From a barbecue stand to a global gourmet tycoon

Chapter 176 Special props!Are you going to start a sect?

Chapter 176 Special props!Are you going to start a sect?

The success of the pig's blood soup made Chu Hao gradually shift his focus.

Breakfast staples are divided into four categories.

Noodles, noodles, rice, soup.

These categories can be studied slowly in the future.

Chu Hao has now mastered the mature pastry skills. If he wants to expand to the other three categories, he needs to spend a lot of effort in private, and this is also inseparable from the help of the system.

The system is his great blessing.

[Lottery successful]
[Acquisition: (Opening a School: Inheritance)]
[Project description: You will get ten stickers. The stickers will give others food talents that do not exceed the skills you have mastered in your hands. It will help you teach more outstanding geniuses. Ability to comprehend, skills and micro-manipulation will be greatly improved, but this will determine the upper limit of the apprentice's growth based on his own talent level, please use it properly!Note: stickers can be withdrawn at any time, and those who lose stickers will no longer have genius qualifications and return to ordinary life. ]

Chu Hao took a breath of cold air.

This prop...

It's a bit against the sky.

He had always hated the fact that his apprentice had poor talent.

Wang Wanxuan and Zhang Zhihao's performance at the barbecue was indeed unsatisfactory.

It hindered Chu Hao's dream of laying down the money equally.

And now.

The system helped him take this dream one step further.


The function of this prop lies with others, not oneself.

People who are pasted with stickers will increase their talent for gourmet food. Of course, this increase is based on the apprentice's own talent to determine the upper limit. People with high talents will put stickers on them. Under careful teaching, he will The blue is better than the blue, not weaker than the master.

And people with low talent, after putting on stickers, can also achieve a career, take charge of their own, and learn skilled crafts.

The most awesome is.

Stickers can be recycled.

This eliminates the possibility of the master being betrayed by the apprentice.

The initiative was placed in Chu Hao's hands.

He swallowed.

Look at the stickers on the panel.

The style is very ordinary, black circular stickers.

Chu Hao really wanted to try it out as soon as possible.

So he looked at the three apprentices who were following Luo Zheng to make buns.

He Dongdong, Wang Wanxuan, Zhang Zhihao.

The three of them arrived as early as possible.

Until now, I am still learning how to make buns.

He Dongdong has made good progress and is becoming more and more proficient, while Wang Wanxuan and Zhang Zhihao are still in their infancy, and they will be scolded bloody by Luo Zheng almost every day.


Their talents are really average.

Not just BBQ.

The pastry did not show any outstanding comprehension.

Chu Hao walked aside calmly.

Quietly pasted the sticker on Wang Wanxuan's back.

The moment the sticker is pasted, it disappears visibly to the naked eye.

The sticker itself is not big, only half a slap in size, very inconspicuous.

Chu Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

The stickers will disappear under the action, so they are not afraid of being torn off by themselves.

He also put stickers on the backs of Zhang Zhihao and He Dongdong one after another.

That moment.

The three apprentices... Well, it doesn't seem to have any effect.

But Chu Hao was observing secretly.

The whole morning, he stayed at the noodle table, being an excellent bystander, and handed over the task of making glutinous rice to his mother first.

Jiang Qin also wanted her son to rest for one more day, so she tried to let him do as little work as possible.

Chu Hao spent the entire morning being the sixth child so easily.

under his observation.

Indeed, the effects are slowly playing out.

While the three of them felt nothing, He Dongdong began to gradually speed up.

The technique of making buns has also become much more skillful.

Seeing this, Luo Zheng praised her a few times, "You performed well today, and your condition is not bad, but your fingers are a little too hard, you have to follow the movements of pinching flowers, look at me."

He Dongdong glanced at Luo Zheng's practice.

Immediately, it was copied perfectly.

Luo Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly, "Huh? Not bad, not bad. I actually learned it after teaching it once today."

For his only female apprentice, Luo Zheng was still very kind. He smiled and encouraged her a few words, then turned to look at Wang Wanxuan and Zhang Zhihao with a stern face, and stomped on her, "Look at her, you..."

Not finished yet.

Luo Zheng froze on the spot.

The technique she taught He Dongdong just now was also copied perfectly by Wang Wanxuan and Zhang Zhihao!

Wang Wanxuan smiled slightly, "Master Luo, I will too."

Zhang Zhihao showed a smile beside him, triumphantly, "This technique is a bit simple, and it is not difficult compared to the previous ones."

