From a barbecue stand to a global gourmet tycoon

Chapter 203 Academic research! 1 Recipe for Anorexics

Chapter 203 Academic Research!A Recipe for the Anorexic
Everyone around Li Changqing was stunned.

Why did Chu Hao's cooking skills suddenly become so...smooth?
Even Mr. Zhong sometimes cooks himself, but he is not in Chu Hao's state.

The ingredients seem to come alive in the steam of the pot, as if they are surfing, happily accepting Chu Hao's careful cooking. If you listen carefully, you can even hear the rhythmic beating of the cooking sound in the pot.

Is it an illusion?

Li Changqing was a little surprised. He squinted his eyes and stared at Chu Hao. He wanted to eat him, but he was actually studying Chu Hao's tricks.

Zhong Chenglin also opened his eyes, and when he saw Chu Hao cooking, he was slightly taken aback, but after hearing what he said, he thought for a while and said, "There is a family over there in Nanshan, why are you going there?"

Chu Hao smiled: "I want to help them."

Li Changqing sneered: "You don't really think that you are a master chef, do you? Want to cook some dishes for anorexic patients? Aren't you wasting your time?"

Zhong Chenglin also said: "This disease is a kind of mental illness. Psychological reasons account for a relatively large proportion. If you think so, I advise you to forget it. If there is a problem with eating, we cannot take responsibility."

Li Changqing said with a smile: "Mr. Zhong, listen to his nonsense, don't say that there is something wrong with eating, just the few dishes he fried, people have to say whether they will eat them or not."

Chu Hao glared at Li Changqing, but he was not angry.

Qingzi's heart is not bad, and hating him is his unique way of getting along with himself. Chu Hao has never cared about anything with Li Changqing.

He just said: "I want to try. Recently, I have studied some cases of anorexia patients. There are several plans. I have also discussed with Mr. Qin. After scientific treatment, they can be completely cured. Some cases of this kind of symptoms are not real. In fact, some patients may have a stronger appetite than normal people, because they are too afraid of obesity and forcefully suppress their appetite, which forms an eating disorder psychologically."

Therefore, anorexia is often accompanied by intermittent binge eating.

Patients like this are not within the scope of Chu Hao's help.

Although some anorexic patients have a good appetite, they feel full and uncomfortable after eating a few mouthfuls and stop eating, or they don’t want to eat when they see food. If forced to eat, it will also induce nausea and vomiting.There are also some patients who induce vomiting by themselves.

Under the influence of these psychological factors, they actively refuse to eat or go on a diet excessively, resulting in weight loss and malnutrition. In addition, most of these people feel hungry, but force themselves not to eat. They are good at studying the nutrition and calories of food, hiding or intentionally wasting food.

But for Chu Hao, these obstacles in his heart were actually not a big problem.

He has [dialogue with food], [people depend on food], [crazy gluttony], [believers of God of Cookery].

The four skills used together can offset the weak psychological struggle in the scope of human diseases.

That's right,

Chu Hao didn't intend to only use the ability of [Crazy Gluttony].

He can use multiple abilities in combination.

To produce food that surpasses people's imagination, so that those anorexic patients can return to normal. Of course, not only food, the treatment of this disease must also be combined with psychological treatment and behavioral treatment. The effect will be better if multiple lines are used together.

Generally speaking, the hospital will also give zinc supplements to patients with anorexia, because zinc can participate in the synthesis of various enzymes in the human body, which can help stimulate taste and appetite, and once people have appetite, they will naturally eat needs.

But with the ability of [Crazy Gluttony], the effect is several times or even dozens of times better than normal zinc supplementation treatment.

However, the effect was not as obvious as Chu Hao imagined.

When he went to the nursing home with Lu Chenyu and Qin Jiangyi, he saw those anorexic patients, but Qin Jiangyi was still puzzled.

"Why do you want to help them?"

Chu Hao smiled and said, "Find yourself some goals, otherwise it would be too boring."

Qin Jiangyi has black lines on her head. You are so busy in the kitchen all day and you still say you are bored?Are you not tired?

Lu Chenyu was a little silent, holding Chu Hao's arm and walking behind half of his body, "Baby, they are so pitiful, and they are so skinny."

