The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 989 The only way

Chapter 989 The Only Way

Darkness, endless darkness, without a ray of light.

He couldn't hear a sound, smell a smell, and couldn't see anything. Even his thinking almost stopped, and he didn't know the passage of time. Naturally, he couldn't be sure how long he had been floating like this.

"It seems that you still don't understand the last words I left." Suddenly a voice sounded like a bell, and Greer 'woke up' instantly. He still couldn't see anything, but his brain resumed his thinking, thinking After that, he rushed to the dark dimension and started a fierce battle with Dormammu.

In the end, in order to resist Dormammu's invasion, he used Kama Taj's forbidden book to burn his own vitality, drive the power gem, exert extraordinary power, smash Dormammu's head with one punch, and then...
"Dormammu is manipulating energy just like you and me. The only difference is that Dormammu is assimilated to dark energy. Compared with me as a human being, I can hold and control more energy, so I lost, no I lost to Dormammu, but I lost to the endless darkness." Accompanied by this voice, a crack appeared in the boundless darkness, and a bright light emerged from the crack, and a figure 'walked in', appearing In front of Greer.

Looking at this familiar figure, Greer couldn't help but say, "The Gu Gu One?" After he finished speaking, he realized that he could see, hear and even have a sense of touch.

"You are not you are not." Greer stammered for a long time and did not say the word 'dead'. He couldn't help but start to think in his mind, is it possible that the Ancient One mage is not dead, but has been lurking in the dark dimension, collecting information, understanding the enemy, Then launch a counterattack?
When Greer was imagining a spy drama, Gu Yi continued: "So after I found you, I pinned my hope on you. In order to prove my guess, I used the overlapping nine realms Timing, rushed into the dark dimension, fought a battle with Dormammu, lost in the end, but it also proved that my guess was correct."

"Hope? Me?" Greer pointed at himself in disbelief. He couldn't imagine what he had done to let Gu Yi see the hope of defeating Dormammu, so he did not hesitate to use his life to prove her Guess, this is too hard.

"That's right, you," Master Ancient One nodded, pointed to Greer, and said, "Ever since I saw you, I knew that you are not human, and you have unlimited potential in your body, so big that I I can't believe that there are people like you in this world.

From that day on, I have been observing you until I was completely sure that you possessed the aura of a higher dimension, so I appeared to contact you. At that moment, I had already decided that it was up to you to complete my final plan, and I I will use my life to find the way for you. "

"But I lost." Greer sighed helplessly. He even tried his life and used the power gem, but he couldn't cause fatal injuries to Dormammu, let alone defeat Dormammu. Most of them can be restored to normal after being smashed to pieces, how should they be killed?

"I said that Dormammu is just a user of energy. The boundless dark energy of the dark dimension is only driven by him, not Dormammu."

"Does that make any difference?"

"Even if you have a sea, you can only drink two liters of water a day." Gu Yi vividly explained the relationship between Dormammu and the dark energy in the dark dimension. No matter how much dark energy there is, there is only a little bit of Dormammu, so Only Greer could use the power gem to crush his body, and he can also quickly mobilize the dark energy outside to repair his body.

Hearing the seemingly philosophical and reasonable words of Ancient One, Greer couldn't help asking: "How to defeat him?"

"Compete with him for water in the sea."

"Can I do it?" Greer was quite skeptical. The Ancient One, who was proficient in countless spells and incantations, had failed. Can he, a half-baked man, succeed?
This is not something that can be done with the Infinity Gem, otherwise, with the Power Gem and the Reality Gem, why would he be in such a mess.

"Remember this?" Master Gu Yi pointed to the blood-red symbol on her forehead.

Greer nodded and said, "The symbol of Dormammu believers."

"No, no, no," Master Gu Yi shook his head again and again, and said, "This is the imprint of the dark dimension, which represents the establishment of a connection with the dark dimension, and the ability to use the energy of the dark dimension. It exists, and Dormammu just studied the mark of the dark dimension most thoroughly, and made his exclusive mark of the dark dimension, which has since become the symbol of Dormammu's followers."

