The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 994 Meteor falling from the sky

Chapter 994 Meteor falling from the sky
A column of flames shot up from high-rise buildings, the glass of the building was instantly shattered, and the smoke and dust flew up, and individuals fell to the ground in whole or in pieces, and the clean and tidy square was blown into huge pits one after another.
The holographic projection of Mark48 is playing surveillance video and images taken by satellites. The donut-like dark golden spaceship is bombarding the city recklessly, bombing the Pym Technology Building beyond recognition. Several neighborhoods were affected, and an unknown number of lives and property were seriously damaged.

Greer stared at the holographic projection silently. He never expected that when he was fighting Dormammu, Thanos' men invaded the earth by coincidence and took away the key to making Pym particles——Hank Pym.

This means that Thanos really knows about the future, and may even have built a time-travel machine. Only when the Pym particles are in place, the time-space shuttle can be activated and take Thanos to other time and space to find Infinity Stones that no longer exist in this universe.

"Things seem to be serious." Greer said to himself, thinking that handing over the infinite gems to Stark from the future would stop Thanos from collecting infinite gems to wipe out half of life in the universe.

But now it seems that the torrent of history is still rolling forward. Even though there are twists and turns in the middle, it will still reach the place it should reach in the end.

Greer thought of what the ancient master once said, time is very fragile, and changes may not necessarily have good results, and may be more serious. This is the price of breaking the rules of nature.

So far, breaking the rules of nature has led to more serious consequences. The Starks of the future travel back and forth through time and space, resulting in countless time branches, causing a large number of timelines to become entangled, so that the universe is on the verge of destruction. the edge of.

There is also Greer himself. Needless to say, how much change his appearance has brought to the world, almost earth-shaking changes, and he has personally explained what the butterfly effect is.

After finishing the holographic projection, Stark said seriously: "We must find Pym as soon as possible."

It didn't say rescue, but only found, the meaning is very clear, so many people have been sacrificed, as long as it can prevent Thanos from obtaining Pym particles, sacrificing one more Hank Pym is not unacceptable.

"It's not difficult to find Thanos' fleet. The hardest thing is to see Thanos himself." When Greer was wandering in the universe, he heard stories about Thanos more than once. Those who scream in vain have a bad reputation, and can stop children from crying at night.

Thanos' territory is there, but the problem is that it is impossible to determine where Thanos himself is. If he concentrates on traveling through time and space to avoid being disturbed by others and hide, in such a large universe, it is not ordinary to find a flagship spaceship height of.

According to the time estimated by Hope, Hank Pym will be able to produce Pym particles in about a week, which means that they only have one week to find Hank Pym, otherwise once Thanos gets Pym particles Particles, things can go horribly wrong.

Stark and Greer returned to the Avengers base, while Strange stayed and prepared to repair the temple with the surviving mages of Kama Taj. The temple is equally important.

Without the protection of the temple, the earth is equivalent to opening its arms to the multiverse. Even if there are life forms from different dimensions sneaking in, it is too dangerous, so the restoration work of the temple cannot be missed, and as the supreme mage Mr. Strange has an inescapable responsibility for this work.

Greer didn't want to take them there either. Karma Taj's strength had already dropped to the lowest point in history. If this little seed was exhausted, it would be really hard to recover from it, let alone this time Cosmic battles are not friendly to mages. As long as a space battleship breaks a hole, it will be sucked into the vacuum of space immediately, and you will have to give up even if you have all the skills.

Unlike the Avengers, all of them are rough-skinned and resistant to beatings. Although few of them can fight in the void of the universe, at least they will not say that if there is a hole in the wall around them, they will be sucked out of the universe without any resistance Going in the void, compared to the weak Karma Taj mages, is still very suitable for space combat.

As soon as the two returned to the Avengers, they saw a rare gathering of the Avengers. Even Thor, who hadn't shown up for a long time, came. The Storm Ax and Thor's Hammer were placed on the table, and they were talking to Dr. Banner loudly. He told about his building a house in Vanaheim, and invited Banner to go to Vanaheim for a walk, where the scenery is very good.

Seeing Stark and Greer come back, Peter Parker was the first to jump over and asked repeatedly: "Did something happen? I see it suddenly"

"It's dark, because it's coming from the dark dimension, so it's naturally dark," Greer sat down and gave a rough account of the whole process of his battle with Dormammu. Take him there with him, he has wanted to find someone to try the ax for a long time.

Seeing that Dr. Banner wanted to ask curiously, Greer hurriedly stopped him and said, "Okay, I will have time to explain the dark dimension and Dormammu's questions later. The most important thing now is to find Dr. Pym."

Stark turned his head to look at Thor, and said, "You keep saying that the Rainbow Bridge is very strong. Where can it go?"

Thor smiled slightly, and said confidently: "Within the Nine Realms, you can go wherever you want."

"Then it won't be useful. What we are going to the universe this time is to find Dr. Pym and prevent Thanos from getting his Pym particles." Stark re-explained the mission this time.

Dr. Banner said distressedly: "But we don't know where Dr. Pym is at all, and there is no way to find his location. After all, it is the universe."

As soon as this remark came out, the room suddenly fell into silence. This is the biggest problem. No one can find it. How can you stop it? The universe is so big, let alone seven days, no, six days is a hundredfold increase , are not enough.

At this moment, Jarvis's voice sounded, and he said hurriedly: "Sir, something has broken into the atmosphere and is falling towards your position. The speed is being calculated."


"Thanos' spaceship?"

A group of people ran out in a hurry, and as soon as they ran outside the door, they saw a dazzling meteor in the sky passing rapidly across the sky and landed towards the ground. As soon as Thor started to spin his Thor's hammer, the 'meteor' shot It has already landed on the open space in front of the building.

(End of this chapter)

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