From a barbecue stand to a global gourmet tycoon

Chapter 200 Three Diamond Candidates

Chapter 200 Three Diamond Candidates

Mo Zhuhai has eaten in thousands of restaurants, large and small.

Many restaurants forget it on the spot after eating it.

Or it can't exist in his memory for too long.

But Chu Shi gave Mo Zhuhai a brand new experience. He felt that he would never forget the dishes he enjoyed here for a long time.

Not to mention the Black Pearl, even many Michelin restaurants that are famous for their innovation have three stars, and Xia Guo is one of the few restaurants, and no one can compare with Chu Shi. This is based on comprehensive factors. is the upper limit of development, and the third is the chef himself.

Chu Shi, also known as 'chef', represents Chu Shi's emphasis on skills, and Chu Hao himself, who has transformed from a barbecue person to the current chef of the restaurant, what kind of existence is he?
These questions aroused Mo Zhuhai's curiosity.

The quality of this restaurant is too high, so high that he was a little unexpected.

I thought it would be a way to save face if I came here this time, at most giving a second diamond rating, because Boss Chu has connections within the expert group, and he got the qualifications for this evaluation only through the back door. The idea is to be stricter, it is best to give Chu Shi a drill first, otherwise wouldn't their black pearls be too embarrassing?

But after this meal, Chu Shi completely conquered him.

This feeling of the fusion of soul and flesh, until you chew it into your stomach, gives people an indescribable taste, as if dancing on the tip of your tongue, constantly provoking your taste buds, making you have to surrender to it.

This restaurant is even eligible for three diamonds!

However, the qualifications are too shallow.

Don’t you know how many catering professionals who have been in business for decades want to be evaluated as a three-diamond but have no connections. Even if they find a connection, the manager will make things difficult for them.

But Chu Shi, so rudely pushed the huge threshold in their review system, stepped in like no one, shattering their original pride as expert reviewers.

It's okay not to nod, if Mo Zhuhai deliberately made things difficult, he believed that even he himself would feel a little guilty.

Mo Zhuhai thought for a while, and called a waiter: "Can I meet your chef?"

The waiter was taken aback.

Who is the chef that everyone can see?

who do you think You Are?
The young lady smiled and was about to refuse, Mo Zhuhai said directly: "I am the reviewer of Black Pearl, and I am also a gourmet. These dishes are really good. I want to meet your Boss Chu."

Not long after, Mo Zhuhai saw Chu Hao.

He came up with a smile, "Mr. Mo, why didn't you say something when you came?"

Mo Zhuhai smiled and said, "I came here anonymously, this is the rule, and I don't want to."

Chu Hao nodded: "Well, there are more people down here, why not go upstairs to the private room?"

Mo Zhuhai waved his hand: "Forget it, the dishes are finished, Boss Chu, who did you learn your skills from? I want to know more about it."

Chu Hao smiled and said: "I don't have a master, I am self-taught, but after I opened this restaurant, Mr. Zhong, who just visited, was accepted as a registered student. However, Mr. Zhong didn't teach me anything."

"Mr. Zhong?" Mo Zhuhai looked surprised.

"That's right, Zhong Chenglin, Mr. Zhong, he is now the general advisor of our Chu Shi, and occasionally cooks himself. If the guests are lucky, they can eat the dishes made by him. Of course, Mr. Zhong is getting older. Most of the time, I cook the dishes myself.”

Mo Zhuhai suddenly realized.

Zhong Chenglin...

The masters of those state banquet masters, the patriarchs of Sichuan cuisine, are actually eating in Chu!

Mo Zhuhai felt that he didn't come here in vain, but he was clear about it, he didn't ask to see Zhong Chenglin or anything, he knew he wasn't qualified enough.

"Master Chu, I would like to express my sincere respect to you. Your dishes are the best traditional dishes I have ever tasted. The flavors are precise, and the heat and kung fu are also very good. Those who don't know think that you have been practicing since childhood, but I I heard that you only started to practice cooking a few months ago?"

Chu Hao also nodded: "I was in a barbecue restaurant before, and my dad made barbecue, and he taught me all my barbecue skills, but I did learn these dishes in the restaurant by myself, so please forgive me for the poor hospitality. "

Seeing Chu Hao's modesty, Mo Zhuhai was very happy.

