From a barbecue stand to a global gourmet tycoon

Chapter 220 Qin Jiangyi's idea to open a mysterious restaurant?

Chapter 220 Qin Jiangyi's idea to open a mysterious restaurant?
The last dish is glutinous pork knuckle.

The crispy chili is fried by ourselves, and you can taste it as soon as you eat it. The taste is very good. The skin of the pig's trotters is also stewed very soft and glutinous. When you put it in your mouth, it will fall off the bone as soon as you bite it. After being fried, the surface is still a little crispy. The external auxiliary ingredients add a layer of complex fragrance, and the overall taste is impeccable.

If it is placed in an ordinary restaurant or restaurant, the auxiliary materials in it, such as crispy peppers, can be directly used as semi-finished products sold outside, but Ding Yi fried it himself, and there is a sincerity in it. It has to be like this to be considered qualified.

These dishes are considered Wan Hai’s signature dishes.

Not to find fault, but to evaluate it from a pertinent standpoint, it is just average, at least it is far from being as happy as it is here.

But Chu Hao felt that Ding Yi should have kept his hand.

Today's banquet is not for professional gourmets, but their competitors.

Chu Hao looked at Qin Jiangyi, no wonder she didn't eat much of the food when it was on the table, let alone comment on the food, and only cared about drinking.

It turned out that from the very beginning, Wan Hai Restaurant would never show its true skills to entertain them.

This move... emmmm, don't say anything, it's a little bit inferior.

At least if people like Zhu Heng, Qiu Jun, etc. come to the restaurant, or even bring Ding Yi with them, Chu Hao will go all out.

A good restaurant will not be afraid of being sneaked out. You can’t learn delicious food by stealing it. It’s not something that has no technical content like hot pot. If you figure out the ingredients of the soup base, you can imitate the cat like a tiger.


This meal made Chu Hao taste like chewing wax.

But he is not picky about food, and he cooked four or five bowls of rice, which made the bosses here stunned.

"Master Chu has a big appetite."

Chu Hao smiled and said, "For those who do physical work, can they eat a lot?"

Zhu Heng laughed loudly, "Master Chu, just kidding."

Qiu Jun: "Master Chu, do you usually eat that much?"

Before Chu Hao could speak, Qin Jiangyi said, "He has been eating a lot, like a pig."

Chu Hao: ...

"But I don't gain weight."

Qin Jiangyi glared.

Chu Hao could see from her eyes that she was half drunk, which was a signal to retreat, and she couldn't stand it if she continued to drink like this.

"I won't bother you today, I'm full with wine and food, right Mr. Qin?" Chu Hao laughed.

Qin Jiangyi smiled and nodded with gentle eyes.

Chu Hao said: "Everyone, then we will go back. Look, a group of big men are really thick-skinned to feed a little girl."

He said it in a joking tone, and Zhu Heng laughed and said, "Hey, you can't say that. Didn't Mr. Yao drink together too? They didn't say anything."

Chu Hao glanced at Yao Shanjing and sneered in his heart.

drink ass.

The whole scene saw her raise the cup three times.

Although he didn't drink Qin Jiangyi's wine, he didn't take much part in their cup-changing.

After leaving, Chu Hao helped Qin Jiangyi to leave Wanhai restaurant. He didn't drink today, and after getting in the car, he said, "Shall I take you back first?"

As a result, as soon as Qin Jiangyi got into the car, she turned towards Chu Hao directly.

"Tired," she said.

It's true that I drank a little too much today, but Qin Jiangyi didn't drink so much for the sake of getting his heart out with Zhu Hengqiu Jun and the others, but because he thought that with Chu Hao by his side, it didn't matter how much he drank.

It's a sense of security.

Qin Jiangyi was in a daze, feeling that Chu Hao was helping her to fasten her seat belt.

Her hair was bright red, and Chu Hao's voice came to her ears, "Fasten it, don't wander around, you'll be home in a minute."


Qin Jiangyi nodded slightly, closed her eyes to rest, spread out her hands, and even tugged on her collar because of the heat.


Chu Hao kept his eyes straight, held the steering wheel tightly, and looked forward, "You said before about using the power of my faith, but someone interrupted you before you were halfway through your words. Now I want to ask... Hey, you Are you still awake?"


Qin Jiangyi didn't seem to care about Sanqi 21 anymore, she just agreed softly, her voice was very gentle and soft, like a breeze.

Chu Hao sighed.

Uh shit.

"Then let's talk about it tomorrow."

"I'll just come tomorrow by myself. You rest at home. There's no need to follow me for three days. You won't be able to eat any good food. Today's food is..."

