From a barbecue stand to a global gourmet tycoon

Chapter 193 The hot dish is a big success, preparing to open a store

Chapter 193 The hot dish is a big success, preparing to open a store

With the help of the system, Chu Hao formed his own system.

He quickly began to hone in private, starting with tomato scrambled eggs, practicing various hot dishes to gain experience points, and then backhandedly adding points.

After honing his knife skills, Chu Hao also possessed the ability to cook dishes efficiently. He could make finished products without wasting any time without affecting his process.

The second dish is twice-cooked pork.

Chu Hao also has the foundation for this dish. He knows how to make it, and the taste is not bad. When the first dish of twice-cooked pork came out of the pot, the evaluation was directly "already a small success". After filling up the tomato scrambled eggs, Chu Hao Hao also understood what the evaluation corresponding to each level was.

There is already a small success, which is equivalent to a level of +10 from the beginning.

This made Chu Hao very pleased.

At least, he started to practice with the dishes he knows how to make, and +18 doesn't need to spend more experience points, which can save a lot.

Twice-cooked pork focuses on the preparation of bean paste. It is not enough to use normal bean paste. You need to use a blender to break pickled peppers and stir in the bean paste for coloring. A few eyes are pierced on the pork belly to penetrate faster. Blanch the water in the pot, and cook until it is broken for two to three 10 minutes, prick it with chopsticks, it will be sticky, and it will be fine if it does not bleed.

Take it out and scrape the skin with a knife to scrape off the remaining hair. The next step is to test the knife skills. The meat is usually cut with a saw, and the thickness should be uniform, but it is best to cut the twice-cooked meat into larger pieces. , Thinner slices of meat are easy to curl when fried in a pan, and this level is just right.

When the meat slices are thin, the last irregular piece is sliced ​​directly. Cut the green garlic and green onions into horseshoe shapes with an oblique knife. You can also cut some red peppers for color. The tempeh must be washed, and a little rice wine must be added in it, so that the wine will penetrate It can enhance the fragrance and remove part of the peculiar smell of tempeh.

The oil in the fried meat must be less, because the meat itself is oily, after the oil is fried out, add the bean paste, tempeh, green onion and green garlic, and finally put some seasoning, then pour some rice wine, and pour the soy sauce while frying For coloring, if the color is just right, there is no need to add more. Finally, pour some vinegar to remove the smell and enhance the fragrance and freshness.

This method is the classic method of Rongpai. It tastes a little dry on the outside, but it is very tender on the inside, with a distinct layering. Compared with some fly restaurants, the stir-fried pork will put a lot of oil, and the oil on the plate will come out when the dishes are served. Same, but Chu Hao's oil is just right.

[twice-cooked pork]
[Evaluation: Unfathomable]
Work hard!
Finally, the finished product came out, and Chu Hao planned to show it to the two chefs in the back kitchen to taste.

Liu Shangwu and Luo Zheng have seen Chu Hao studying the dishes in the corner all by himself these few days, and they wondered, Boss Chu is going to open a restaurant?Why are you practicing cooking there every day?The store doesn't care anymore.

In fact, Chu Hao just changed his focus. He still has to take care of the barbecue shop. Chen Ya hasn't been fully trained yet, and in some cases he still needs to take care of it himself.

However, because there are Luo Zheng, Liu Shangwu, and He Dongdong who is a teacher, and his mother is in charge of the breakfast shop, Chu Hao doesn't care much, just be the sixth child.

His time started in the morning, when everyone else was kneading noodles, rolling out noodles, cooking soup and steaming skins, Chu Hao was cooking beside him, ignoring everyone.

Chen Ya was also there during the day, almost following Chu Hao's ass, helping Chu Hao beat him up, and at the same time secretly learning Chu Hao's methods. In the notebook.

After all, who would a normal person do this?

The master must be very particular about this, you can tell it by looking at it.

Holding a plate of twice-cooked pork, Chu Hao glanced at Chen Ya.

Under the plea of ​​her strong thirst for knowledge and appetite, Chu Hao had no choice but to let her have a bite.

Chen Ya was so excited to eat, she shook her face with her chopsticks, "It's delicious! It's so delicious! Master, you are amazing!"

Chu Hao smiled: "What do you think?"

Chen Ya: "This is the best twice-cooked pork I have ever eaten!"

Her scream attracted the attention of Liu Shangwu next to him. He glanced at the twice-cooked pork on Chu Hao's plate, and then saw Chu Hao handing him the chopsticks, "Master Liu, you have a piece too."