"So, this one of yours is not a follower of Dormammu, but a mark of the dark dimension." Greer suddenly realized, and finally understood why the ancient mage with the logo of "Dormammu follower" used this dark Energy is used to resist the darkness, but Dormammu does not take back the mark to weaken the Ancient One mage. It is impossible to cooperate with Dormammu.

"That's right, if you want to understand the darkness, you have to devote yourself to the darkness." Master Gu Yi said a very philosophical variant of "I can't let go of a child but I can't hold a wolf".

"What should I do?" Greer stood up, he believed a little bit what the Ancient One said that he could defeat Dormammu, because now he can only choose to believe, otherwise the earth will be finished.

At this moment, Greer can quite understand the mood when the ancient one mage broke the taboo. She didn't want to do it, but she had to do it, even though she knew that no one would understand her. , still went to do that, because the only way to protect the earth she wanted to protect was to do so.

"Believe in yourself!" Master Gu Yi raised his hand and touched Greer's forehead with his index finger, making Greer stunned as if struck by lightning, feeling as if countless knowledge poured into him, making him understand There are many, many, but it seems that I don't understand anything.

Master Gu Yi withdrew his finger and said with a smile on his face, "I am already the past, and you are the future. The meaning of life is not self, but dedicating yourself with lofty goals."

Accompanied by these words, Gu Yi's figure gradually dissipated, and the moment she disappeared completely, Greer, who was wrapped in magic flames, opened his eyes, the surroundings were still so dark, and there were people of various shapes everywhere in his field of vision. There are spheres of different sizes and different lights emitting different lights. Many spheres are connected by 'lines' of different thicknesses and lengths, and they are strung together into strings, which looks extraordinarily weird.

What's even weirder is that even though his whole body is covered by terrifying magic flames, Greer Qiu doesn't feel hot, but has a sense of warmth, as if with a single thought, these magic flames can change according to his will.

Moved by his heart, the magic flame instantly rushed to his palm, and quickly shrank into a fireball the size of a ping pong ball. The flame rolled in the palm without any cover, but there was no trace of heat.

He can also manipulate magic flames. This is probably what the ancient one said about throwing himself into the darkness. Even though there is no mirror, Greer can feel that there must be a blood-red mark between the eyebrows, which represents the establishment of the dark dimension. Contact symbol.

Clenching five fingers tightly, he squeezed out the fireball in his hand, turned his head and looked to the side, a huge diamond was quietly suspended in the darkness, and the brilliance of various colors shone on the crystal clear diamond, shining brightly. The last gift - magic power crystallization.

When he went deep into the dark dimension alone to stop Dormammu, Gu Yi had already burned himself, and his body, soul, memory, etc. were all turned into magic power, and dealt a heavy blow to Dormammu, and it took him a long time to cultivate before he could come out.

The burning embers were engraved with the last words of Gu Yi, forming this diamond, which is also the purest magical crystallization, helping Greer link to the dark dimension and be able to freely use the energy of the dark dimension.

The moment Greer's finger touched the diamond as big as a pigeon egg, the neo decade driver around his waist shone brilliantly, and the diamond spread out, instantly turning into a crystal clear diamond card with a diamond-like engraved on the front. on the back is the magic circle of the Kamen Rider wizard.

Greer held the card tightly, looked up into the distance, and said to himself, "Dormam, I'm here."

On the earth at this time, the sudden darkness made everyone at a loss. They all looked at the sky in a daze. Whether it was daytime or dark, countless spheres of various colors appeared in the sky, moving towards the earth. Getting closer gives people the illusion of a meteorite hitting the earth.

No one knew what happened, even in Karma Taj, only a few people knew what kind of drastic change it was. Among them was a small circle dominated by Strange, and everyone's expressions changed drastically, especially It's the king, his fat body trembled in fear, and he stammered, "Duodo Domam?!"