The head of the nursing home who led the way smiled and said: "These patients have been in our nursing home for a long time, and they all suffer from anorexia all year round, and they have repeated attacks. This disease is not what you imagined. It can be cured all at once. There is such a Examples, but few."

The dean obviously knew Qin Jiangyi.

This is the Nanshan Sanatorium, and patients with anorexia are just one of them. In addition, there are also patients with occupational diseases, tuberculosis, liver disease, Parkinson, Alzheimer, etc. who are also recuperating here, but they are not in the same area, but they can live here. People in Nanshan Nursing Home, especially in this area, generally only people with certain wealth or status in the family can move in.

There are also outright poor people, but their proportion in nursing homes is not large.

Poor people don’t have the awareness of recuperation. If you are sick, you can go to the hospital to see a doctor. Even if the doctor tells you that you need a certain period of time to recuperate, you will go home to recuperate. Generally, you will not choose a nursing home.

For a family, anorexia is still a very difficult disease.

Chu Hao glanced at the dying patients lying in those wards, and asked the director, "How do they usually treat them?"

"We will intervene with a psychiatrist for the anorexic to relieve the psychological pressure of the anorexic and let them slowly resume their diet. Sometimes we will also perform behavioral intervention. This kind of treatment is more targeted. However, psychological counseling is more important. Anorexia Most of them come from psychological pressure and obstacles."

The dean said a lot.

Chu Hao and others listened all the way, followed the director to the kitchen of the nursing home, and met some cooks who specialize in making food for anorexics.

"Anorexics are more suitable for sweet and sour, light, high protein, and high zinc foods, such as fish, beef, skim milk, sesame seeds, and oysters. We often add hawthorn, blueberries, lemons, apples... and vinegar to our food. Such acidic fruits and spices can promote their digestion."

Chu Hao nodded seriously.

If you want to solve the disease of anorexia, you can only start from here.

No matter what, even if Chu Hao had special abilities, it was impossible for him to bring a plate of braised pork with thick oil sauce to the anorexic's dining table.

If the patient does not eat, then any ability is useless.

Because of long-term lack of appetite, anorexics have relatively weak digestion ability, so they are more suitable to eat light food that is easy to digest, such as porridge, egg custard and the like.

Let alone anorexics, no one can stand a normal person drinking porridge every day.

Therefore, it must not only meet the taste of anorexics, but also help their digestion, balance nutrition, and even take into account the function of stimulating appetite.

This required Chu Hao to think carefully.

Qin Jiangyi made a lot of suggestions, "My family also has research in this area, and I can introduce you to some therapists. Some people are proficient in nutrition and should be able to help you."

Chu Hao's thoughts flashed, and he smiled immediately: "No, it may take some time, but I already have inspiration."


on the way back.

He conducted first-hand research on the laboratory through [Gourmet Laboratory].

The object of study is anorexic.

From the perspective of academic research, arrange nutritional recipes for anorexia, and solve problems related to food psychology and even biological factors from the root.

It will take a while, but it's not far.

With the recipes provided by the laboratory, Chu Hao can start to help these anorexic patients.

Of course he has a purpose.

Qin Jiangyi could also feel this.

Although her feeling was not very obvious, she believed that Chu Hao would not say that he would help anorexic patients for no reason.

From a realistic point of view, Chu Hao wanted fame.

That's why he chose to do things that would enhance his fame and status.

Whether these things will be successful or not is still unclear, but if they are successful, Chu Hao has indeed coated himself with a layer of gold, which will greatly help his career and go further in the future.

Qin Jiangyi's background is not like that of Lu Chenyu, so Nizi is relatively simple and only thinks that her husband sincerely wants to help these patients.

But Qin Jiangyi believes that this behavior itself is not simple.

Will Chu Hao really help anyone unconditionally?
Of course, in terms of sincerity, he must also sincerely help, but it is only human nature to help while earning some benefits by the way.

If Chu Hao can cure anorexic patients as a cook, if it gets out, how thick will it be?
Qin Jiangyi felt that Chu Hao was very courageous, but to be honest, it was very difficult to do this kind of thing.

She was willing to help, so she said those words to Chu Hao, and asked the experts in the family to come over and help him.

As far as Shiweitian Group is concerned, the Qin family has just begun to explore the academic research in the field of food, and has not gone far.

