From a barbecue stand to a global gourmet tycoon

Chapter 173 Community marketing plan, the effect is outstanding!

Chapter 173 Community marketing plan, the effect is outstanding!
It didn't take long.

Qin Jiangyi called.

"The documentary is okay, have you watched it?"

Chu Hao: "I'm watching it with Xiaolu."

"So, now the first episode of this movie has just been released, and it's our barbecue restaurant. I have planned a lot of marketing plans here. Can you spare some time to talk about it?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the factory."

Chu Hao: "Well, how about you come over? Xiaolu is here too, and he happens to have something to eat in my store, and we can talk while eating."

There was silence for a while, "Okay."

It's not that far apart anyway.

Qin Jiangyi drove the car, and this time he took Chen Yuxin with him, whom he had not seen for a long time.

She has hardly changed, except that there are more dark circles under her eyes. After being transferred to Chu Hao's factory, she clearly agreed that it would be easier, but the boss directly participated in the management, which made her more tired than before. She shook hands with the shopkeeper, and didn't know how to help her share it.

So when he came in and looked at Chu Hao, his eyes were more resentful.

Chu Hao's mouth twitched, "Yuxin, thank you for your hard work."

Chen Yuxin shook her head and sighed, "It's all working for the boss, it's not hard work."

Chu Hao and Qin Jiangyi looked at each other, Qin Jiangyi sneered and said, "Don't pay attention to her, I gave her a bonus."

Chen Yuxin: ...

Chu Hao: ...

Lu Chenyu smiled and said, "Jiang Yi, what do you think of the documentary?"

Qin Jiangyi smiled and said, "That's right, especially when you two were throwing dog food, I guess many people wanted to come along the network cable and kill you two."

Lu Chenyu: ...

She blushed, put her arms around Chu Hao's arm, and fell on his shoulder.

Actually, she didn't do anything.

Ahem, chatting is of course normal, but after cutting it in, there is no Li Xiaoqing's voice, and Chu Hao is talking on the screen, and Lu Chenyu is coquettish and stabbing his waist from time to time.

However, Lu Chenyu was actually very proud when all the netizens spread dog food on the Internet.

At least, this is the national audience!


the other end.

Qin Jiangyi took out some documents and showed them to Chu Hao.

"You should take a look at these plans first. I have already arranged them for you. Every step has been calculated and calculated through cooperation. There is no problem."

Chu Hao nodded.

This document is not just a plan.

It is a series of punches combined with various solutions. After this set is completed, a bundled sales ecological framework for community marketing will be built.

After that, you just need to keep adding bricks and tiles to it.

Among them is not only the independent marketing of barbecue restaurants, but also the marketing plan of factory chicken chili and bacon.

Some of them made Chu Hao nod frequently.

For example, in terms of drinks, Qin Jiangyi organized a 30 yuan recharge event for 100 bottles. After the guests arrive, they can save the unfinished drinks and drink them slowly. In this way, the flow of repeat customers will increase. After all, the guests Thinking about storing wine in your store and not drinking and wasting it, you will naturally come back again.

This method is used by many barbecue restaurants, which is very common.

Another example is to apply for a membership card, give some discounts to repeat customers, and use the mechanism of member holding cards to increase the stickiness of repeat customers. The fear of this method is that the store will not open, and the top-up will run away, just a wave of bad money, but The uncle's word of mouth is here, it is impossible to run away.

It’s a bit like a gym or a barber shop. You charge a thousand dollars, but before you go there a few times, the shop is notified to close down, and you run away with the money, and you have no place to cry.

There are other options as well.

For example, if guests share the posters and copywriting of Chu Shi BBQ, they can enjoy the activity of eating oysters for one dollar.

Qin Jiangyi even made a poster here, it was all gaudy.

"The big head of social marketing lies in the circle of friends. If we allow customers to advertise in the circle of friends, the chain reaction will continue to spread outward. Coupled with the free ride of this documentary, it should have very good results."

Chu Hao scratched his head: "Will you lose money if you play like this?"

Qin Jiangyi smiled and said, "You don't believe me?"

Chu Hao: "That's not true, I'm afraid you won't be able to grasp the car and roll over."

Qin Jiangyi rolled his eyes, and Lu Chenyu was also holding the document to read beside him. Hearing this, he chuckled, "Leave it to Jiangyi, I think it's fine."

Qin Jiangyi: "See, your daughter-in-law nodded, what else do you have to say?"

Chu Hao shrugged, "I don't care, anyway, the cornerstone of our store is the reputation accumulated in the past, as well as the new baked products that are constantly launched, as well as my craftsmanship. As long as I can hold on, you will be overturned , our store will not close down."

