Chapter 191 Knife Practice
So Li Changqing was poached by Chu Hao.

Qin Jiangyi smiled and said, "Hey, I haven't agreed yet."

"What do you disagree with? Qingzi is not bad, and his skills are still there."

Qin Jiangyi said angrily: "You are the boss and I am the boss? You just gave me a stove like this?"

Zhong Chenglin laughed beside him and said, "Li Zhu Heng's cook. He is good at cooking, and he is young. There is still room for growth in the future. Mr. Qin should take it. It's not a loss."

"Look, even Mr. Zhong has spoken, what else do you have to say?"

Qin Jiangyi folded her hands angrily, and looked away.

Chu Hao smiled and said, "Old Zhong, why don't you come over and take a seat?"

Zhong Chenglin waved his hands and said, "Hey, I'm too old to sit still." After speaking, he got up, said goodbye and left.

Since Zhong Chenglin promised to help, the music here will not be affected.

But the customer needs the restaurant to come forward and make some explanations.

"Yiyi, let's go to business as usual. If you close the store like this, after a long time, customers will think about it too much. There is no ghost in your heart, right?"

Qin Jiangyi stared at Chu Hao, wanting to scold him, but she still didn't.

Is my nickname also yours?

She snorted: "I know what's going on, just stop talking."

Chu Hao: ...


As the time goes.

Here Le continued to open, and there were not as many customers as before, but here Le avoided this inspection, and the guests also knew that there was nothing wrong here, and those who should come would continue to come, but it was a bit embarrassing to hear that Changqing Building was closed. endlessly.

In the gourmet circle, everyone here in the mountain city is a well-known existence.

It can be said that they are at the same level, because everyone has their own characteristics.

Li Changqing came here quietly and didn't tell anyone. He couldn't talk about his job-hopping from Changqinglou, and he could only mention it later.

But now the problem is a bit serious.

Because of the troubles in the Changqing Building, it slowly fermented on the Internet, and finally grew into a dragon. More and more people paid attention to it, and all kinds of ghosts and monsters came out again...

"Changqing Building? What kind of pheasant restaurant, it's normal for something to happen."

"Damn, the owner of this restaurant is surnamed Zhu. He is not a catering person. He knows shitty food."

"What's the trend now? Any restaurant that comes out will say it's a private kitchen, and the private kitchen has been stigmatized by you guys."

"I've eaten at Changqinglou, a famous one in the mountain city, but I never thought this would happen. Damn it, it's terrible."

"A dead mouse in the cold storage? I want to ask how the mouse got in? It's unreasonable."

"Either they were screwed by others, or their own management loopholes are too large, these two possibilities."

"Hehe, an evergreen house took down the entire mountain city to be buried with him. The relevant departments have been checking food safety every day these days. It's like a big raid. Not only is it targeting their private kitchens, but public restaurants are also severely damaged. "

"That's why I said that it doesn't make sense for a dish to be so expensive. It's better to go to my uncle's barbecue a few more times."

The major platforms began to set off fishing boats.

All kinds of people express their opinions.

There are those who brag, those who watch the excitement, those who demean, and those who follow the trend. They want the government to step up their efforts and investigate severely.

There is also the kind of moral kidnapping, saying that using people's health to make money is really unworthy of a human being.

In fact, ordinary people don't eat any private dishes at all.

To be honest, the essence of private cooking is a private party, and the guests invited are all the guests who are known in the circle, or those who have a good eye and a similar personality, and they are the kind of repeat customers.

But in restaurants like this restaurant, most acquaintances don't have a seat for you to eat.

Of course, Qin Jiangyi basically didn't pay much attention to things on the Internet.

Because Zhu Heng has already sued his opponent to the court, and directly appealed back, saying that this matter was framed by someone, and he is currently collecting evidence to complete the chain, and the other three companies are directly planning to form a joint venture. The funds used are combined in one place to tide over this difficulty.

However, this matter was only a disturbance online, and it did not go offline.

After all, everyone has a good reputation. Who doesn't have some energy? This matter should be brought to light and let them focus on Zhu Heng without affecting their own business.

However, with Zhong Chenglin's guarantee, the business here is still strong, and there are fewer people than before, but this is normal. The people who come are all from the circle. If you don't even have this trust, how can you have the face to come here in the future? Other people's food?

Word-of-mouth will still be somewhat damaged. For those passers-by, the senses of Jianle are not very friendly now.