While driving, Chu Hao muttered beside him.

The corners of Qin Jiangyi's mouth raised slightly, revealing an imperceptible smile.


Tianhu Island.

Chu Hao parked his car at the intersection. In front of him was the storage driveway of Qin Jiangyi's house. He turned around and glanced, "Qin Yiyi, where is the key?"

Qin Jiangyi didn't answer.

She was asleep now.

The breathing is even and gentle, as if in a dream, and there is a smile on the corner of the mouth.

Chu Hao scratched his head, "Then I'll dig it out myself."

Qin Jiang's bag was slung across her body, and she was sleeping again, so she couldn't take it off, so she could only reach up to open the bag and take out the key.

After touching for a long time, there are all kinds of skin care products and hard objects, cleanser, lotion, eye cream essence, eyebrow pencil, air cushion and powder, and a small black wallet with a wad of cash and various cards in it. There are mobile phones, charging treasures, small mirrors...

Damn like a Doraemon.

Can it hold so many things?
Chu Hao dug for a long time, but couldn't find the key.

But inside I found a lovely piece of candy, and a half-eaten piece of chocolate that I wrapped and put back.

Chu Hao: ...

He peeled the candy and fed himself one.

Only then did I realize that the wrapping paper of the candy was exactly the same as the dishes and small candies I made for Qin Jiangyi last time.

Chu Hao even took out a pack of aunt's towels from inside.

Beyond that, there's a switchblade knife, a little Band-Aid, and a mini flashlight.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with bringing a knife when you go out. Next time I'll send you an anti-wolf spray. That's more useful. You bring a knife. If you don't stab someone, you'll be robbed first."

Chu Hao tossed and turned, Qin Jiangyi seemed uncomfortable, twisted his body, and fell asleep facing the window.

It's even harder for Chu Hao to pay.

He straightened Qin Jiangyi again and said, "Don't move."

After digging down for a long time, I finally found out the garage key.

When I pressed the front rolling door, the door went up with a bang.

When Chu Hao drove in, he didn't realize that Qin Jiangyi's ears were very red.

Red is home.


After entering the garage, she opened the door and walked around to the co-pilot, and pulled Qin Jiangyi off the co-pilot, but her legs were so weak that she was no longer drunk, but fell asleep directly.

Chu Hao thought for a while, "Then I'll carry you in."

He clearly knew that Qin Jiangyi had fallen asleep, but he still wanted to say it again.

I don't know why.

After taking off the seat belt, Qin Jiangyi's graceful figure was only an inch or two closer to Chu Hao.

As soon as he raised his hands, he picked up Qin Jiangyi, closed the car door with his feet, and took the elevator upstairs.

Chu Hao knew that Qin Jiangyi's bedroom was on the second floor, but it was his first time going up there. After searching for a long time, he almost lost his way before finding the right room.

As soon as I entered the door, the air conditioner was not turned off.

Chu Hao: ...

"Don't you turn off the air conditioner when you go out? What a waste of electricity."

Chu Hao sighed, put her on the bed, and took a look at the furnishings in the room. They were all arranged in black, white and gray, not messy, and looked very refreshing.

Chu Hao left without daring to stay any longer.

Qin Jiangyi opened her eyes when she heard the door closing downstairs, turned over and lay down, and raised her jade hand to cover her forehead.

The moonlight outside the window is so beautiful.

Her face is so hot.


The game lasted for three days.

Chu Hao would leave work early every day, and then go to Wanhai Restaurant to be a judge. The first day was relatively fresh, but the next two times were boring. Chu Hao just completed his work step by step.

I wanted to ask Qin Jiangyi about the follow-up of Power of Faith, but she said that I would find time to talk after the game.

As for who the champion of the competition was, Chu Hao didn't care. Afterwards, he had a meal with Zhu Heng and the others, and then left.

On the fourth day, Qin Jiangyi called.

Said to talk to him.

Moreover, Qin Jiangyi has also contacted Morend Dodds.

Ask him to come to Xia Guo and say that there are important things to discuss.

"Why did you call him here?"


wine house.

Chu Hao just closed the door.

Lu Chenyu was also there, she was lying on Chu Hao's lap playing games, Chu Hao stroked her hair, raised his head and asked Qin Jiangyi: "Why did you call him here?"

"There are some things that are easy to discuss if he is there."

Due to the presence of Lu Chenyu, Chu Hao didn't ask any more questions. He just said, "As long as you have a plan, you know this better than me. I won't ask more questions."