But since Chu Hao himself said he had inspiration, Qin Jiangyi didn't say anything.


After ten consecutive draws, Chu Hao's skills improved very quickly.

Even Zhong Chenglin sometimes left the high bench under his buttocks and walked to the stove to observe carefully.

The recipes of Zianle have expanded from more than 40 dishes to more than 60 dishes. The entire Rongpai cuisine, that is, the Shanghebang cuisine, has nearly [-] recipes. Among them, many are handed down from Zhong Chenglin. Li Changqing's unique dishes can be inferred from one after another.

And some dishes that are on the verge of being lost, or even lost, have been conceptually restored after entering the modern age, some dishes that only masters like Zhong Chenglin know.

For example, Baihua chicken is steamed with shrimp gelatin spread on the inside of the chicken skin. Because shrimp gelatin can be cooked in many ways, such as frying, frying, steaming, and kang, it can be paired with chicken skin and chicken to make it delicious and unique. .

As for the silver roll, it is currently the most authentic from the famous restaurant Ju Feng De. The whole is translucent, the texture is chewy, the sweetness and saltiness are moderate, and it is made by spinning oil. Nowadays, people who know it are really Few, even if someone can do it, the method is not as good as before.

For example, lychee crispy duck, the duck meat needs to be boiled in brine until soft, then stuffed into taro mash made from Lechang taro, and then fried. The whole process needs to strictly control the time. It takes three to four hours to complete.

Its taste is so delicate that it cannot be picked up with chopsticks and can only be eaten with a spoon.

This kind of dish should be placed on the second floor and made after an appointment in advance. It has long been abandoned because of the complicated process, and it is on the verge of being lost.

There are also famous dishes that are about to be lost, such as Songlou fire roast, herring bald lung, and boneless snake tube.

Some dishes, which you can't even eat in the restaurant, are Zhong Chenglin's unique skills, and his apprentices can't pass them down because they can't meet Zhong Chenglin's requirements.

Now, he passed these dishes to Chu Hao.

"These dishes are lost dishes that I researched and conceptually restored with a few old friends while I was cooking Sichuan cuisine. Both of you have performed well. If you practice hard, you can pass on these dishes in time."

Zhong Chenglin has been very excited recently.

He told the matter to his apprentices who were cooking in Shangjing.

Said that he took in a named disciple, and understood all the old dishes that they couldn't learn, and made rapid progress in just a few weeks.

As soon as the news came out, many cooking masters in Shangjing wanted to come to the mountain city to have a look.

However, due to their busy work schedule, all the apprentices could not come over. They had to work in shifts and come one by one to observe and get to know the registered apprentices who knew the master.

During this period of time, Chu Hao met one by one the master of Shangjing, the state banquet master who specializes in cooking.

All of them were in their 40s and 50s, and even the oldest was in their [-]s. After eating the dishes made by Chu Hao, they were full of praise, and even praised the master for accepting a good apprentice.

"These are your senior brothers and sisters. Although you are a registered disciple, alas... you are better than them. This is something I didn't expect."

Zhong Chenglin shook his head with his hands behind his back, saying that the disciples were very guilty.

"Master, with Junior Brother Xiao Chu, you will find an inheritor for those lost dishes!"

"Congratulations, master! Junior Brother Xiao Chu's skills are beyond our reach. If he grows up to be the same age as us, there will surely be a new star in the culinary arts circle of Xia Kingdom."

Chu Hao waved his hands, and said modestly: "Senior brothers and sisters, don't praise me, it's because the master taught me well..."

Li Changqing was envious at the side.

Although he understands that these people are all f---ing commercial praises, Chu Hao is indeed slightly better than him in terms of expressiveness in the kitchen.

Li Changqing recently felt that he has made rapid progress and has a strong absorption capacity. It seems that he has returned to the peak state when he was studying art at the age of sixteen or seventeen.

Mr. Zhong didn't even hesitate to show his lost craftsmanship.

He only taught Chu Hao, but he didn't shy away from stealing lessons from himself.

But for some reason, Chu Hao just overwhelmed him and used the same method to cook the same dishes, but his dishes were always one more tone than his own.

Even Li Changqing couldn't help sighing secretly now.

Old Chu... is really a rare genius in a thousand years.

(End of this chapter)

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