The Heavens: From Naruto to Piercing the World

Chapter 222 011, Pirate Alliance

Chapter 222 011, Pirate Alliance

"Ah?" Wei Gui Jiu Riyan was taken aback, then turned to look at the person behind him.

There is no doubt that this guy is a time traveler, and he is trying to connect with himself.

Weigui Jiu Riyan didn't answer the conversation immediately, but Shi Zi looked at the other party with a puzzled face.

He was thinking about whether he should agree or not.

In fact, he tends to agree. After all, his original purpose is to see what the traversers are. If the other party forms an alliance like Jia Zuo and Han Xing in the world of Ultraman Tiga, then there is no doubt that he will join the other party with a secret signal. is the best way.

Seeing the puzzled look on the face of Jiu Riyan, the ghost, the other party didn't say much, only thinking that Jiu Riyan, the ghost, was not a time traveler, so he said, "Ah, I'm sorry, I mistook someone."

"The pagoda suppresses the river demon." Just as the other party turned around, the voice of Weigui Jiu Riyan came from behind him.

"Oh! You too!" The other party looked obviously excited.

Wei Gui Jiu Riyan nodded, and the man smiled and said, "I thought you were not when you kept silent!"

"You came here so suddenly, of course I hesitate." Weigui Jiuriyan explained, "It won't be the first time for you to participate in the multiplayer world."

"Of course I am not." The man said, "But you are right to be cautious, but I came too suddenly."

After finishing speaking, the other party continued: "My name is Lin Wangyou, what do you call me?"

"Nine Sun Flames, a ghost."

"Neon Man?"

"That's it."

"The Neon people can still connect with the stalks of the Celestial Dynasty. The way is quite wild."

"Uh, although I have a neon name, I am actually from the Celestial Dynasty."


"People from the Celestial Dynasty don't lie to people from the Celestial Dynasty."

"Okay, I believe you." Lin Wangyou said, "Your name is too long, so I will call you Jiu Ri Yan."

Wei Gui Jiu Riyan nodded and said, "It's easy."

"Come with me, and I'll introduce you to other people."

"Anyone else?"

"Naturally then." Lin Wangyou said.

Wei Gui Jiu Riyan was secretly happy, he didn't expect things to go so smoothly, on the surface he said calmly: "If that's the case, let's go and have a look, I also want to see how many people there are."

Lin Wangyou didn't say much, and made a gesture of invitation to Weigui Jiuriyan, and Weigui Jiuriyan followed him away. The welcome party was originally an opportunity for newcomers to communicate with the old people, coming and going It's very normal to go, so it won't attract people's attention to go straight away.

Walking halfway, Weigui Jiu Riyan said: "Speaking of which, you just dragged me over like this, aren't you afraid that I may have problems?"

Lin Wangyou said: "If you meet in other worlds, you will be afraid, but it doesn't matter here."

"How to say?"

"Here, who has no strength."

Wei Gui Jiu Riyan smiled helplessly when he heard the words, and didn't ask any more questions.

Rather, he was thinking too much.

In such a world, those who dare to make noise here are those with some strength, and those with strength are often arrogant and believe that they can solve everything with strength, so naturally they don't care about other people's small actions.

Of course, in this case, it is impossible to have complete trust between each other.

It's good that they can form an alliance and help each other.

Soon, Lin Wangyou brought Wei Gui Jiu Riyan to the place, there were quite a few people here, Wei Gui Jiu Riyan glanced at them, most of them were newcomers at the welcome meeting.

Sure enough, all the people joining at this time are time-travelers?

"Oh? This is another newcomer." Someone in the crowd noticed the movement here and said.

"It's Lin Wangyou and Weigui Jiuriyan." Someone recognized the two and said.

Lin Wangyou brought Weigui Jiuriyan to the crowd and introduced: "The demon god Weigui Jiuriyan, you should all have heard of it."

"It's like thunder."

"This guy is very high-profile."

Wei Gui Jiu Riyan didn't speak, and someone in the crowd clapped his hands and said: "Okay, everyone is here, so we won't talk too much. You all come from the same place, and each has its own strength. Everyone joined the Whitebeard Pirates a few days ago, so I will temporarily host this party."

Naturally, everyone had no objection to his words. As the first time traveler to join the Whitebeard Pirates, it was thanks to him that these people could gather together.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Fang Jingzhe. You can call me Jingzhe." Fang Jingzhe paused and said, "Some of you here already know each other, but in order to take care of the newcomers, let's introduce ourselves first."

After finishing speaking, Fang Jingzhe looked at the person on his right and motioned for him to introduce himself.

The man didn't hesitate, and said directly: "My name is Fram."

"My name is Sakura Inoue."


After a circle, the introductions were completed, and the committee member Jiu Riyan secretly remembered their names in his heart. He did this only to match people up.

These people are all veterans, so naturally they won't reveal any extra information, and the information that can be obtained from just one name is very limited.

After finishing all this, Fang Jingzhe said: "Okay, everyone is acquainted now. Now we are all working together in the Whitebeard Pirates. We are from the same place and should help each other. So I suggest that we set up a pirate force here. Alliance... I think everyone should be a pirate force."

People from other forces can also join other camps on the surface without changing the real power, and the system will judge them as undercover agents.

This is the case with the Nine Suns Flame.

Fang Jingzhe's words elicited a burst of laughter, even if someone was really an undercover agent, he would naturally not admit it.

This kind of thing ends, Fang Jingzhe continued: "In any case, our Pirate Force Alliance is definitely going to be established. If we are all in a mess, it will be difficult to confront the navy and the world government. I think everyone will agree. I don’t want to lose to those guys in the World Government.”

Everyone nodded, and Fang Jingzhe continued: "Now, let's tentatively designate a leader of the Pirate Force Alliance—this position is very important, so we can only temporarily take over for now."

Without the slightest hesitation, most people agree with Fang Jingzhe as the temporary leader. After all, he gathered everyone together little by little, and he deserves this title.

Fang Jingzhe did not refuse, and nodded to everyone, saying: "Since everyone trusts me, then I will not refuse, I will temporarily take the position of leader, and then I will step down when there is a more suitable candidate. "

After finishing speaking, Fang Jingzhe continued: "Now, I have an idea to discuss with you."

"Everyone has joined the Whitebeard Pirates now, but there is more than one pirate group in the New World. There should be many people like us in the Four Emperors' pirate groups, and they may have formed an alliance. "

"So, I would like to ask everyone to find a way to leave the Whitebeard Pirates, contact the other members of the Four Emperors Pirates, form an alliance with them, and then help each other, gradually master the Four Emperors Pirates from the bottom, so that It is good to deal with the future top war!"

(End of this chapter)

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