The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 999 Attacking Temple No. 2

Chapter 999 Attack on Temple No. [-]
In the vast universe, there are countless stars and dust floating, outlining the mysterious and magnificent beauty of the universe. In this dark forest-like universe, strength is the only criterion for survival.

The fleet of the prestigious Thanos belongs to a force that no one wants to mess with, and not many civilizations want to deal with him. After all, they all claim to be civilized people, and no one will do things that destroy half of the people at will. It's better to keep such lunatics at arm's length.

Therefore, the number of Thanos' loyal subordinates is very limited, and there are even fewer soldiers, so the method of biochemical mechanical soldiers is used as a supplement.

For example, the Chitauri fleet, which is ridiculed as the weakest in the galaxy, is not really the weakest in the galaxy, but more than 90.00% of this fleet is biochemical robots, which need to keep in touch with the mothership at all times, and rely heavily on supercomputers to think'.

It only needs simple signal interference to prevent it from maintaining a smooth connection, and this fleet will become a headless chicken, vulnerable to a single blow, and easily defeated. That's why it has the title of "the weakest in the galaxy." '.

And this fleet, which hates dogs and cats in the Milky Way, cruises within the recognized sphere of influence of Thanos on weekdays. It will only be dispatched after receiving orders from Thanos to go to a certain planet, capture it, and then Wipe out half of the life on the planet Nake, and then walk away.

Among them, Sanctuary II, the exclusive flagship of Thanos and the largest battleship of the Thanos army, rarely leaves Thanos' sphere of influence, because once a flagship of this level is deployed, it basically represents a signal of war and will affect many power nerves.

Today, this fortress-class space battleship, which ranks first in the Milky Way, is parked next to a space port near a resource star within Thanos' sphere of influence. In comparison, the surrounding spaceships are simply worthless Simply put, it cannot be compared with it at all.

Inside this spaceship representing the highest technological achievements of the Thanos Legion, Thanos is 'receiving' a 'guest' from a backward planet, with gray hair, ragged clothes, dusty body, and even broken glasses, looking embarrassed Extremely beautiful, but a pair of eyes scanned the surroundings with sparkle.

After Hank Pym woke up, he saw himself in a spaceship with dim lights and different interior decorations. He was escorted here by two aliens in black armor all the way to meet the leader of the aliens. And his name is Thanos, the genocide that Stark told him just a few days ago.

Thanos sat on a high throne and said, "Welcome, Dr. Pym!"

Hank Pimpy smiled and said: "Then the way you invite guests is really strange." He still doesn't know what happened to the earth, let alone the two aliens who came to catch him. How many people have been killed.

"No way, not many people can understand my philosophy."

"Then you should think about whether there is something wrong with your philosophy."

"Hehe," Thanos smiled, stood up from the stone-like throne, walked down the floating stairs step by step, and said, "Dr. The most miraculous particle in the universe, not to mention the small earth, even in the universe, can have a place for you."

"Oh, are you trying to recruit me? Sorry, life on Earth is good, and I have no intention of changing jobs."

Thanos has already walked to Hank Pym's side, almost equal to the height of the two of them, so that Hank Pym has to look up his neck to see Thanos' head, otherwise he can only see the cross-body , making Hank Pym quite upset.

Thanos looked down at Hank Pym with a lofty attitude, stopped making rounds, and said bluntly: "I need your Pym particles, give me enough Pym particles, I can help you within the scope of my ability. Do something."

"It really is this." Hank Pym said in his heart. He had already thought clearly on the way. On the earth, his only value was probably the Pym particle. Unexpectedly, in the universe, his value is still Pym particles.

Although he thought about it clearly, Hank Pym still made the same attitude as he did on Earth: "No, I won't hand over Pym particles to anyone. You only see the advantages of Pym particles, and you can't see them at all The serious consequences of getting it, this is a very dangerous particle, if you use it rashly."