Liu Shangwu nodded.

Good guy, you can taste finished dishes for free every day you work here. Looking at the fragrant twice-cooked pork in front of you, Liu Shangwu smelled it first, and then said in surprise: "The smell of fermented soybeans has been completely stimulated. This smell... yours It's handled in a special way."

He took another slice with his chopsticks and took a closer look, "The knife is good. The meat slices are even in thickness, and they are all rolled. Stir-fry them over low heat. Heat control is also your strong point."

In the end, he stuffed the sliced ​​meat into his mouth and chewed slowly, the layers exploded, the dry aroma and tenderness were intertwined, and the flavors of tempeh, rice wine, green garlic and chives were all very suitable and full.

Liu Shangwu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Suddenly, his thoughts drifted back to many years ago. When he was just learning how to cook, the master chef in the kitchen showed them a skill of twice-cooked pork. The best twice-cooked pork in his memory.

The serious voice of the master chef slowly emerged in Liu Shangwu's memory through the scouring of time, "You must remember that you must make every dish with respect, don't think about perfunctory things, you do it with your heart The dishes that come out will also respond to you with the best taste, and make the guests who taste your dishes feel happy. Starting today, I will be extremely strict with each of you. If you feel that you can’t accept it, you can do it now leave."

At that time, no one left.

Liu Shangwu also stayed, savoring the taste of the plate of twice-cooked pork.

He came back to his senses and saw Chu Hao's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, "Master Liu?"

Liu Shangwu coughed, his old face flushed slightly: "Not bad, not bad, this plate of twice-cooked pork is impeccable from any angle, even if you ask me to pick a bone, I can't make a mistake."

Luo Zheng also took a sip, gave a thumbs up, and said with a feeling of endless aftertaste, "This is better than some big restaurants. If there is rice, I can eat three bowls of rice, um... ...It’s also good to go with wine, this plate of twice-cooked pork is absolutely perfect!”

Jiang Qin also ate a piece, and looked at Chu Hao with a complicated expression, "It's better than your grandfather's cooking... Did you practice it yourself?"


Jiang Qin sighed, looked Chu Hao up and down, and said to herself, "Could it be that your grandpa really appeared?"

Chu Hao chuckled, "Mom, just tell me, what do you think?"

Jiang Qin said angrily: "I'm not a gourmet either, so I can't think of any words to describe it, but it's really delicious, and it's at a level that can be used to open a restaurant."

Chu Hao is very confident.

With the mechanism of the experience bar mod, if you keep practicing the dishes and adding more points, the skill experience Chu Hao has gained will gradually connect into one piece and form a system from point to surface, because he learned Rong cuisine , itself is a system of dishes, and many knowledge points can be inferred and integrated.

And just as Chu Hao thought.

With the deepening of his study, Mapo Tofu, Kung Pao Chicken, Salted Sauce, Husband and Wife’s Lung Slices, Dengying Beef... are constantly presented in his hands, and he added 18 points to each dish.

And every time he learns a new dish, Chu Hao's initial evaluation is above +12, and he gets the evaluation of 'outstanding'.

But for some dishes that have never been tried before, as well as some big and hard dishes with many and complicated processes, the initial evaluation will be lower.


As time passed, two months passed by.

Chu Yue was on vacation, and she came to the store to help every day. It was forced by Chu Hao, who put stickers on Chu Yue's back to let her follow suit, and Chen Ya also successfully graduated from the teacher after two months of practice. Once, he also wanted to go out to open a restaurant like his seniors, but Chu Hao sternly refused, and asked her to guard the barbecue restaurant for him, and took out some shares to let Chen Ya stay.

Although she has some resentment, staying in the old store is quite good. After all, the senior brothers have all gone out, but she can inherit the old store and become the pillar of the old store. optimistic about.

The business of the branch store is booming, the apprentices are running well, and the revenue hits new highs every time. Chu Hao goes back for a walk when he has time, gives advice to the apprentices, and opens some small kitchens for them to maintain the competitiveness of the new store, while the passenger flow of the old store The volume has gradually stabilized, because the first line of competition has been launched, and new designs have been put in new stores. Some new products can be boldly innovated, and old stores still maintain the original taste, slowly accumulating word of mouth.

After learning many hot dishes, Chu Hao decided to open a restaurant, and he first told Jiang Qin about it.

"Want to open a restaurant?" Although Jiang Qin was a little surprised, it was expected.