He got up slowly and said: "Master Chu, in a short while, your restaurant will definitely be rated as a diamond, and I will go back and fight for you, but you have to be prepared, I may not be the only one who comes here, experts The group upholds a fair attitude and will send several reviewers anonymously. We don’t know who the other party will send over. However, during this period of time, if you can conquer their tongues, then I think, reviewers It's not a problem to get three drills."

Chu Hao didn't expect that he would be eligible for three diamonds so quickly.

Even Shen Yuhai said hello.

He also just wanted to start with the first diamond, or if he was lucky, he would directly rate it as the second diamond. Who knows, Chu Hao was surprised when Mo Zhuhai commented on the third diamond.

Chu Food is now unknown. Compared with some old restaurants that have been around for decades, it is still not a bit inferior. The business philosophy and model alone are completely inferior to others. Moreover, the menu is single, with only 22 dishes, compared with some that often have hundreds of dishes. , compared to a large restaurant with two to three hundred dishes, it is far behind.

But Chu Hao only has one person, not a restaurant with famous chefs.

He can only take small and delicate lines.

And if there are too many dishes, it will be difficult to maintain the supply of goods. Unless every dish of yours is a hit and there are no unpopular dishes, otherwise the ingredients will not be fresh enough, or the time will be too long to waste costs and so on.

Mo Zhuhai checked out and left.

Chu Hao also returned to the kitchen.

Zhong Chenglin raised his head and glanced at him: "Are you from the expert team?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhong, a man named Mo Zhuhai, said he would give me a three-diamond award." Chu Hao was a little proud.

Zhong Chenglin chuckled, "Wait and see, not necessarily. It's not that easy to get three diamonds. Your restaurant has just opened. If it doesn't work this time, then wait another year and accumulate some qualifications. Of course, your reputation It's not bad."


Afterwards, Chu Hao never encountered a situation where the expert group asked for a meeting.

But he knew that Mo Zhuhai would not lie to him.

After that, Chu Shi still came to a few reviewers, but because they all came anonymously, Chu Hao couldn't tell who was who.

But not long after, a three-diamond long review from the official Black Pearl was officially published.

The object of his long comment is Chushi·Jianle.

It is worth noting that Michelin stars are only for taste, and there are knives and forks for environment, etc. Black Pearl is not, it pays attention to comprehensive experience, even diamond evaluation is comprehensive evaluation.

Three diamonds: must eat for a lifetime, two diamonds: must eat on anniversaries, one diamond: must eat at parties.

Although Michelin is also aimed at travelers, focusing on 'worth a special trip' or 'the best of its kind', it is obvious that Black Pearl's reviews will consider the environment, atmosphere, service and other aspects, which is different from Michelin.

Therefore, there will be some simple but delicious restaurants in Michelin, such as the famous Mi Yi in Singapore, Hong Kong Chicken Rice, not to mention the ones on the list in Bangkok, but there are basically no such restaurants on the Black Pearl.

This is related to the difference between the two audiences. Michelin mainly serves Western consumers.

For them, cleanliness, sanitation, and stable products are the most important. The environment is also particular, but knives and forks can be used as a reference.

Black Pearl serves domestic consumers. To put it bluntly, many people still have a rough taste in food.

Therefore, aspects such as environmental services will have a greater impact on the dining experience. It cannot be said that Michelin is more powerful and noble than Black Pearl. This is just different consumption preferences at different levels of social and economic development.

Isn't it a chicken thief.

In fact, Black Pearl recommends many restaurants with good environment but mediocre or even unworthy products. In Hong Kong and Macau, a large number of hot pots are on the list, which obviously caters to the tastes of many people in the mainland. After careful consideration, you will find that Black Pearl’s Restaurants have to sit upright, and food stalls and the like never appear.

Therefore, if you rely on this list to find food in a certain place, it is okay to leave one or two meals for the restaurant on the list, and everything will be done according to the map.

At this point, Black Pearl is not very down-to-earth.

It is more like a restaurant recommended for family gatherings or friends, rather than a restaurant for tasters or travelers, and it ignores most restaurants with ordinary environments.

Therefore, there are very few restaurants that can live up to the name of the Black Pearl.

In the mountain city, there are only a few who cook Sichuan cuisine, and they can be counted on one hand.

For the current Black Pearl, there are actually very few restaurants that can truly live up to the name.

Most of it was blown out of the restaurant.

