The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 991 Collapsed Faith

Chapter 991 Collapsed Faith

On the earth, as long as the light disappeared and the darkness came, it entered the panic of the whole people. There are all kinds of spheres all over the sky, emitting strange light, which brings great oppression to people, and makes people feel fear involuntarily.

The streets are full of panicked people, running towards places they think are safe, some enter buildings, some hide under bridges, some go to air-raid shelters, and some simply go to supermarkets to grab supplies
The network that has just been repaired has not been long, and the traffic has increased sharply. They are not talking about things in the air, but they just want to know what to do. There are so many rumors about the end of the world. It can be said that people are panicking, but the government has been unable to come up with an emergency plan for a long time.

The emergency calls of the government departments were blown up, and all panicked people called to inform that there was an unknown object in the sky and asked how to evacuate. No one knew what happened, let alone how to deal with it. They can only say that if it is really If you are afraid, you can consider taking refuge in the nearest underground air defense facility.

No one ever thought that such a thing would happen, and no one knew what happened. A group of high-ranking officials either sat together or gathered together through the Internet to discuss fiercely, but they couldn't come up with a reason at all. .

They engage in conspiracies and tricks, play out of nothing, and use back arrows to hurt people. They are top-notch. They can play with laundry detergent and come up with a lot of shady plans for you every minute, but they are only good at this aspect. Others On the other hand, it is a weak chicken at all.

So, a group of people discussed for a long time, basically discussing loneliness, nothing was discussed, and the hair of each old man was about to turn black. In the end, he had no choice but to make the phone call that few politicians wanted to make, to ask about the Avengers Alliance, what happened and how to deal with it.

No way, they don't know what to do if they want to break their heads, and the Avengers are well-informed and have dealt with similar incidents many times, so there should be a way this time, and only then can they think of the Avengers Union's good.

After all, there is usually the police and the army, and there is no need for the Avengers. When the incident is over, they feel that the group of superpowers is an eyesore and must be brought under control, or disbanded altogether. At worst, if a crisis comes, gather them together. Anyway, they are only useful in times of crisis.

Stark was really busy, not just the White House, but other countries also called, asking him if he knew what happened and if the Avengers could do anything, Stark simply pulled them into the same In the 'group'.

Then I told you very seriously that this is the dark dimension of one of the different spaces near the earth that Greer said at the conference. It has been eroding the earth for a long time, and now it has finally broken through the defense of the earth and wants to engulf the earth. Greer has gone to block the dark dimension.

Immediately afterwards, I explained what the dark dimension looks like. Demons and ghosts basically come out of it. After being discovered by humans, they were given names of demons and ghosts. In short, this is a place that is harmful to the earth but has no benefit .

"All we can do is pray that Greer can rebuild the dam and block the dark dimension, otherwise." Stark spoke halfway, and then hung up the communication, leaving people with endless reveries.

Stark hung up the communication, turned his head to look at Wang and Strange, and said, "I can only attribute the credit to Greer, after all, you don't like to show your face."

"Yeah!" Strange nodded, and continued to look up at the sky. Those dense stars could no longer be seen, leaving only endless darkness. Greer rushed into the dark dimension after annihilating the exact stars in one fell swoop. of the depths, can no longer be seen.

Wang talked to Stark, saying: "It is true that he is blocking Dormammu, so he is fine, we can only pray here."

As soon as I said this, a familiar voice sounded from behind everyone: "What are you praying for?"

A group of people turned around in unison, only to see Greer in ragged clothes coming out of the space door, and inside the space door, in the dark void, there seemed to be a huge figure that was going away, but the space door immediately Just shut down and make everything disappear.

"Greer?" Strange was full of surprises. Greer came back. Does this mean he won?
Wang and Modu immediately looked up at the sky, it was actually full of stars, not the endless darkness just now, obviously the dark dimension is far away from the earth, and with Greer's return, it is almost certain that they have won, the earth will not be destroyed by Dormammu swallowed up.