"Dr. Pym," Thanos raised his voice, and the gentleness in his tone disappeared, replaced by Sa's coldness, and said: "Don't challenge my patience, give me Pym particles, and I can give you what you want."

"I don't need anything."

"Oh, that's such a pity." Thanos sighed deeply, turned his head and walked towards his throne, and a white phantom quietly appeared in the void behind Hank Pym , floating in the air as lightly as a dandelion, saluted Thanos through the void, then raised his hand, and aimed his palm at Hank Pym below.

After listening to Thanos' words, Hank Pym suddenly became vigilant. Usually, saying this means that the other party is about to change his face, and he is waiting for the other party to make a move. He saw a ghostly phantom floating above his head, and the opponent's hand was still grabbing him.

As soon as Hank Pym saw it, the superstar's hand touched Hank Pym's head, and then Hank Pym's body shook, his eyes widened, his expression gradually disappeared, and he became sluggish. Until it completely stood there like a puppet.

And Thanos also sat back on his throne at this time, looked down at Hank Pym who was standing still on the ground, and said, "Dr. Pym, did you see anything?"

"Universe, dimension, space, quantum realm." Hank Pym opened his mouth slightly, spitting out words one after another that are enough for ordinary people to study for a lifetime, with a fanatic look on his face, as if It's like getting what you've been chasing all your life.

"Then give me what I want."

"I happen to have a lot of new ideas, great ideas." Hank Pym said as he followed the superstar to the experimental area. Compared with just now, he was a different person, and those who took the initiative could no longer take the initiative.

The superstar took Hank Pym away, leaving only Thanos in Nuoda's room, sitting alone on the cold throne, looking at the empty space in front of him, and the distant and unreachable stars , I couldn't even hear any sound, everything was quiet.

Back then, when he was in such a quiet environment, when he was thinking hard about how to solve the problem of Titan's growing population and consuming resources, a meteorite fell from the sky and landed in front of him. There was a wisdom stone inside, which he showed. to the vast universe.

So he came to his senses and understood how to solve the problem of people and resources, so he proposed a way to randomly slaughter half of the Titans. As a result, he was ridiculed and despised by everyone, and some even wanted to send him to treat mental illness.

From the days of Titan, no one understood what he did. He always thought that Titan was too small to give birth to a person with great wisdom like him, but after wandering in the universe for so long, he still couldn't find someone with the same wisdom as him. A person of great wisdom who can figure out a solution to the limited resources and infinite population of the universe

Even for his loyal subordinates, it was he who used the wisdom stone to let them see the vast universe he had seen before, so he has been following him until now.

The universe is huge, but he is lonely, and no one can understand him so far, including his daughter who has been raised since childhood.

"The fault is not me, but the universe," Thanos said to himself: "People in this universe only know how to ask the universe, but never know how to be grateful. I want to create a new universe and know how to be grateful. life."

Time is like a long river, always slowly flowing forward. The Temple No. [-] has been parked in this spaceport for a long time, and a large amount of resources have been continuously sent into the Temple No. [-], part of which was taken by Hank. Consumed by Pym to create Pym Particles.

In this quiet and peaceful atmosphere, a seemingly innocuous spaceship mixed in with the group of spaceships entering and leaving the spaceport, slowly approaching the Temple II. Inside the ship were all the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy and members of the Avengers. A dozen people, including Stark, Thor, Rogers, Greer, and Romanov, all stared at the behemoth that was getting closer and closer.

"Are you sure we can get close?" Rocket Raccoon held the joystick of the spaceship, looking at the hideous silhouette of Temple II and the giant cannons, his heart trembled a little. He knew how powerful these weapons were, so he just It takes one shot to blow this ship to pieces.

Gamora, who used to be a member of Temple No. [-], said with a serious face: "Temple No. [-] is not so easy to approach and sneak in?"

Greer, who was busy looking at the map of Temple No. [-], said without looking back, "Quiel, how long did we hide in there that time?"

