Chapter 209
The meringue is very fragrant, and it is the best Wellington meringue that Qin Jiangyi has eaten. It is crunchy and full of layers. Wagyu is still difficult to compare with foreign countries, but for Qin Jiangyi, this dish has reached the upper limit of its existence and is very rare.

Several of its side dishes are processed with molecular cuisine, so that they won’t emit white smoke, and they taste like fried without frying. The surface of the carrots is wrinkled, but the taste itself has a feeling of eating cooked garlic. Of course, it’s just the taste, the layering of the taste is still very standard, and it’s well handled.

Western food does not focus on flavor but on collocation.

Qin Jiangyi came over after eating a few dishes, and Chu Hao's combinations were pretty good. It should be because the ingredients are hard to find. Hao's techniques and skills can easily get three Michelin stars, and all of them are signature dishes.

Because these dishes gave Qin Jiangyi a very amazing feeling.

Objectively speaking, there is nothing to choose.

"I'm too lazy to explain this dish, it's just a bowl of porridge."

Qin Jiangyi rolled her eyes.

She was having fun anyway.

What I like the most is the small amount, exquisite dishes, superb collocation, and amazing flavors. For Qin Jiangyi, after she became a shareholder of Chushi, she has rarely experienced this kind of experience, but today, Chu Hao really gave it to her. An unexpected surprise.

She is really happy.

Take a spoonful and put it in your mouth.

There are fried rice and dried fish. The taste is very crispy and salty. The salty taste itself mainly comes from dried fish. There are no other ingredients, but the fried rice is very good. It is a simple combination. The finishing touch.

"The last dish, mangosteen sorbet, I made sorbet with mangosteen horseshoe."

Qin Jiangyi couldn't wait, took a bite, it was very greasy, relatively refreshing, and the taste was relatively monotonous. Of course, for desserts, it is very difficult to achieve a high-level monotony. On the contrary, those fancy desserts are all one-star Two-star restaurants often see three-star Michelin-starred desserts, but the most mainstream ones are still desserts like Chu Hao, which use less ingredients and have a single taste, but are very practical.

I ate one more dish.

Honey pickled pears.

Made with tangerine peel honey, the tangerine peel flavor dominates, and there is a touch of chocolate, sweet, and the presentation is exquisite and lovely.

Qin Jiangyi ate two desserts in a row, and was just satisfied. She leaned on her chair and commented: "This set meal can be sold for more than 1800 per person. I can guarantee that it will make a lot of money."

Chu Hao smiled: "You can sell it if you want, but Chu Shi can't just sell it like this."

"Then what do you want?"

Chu Hao said with a smile: "There are a lot of ingredients here, and I had no choice but to choose substitutes, because I really couldn't find the source of the original products, so if you think these dishes taste good, you can report them later and let them Do me a favor, your father, this way, the day when we are selected as Mi Sanxing will not be far away."

Qin Jiangyi:......

Good guy.

Draw cakes with me every now and then.

"Delicious is delicious, how did you learn it?" Qin Jiangyi clasped her hands together like a little girl.

She will be like this when she eats beautifully, she is not aloof at all, and her previous temperament cannot be maintained, because when people are enjoying themselves, their true nature will be revealed.

Chu Hao looked a little pleasing to the eye, but he was embarrassed in his heart, but he still said lightly: "I did my own research, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just think you are awesome."

Chu Hao sat down and said, "So, this is why I came to you."

The dishes I made today are all innovative dishes learned from [Opening the Thorny Road].

"Well, if it is made into a set meal, there will be only one ingredient, and other services must be in place. You can send some souvenirs as the mainstream..."

Chu Hao interjected: "Just send the wine, there are so many wines in your wine room."

Qin Jiangyi:......

"Where's the name of the package? Have you thought about it?"

Chu Hao rubbed his chin: "I can't think of it, why don't you come."

Qin Jiangyi: "As far as the theme is concerned, you make innovative western food with ingredients from Xiaguo, which is a good theme in itself, so it's called [Chinese food and western cooking] and it's ready."

Chu Hao rolled his eyes, "Nowadays, who doesn't cook Chinese and Western food? My name is Tai La."

"Then..." Qin Jiangyi fell into deep thought, "It's called [Chinese Food and Western Tune]?"

Chu Hao sighed, "Forget it, it was a mistake to ask you to name it."

"Then you come!" Qin Jiangyi wanted to scold him.

Chu Hao said: "It's called [Chu Shi No. [-] Set Menu]."

