Chapter 29

A bottle of Chu Hao’s pepper sauce is priced at 17.

In terms of cost control, it must be inferior to Laoganma.

It doesn't make any money if you sell it for less than 10 yuan.

But now there are 2000 bottles with a capacity of 200g. If all of them are sold, the net profit per bottle is only a few dollars.

For Chu Hao, leaving it to his younger sister was a test of the waters.

If the sales are hot, it will not be too late to increase the volume.

After stringing the lottery, it was time to set up the stall. The sky was getting dark and the residents in the community went out for a walk after dinner. Occasionally, a few sparrows flashed in the forest of the green belt, and Chu Hao and Jiang Qin were already driving a small car. Three rounds set off.

The location is still the same as yesterday.

When Chu Hao set up his stall, he was in the group with Aite and sent the location.

Surprisingly, more people responded today than yesterday.

There is no other reason, you can endure it for one day, but not for two days!I really want to eat it!
"Uncle! Let's set off immediately!"

"I've already got a taxi, no one can get in front of me today!"

"Hey! Wait for me!"

"I have an extra piece, bring me one!"

"I'll pay three yuan!"

"Five yuan from me!"


"Hands up!"

"Hands up!"

The response has been overwhelming.

Chu Hao also smiled, "Mom, it seems that today is another prosperous day."

Jiang Qin smiled slightly.

I am also happy that my business is getting better and better.

It's just that the older generation has always been cautious, and it was still hanging in their hearts before, but just now when Chu Hao said that they rented a storefront on North Street, the hanging heart was let go.

Although it is rough, if it is rented on North Street for a long time, with its geographical advantages, the business will only get better and better.

Making money is the second priority. Jiang Qin only hopes that the brothers and sisters under her knees can live in peace, inherit the family's craftsmanship, and open a shop honestly. Then, when she is a hundred years old, she won't have to worry about them anymore.

When he arrived at his destination, Chu Hao saw that there were already crowds of people along the street!
All young people!
Everyone was looking forward to it, waiting for the uncle to come out of the booth, with different expressions. When they saw Chu Hao's little three rounds, there was a burst of cheers at the scene!

"Uncle is here!"

"My uncle is more handsome today than yesterday!"

"Yes, yes, why didn't you see Xiao Yueer? Where is my little Yueer?"

"Brother Chu Hao! Sell me a copy first, okay?"

While cheering, they began to get crowded.

Grab the team!
"Get out of the way! I came first!"

"Obviously I came first! Get out of the way!"

"Everyone go to the back! Don't trample and don't push!"

A group of diners lined up in front of Xiaosanlun.

Passers-by along the street stared with eyes bigger than cow eggs.

How do you set up a barbecue stand, like a f*cking celebrity, with so many people cheering?

There is also a well-organized and disciplined team at the scene. Is this a gang crime?
Is it hype?Definitely is!

Outrageous!From the original score!

It would be fine if they were ordinary diners, but this group of college students came in a team, including members of the Shanshan University Student Union. Seeing the chaos on the scene, they all stepped forward to maintain order. Very well-behaved, soon there was a long queue, and everyone was quietly waiting for Chu Hao.

Chu Hao got out of the car with his mother first, and then bowed to the diners present, "Thank you for coming to support me, I will light the fire right away!"

He didn't say much, and pushed out the cart with Jiang Qin, then burned charcoal, set up the stove, and soon a white smoke rose, and after a while, the smell of meat was overflowing!
The melon-eaters in the shops and shops along the street were also very surprised.

They all recognize Chu Hao, he came here yesterday, and the business is very good.

Unexpectedly, before the stall was even set up today, the line was lined up...

"Fuck, no one cares? So ostentatious?"

"Affecting the appearance of the city! What this small stall did..."

It was also very happy.

Because the streets are crowded with people, the roads are impassable, and these stores are also bustling. The bosses don't think about anything else. There are more people on the street. Even if the ratio is ten to one, there will be more customers shopping in the store than usual. .

As a result, the atmosphere changed as we waited in line.

A group of girls put up their mobile phones and didn't line up. They just took pictures of Chu Hao's barbecue from various angles.

Back view, side view, candid shot, frontal view... all kinds of things are used, Chu Hao is made into a short video and posted on Lefa. Not daring to disturb him, he was in high spirits, and stared at Chu Hao excitedly.

Chu Hao is very cooperative occasionally, looking at the camera with a smile on his face, and occasionally focusing on grilling, with a serious look on his face.

The boys, on the other hand, talked about their uncles one by one, and nine out of ten were asking about Chu Yue.

Even Jiang Qin was dumbfounded.

In her thinking, no matter how many customers there are, if they line up from here to the bank of Jialing River, or to the ancient town, they are just shopping for supper.

The results of it?
There are a group of people who buy barbecue, a group of people who take pictures, and another group of people who strike up a conversation.

Even some passing vehicles on the road couldn't help slowing down when they came to this street, trying to figure out why there were so many people on this street. Could it be that the wild star was caught, or the big What are the merchants doing?
After a closer look, the focus of the crowd turned out to be a small barbecue stand.

The people in the car are stupid, the pedestrians on the street are stupid, and the merchants along the street are also stupid...

Chu Hao also felt that this fact was a bit exaggerated.

But he didn't know that some Internet celebrities suffered more exaggeratedly than him.

There are even people who find their homes and block their doors all day long, deeply affecting their private lives.

Of course, this situation is generally for the sake of heat.

But maybe in the future, someone will come to take advantage of my enthusiasm...

So there was a sense of caution and vigilance in my heart, and then I just concentrated on grilling meat and stopped responding to other people's teasing.

The smell of meat spreads everywhere, just smelling it can make people drool.

In addition, the meat skewers that are being grilled on the stove are silently beaten and tempered in the charcoal fire under the cover of the viscous marinade sauce. In the process from fresh meat to cooked meat, the sound of barbecue is continuous, Some people can't help but look sideways and hesitate in their hearts...

The reason for the hesitation is also very simple.

The queue is so long that I’m too lazy to stand in line, but if I don’t buy one to try it, I’ll be so greedy that I’ll burst into tears.

What a dilemma...


at the same time.

Not far away, a thin gray-haired old man wearing glasses smelled the aroma of barbecue, then poked his mouth and said with a smile: "This barbecue is interesting, buy me a copy and come back and try it." .”

The young man who was supporting the old man in the crowd glanced at the long queue and said helplessly, "Grandpa, how can I arrange this, there are too many people..."

(End of this chapter)

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