and is still very wet. There are three tables of people sitting in the restaurant, two tables for family dinners, and one table for friends. The tables, chairs and benches are wiped dry. It is clean, the room is full of strong aroma, and the sound of the boss using a spatula can be heard, which is very lively.

Lu Chenyu usually doesn't like to visit stores. She always eats near the university town. Even if she organizes bureaus, they are organized by others. She is not very sensitive to food. She will find it delicious if she passes a little. But Chu Hao is different. Growing up eating the food cooked by his grandfather and father, his taste has become very sophisticated. Even if it's a little passable, Chu Hao's taste is unpalatable.

Yang's Restaurant is the most prominent restaurant around the community. It has regular diners. It is not popular, but it is not deserted either. There are always a few tables of people eating in the restaurant from morning to night every day. Everyone knows each other and is very popular. familiar.

"Uncle Yang! Let's have a plate of pork ribs, a plate of shrimp balls and tofu, and two hooves! Let's get a portion of rice."


The boss didn't even look at Chu Hao, as soon as he heard the tone of the menu, he knew he was an acquaintance.

After being seated, the young man in the waiting room first brought a small wooden barrel filled with delicious rice, and prepared bowls and chopsticks for them.

Lu Chenyu took out a pack of wet tissues, handed one to Chu Hao first, wiped his hands and said, "I don't want to eat pig's trotters, right? I'm afraid I'll gain weight."

Chu Hao smiled and said, "It's okay. Eating something properly can replenish collagen and is good for the skin."

Lu Chenyu touched his face...

Is my skin bad?
But since it was Chu Hao's treat, she couldn't say much.

"His pork ribs are a must. Kung Pao shrimp balls and Dongpo tofu are also delicious. Let's eat more later."

At first, Lu Chenyu didn't take it seriously, and didn't have high expectations for this store. After chatting with Chu Hao for a while, he got up and poured two glasses of water from the water dispenser, and then took his mobile phone and started looking for decoration. company.

Chu Hao keenly noticed that after getting off the car, she buttoned up her coat and did not open it again. After looking at her phone for a while, she sat next to Chu Hao with a chair and gave him some renderings of the decoration plan. look.

Chu Hao asked her: "What if the budget is exceeded?"

Lu Chenyu smiled and said, "I'll just make up for it. The main reason is that the air conditioner and the one in the kitchen are more expensive. Hard decoration materials will be much cheaper if you find someone you know. But the decoration company is very cheating."

"Then do you have any friends you know in this area?"

"Hey, don't worry about it, I'll take care of it anyway."

Lu Chenyu put down her phone, took a sip of mineral water, her legs were clamped tightly, and she leaned towards Chu Hao, her knees were still touching the outside of Chu Hao's thighs.

While chatting, he would occasionally stretch out his little hand and put it on Chu Hao's thigh. Especially when he was showing Chu Hao the renderings on his cell phone, he would come closer and appear very close.

Chu Hao could even feel his cheeks being brushed by her hair from time to time. When the wind blows from outside the door, Lu Chenyu still had a faint fragrance on his body.

It's just... top notch.

Whenever he was nervous, Chu Hao drank water and looked outside the door, frequently in a trance.

Before pretending to be with her, she didn't have this attitude...

They didn't pick up the chopsticks until plates of hot dishes with aroma were placed on the table.

Lu Chenyu snatched Chu Hao's bowl to fill him with rice. The bowl was so full that it was about to overflow, but she only filled half of it.

Afterwards, the young man in charge of the waiter carried an iron plate for barbecue, and two steaming pig's trotters lay quietly on the plate, hanging with bright gravy, crystal clear and full of collagen.

The tofu is cooked in a casserole, covered with minced meat, peas, and crushed peanuts, with a tangy aroma.

The prawn balls are also hooked with the crystal clear gravy sauce. You can tell from the appearance that they have been deep-fried. In the heat, you can still smell the extremely obvious aroma of cooking vinegar, which makes people salivate.

On the contrary, the pork ribs that Chu Hao was so sought after were extremely ordinary.

At first glance, it looks like it is fried with green peppers, but the meat is very tender, and it is steaming hot under the cover of natural light.

But Chu Hao put his chopsticks into the plate with one chopstick, first picked up a chopstick for Lu Chenyu, "Try it and you'll know."

Lu Chenyu looked at the pig's trotters on the square iron plate hesitantly, thinking about how much he would gain after eating this meal, when suddenly Chu Hao picked up a chopstick dish, and gave him a slightly reddened glance glanced at him.

She took a bite out of the bowl, and the tenderness and springiness of the rib meat, as well as the completely different texture from lean meat, pork belly, and tenderloin, as well as the unique aroma of green peppers made her eyes widen.

"its not bad, right?"

"Mmmmm! Delicious!"

There was joy in Lu Chenyu's beautiful eyes.

Immediately, she scooped out some tofu covered with minced meat with a spoon, first scooped a spoonful for Chu Hao, and then scooped a spoonful for herself.

Chu Hao was also eating, but this time he didn't eat as much as before.

Instead, he began to chew slowly.

After getting [Gourmet Training: Seasoning], he found that the taste of these dishes became clearer in his tongue.

Of course, it's limited to seasoning.

For example, this plate of stir-fried rice tendon contains ginger and garlic, tempeh, light soy sauce, starch, authentic Shaoxing rice wine, salt, white pepper, and a special chili sauce.

This chili sauce is undoubtedly the secret recipe of this restaurant, and it will not be easily shown.

Chu Hao couldn't distinguish all the ingredients, but he could taste more than half of the ingredients.

It is similar to the pepper sauce at home. The ingredients are very common, but the ratio of ingredients and the cooking time are different.

In addition, his green peppers do not seem to be ordinary goods, and the taste is very special.

Of course, the success of this dish lies in the boss's control over the heat of the stir-fry and the proper thickening of the sauce. There are not only pork tendons on the plate, but also some hind legs.

The position of the pork ribs is quite strange. It is sandwiched between the pork tenderloin and the fat. It is a layer of soft and glutinous fascia. When dividing, a layer of tender tenderloin should be attached to form its unique taste. Soft, tender and chewy.

As for this Dongpo tofu, it is salty, fresh and spicy. It has both the tenderness of lactone tofu and the crispness of minced meat.

Moreover, this minced meat is not minced lean meat, but minced pork belly. The whistle made with bean paste is a must, not to mention the intentional use of peas and crushed peanuts instead of fermented soybeans.

As for Kung Pao Shrimp Balls, the sauce is sweet and sour, and the recipe is probably sugar, rice vinegar, dumpling vinegar, dark soy sauce, rice wine, green onion and ginger, and starch.

Stir-fry the peppercorns and dried chilies before frying the gravy.

no no no...

Still missing one ingredient.

what is it then?

(End of this chapter)

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