He has never seen Dormammu, but the scene in front of him is exactly the same as the situation recorded in the book when Dormammu invaded. In addition, the two temples were destroyed. It is obvious that Dormammu is coming to devour the earth. This is further confirmed when there is an incomparably huge giant behind the dense stars.

"He failed," Modu clenched the stick-like magic weapon in his hand, gritted his teeth and said, "Now it's time for us to do it."

Wang, who was always optimistic, said with great frustration: "No, we can't win if we put them all together. Karma Taj lost."

Modu roared loudly: "Are you admitting defeat before you fight?"

Stark looked up at the sky, and countless stars spread to the sky, as if the earth was surrounded by these stars, and immediately said to the watch: "Jarvis, tell me what is this?"

"Sir, the satellite did not observe any abnormality, I can't understand the darkening of the sky"

"Dormammu is rushing to the earth from the dark dimension, and he will be observed by your satellite after he has completely arrived on the earth." Strange beckoned, and the red magic cloak flew over by itself and landed on the ground. his back.

Seeing this situation, Wang hurriedly asked, "What are you going to do?"

Strange said firmly: "It's time for me to fulfill the duties of the Supreme Mage."

Before the words were finished, the stars all over the sky suddenly exploded in unison. In an instant, endless colorful flames churned, as brilliant as fireworks all over the sky, and the reflected world was dyed with colorful colors.

"This" mages who were scrambling to "send to death" were all stunned, not understanding what happened. Isn't Dormammu going to swallow the earth in darkness?Why did it all explode all of a sudden?

"That's it." The sharp-eyed Stark caught a glimpse of a black spot in the sea of ​​colorful flames, and the Mark48 on his body moved instantly, the helmet closed, and then zoomed in on the scene, and saw a man in tattered clothes, Stand behind the sea of ​​fire.

The man slowly raised his right hand high, and the colorful sea of ​​flames seemed to have opened the floodgate, rushing towards him in an instant, making the landscape in the sky even more spectacular. To the one who appeared though ragged but devouring endless flames.

"He's still alive?" Modu couldn't believe his eyes.

"Should it be?" Wang couldn't be sure. Everything that happened today was far beyond what he could accept. The most unacceptable thing in front of him was better than Gu Yi who rushed into the dark dimension and never came back. Fighting Dormammu.

The endless magical flames condensed into a basketball-sized fireball in an instant, and Gerel held it in his right palm, then raised his head and said to the front: "Dormam, is that all you want?"

"You're not dead yet?" Dormammu stopped and looked at Greer in astonishment. Isn't this guy dead?He clearly felt that this guy's breath of life had been cut off, and he was absolutely dead, but why did he appear alive and kicking in front of him again.

"Many people wanted me to die, but they all went to hell to play cards in the end. Are you interested in going there and waiting for me with them?" Greer said and threw the flaming basketball in his hand towards Dormammu.

The flame basketball rushed towards Dormammu at an extremely fast speed, was slapped by Dormammu, and hit a star in the distance. The bursting flames burned a large area into an empty domain, and even a trace No dust remained.

And Dormammu also saw the mark on Greer's forehead, and couldn't help laughing, saying: "It's really ridiculous, people who desperately resist the darkness are throwing themselves into the darkness one by one."

"Including you?" Greer's simple words made Dormammu's smile stop abruptly. He used to be a mage full of justice, but he has come to the present step by step and has become the enemy he wanted to eliminate at the beginning. .

"I'm sorry, I forgot, now you are just a dark creature named Dormammu, and Dormammu was already dead the moment he plunged into the darkness." Greer raised his left hand and put the diamond card in his hand. Inserted into the Neo decade driver at the waist: "Then let me tell you, throwing yourself into darkness does not mean becoming darkness."

"Go to hell!" Dormammu opened his mouth in embarrassment and spewed out a raging flame column, heading straight for Greer. All the stars along the way were instantly burned by this magical flame. Leave a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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