"It was so long that I forgot."

Gamora gave Quill a fierce look with her eyes, and then said: "Temple Two is not as simple as you think. It is very, very difficult to find someone in it, and it cannot be solved by a large number of people."

"Then I'll look for it, no one can find me." Wearing a wasp suit, Hope said confidently: "This is a new type of suit designed and manufactured by my father, not the old-fashioned Ant-Man suit." Clothes can't compare."

Stark drew several circles on Temple No. [-], and said, "This is where Dr. Pym may be, and it is also our mission for this trip."

The spaceship on which everyone was riding was approaching Temple II, and Stark took the trouble to repeatedly emphasize the mission of this trip to rescue Dr. Hank Pym.

Although they say so, everyone knows in their hearts that a few people are enough to rescue or assassinate a person. The real purpose of gathering the world's top combat forces is to compete with Thanos in a surprise attack. The execution is beheading plan.

It's easy to just stop Thanos from obtaining Pym particles, but next, the angry Thanos will definitely send his troops to the earth. At that time, he will face Thanos' fleet across the universe, and the earth can't stop it at all. It will definitely be reduced to scorched earth.

Therefore, only by defeating Thanos can we prevent Thanos from obtaining Pym particles, prevent Thanos from attacking the earth, and make human beings, the earth, and the universe safe.

After some distance from Temple No. [-], Rocket Raccoon gritted his teeth, fixed his small eyes on Temple No. [-] in the distance, and growled, "Come on!"

Furry's right hand pushed the joystick, the engine of the spaceship suddenly increased to the maximum, the speed increased sharply, and it slammed into Temple II. Naturally, such abnormal behavior was immediately discovered, and the spaceport immediately issued a warning, requiring the spaceship to return to the Naturally, there was no response in the normal orbit, but it continued to accelerate towards Temple No. [-].

Such a person from the Thanos Legion realized that this was not a malfunction but an intentional one. The other party was coming towards Temple No. [-]. They panicked. No one could have imagined that someone would crash into Temple No. [-]. This is not a moth. Putting out fire, hitting rocks with eggs?

Without a plan, they naturally don't know what to do. The hastily organized defense line is quite weak, and it can't stop the crazy spaceship at all, and the Temple II also slowly activated the giant cannon on it, aiming at the crazy spaceship. The spaceship began to attack.

It's just that before the first beam of light came out, the crazy spaceship had already crashed into the Temple No. [-], and immediately exploded into a raging fireball, with countless fragments flying around, which made people extremely astonished. In order to die, this behavior is too confusing.

At this moment, an identical spaceship suddenly appeared above Temple No. [-], and began to attack Temple No. [-]. Beams of light beams hit the shell of Temple No. [-] one after another. Filled, with the fastest speed to blow up a big hole in the Temple No. [-] parked in the space port.

"Yeah, we succeeded." Rocket Raccoon yelled arrogantly, pushed the joystick, and the spaceship rushed into Temple II. Only Quill felt distressed. It was easy to get in, but easy to get out. Difficult, his spaceship is finished.

In Temple No. [-], Thanos sat on the throne and watched the alarm of Temple No. [-] being attacked by the holographic projection, and immediately asked: "What happened?"

The figure of General Deathblade appeared on the screen in the lower left corner, and he said in great panic: "The master has a spaceship attacking Temple No. [-], and I will get rid of it immediately."

As soon as the words fell, the spaceship exploded, but immediately an identical spaceship suddenly appeared and attacked at another location, punching a big hole in the shell of Temple No. [-], and then rushed in, attacking Temple No. caused more damage.

"They're here," Thanos stood up, and said, "It's because of guys like them that the universe doesn't know how to be grateful."

"Master, I'll get rid of the intruder right away." General Deathblade hastily promised that it was a huge dereliction of duty for him to be invaded into Temple No. [-].

"Then go."


(End of this chapter)

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