Transformers in comics

Chapter 57 The Blade Warrior

Chapter 57 The Blade Warrior

A silver bullet hit Dickon.

The bullet sank into Dickon's body in an instant, without any suspense.The old bartender watched expectantly, but the reality would eventually disappoint him.Blood gods are no longer something that silver bullets can kill.

Dickon laughed wildly, stretched out his hand and inserted it into his chest, and took out the silver bullet.From the wound on the chest, thick blood flowed out and rolled a few times, and the wound was healed immediately.

This is the vitality of the blood god, and it is impossible to kill him by conventional means, otherwise the blood god is simply a joke.

"Donnie! You're about to let me devour you, you're going to be one of the corpses of my supreme throne! I'm going to use your blood as a sacrifice for my world domination!"

Dickon stretched out his hand forward, and countless viscous blood separated from his body. God knows how Dickon's tiny body could hold so much blood!For Dickon in this matter, every drop of blood in his body is the best weapon, which is also the origin of his name - Blood God!
He devoured twelve noble purebloods and a large number of subordinates, plus the blood of Downey that Daywalker even got from nowhere, his body has already fused too many blood vessels.The sources inscribed in these bloodlines are constantly fused in his body, tracing back to the source, and under the power of this mysterious altar, the essence of his life is rapidly improved.

A river of blood fell from the sky, crashing towards Donnie and the others.The bloody smell that rushed to the face made people want to vomit. This smell seemed to have been accumulated for countless years, and it was not fully exposed to the world until today.Countless innocent souls howled in pain in the blood river, one after another howling blood bodies came out of the blood river, and were quickly submerged, and new blood people came out again, and they stretched out their hands to Downey and the three, wanting to kill them as well. pull in.

"What the hell, run away!"

The faces of the three of them were ashen. This crazy scene was unheard of. Anyone who is not stupid knows that this thing is absolutely untouchable.The three of Donnie jumped away, either left or right.

This altar is located in the center, with twelve entrances in all directions. The criss-crossing routes also delayed Donnie and the others a lot of time when they entered, otherwise the situation would not have fallen to the current scene, which was extremely passive.

Blade jumped and fell into the nearest passage.This passage is not the one they came in, it is very strange.Seeing someone rushing in, some vampires hiding here couldn't wait to rush over to kill the intruder.

Many vampires understood that they had probably lost Dickon's trust, or that Dickon had never really trusted them.They were eager to prove to Dickon that their group of vampires was still useful, at least to help him clean up some little things.

For example, this blade, kill him, and once again serve His Majesty Dickon.

Daofeng's Tang knife had been lost just now, he pulled out another Tang knife, slashed across the waist, and killed several vampires in a row.Then there was another upturn, and another swing of the arm, killing the two vampires who were chasing up again.Silver weapons are deadly to vampires, as long as a vampire touches them, their entire bodies will burn quickly and turn into ashes.

A slender figure approached in an instant, her figure was astonishingly fast!There was no force on the blade in the air, just an elbow, the blade flew out like a kite with a broken string, and hit the wall hard.

"Damn it, who is it?"

Dao Feng coughed and barely got up.The force of this blow was too heavy. He looked down and saw that a piece of the high-quality body armor was dented.

When he raised his head, he was stunned.

This is a slender woman with fluttering hair. Despite a light makeup on her face, it is difficult to conceal her extraordinary charm.Most importantly, this woman looks a lot like Blade.

In other words, Blade looks a lot like this woman.

A terrible idea appeared in the mind of the vampire hunter, Blade, which terrified him who was as strong as steel.

"I am your mother." The female vampire said flatly, as if she was talking about what to eat tomorrow.

"She's dead long ago, who are you?"

"You thought I was dead, but I wasn't."

Dao Feng looked ferocious, he held Tang Dao tightly, and rushed forward like crazy despite Whistler's loud dissuasion in the headset.He wanted to tell himself with actions that the female vampire in front of him couldn't possibly be his dead mother, even if the two looked alike, it was absolutely impossible!

He's a blade fighter!A vampire hunter whose lifelong belief is to kill all vampires!There was no way he had a vampire mother!
The female vampire was faster than Dao Feng. She easily avoided Dao Feng's slash and hit Dao Feng's stomach with a punch.The moment Dao Feng lay on the ground, he was about to kick the opponent down, but the female vampire nimbly dodged it.This female vampire is fast, at least faster than Blade.

"You are my son, and you are also a member of the vampire. Your bloodthirsty impulse cannot deceive anyone, and you are also eager for human blood. You are one of us." The female vampire spoke very softly, every word seemed like It was ten thousand tons of meteorites smashed into the heart of Daofeng.

"I'm a human! I'm a blade warrior! I'm a blade warrior who scares countless vampires!" Blade lay on the ground, roaring like a wounded beast.He felt his faith cracked, a deep chasm in his pursuit.

"I've spent my life killing vampires until I'm down for good."

Every word Dao Feng said seemed to be dug out from his heart, bloody and steaming.He was trembling slightly, he couldn't believe why the fact turned out like this, it was so bloody.

"It's just you?" The female vampire sneered. After she was transformed by Dickon, she was finally accepted by Dickon because she had a much higher physique than other vampires, and it has been to this day.

Dickon has succeeded, he has become the blood god, who else can stop Dickon?The female vampire is proud of her original choice, proud of being bitten by Dickon.

All human beings will become blood-eating, but she is a member of the noble vampire!High above!

"Just you?"

She stepped heavily on her son's head, trampling on the dignity of the blade, her gaze seemed to be looking at a stranger.The beliefs are different, the ideas are different, and the species are no longer the same. They are sworn enemies to each other, so there is no family relationship at all.She is fascinated by her identity as a vampire, which is the temperament of a person who is at the top of the food chain. If he is still that weak human being, how can he have a long lifespan and strong strength?
Vampires are the most noble.

Dao Feng lay on the ground, letting this familiar yet unfamiliar woman trample heavily, his hands clenched unconsciously.He was in a trance, mother... what should he look like?

For countless days and nights, Dao Feng asked himself like this, what kind of a magical existence like a mother should it be?He saw many, many people, the older one holding the younger one, and the hands of the older one and the younger one shaking as they walked.He was envious and jealous, but as he grew up, all his energy was filled by vampires, as if killing vampires was the whole meaning of his life.

Countless days and nights of solitude, except for meeting that old fellow Whistler later, Daofeng was alone. Whenever night fell, he would tell himself this:
I'm Blade, and I'll hunt vampires my whole life until I die.

I'm Blade, and I've hunted vampires my whole life until I die.

I am Blade...

"It's up to me..." Dao Feng slowly raised his head, against the trampling of this strange woman, this man raised his proud head slowly but decisively.

Just rely on me!
Just because I am the blade!
I'm the one who scares vampires—Blade!
He looked up.

This burly man finally raised his proud head. He threw away his sunglasses, which were his favorite sunglasses, which had accompanied him for countless days and nights. At this moment, he was completely crushed by the blade, like a complete farewell to the past.

"Just because I am a blade!! Just because I am a blade warrior!!!"

This great warrior picked up the saber that only belonged to him. Fangzheng's face was covered with rocks and his fortitude could not be shaken. He roared and shouted slogans, "Blade!" "Blade!" "Blade! "He rushed over, rushing towards the enemy like a lonely warrior who is not afraid of death!
(End of this chapter)

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