Qin Jiangyi:......

You're not going anywhere, okay?


After a while, Qin Jiangyi asked him while drinking: "What are you going to do now? Do you have any plans or ideas for the future?"

Chu Hao thought about it.

His innovative dishes are all refreshed based on his cooking comprehension, and the refresh rate is actually not high.

After accumulating for so long, I finally got a package.

But when innovative dishes come out, we have to make them.

"Then according to the tradition of Chu Shi, depending on my mood and research results, there is only one set [No. [-] set meal] on the second floor, but the menu will continue to change. The set meal that guests have eaten this time may be eaten next time. No more, to give guests an experience of cherishing the present, and as the main focus, it takes a lot of effort in publicity, and the concept structure is time-consuming, but if you want to do it for a long time, I think this is an idea that is most in line with the tradition of Chushi. "

Qin Jiangyi thought for a while, then nodded slightly: "It's not impossible, but how often you can change the set meal is the key point, otherwise I won't be able to work hard here."

Chu Hao gritted his teeth and thought for a long time, "Two months?"

It should be no problem to come up with seven or eight innovative dishes in two months.

But he needs to ensure a medium-to-high intensity training, that is, to constantly make existing dishes, to comprehend and refresh the ability of [opening the road of thorns].

Two months is a cycle.

Qin Jiangyi thought for a while: "That's six times a year."

"Well, you come to arrange the plan."

"Yes, but what about the source of goods?"

Chu Hao said: "If you are looking for food, look for Mr. Qin, look for your father!"

Qin Jiangyi wanted to hit him.

Seeing how naughty Chu Hao was, she couldn't help but laugh and said, "What's your relationship with me? You always come to my father, why should he help you?"

Now it was Chu Hao's turn to be silent.

Only then did Qin Jiangyi realize that she had said the wrong thing, "I...I mean, you have to pay a price so that I can ask my father for help."

She is a little hot.

Just now, the tongue was so fast that I almost said something that shouldn't be said.

Qin Jiangyi's thoughts were racing. She had never thought that the relationship between her and Chu Hao happened to be at the level of friendship but not romance.

This is Qin Jiangyi's favorite distance.

Sometimes, when she dreams back at midnight, she even thinks that what she can't get is what she wants the most, and in a relationship, the ambiguous stage is the most exciting and exciting, she is willing to enjoy this way of getting along, no matter what It's just right, because no matter whether they go up or down, neither of them will have a good death.

Qin Jiangyi is very smart.

Also very contented.

Chu Hao glanced at her and said with a smile, "Why don't we share some shares?"

Qin Jiangyi pondered.

The revenue of Chu Shi·Jian Le is very scary.

The first floor is fine. If you go to mass catering, you can make a profit by taking the route of mass catering, not to mention the second floor. The monthly profit is also an astonishing figure. If the restaurant itself is not limited and there is no factory to make money, but It has also achieved the top handful in the mountain city.

Even Qin Jiangyi herself was a little at a loss.

The next step is to move forward, how to go, and how to do it, so that Chu Shi can go better and go further.

Making money is no longer the only criterion for success.

Fame, environment, taste, and concept have gradually become the elements of evaluation.

According to the mainstream route, the three-diamond black pearl and the three-star Michelin star are already the top restaurants that Xia Guo can achieve, but is Qin Jiangyi's ambition really limited to this?
Chu Hao has studied under Zhong Chenglin for so long, and he already has the level of a state banquet.

How can she manage it so that Chu Shi can match Chu Hao's once-in-a-thousand-year genius strength?
"Looking back, my dad and I will discuss it and see what he wants and what we can give."

Chu Hao nodded, and after a while, he said, "I can accompany you to negotiate."

Qin Jiangyi looked up at him.

During the brief silence, seeing Chu Hao's eyes made Qin Jiangyi blush a little.

"You can use me as a bargaining chip, I allow it."

Qin Jiangyi spat at him reproachfully, her expression was cute, even a little soft, and she said, "We'll talk about it when the time comes!"


Close the store and walk out of the restaurant.

Chu Hao stretched, and Qin Jiangyi looked at him, "Go back to accompany Xiaolu?"

"Ang, that's not it."

After Lu Chenyu didn't go to work, he was like a salted fish, but Chu Hao still loved her very much, and raised her like a daughter, but because he was too busy, Chu Hao sometimes cared about Lu Chenyu, which he thought was not enough.

Lu Chenyu also understood this very well.

She didn't want much, she just wanted Chu Hao to go home and be with her every day no matter how late it was.