In the past two or three months, Chu Hao has been studying Xincai, and his focus has long been on the production of Rong cuisine, and he has long since ignored the management of barbecue restaurants and breakfast restaurants.

After He Dongdong left the teacher, he helped to pay the bills, counted the accounts of the old restaurant and the two new breakfast branches, and managed the management level. Chen Ya was still in the old restaurant, and Chu Hao was in charge of the new barbecue restaurant.

Knowing that her son was going to open a new shop, Jiang Qin was still a little worried, but Chu Hao's Xincai is indeed good, the quality can be sold, and the family is not short of money, so she can buy a shop and open a shop at any time.

It's just that the restaurant is different, it depends on which way Chu Hao wants to go.

"I plan to follow the route of mass catering and introduce some home-cooked dishes that are close to the people."

"Have you told Boss Qin? She has more experience than you, you can ask her." Jiang Qin said.

Qin Jiangyi's Here Music is a famous private restaurant in Shancheng. Although she experienced the Changqinglou incident last time, Zhong Chenglin stepped in to solve some troubles for her, and it is still in business. As for the other four restaurants, they have already established a joint venture. , several big bosses retreated behind the scenes, and let Li Yi from Yichun Restaurant take charge of the restaurant. The way of operation has also changed. They no longer focus on the back kitchen, but continue to make contacts, plan to evaluate diamonds, and use their energy to expand Passenger flow.

Qin Jiangyi was excluded from the circle because music here is not her core industry.

"I haven't told her about it yet, but I will." Chu Hao had already made arrangements. He bought the store first, and he didn't want to smuggle the niche restaurants like Fangcai, because Chu Shi has always been playing mass restaurants. , the price is close to the people, the quantity is large and the taste is good, there is no need to change the track.

However, if you want to open a restaurant, you must hire a chef.

Chu Hao is the head chef, and Qin Jiangyi can let her be the boss if she wants.

As soon as she told her about this, Qin Jiangyi smiled and said: "I know you want to open a restaurant, Xiaolu told me that you have been practicing cooking in the kitchen for several months, and you learned Rong cuisine? "

"hold head high……"

"Actually, you don't need to go out to buy a shop, I can lend you the joy of the place."

"How can this work, don't you manage it yourself?"

Qin Jiangyi smiled and said: "I have not cared about the music here for a long time. If you do it, its upper limit is there, and your Chu Shi has more prospects. Don't worry about the business of the store, you can use it here in my house." Lelai opened a restaurant, and the mode of operation has changed a little.”

Chu Hao didn't expect that Qin Jiangyi would lend him this music.

Always thought it was a bit weird.

He could also see that Qin Jiangyi wanted to gradually merge his own industry with Chu Shi, and use his existing resources to fully support Chu Shi.

For Qin Jiangyi, Chushi is more promising than the signs she made herself.

And after all, she has been doing it for so long, Chu Shi is not only Chu Hao's, but also her hard work.

Therefore, Chu Hao had to take Qin Jiangyi's proposal seriously.

"Well, let's meet tomorrow and talk."



After making an appointment, Chu Hao took Lu Chenyu to meet Qin Jiangyi here the next day.

Coming here again, the feeling is still the same as before, Lu Chenyu said: "Jiangyi wants to lend you this place, what do you think?"

"Talk to her first, it's not impossible to have..." Chu Hao scratched his head.

Lu Chenyu frowned and said: "This is Jiang Yi's painstaking effort, you two should have a good talk, she must have made a lot of determination to give this place to you."

Chu Hao rolled his eyes, "What determination? It's not like she can't make money by working with me now. It's even more revenue than Here's Le. In terms of making money, Chu Shi does have more room for development than Here's Le."

Here music is a small and high-end private intensive operation. The guests who come here are all from the circle, but Chushi takes the public route. Anyone can come, and come whenever they want. Now the prices are soaring. If you can create a restaurant with top-quality taste but cheap price, many people will definitely come to join us, and you will also have the qualifications to be popular. Chushi’s signature is synonymous with good reputation. The barbecue restaurant has now become the name card of the mountain city. There's no reason it can't be done well.

Chu Hao is not inexperienced either.

After doing it for so long, he also understood some things.

After entering the house, I saw Qin Jiangyi.


"Jiang Yi, do you really want to give him the shop?" Lu Chenyu asked directly.

Qin Jiangyi smiled, but did not answer, "Sit down first and eat something, Master Yu happens to be here today."

So Chu Hao sat down with Lu Chenyu, and after a while, the waiter brought out plates of delicacies from Master Yizhou.

(End of this chapter)

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