——"But Chushi is different. Their crispy meatballs have a thick egg powder skin and are full of broth. The meatballs inside are really delicious, better than the lion's head in many restaurants. The soup is served with a few pea tips , take a sip, it is the most authentic Sichuan cuisine flavor, the salted vegetables and shrimps are fried very well, fried shrimps and fried shrimps, I rarely eat such crispy, but not greasy, salted vegetables are also fried, It is very suitable for meals. The traditional Xuewang is topped with lard residue, which tastes more delicious. Their special mushrooms, in addition to white jade mushrooms and oyster mushrooms, also add bamboo fungus. The ingredients are simple onions, ginger and green peppers. The seasoning is restrained, there is no MSG, and the bibimbap is also a must.”

——"Strictly speaking, the second floor of Chushi is like a shop-in-a-shop, with a separate area and a set of traditional Sichuan cuisine menu, simple and direct flavor experience, the design logic is completely in accordance with traditional methods, giving you emotional It is a kind of continuous accumulation, and I feel like I went to eat in Sichuan restaurants back then. The biggest advantage is that the per capita price is 400 yuan, which is very cheap. Unfortunately, there are only 22 dishes, all of which are made by Master Chu alone. Chu Shi was established. As a start-up, we cannot avoid such and other problems, but in general, I am very satisfied with the taste, and my friend told me that there is such a restaurant in the mountain city, just two words: lucky.”

——"I find it amazing that there are more than a dozen dishes on this table, but none of them feel very spicy. The four red oil dishes with similar appearances have different temperaments and personalities when eaten carefully. Sichuan cuisine is actually known for its freshness and spicyness. Unfortunately, people only remember the second half of the sentence when they come out of Sichuan. The only Sichuan restaurants that can achieve this level of skill are Yu Zhilan and Deng Ji, whose average per capita is thousands, but the price of Chu food is close to the people, and the price/performance ratio is simply superb. This restaurant costs three to four hundred per person, and it takes a lot of time and effort, and it is almost lost. Kung fu dishes, ahem...although there are only 22 dishes..."

——"I can guarantee that I have eaten tens of thousands of Sichuan restaurants, and I can find less than 50 restaurants that are making this snowflake chicken nao, because the process is really very troublesome. When I served it, I saw this. The dish is as soft and loose as snowflakes, as if the plate is covered with a layer of white snow. The entrance seems to be sucked into the throat. Thin tendon and mince mince, mixed with beaten egg white, then slid into lard to enhance freshness, thicken with a thin layer of cornstarch to gather the flavor, the entrance is smooth, every step is effort, bibimbap is delicious to eat.”

All kinds of long comments and food reviews appeared on the Internet. Chu Hao only found out later that seven food critics came, all of whom were anonymous. Except for Mo Zhuhai who met Chu Hao, they all ate in silence. Then I turned and left, and went back to write these long reviews.

Chu Hao learned from various sources, and felt that the overall atmosphere of the Black Pearl judging system is very watery. Only three diamonds can be considered, because Qin Jiangyi's Suzhou Shiweitian is among them, and all kinds of evaluations are quite high. , As for the others, just find out.

As for their slogan 'I want to be the Michelin of Xia Guo', don't even think about it, the possibility is not high.

Using the taste of the people of Xia to explore delicacies from all over the world sounds very provocative and cannot be miscalculated. After all, Chinese food and Western food have quite different aesthetic purports. Michelin originated from French food reviews, and even after decades of development, it is still limited. .

But it is not a bad thing to let Xia people establish their own aesthetic and judgment standards, but it is managed by a company closely related to catering?Do you care about the environment and relax about the taste?Listening to his words and watching his actions, Chu Hao didn't feel that the effect of the black pearl was really as good as their director said. It was not impressive, fair and down-to-earth, and it was a little short of a pattern.

In fact, there are definitely a small number of people who have their own detailed requirements for eating.

The list is released, and for most people, it is a reliable reference for browsing restaurants. I believe most people don't care how these restaurants are selected.

To take a step back, the most advanced form of the list is relatively more trustworthy. After all, eating is such a personal thing, and there is no guarantee at all. The list does not meet your expectations. Eating habits are different.

However, a list based on Dianping’s vast user base can attract many users. The public’s trust in the list must be much better than the overall situation.


Chu Shi · Here Le, was nominated as a candidate for the Black Pearl Three Diamonds. According to the rules, in the next year's evaluation, Chu Shi will definitely be on the list.

(End of this chapter)

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