Chu Hao has always followed through on this.

Several times before, people from Zhong Chenglin's network invited Chu Hao to do industry exchanges, or offered him some olive branches, such as consultant and teacher titles, but Chu Hao politely refused.

Fortunately, Zhong Chenglin didn't like it, and told them: "He can either go directly to the state banquet, or stay in the mountain city and continue to hone his skills. You messy people should stop doing it."

Of course, it is not a miasma.

But in Zhong Lao's eyes, that's how it is.

Qin Jiangyi smiled slightly and said, "How long have you been delaying the marriage that we agreed to get married this year?"

Chu Hao was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly and said, "I can't help it until now... The restaurant is very busy, but Xiaolu didn't mention it to me. If you don't tell me, I'll forget it."

Qin Jiangyi: "Hmph, scumbag."

Chu Hao: ...

"Get in the car, I'll take you home."


Chu Hao was not too polite, his relationship with Qin Jiangyi was closer than Lu Chenyu's relationship with her.

Some superficial politeness is not necessary.

The mode of getting along is not that of ordinary acquaintances.

Chu Hao felt that Qin Yiyi was a bit like his confidant, like a comrade in arms fighting side by side. Of course, he didn't feel that the relationship between the two was in a moderately ambiguous situation, but he didn't want to distance himself. All you have to do is keep your distance.

A little deeper, not suitable.

If it is shallower, I am afraid that she will think too much.

It's not tiring to maintain this relationship with Qin Yiyi, but it's quite difficult.


In the car.

Qin Jiangyi yawned.

It's easy to get sleepy when you're full.

Chu Hao glanced at her, "Damn it, why don't I drive it instead."

Qin Jiangyi: "It's okay, I just ate and digested."

"Is there someone who digests food like you?"

"Hey, it's okay, don't you believe my driving skills?"

Just as Chu Hao was about to say something, she yawned again.

Chu Hao then said: "It's all right, pull over and let me drive."

Qin Jiangyi didn't bother to talk to him, but said: "Chu Hao, your talent is really rare. Among the cooks I've ever seen, you are the best. What Mr. Zhong said is right, it's hard to see in thousands of years." A good seedling."

Chu Hao glanced at her, "You seem very proud?"

Qin Jiangyi was triumphant, "That's right, I found you."

Chu Hao: ...

"Don't worry, Chu Shi will develop better, and will try its best to keep up with your footsteps."

Chu Hao scratched his head, "Are you drunk? Why are you so emotional all of a sudden?"

Qin Jiangyi snorted, "It's nothing, I just think it's good, you have new dishes for me to eat, and discuss with me the ideas you came up with, I think it's really good."

Chu Hao opened his mouth.

Don't know what to say.

Facing such a provocative Qin Yiyi, he was at a loss for what to do.

At this time.

In front of the road, suddenly a black cat sprang out from the sidewalk behind the trees!
Qin Jiangyi was taken aback, the steering wheel immediately slipped, and the car passed along the separation line and hit a pillar!

In the car, Qin Jiangyi and Chu Hao were both wearing seat belts, but they were still forced to lean forward by inertia.

Chu Hao was also taken aback. In desperation, he quickly stretched out his left hand from the co-pilot to stop Qin Jiangyi. The huge force pushed her back into the seat again, but Chu Hao was a little unlucky. There was a click on his left shoulder. What's wrong, there was a sudden sharp pain, and then the forehead on the right side near the temple hit the front of the co-pilot, with a bang, blood came out.

It feels cool and tingly, but the pain in the left shoulder is more severe.

Hearing a bang, the car stopped, and the front had already sunk into it. Fortunately, because of the pillar, it did not cross the separation line, and was almost hit by a vehicle in the opposite lane.

Qin Jiangyi felt a little uncomfortable, but fortunately she was not injured. She turned her head and looked at Chu Hao, seeing him clutching his shoulder in pain and bleeding from his forehead, his heart skipped a beat.

But Qin Jiangyi was calm, and looked at Chu Hao: "How are you?"

Chu Hao didn't speak.

She quickly took out her cell phone and called the hospital.


12 points in the early hours.

Sitting on a plastic bench in a hospital corridor.

Chu Hao saw Lu Chenyu who hurried over.


Xiaoluzi jumped into Chu Hao's arms suddenly, his eyes were red and red, but luckily he didn't cry, then he held his face, looked at Chu Hao's bandaged forehead, and asked him in a panic: "Have you had a concussion?"

(End of this chapter)

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