Luo Zheng: ...

What's going on today?

Luo Zheng raised his head and glanced at Chu Hao.

Chu Hao, who was the sixth child standing not far away, also rolled his eyes with a smile, "That's right, you didn't embarrass Master Luo today."

The three apprentices all showed pleasant smiles.

Today's performance is indeed better than before.

Possibly a good night's sleep?Maybe it's eating well?Possibly energetic?Or good luck today?
There will always be days when people feel that everything is going smoothly, they can eat fish without fear of getting stuck on thorns, pick up money while walking, and finish their work in one go without stopping.

Well, there are always those days when God is blessing us.

But Chu Hao was already very shocked.

The effect is obvious.

If it had been done before, they wouldn't have learned so quickly.

I believe that as time goes by, they will also find that they will learn faster and faster.

In this way, the day of leaving the teacher is not far away.

Wouldn't it be great to rush out to open a branch store and divide the shares by myself?



The first batch of bacon leaves the factory.

Cooperating with Qin Jiangyi's plan, sales began to gradually open up in the mountain city.

Chu Hao originally had domestic sales channels for chicken and chili peppers, so naturally the bacon went smoothly after leaving the factory, and the factory produced another general who was good at fighting, which added a lot of money to Chu Hao.

With the accumulation of word-of-mouth of Chushi, the guests are very satisfied with this kind of pure natural smoked bacon.

But the price is still relatively expensive, reaching a high price of 83 yuan per catty.

It's a hard sell.

Fortunately, Chu Hao's breakfast shop also needs bacon as an ingredient, so he can eat part of it.

But still a drop in the bucket.

Qin Jiangyi called to comfort Chu Hao, word of mouth must slowly accumulate.

On the contrary, the first effect is the best, and the tough battle is afterward.

Although it tastes good and is purely natural, the price still deters many customers from purchasing it.

Many people only eat the taste of bacon. The cheapest bacon from Dachang is more than 20 yuan per pound, so not too many people buy it.

You can reach more than 80 yuan per catty.

The threshold for consumption is too high.

Customers who have no money in their pockets will not choose this product.

Even in the popular impression, bacon is best smoked at home, so many people don't trust the bacon bought outside.

But after there is a marketing plan, craftsmanship control, and quality assurance, what matters more is word-of-mouth. But no matter how good your reputation is, if your bacon is going to be popular, it still depends on luck.

Chu Hao could only sigh.

Sales of bacon are not satisfactory.

The second batch of bacon shipped out of the factory was indeed hit by Qin Jiangyi, and the sales volume was not very good, but at least it was no problem to save money.

The accumulation of word-of-mouth is not only the accumulation of time and your hard-earned money, but more often you need to burn money and take a long-term journey.

Qin Jiangyi also came up with a plan, "If you really can't do it, you can launch a new product and share the cost of bacon. It's also possible."

Chu Hao smiled wryly and said, "You think it's very simple, why don't you figure it out by yourself."

Qin Jiangyi: "Then just be patient. It's impossible to make short-term profits. The current results are already very good. You have to learn to accept it."

Chu Hao smiled and said, "It's not that I can't accept it..."

Maybe one day the system will show its power and the cost will be reduced.

The factory only needs to be responsible for packaging and shipping.

But even if there are such props or mods, if you want to use them, you can't hide it from Qin Jiangyi.

At that time, I have to make up a reason to fool her.

The sales problem of bacon had a big impact on Chu Hao's mood, and the excitement of getting new items gradually faded away.

The apprentices have performed extremely well these days.

Chen Xian and Lin Ran learned most of the ingredients on the menu.

They already have the foundation.

What's missing is that flash of inspiration.

After being pasted with stickers, this layer of window paper was quickly torn apart.

The control of the temperature has reached a new level.

The understanding of barbecue has also deepened a lot.

Coupled with Chu Hao's tireless guidance, she grew up very quickly.

They can even get started quickly with a few grilled items that are very popular with heat, and occasionally they can fool the few gourmets in the store.

One time, Guo Yujing came to the door with river crabs. Chu Hao kept it in mind and divided it into two portions. One portion was baked by himself and the other was given to Chen Xian.

Guo Yujing didn't notice the difference.

Another time, the butter roasted by Lin Ran himself also conquered those tricky guests. They really thought it was roasted by Chu Hao, and kept giving their thumbs up after eating.

Chu Hao was also relieved.

Chen Xian and Lin Ran have been able to stand alone.

