The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 976 Stark's Split Management

Chapter 976 Stark's Split Management
Peter Parker couldn't help but stop, standing in the smoke that drifted with the wind, panting and looking around, there were S.H.I.E.L.D. silence.

Death and blood, despair and crying!

Mingming's ears were filled with noisy voices, but Parker didn't seem to hear any voices, and he couldn't even stand upright. He raised his hand and stroked his forehead, and closed his eyes a little reluctantly, not daring to look at him lying in a pool of blood. Clint and the man who just asked for his own autograph for his daughter.

On the opposite side of him, Romanov was still sitting silently on the ground full of time and dust, even if he saw Parker approaching, even if the communicator on his body rang, he remained silent, as if the hustle and bustle of the world had nothing to do with her. irrelevant.

The two of them just stood and sat, and after an unknown amount of time, there was a sharp piercing sound in the distant sky, causing the surviving agents to raise their heads and look in the direction of the sound, and saw two The streamer shuttled rapidly between the high-rise buildings, and the shock waves brought by the super-fast speed shook the glass of the buildings on both sides.

"It's Iron Man!" An injured Pym Technology employee covered the wound on his forehead and shouted with great joy. The panic caused by the unknown bombing disappeared immediately. Get up and jump for joy.

The two streamers rushed straight towards the shattered square, almost hitting the floor, and the floor where it landed instantly shattered. The only difference was that Iron Man's footprints were relatively shallow, while War Machine's feet almost sank into the stone slabs. inside.

The helmet opened, revealing the face of Tony Stark, followed by War Machine also opened the helmet, turned to look around like hell, this scene is no stranger to him, he has been in the army for many years, and he has seen more tragic than this battlefield.

Romanov, who was sitting not far from Clint, finally raised his head, looked at Iron Man and War Machine, and said in a hoarse voice: "You guys are late, it's all over."

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head again and stared at the broken floor in a daze. Her hands were covered with blood, and the wound on Clint's chest still had several groups of hemostatic gauze soaked in blood. It was obvious that Romanov had tried to save him. , but the wound was too big, and there were vital organs in it, so there wasn't even much time for them to say a few more words.

Rhodes walked away to help the surviving S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and rescue the wounded. Police cars rushed over one after another and began to block the scene, followed by ambulances to rescue the wounded.10 minutes after Clint sent the message for help, the S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicle arrived on the scene, taking away the surviving and dead agents.

Coupled with crowds of onlookers and reporters rushing in, Pym Technology, which is rarely visited by people, became extraordinarily lively. Many citizens who witnessed the whole process described what they saw to the camera. People say different words, but they all contain the same elements: alien spaceships like donuts, Spiderman, bombing .
In the transport plane of S.H.I.E.L.D., one black bag after another is placed in the middle, with the surviving agents on both sides, the three members of the Avengers, and the person guarding the bag with Scott’s name on it. Hope.

No one spoke, all the staff were silent and no one even moved, so that only the roar of the engine could be heard in the transport plane, until it landed, and the transport cabin door opened, and the statue-like people got up and walked off the transport plane with heavy steps .

Outside is the Trident Building of S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Coulson, Deputy Director Hill, Captain Rogers and other top S.H.I.E.L.D. executives almost all ran to the tarmac, and behind them were a group of members of the medical department, guiding the surviving agents to carry out Examination and hospitalization.

Rogers almost ran all the way into the transport plane, walked up to Romanov who was covered in blood, opened his mouth but didn't know what to say, Romanov turned to look at him, and whispered: "He saved me , but I couldn’t save him, so I just watched him die.”

"this is not your fault."

Coulson stood at the cabin door and looked at the black bags that were almost crowded into the cabin space. He couldn't help but clenched his fists, turned his head, and nodded to the agents behind him. Two teams of agents entered the cabin from left and right, carefully lifted the One by one, the bags were put into the same box, and then the lid was closed and carried out.

When the two agents came to Hope, Hope, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "No, don't touch him."

Coulson waved at them, and the two agents immediately walked to the side, leaving behind the black bag. Deputy Director Hill walked over, patted Hope on the shoulder comfortingly, and said, "You should go to Check it out, bandage the wound and no one will touch him, I promise."

Hope raised his head, looked at Deputy Director Hill, and asked, "Who are they? Why are they arresting my father?"

"Thanos' subordinates, Proxima Proxima and General Deathblade," Stark said with a gloomy face, "he wanted Pym particles to travel through time and space, and Greer's guess came true."

Rogers turned his head and asked, "What guess?"

"He speculated that Thanos might have captured a person from another time and space and obtained information about the future. Now it seems that he has also obtained a space-time shuttle."

Rogers turned around, looked directly at Stark, and said, "You never said that."

Stark said in a very impatient tone: "This is just a guess without any evidence. There are many similar guesses."

Hope was confused and said, "Wait a minute, what are you talking about? Pym particles can travel through time and space?"

"I talked to your father about this before," Stark turned his head and said: "After breaking through the Planck scale, you will enter the meaningless imaginary space, where you can travel through time and space."

"That's why he suddenly said that he could save his mother and cooperate with the most hated S.H.I.E.L.D. It turned out to be like this." Hope finally knew why his father had changed so much.

Coulson looked directly at Stark and said, "You should have told us, otherwise, we wouldn't have sent only a few of them there."

"I didn't know that things would turn out like this. I already asked Parker to protect Dr. Hank."

Peter Parker nodded at the side, and Romanov also knew this, so he immediately called Parker to come to support him when something bad happened.

"You always hide a lot of secrets," Rogers said with a very bad face: "You will kill everyone like this."

Agent Hill said: "Stark, you are more and more like Director Fury. His usual split management is that everyone only knows what they should know."

(End of this chapter)

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