Mo Du's dark face showed extreme joy, and when he was about to say something, suddenly the palpable excitement disappeared, replaced by astonishment, then he raised his hand, pointed at Greer's forehead, and said: "Her Majesty Rusov, what is this?"

Wang and Strange looked in the direction that Modu pointed. The night wind blew the hair on their foreheads, revealing a few bloody lines faintly, outlining a pattern familiar to them. Half an hour ago, those Dark wizards all have similar patterns on their foreheads.

Wang unconsciously took a step back, touched the magic weapon hanging on his waist with his right hand, fixed his gaze on Greer, and said, "Did you defeat Dormammu, or were you swallowed by darkness?"

"This one?" Greer pointed to his forehead, brushed up a few strands of long hair, and said, "I'd have forgotten if you didn't tell me, I haven't trimmed my hair for a long time."

After the hair was lifted, Strange and the others could see it more clearly. The pattern between the eyebrows was indeed listed as a taboo in Kama Taj. The three of them immediately became vigilant. Only Stark didn't understand what was going on?

"This is the method left by the Ancient One to defeat Dormammu." Greer briefly recounted the whole process of his battle with Dormammu in the dark dimension. The power gem and himself could not beat him. Finally It was the imprint connecting the dark dimension left by the ancient one, who threatened Dormammu.

The content of the threat is that if Dormammu dares to invade the earth, then Greer will immediately join the darkness and compete with him for the ownership of the dark dimension, so that he can carefully weigh whether it is worth losing the dark dimension for the sake of the earth.

Strange and the others were dumbfounded. They never expected that Dormammu was "defeated" in this way, but thinking about it, if there was a way to defeat Dormammu, the Ancient One would have already acted, so why wait until now? Now.

"This is the only way out, but Dormammu has finally retreated, and we have time to repair the temple." Strange breathed a sigh of relief, and it was good that he didn't fall into darkness. All fell into darkness, and it was really hopeless.

Wang Ze was dumbfounded, and stammered: "So you say so. The ancient one is really. Really."

"Drawing the energy of the dark dimension?!" Mo Du's face was extremely ugly, as if he was told one day that he had read the Diamond Sutra for 20 years, but only the cover was correct, and the content inside was actually the Tao Te Ching.

Greer nodded, confirming that Casillas' slander against the Ancient One was actually true, and asked Mordo to close his eyes, look up to the sky and take a deep breath, so as not to let others see his disappointment and sadness.

"This is a helpless move to protect the earth. I can feel her mood at that time. In order to protect what she wants to protect, she has to do something that people don't understand. She doesn't expect to be understood. As long as It’s enough to protect the earth.” Greer said as he let down his hair on his forehead, covering up the imprint of the dark dimension that was about to disappear.

As the dark dimension moves away, the connection with it becomes weaker and weaker, and it becomes more and more difficult to absorb energy until it is completely disconnected. It seems that Dormammu has really given up. Greer is not afraid now. Dormammu has invaded Earth, and it's time for Dormammu to worry that Greer will scramble for his dark dimension.

Therefore, in a sense, it can be regarded as defeating Dormammu.

"It's over, you can take a good rest for a while." Greer stretched his waist, looked at the tattered clothes on his body, and said, "The clothes are really rotten, it's time to change clothes first, or go to the How about a big meal?"

Modu looked in disbelief, and said, "Do you think this is the end?"

"Otherwise? If you want to chase Dormammu, you go after it. I don't want to go after that monster that can't be killed. It's really disgusting." Greer felt super uncomfortable when he thought about the battle just now. , can't be killed at all, and can regenerate when his head explodes, unless he really falls into the darkness, snatches the control of the dark dimension from Dormammu, and cuts off his energy source channel, in order to win.

Of course, if you have enough energy, you can play a war of attrition with Dormammu and use up all the energy in the dark dimension, and you can win. This is the best result now, in case Dormammu detects Greer's If you spend a little more time with him, until you can't resist the backlash of the power gem, the result will be different.

