The Heavens: From Naruto to Piercing the World

Chapter 18 018, Taking care of Naruto and improving strength

Chapter 18 018, Taking care of Naruto and improving strength
"Shadow Clone! Where is the person!"


The voice came from behind, and when Sarutobi Shinnosuke turned his head, he saw a blue light rushing towards him on the ground.

Lei Dun, go!

Another ninjutsu that comes with the system.

"There!" Wei Xuyan's position was exposed by the ground walk, and Sarutobi Shinnosuke threw the shuriken in the direction where the ground walk came from.

The ground walk was blocked by Sarutobi Shinnosuke with the earth flow wall, and two shurikens flew towards Sarutobi Shinnosuke, one left and one right.Sarutobi Shin's assistant Zhong Kuai interrupted the shuriken with a wave. At this time, Wei Xuyan rushed up again, the thunder in his hand flashed, and the ear-piercing birdsong pierced the night.

"So fast!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke couldn't dodge at all, he could only watch helplessly as he was penetrated by Wei Xuyan's Chidori!
Sarutobi Shinnosuke's body turned into a cloud of smoke, Wei Xuyan's hand was inserted into a wooden stake, and on the wooden stake, a detonating talisman made a crackling sound with sparks.

"not good!"


The detonating symbol exploded, stirring up a lot of smoke and dust, and Sarutobi Shinnosuke appeared not far away with a sneer on his face.

"Even if you become Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, you are still a Chunin after all."

In his vision, the first Earth Long Spear should have eliminated Wei Xuyan, but at that time his ninjutsu was in a hurry, and he didn't have time to observe whether Wei Xuyan was a shadow clone, so there was a single operation to kill a shadow clone Case.

However, that attack also let him know Wei Xuyan's general method, which was convenient for him to formulate future tactics.

The opponent is a ninja who is good at using shadow avatars. Regardless of the Kyuubi, his combat effectiveness is barely touching the edge of the ninja.

Ordinary jounin is no match for him at all, so all he has to beware of is a shadow clone.

When Wei Xuyan used Chidori to rush up this time, Sarutobi Shinnosuke had carefully confirmed that the other party was not a shadow clone, so he decisively set up this trap with the substitute technique and detonating talisman.

"It really hurts!" Wei Xuyan's voice pierced through the smoke.

After the smoke cleared, Wei Xuyan's right hand was dripping with blood, but he did not receive any more serious injuries.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke frowned, the power of the detonating talisman should be more than that.

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate these Jnin..." Wei Xuyan thought to himself, "It's too much for me to not open my mind to face these Jnin."

At the last moment when the detonating talisman exploded, Wei Xuyan forcibly erupted with wind attribute chakra, and the chakra with the changed nature of wind escape tore up the wooden stake, and also scarred his arm.

But it's better than being blown up by a detonator.

"Junin is more troublesome than Kyuubi to some extent! After all, Kyuubi just attacks blindly. These guys need to use their brains. It's too difficult to deal with insufficient information!"

Through the original work, he knew Uchiha Obito, so he dared to attack Obito in the night of the nine tails.

Similarly, he knew Kyuubi well, so he dared to face Kyuubi with only a King Kong-sealed experience card.

The smoothness of the two battles made him a little smug, but this injury brought his mentality back to the ground.

The matter of mentality can be discussed later, the most important thing right now is to solve this guy in front of him.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke!
"I didn't expect you to bear it." Sarutobi Shinnosuke said, "But you, who are injured, still have fighting power?"

"Why don't you take the initiative to hand over Kyuubi, how about I give you a happy ending?"

Why do all the villains like to say this sentence!

You give me a good time, I have to thank you eight generations of ancestors?
Don't you still want to kill me?

"I'm curious why you threatened me with Naruto." Wei Xuyan said, "Naruto is not my son."

"Yes, he is indeed not your son, but I know that you have accepted a task from the Fourth Hokage—the task of taking care of Naruto. If you have this task, you will definitely come."

"Are you not afraid that I will run away and be a traitor?"

"That would be even better." Sarutobi Shinnosuke sneered, "When that day comes, I won't have to be so sneaky!"

Wei Xuyan was taken aback for a moment.

This person is right, if he defected, Sarutobi Shinnosuke could attack him in a fair manner!
"If I hand over Kyuubi, will you let Naruto back?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke's eyes lit up, in his opinion, the huge gap in strength between him and Wei Xuyan had already made Wei Xuyan accept his fate.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded and said: "Of course, my goal is only Kyuubi, there is no need to provoke Namikaze Minato."

"The seat of Hokage is gone?"

"If you think that the old man only has this ability, then you are wrong, but what's the use of telling you? You are already a dying person, and when you arrive in the Pure Land, someone will tell you."

"Who told you that I was going to die?" Wei Xuyan suddenly spat out a vacuum jade with his hands quickly forming seals.

As a wind escape ninjutsu, the speed of the vacuum jade is not slow, but Sarutobi Shinnosuke reacted faster, and once again stopped the vacuum jade with the unearthed flow wall.

"Damn it!" Sarutobi Shinnosuke cursed secretly, thinking that Wei Xuyan had given up struggling, but unexpectedly he was lying to him!
Blame him for being too confident.

He raised his hand and took out Kunai to deal with the next attack, but found that Wei Xuyan ran away without looking back.

The direction of escape is not outside the village, but inside the village!

Sarutobi Shinnosuke's face changed, no matter whether Wei Xuyan fled to the crowd or publicized his kidnapping of Naruto in the village, this matter will not end well.

"Escape? Hmph! Can you run away!" Sarutobi Shinnosuke directly chased after him. After all, he is a Jonin, and his abilities in all aspects are much stronger than Wei Xuyan.

The distance between the two quickly narrowed, Wei Xuyan's speed suddenly increased, and it was obvious that he was desperately trying to escape.

"Naive!" Sarutobi Shinnosuke's speed increased sharply again, and he suddenly appeared in front of Wei Xuyan. Huang Quannuma tried to trap Wei Xuyan first.

Wind Escape·Vacuum Jade!
Seeing Sarutobi Shinnosuke standing in front of him, Wei Xuyan spat out the Vacuum Jade, trying to force Sarutobi Shinnosuke back, but facing the Vacuum Jade Sarutobi Shinnosuke ignored him, and raised the mud flow wall with his hands, and then continued to inject chakra into the ground Maintain Huangquan Swamp.

The vacuum jade exploded on the earth flow wall, but it did not cause much results.In the next moment, the thunder flashed, and a purple electric blue light pierced through the earth flow wall directly, penetrated Shinnosuke Sarutobi who was hiding behind with a scream, and then nailed him to the giant tree with unabated momentum.

"Cough... this is..."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke's face was full of disbelief, and in just a split second, he was seriously injured by Wei Xuyan!
Pain and numbness spread to the whole body, looking at the straight dagger flashing lightning on his chest, Sarutobi Shinnosuke murmured: "Chakra weapon..."

Chakra weapons are rare in the ninja world. There is only a pair of fist blades in the Sarutobi clan. He asked Sarutobi Hiruzen for it but he didn't get it.

I didn't expect that the Chunin in front of me would have such a weapon.

After injecting chakra, the chakra weapon is very powerful. If it weren't for this chakra weapon, even if Wei Xuyan used Chidori with the thunder attribute chakra alone, he could only break the earth flow wall at most!
Wei Xuyan walked up to Sarutobi Shinnosuke with Kunai in his hand, looked at Sarutobi Shinnosuke nailed to the tree and said coldly, "You're being careless."

 This is a transitional chapter, and the defection of Orochimaru will start at night

(End of this chapter)

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