There are even reporters who want to sneak in, take a few hidden cameras in their hands, try to find some evidence like rat corpses, hair, and spoiled pork here, and take pictures.

Li Changqing happily became the head of the music here.

It only takes one day to change jobs, and he will start working under Yu Yizhou.

Right now, she is staying in the back kitchen with Chu Hao.

"After thinking about it, tell me, Boss Qin's place is just a springboard for you. When you follow me in the future, the flying dragon is in the sky, understand?" Chu Hao raised his eyebrows.

Li Changqing almost scolded him.


After the matter was over, Chu Hao didn't ask any more questions.

Instead, he focused on his own business.

He started to practice knives.

The so-called knife work.

One is knives and chopping boards. Basically, three knives are enough for Chinese food.

The machete is for chopping large bones, ham, ribs and the like.

The chopping knife is generally used to chop poultry with small bones such as chickens, ducks, and rabbits, as well as meat fillings, and ginger and garlic.

Cutters are used the most, and vegetables and meat without bones are generally used.

Chu Hao deliberately chose a larger chopping board, because the big chopping board is more stable, but in the kitchen, a chopping board is generally not used, and a block is used, which is more than 20 centimeters high, like a tree block. If the chopping board feels unstable and keeps shaking, you can Put a veil under the chopping board to make it more stable.

The second is to sharpen the knife.

There are two kinds of whetstones for you to choose from, one is sandstone and the other is oilstone, the sandstone is rough, and the oilstone is smoother and more delicate.

If the knife is too blunt, first use sandstone to grind it roughly, the angle of the blade is sharpened, and then use oilstone to smooth the ground.

According to the teaching on the Internet, the angle between the knife and the whetstone is about 30 degrees, the blade is too thin and brittle, and the blade is too thick and not sharp enough.

Chu Hao took care of the chopping work in the store, but he only used one knife, which was the never-worn kitchen knife given by the system.

I didn't have time to practice before, but now that I have time, I can practice hard.

Chu Hao felt that there were still many aspects of his skills that he had not mastered. Knife skills covered almost all aspects of the chef world. Chu Hao had a system to help him, so there was no need for a whetstone.

What he needs to learn is the sword technique.

It’s enough to know a few knife techniques at the beginning. The straight cut with the vertical knife is clean and neat. Most vegetables are cut by the straight cut method. For softer foods, push cuts are used, such as most meats. Cut straight down, the shape of the meat will be out of shape, push the cutter forward while cutting.

Especially hard things need to be cut with a saw, that is, by pushing and pulling, such as frozen beef, kohlrabi, etc., as well as particularly fragile foods, such as bread, steamed buns...

For squid rolls, squirrel fish, liver and waist stir-fried in some restaurants, the raw materials need to be cut with a flower knife. Generally speaking, each knife should be cut to 3/4 of the raw materials, but it must not be cut, which is more difficult. Great knife skills.

Minced meat, minced ginger and garlic, sometimes more than ten catties at a time, with two knives and left and right hands together. If you are proficient in chopping, you can make the sound of "da-da-da-da-da-da" when the horse's hoof makes a gallop. , the rhythm is particularly dynamic and enjoyable.

Chopping is mainly for big bones. The knife should be raised above the head, and the knife should be chopped down sharply.

I'm afraid of chopping off my fingers.

Every time Chen Ya watched the master practice the knife from behind, her face would jump, for fear that he would cut off her hand, but Chu Hao has [Qian Shen Meditation], his hands are fast and nimble, and he can't pull every knife even if he is not skilled enough. Where to collapse, and grow twice as fast as others.

Chu Hao has a good foundation in talent, and after two weeks of learning how to use a sword, he gradually mastered several kinds of sword techniques.

Later, Liu Shangwu took a look and said, "Your gait is not right, your feet are naturally separated, and your upper body is slightly leaned forward, but don't bend over. The height of the chopping board is about your waist, and your body should be at least one punch away from the chopping board."

Chu Hao looked confused, "Master Liu, can you teach me?"

Liu Shangwu nodded. He usually doesn't like to talk, and he is quite strict, but seeing that Chu Hao can practice well by himself, and some disciples who are just getting started with knife skills, they must be very different from each other. With a love of talents, he saw that his posture of chopping vegetables was too awkward, so he taught him hand in hand.

"Hold the knife in your right hand, bend your thumb naturally, put your left hand on the food, bend your fingers, and put the first knuckle of your middle finger at the front. The knife is lowered vertically, and the height of lifting the knife should never exceed the height of your left middle finger. If you If you can keep this position, theoretically, you will never cut your hand."