Let them officially go to the stove, and Chu Hao recruited a few waiters again to fill the gap between Wang Wanxuan and Zhang Zhihao.

There are more people in the breakfast shop.

There is a special waiter, two master chefs, three apprentices in the kitchen, and even Jiang Qin comes in person.

But at the barbecue restaurant, there were fewer people and it was a bit busy.

The limelight of the documentary has not yet passed, so Chu Hao took advantage of the opportunity to recruit four or five waitress sisters.

Let Lin Ran and Chen Xian completely enter the kitchen to work.

Believe it after a while.

Chu Hao doesn't even need to manage the barbecue restaurant anymore, he only needs to go over occasionally to have a look. With their own ability, they can make the guests return home full of food and drink.


However, the popularity of barbecue restaurants has aroused the jealousy of some people.

On this day, Chu Hao was sitting in the back kitchen, supervising his apprentice's barbecue.

He was holding a cattail fan in his hand, drinking a cup of tea and playing with his mobile phone.

At this time, the door curtain was opened.

"Master Chu!"

Hearing someone calling him, Chu Hao turned his head and saw that the person who came was the landlord of the shop next door.

This landlord rented the shop to Chu Hao after the previous owner stopped working and left. It was rented at half price before, but now that owner stopped working, the price returned to the original price after subletting.


During this period of time, barbecue restaurants are very popular.

Even alarming the landlord, he would occasionally come over to have fun, and Chu Hao confiscated his money on purpose.

After all, Chu Hao still thinks that peace is the most important thing.

And he didn't always take advantage of it, he came here once in a while with a gift in his hand.

But today.

But the comer is not good.

The kitchen is an important area and should not be intruded upon by other people.

So Chu Hao walked out of the shop with him and stood near the arbor to talk.

The landlord's name is Chen Tielong.

Mountain native.

The family is quite rich, and they are demolition households. After getting the money, they bought seven or eight shops around the mountain city and rented them out. His family also took a few houses, which is a typical demolition charter company.

It is extremely comfortable to live by collecting rent every day.

Sometimes Chu Hao envied this kind of person.

But sometimes he thinks, if he really has money to retire, wouldn't the system be useless?
Feels like it's wasted.

It is better to continue to focus on catering and practice your skills.

Chen Tielong smiled and gave Chu Hao a cigarette.

Chu Hao shook his head and said no.

Only then did Chen Tielong light it for himself, and said with a smile, "Master Chu's business is good."

"Hehe, thanks to you." Chu Hao smiled and said, "Brother Chen, come over when you are free? Would you like some food?"

Chen Tielong shook his head and said with a smile: "I just finished eating, so I just stopped by to go home and come to see what's going on here."

He turned his head to look at the hot scenery outside the store, and said with a smile: "I watched the documentary, Master Chu is a successful person, he has well-trained skills, and has a good reputation. I still have a few shops that I rent out to do business. Master did better."

"It's all luck." Chu Hao didn't deny it either.

Because successful people will say it is luck, not attributable to their own ability, this is just a modest statement.

Chu Hao felt that Chen Tielong's visit this time might have a purpose.


Chen Tielong smiled and said: "Recently, business is difficult, the general environment is not good, the economy is down, and something happened to my family. An elder got cancer and needs to be admitted to the hospital for treatment. It will cost a lot of money, so... Master Chu , I would like to increase the rent."

Chu Hao pouted secretly.

to be frank.

Your parents' cancer has nothing to do with me.

The rent is already very high now.

Chu Hao didn't say anything.

But you still have to go up, which is a bit unreasonable.

Chu Hao looked around, "Brother Chen, to be honest, you can go to any shop nearby and ask about it. My rent is the highest. It's nothing compared to it. If you want to raise it now, my little one will I'm afraid the store can't afford it."

Chen Tielong smiled and said: "Master Chu, please take care of me. I can't help it. This is not the only shop under my name that has grown. I can't ignore my elders when they are sick. Master Chu's business is so good, and his daily turnover is probably more than 10 yuan." Bar……"

Chu Hao frowned.

Chen Tielong waved his hand and said: "This matter is settled like this. The price will increase next month. I won't talk to you about the relationship between the two of us. Besides, the price increase is not limited to your family. The current environment It’s not good, it’s the truth, Master Chu, please bear with me!”

The corner of Chu Hao's mouth twitched.

"Prices are already high now," he said.

Chen Tielong nodded: "I know, but everyone has nothing to do, or...Master Chu will stop renting, and change the shop?"

(End of this chapter)

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