Qin Jiang's hair was black.

But think carefully.

Although what Chu Hao said was simple, it was the greatest truth.

Word of mouth, taste, and freshness.

This is Chu Hao's advantage, which cannot be copied by other stores.

How many restaurants are there now, forgetting their original intention?
Only the taste and the reputation of the ingredients can retain old customers and make the store go further.

Looking at which century-old brand has not come this way?
It's just... the society is too complicated now, and even a century-old brand may go bankrupt, so you must not ignore marketing.

Because, there are also many people who play this game and become bigger and stronger. They don't taste very good, but they make a lot of money.

The most obvious example, isn't it those imported fast food?
Talked about the plan for a while.

Chu Hao also chatted with Qin Jiangyi about other things.

"I have some new inspirations at the breakfast shop and I want to discuss it with you. You have a lot of experience, so help me analyze it. Now our shop has too few staple foods. I'm going to launch some soup dishes. What do you think?"

"What kind of soup?" Qin Jiangyi asked.

Chu Hao said with a smile: "At first it was a problem with the source of the goods. They couldn't sell the pig offal. I saw that they were all fresh, so I was a little tempted. I planned to make the whole pig's blood soup and get some Chinese herbs."

Qin Jiangyi asked: "Have you studied it?"

Chu Hao: "My mother is good at this. I will learn from her when the time comes. The traditional pig blood soup is made with wolfberry leaves, motherwort or pearl cauliflower."

Chu Hao talked to Qin Jiangyi about the steps.

The communication between insiders can be so detailed that Qin Jiangyi can judge whether it is suitable or not just by listening to the score.

Use large intestines, powdered sausages, pig lungs, pig livers, lean meat, and fresh pig blood bought that day, which feels firm to the touch and bright red in color. Pig blood is as tender as tofu. After solidification, cut into pieces. Do not boil it, otherwise it will float and there will be small air bubbles. The main flavor is to use fish sauce and pepper to remove the smell of pig blood, add some front fence meat on the back of the pig neck, and cut into small pieces.

"I was thinking, let the guests come here early in the morning to drink a little vegetable soup and eat a few pieces of pig blood, and the stomach will be very comfortable, and we add Chinese herbal medicine, which should be very popular with the elderly, because the breakfast shop is full of older people. There are more guests, all of them are old men and aunts."

Qin Jiangyi tapped the table with her fingers, and suddenly smiled lightly, "Your mother knows a little bit more, do you know where you learned it from?"

"I probably learned it from my grandfather..."

Qin Jiangyi: "This is the way in Guangdong. People in Shantou have this pig's blood soup on their breakfast table."

"Do people from the mountain city buy it?" Chu Hao asked.

"You try it, isn't it possible to buy it at a low price from the source of goods? The cost is also low, so let's try it."

"to make."

Afterwards, Qin Jiangyi remembered something again, "There will be a dinner party recently, organize it at my house, and you will go too."

Chu Hao pointed at himself, and was taken aback for a moment.

Qin Jiangyi: "You can take Xiao Lu there, some friends in the circle, they are more trying to save my face, and I will take this opportunity to introduce you out to get to know each other."

Chu Hao was suddenly moved.

This matter was agreed by Qin Jiangyi at the beginning. He wanted to bring Chu Hao into the circle and introduce some people in the gourmet circle. At the beginning, because Chu Hao's shop was not mature enough, he never thought about it. Now that the documentary is out, When it's hot, the opportunity comes.

In the past, I mainly didn’t know how to introduce it.

Now that Chu Hao is introduced, he is already famous.

Director Li is often a guest, and the barbecue restaurant that Thumbs has praised, those people are afraid that they will all look at Chu Hao highly.


time flies.

After the social marketing plan is released.

Sure enough, it made the store more popular.

Especially recently, with the ride of the documentary, some customers who could not come back before have become repeat customers with the help of the marketing plan, especially the rapid growth of the wine marketing, which is directly visible to the naked eye.

Chu Hao himself has a high-viscosity fan base, and if he bundles it with social marketing, the effect will be multiplied several times, which is very scary.

The daily running water has increased to nearly 30w.

As Qin Jiangyi said, this plan seems to give customers a discount, but in fact there are many ways to do it, and it is more profitable than before, which makes Chu Hao admire Qin Jiangyi's management ability very much.

In terms of passenger flow, there are more tourists from other places, which was rarely seen before.

It's not that there are no tourists here in the university town, but the conversion rate is too low, there is no intensive publicity, and there are only a handful of people who recommend it in time.

But during this time, more and more tourists came to the university town from all over the mountain city. Seventy-eight percent of them came for the three words "uncle brother", and the entire North Street became tourists. special session.