Qin Jiangyi smiled slightly, but shook her head, winking with Chu Hao.

She was sitting opposite, crossing her legs, holding a goblet in her hand, and took a sip of the red wine, which came from Famille-Perrin's Rhône Reserve, one of the most famous natural sweet wines in France. , paired with a delicate and small cake, let the sweetness of rum and dessert melt into the tip of the tongue.

This is of course the best.

Qin Jiangyi knows more about wine than Chu Hao.

Know what to drink and what to eat.

Seeing Qin Jiangyi's eyes, Chu Hao could only sigh, and said to Lu Chenyu, "Honey, I'll go next door with her to talk about something."

Lu Chenyu looked at the two of them curiously.

Chu Hao coughed and said seriously, "It's a secret."

"Go!" Lu Chenyu got up and sat up straight.

Chu Hao touched her head and went out with Qin Jiangyi.

Wait for the door of the tavern to close.

Lu Chenyu quit the game, tiptoed to the next door, and lay down at the door, trying to hear the sounds inside.

Occasionally, voices can be heard, but intermittently, and the sound insulation effect is good, so I can't really hear what I say clearly.

Lu Chenyu was very strange.

Is there any secret you can't tell me?
Although she usually doesn't ask, she will still be curious if she comes a few times.


In the room.

Chu Hao sat across from Qin Jiangyi, crossed his hands, "Tell me, what's the plan?"

"Open a restaurant."

Chu Hao was taken aback for a moment, then blinked, feeling like he heard it wrong.

"What? A restaurant?" he repeated.

Qin Jiangyi nodded: "Chu Hao, have you ever thought about it? One day, a mysterious restaurant will appear in the world. Guests don't need to go out, don't need to book a table, they just need to pay in advance and make a well-designed restaurant. With such actions, you can eat the dishes on our menu anytime, anywhere, do you think such a restaurant can make money?"

Chu Hao frowned.

He really didn't expect to be able to play like this.

"How to expand customers?" he asked.

Qin Jiangyi: "We need the help of the Morende family, and use their channels to expand our customers. I believe there will be many people in such a restaurant, no matter what class they are, they will be interested. The menu is determined by us. Handing over with the Morende family, the main dish is Xia Guo cuisine... Chu Hao, this is a restaurant that is not limited to regions and can be easily spread all over the world, and its owners are you and me, are you interested?"

Chu Hao swallowed.

He was very excited just thinking about it.

"Of course I'm interested, but wouldn't it be too showy?"

Qin Jiangyi: "What are you worried about?"

Chu Hao couldn't speak clearly for a while. He scratched his head, not knowing what to say.

"The specific plan will be implemented by me, and the Morende family will cooperate. Now they already know your abilities. Moreover, this restaurant itself has a restriction. If you want to join our organization, you must not leak the secret. You use People with the ability to connect with them will have a certain power of faith in you, and when this power increases, they will treat you like a god. Tell me, your believers, will they betray you? ?”

Chu Hao shook his head: "That's not true."

He knows his ability.

After possessing the power of faith, the believers who matchmaking will not talk nonsense. The reason why Harlan told Morend about this before was because Chu Hao didn't take much care of him.

If he really wants to take care of it, he will issue a "god's order" in the sea of ​​consciousness, and believers will not violate it.

Qin Jiangyi smiled and said, "Your development of your abilities is still too superficial, so you don't care about it at all, right?"

"Ah..." Chu Hao blushed a little.

He has been thinking about how to use the power of faith to make a profit.

Like the system, is it a currency?
There are other possibilities.

But I never thought about it. In fact, this thing has to be planned and planned by myself, and I have to find a way to use it in reality.

This is a more valuable currency than points.

"But, what about the Molunde family?" Chu Hao asked.

Qin Jiangyi: "When he comes, I will tell him personally, you don't have to worry about this, I have my own way."

Of course Chu Hao was curious about what she could do, but he didn't ask too much, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was really feasible. A mysterious restaurant had sprung up all over the world, and the guests who joined it came from all over the world. Maybe they don't know each other, and through the transmission of ability, the food ordered is delivered to them, no matter what he is doing at this moment, or where he is, he can eat it.

This can also be extended to many business methods.

Such as membership system.

You don't need to pay for every meal by charging money in the card. After you have recorded the account, you can order through prayers anytime, anywhere.

And as long as Chu Hao gave the order, they would not disobey the 'God's order'.

Chu Hao will become the mysterious owner of this restaurant.

In fact, these guests could be dignitaries of the government, upper-class people, business giants, or even royal nobles...

Can make money.


(End of this chapter)

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