"Bull..." Chu Hao suddenly realized.

Liu Shangwu said again: "Take shredded potatoes as an example. Press the potatoes firmly with your left hand. Remember to place the flat side of the potatoes on the chopping board. Use your right hand to cut the knife vertically. The sliced ​​potatoes should be the same thickness from top to bottom. , pay attention to use the wrist force to cut the knife, not the strength of the arm. After cutting a knife, the first joint of the left middle finger should retreat [-] mm to the left. Hey, hey, what are you doing? Don’t really use a ruler to measure it, just rely on your own feelings. Well, you cut the knife again, look at the right side of the knife, and after three or four joint backs, then back the whole left hand a little bit to the left.”

Chu Hao followed the method he taught and executed it meticulously.

Liu Shangwu nodded slightly. Boss Xin Dao Chu is really a talent to make. It's not like I haven't seen his knife skills before, and he really failed.

But this person, with his strengths, must have his weaknesses.

Just like the heat of the barbecue and his kneading and rolling skills, that is a level that he can't even catch up with when riding a horse.

Liu Shangwu was still wondering, Boss Chu's partiality was too serious.

Not long after, Chu Hao had already cut 1/3 of the potatoes. He laid the sliced ​​surface flat on the chopping board and continued to cut. After cutting into slices, he laid them flat and stacked them, and cut them into shreds in the same way.

Chu Hao practiced cutting potatoes for another week.

He himself has the skill of [Sword Art Inheritance: Slicing], and this ability has provided him with a lot of help in practicing knife skills.

Then I started to practice cutting meat on the first day of the following week.

The reason why the meat is difficult to cut is that it is relatively soft and easy to run off. When cutting the meat, press the left hand a little more firmly, push the knife forward and then lower the knife, be decisive, and turn the knife to the right after cutting. The good piece of meat just fell off.

Of course, less hard frozen meat is much easier to cut.

Chu Hao found that after 90% of a piece of meat is cut, a small lump is left at the end, which is the most difficult to cut. Here we need to use the technique of slicing, which can square the meat, and the knife is also parallel to the chopping board. Pushing and pulling to cut like this is called film, the technology is more difficult.

Liu Shangwu nodded while pointing, very gratified: "Boss Chu has a strong comprehension ability. An apprentice like you is popular everywhere. The master likes it the most. Of course, practice makes perfect. Knife is a skill. After practicing the hand feel, the knife skills will not be good."

Chu Hao asked him: "Master Liu, how did you practice back then?"

Liu Shangwu recalled at the beginning, "I cut it seriously. Cutting vegetables is a very boring thing. It is easy to get distracted. While chopping vegetables, chatting with one's mind and so on. Of course, in addition to being easy to cut, There is no harm, but if you want to cut vegetables well, you must also be serious. When cutting vegetables, focus on both hands, and you will quickly find the feel, and the most important thing is to maintain the feel. You have to cut it often, if you don’t cut it for a long time, you will forget it, and you will be seriously rusty.”

Chu Hao listened carefully.

"People with good talent, like you, learn by yourself, and you can quickly understand it. I just taught you for two weeks. You see, you already have the level of being a teacher. If you practice more, you can become a master." Master."

Chu Hao has black hair, is it really okay to flatter the boss like this?Don't think I can't hear you.

Chen Ya's eyes glowed beside him: "Master is so good! I will practice privately when I go back, but I am still too unfamiliar. Master, you have only been practicing for a long time, and you are so proficient. Is this really a matter of talent?"

Chu Hao took a look at her, and he could tell at a glance that this girl was also flattering her.

She definitely didn't practice when she went back in private.

Because of the stickers, Chen Ya's talent is slightly inferior to her own. If she practiced seriously, her growth rate would never be so slow. At least, in about two or three weeks, she would be able to reach the same level as Chu Hao. .

Liu Shangwu nodded and smiled: "It's mainly a feeling. If you can find it directly, practice fast; if you can't find it, practice slowly. Use all your energy to do only one thing. Practice makes perfect. These four words must be must remember."

Both Chu Hao and Chen Ya nodded.

There is a saying in the chef world that seven points of knife skills, three points of fire skills. Chu Hao's fire skills are back to his original nature, but knife skills are a newbie who have just started. Knife skills play a vital role in the success or failure of a dish.

(End of this chapter)

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