The big dragon lined up again.

After dark every day, tourists who have played all day don't go to Hongya Cave, Three Gorges, Chaotianmen, Guanyin Bridge, but to University City.

Every guest, seeing Chu Shi BBQ, is both unfamiliar and familiar.

The Chu Shi barbecue in the lens has a filter.

In reality, there is a bit more fireworks and ground.

But the only thing that remains the same is the taste and quality of the barbecue restaurant, as well as Chu Hao's handsome appearance.

"Boss, you are so handsome!"

"Can you sign your autograph for me? We came here specially from Shandong!"

"Boss, we are from Hainan and want to try your three kinds of beef!"

"Boss! Let's take a photo together!"

"I'm here to see the proprietress, where is the proprietress?"

"Boss, are you really married? What a pity!"

He Dongdong was sitting on the cash register with a dazed expression on his face. There was a long line of customers entering the door from the outside. Many customers did not order food, but took pictures. They did not want to barbecue, but the boss. He Dongdong felt very novel, she I can see the boss every day, so although I know the boss is handsome, he doesn't have that much sense of surprise, but these tourists are different, of course, mainly because Chu Hao looks exactly the same as the one on the camera.

As we all know, there are two different things on camera and in reality.

Chu Hao's face is so aggressive, which meets the needs of a group of female tourists.

It's a pity that Lu Chenyu was hidden by Chu Hao, and those male tourists could only yell that it's a pity that they couldn't see the proprietress they had been longing for.

After a period of amazement and satisfaction, the rest is to rely on the taste of the baked goods to grab these guests.

"Damn, this skewer is too delicious!"

"The reputation is well-deserved! Li Dao Niu approves!"

"Boss looks so young, did this master craftsman teach you?"

"My hometown is in southern Xinjiang. I really... cried to death about this corn and sheep intestines! It's so authentic!"

"Isn't this our Jiangcheng's fried rice? It's also available here? Damn, it's even better than the one below my neighborhood!"

The guests were violently satisfied.

In addition to these, the new baked goods in the black shop are Tan sheep from Ningxia.

Chu Hao took the goat's hooves to roast, and the depilation must be done with fire. The easy-to-use caustic soda hair removal is absolutely unnecessary. Cut it into six or seven centimeters, peel off the goat's hooves, and the white hair follicles hidden between the fingers are poisonous, so they must be cleaned. The string should be worn along the seam of the meat, running up and down, so that it will not fall off easily when grilling, and it will be easy to cook.

There are also garlic lamb's feet, stewed in a pot of old soup, and the lamb's feet are boiled for four hours, topped with garlic and vinegar. Elasticity, it can be removed from the fire at a subtle moment between burnt and mushy, and it can also be seasoned with secret cumin powder, chili powder, and salt, which is a must.

However, this baked product is not suitable for the elderly, because it is really not chewy.

It is only suitable for those hungry customers who are as hungry as wolves and tigers, enjoying a refreshing meal, holding their hooves while gnawing, and taking a sip of draft beer at the same time.

Except sheep's feet.

Chu Hao also used his fresh lamb chops.

First use high fire to lock the water, wait until the color of the meat becomes darker, turn to low heat, sprinkle evenly with secret cumin, chili powder, and salt, and turn it over slowly to make it taste, the taste of the skin, the elasticity of the tendons, and the burnt aroma of roasting. The bitterness returns to sweetness.

Like the kind of big tendon that connects the bones, tear it off in one bite, and pour a whole glass of cold beer, it's comfortable.

The ribs are the fine parts of the lamb. They are cut separately, sprinkled with salt and cumin to marinate, no flour is needed, and eggs are added to stir. Lamb chops are the first choice for grilling meat. The existence of iron racks makes lamb chops heat It is more uniform, and it also forms more crispy and delicious skins, which are charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

The meat is fat, big, refreshing to eat, ordered by catty, big pieces are put on skewers, the seasoning is Xunhua pepper, thin skin and thick meat, full grains, not high in spiciness, but rich in fragrance, ground into chili noodles and made into secret Made hot sauce, mellow and lubricated, poured on the lamb chops, it can neutralize the fatness of the sheep oil, and can also assist the sweetness of the lamb, so that the lean meat is moist and not sticky, and the fat meat is fragrant but not greasy. The hot sauce will not burn the mouth and chew It has a strong fragrance.

The steps of processing Tan sheep were done by Chu Hao himself today, and he did not leave it to the Lishiji kitchen, which has a heavy workload. He has enough time to marinate, stew, and train the sheep's feet to be obedient and obedient, so that the guests can eat happily Chic.

(End of this chapter)

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