"She broke the rules, and you also violated the prohibition," Mo Du said with a livid face, "How can we make other people not do it?"

"Are you worried about this?" Greer shrugged and said, "It's very simple. Let me reiterate the serious consequences of doing this. Erase memory and expel Kama Taj."

Modu shouted loudly: "What about you? And her? The supreme venerable has violated the rules, how can the people below obey? Do you want to say that they can, but you can't?"

"Isn't it?" Greer looked at Stark and said, "Mr. Stark, can you sign the presidential decree?"

"Well, when I want to run for the election, I can do it then." Stark understood a little bit, that imprint represented a taboo, it was the power of the taboo that Greer won, and this guy The stubborn rock-like guy is holding on tightly.

Modu showed disappointment, and said: "Do you think that there will be no serious consequences? Her violation caused Casillas to lead a large number of mages into darkness, and the two temples were destroyed. Many mages died because of this, breaking the rules of nature will pay the price sooner or later."

"It's not against the rules. Dormammu has started to devour the earth now." Greer also put away his smile, and said seriously: "We do need to follow the rules of nature, but we can't follow them rigidly. Sometimes we just want to break the rules. .”

"Cassilias also has the same reason, and there will be a mage who will say such a reason in the future." Modu couldn't help shaking his head, and said: "The rule that is broken is no longer a taboo."

Greer knew that Mordo's worry was probably because he was worried that someone would fall into the darkness with the reason of 'the monk can't touch me'. Many things, once opened, would cause a chain reaction.

Just like the battle in front of Xuanwu's gate back then, the result was that Tian Khan's sons followed suit one by one, and finally the young one who was unable to follow suit became the winner.

"But it's better than the earth being swallowed up right now."

"I know," Modu nodded, indicating that he understood the need to do so, and then said: "But she and you should think more about what kind of serious consequences this will lead to."

Greer didn't want to argue with him, and didn't bother to talk to such a stubborn guy like him. He was almost exhausted after the fight, and asked immediately: "So you want to quit Karma Taj?"

"Since darkness can protect the earth, there is no need for white magic, and I am useless."

"Mo Du," Wang suddenly became anxious, but Modu shook his head to stop him from speaking, and said: "From the day I entered Karma Taj, I was told the horror of darkness and the horror of falling into darkness, but you Now it is said that darkness can be defeated only by darkness, heh!"

Strange could somewhat understand Mordo's mood. The truth he had believed in for many years was actually a loneliness, just like when he woke up and saw steel needles nailed to his hands, his heart collapsed, and he couldn't believe what he saw was true.

"You have three days to decide whether to take back what you just said. If you leave, don't forget." Before Greer finished speaking, Modu said with a mocking tone: "Kama Taj's rules? Oh, I haven't forgotten ah."

"If you insist on thinking this way, there is nothing you can do. I will tell you about urgent matters, you will debate the rules with me, I will tell you about the rules, and you will tell me about violations. Anyway, you always have a reason, and you think you have a reason, so just How about this, the ugly words are up front, and if I violate it, I will not be lenient." Greer walked into the Temple of Wudu after speaking, and he had nothing to say to Modu, he is a fanatic, I have always firmly believed that the rules formulated by the ancient one are correct.

But now the belief has collapsed, and because of love and hatred, he has changed from a die-hard fan to a black fan. It is useless to say anything to him, otherwise how could there be such a word as a brain-dead fan?It is because only idols are in his mind, what the other party says is right, even if the facts are in front of him, they will be selectively ignored, and it is useless to say anything.

"Mo Du." Wang suddenly became anxious, pulled Modu aside, and eagerly talked to him, but Modu remained silent, and put a series of things on his body, magic books, hanging rings, etc. On the steps, he left wearing only a simple mage uniform.

 I forgot to modify yesterday's anti-theft, and it has been overwritten a long time ago. Just refresh the bookshelf or clear the cache.

(End of this chapter)

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