Chapter 970

"They have no choice." Stark looked as if he was sure about Hydra and Jesus would not be able to keep him, making Rogers frown, not knowing where his confidence came from.

On the contrary, Coulson nodded in agreement, and said: "Maybe, we have the advantage now. If Hydra disagrees, it will continue to be surrounded by S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers. The cooperation agreement will at least allow them to catch my breath."

Pausing for a moment, seeing that Rogers was a little displeased, he continued: "If Thanos' fleet is really approaching the earth, we must focus on it, and naturally we can't care about continuing to encircle and suppress Hydra; if Thanos' fleet The fleet is not coming to Earth, so after figuring it out, we can continue to encircle Hydra; maybe we can find more Hydra hidden agents in the middle."

Just listening, Sam has already drawn a picture of 'intrigue' in his mind. Is this cooperation?It doesn't even count as taking advantage of each other, they just want to gain benefits from each other, and they can't be taken advantage of by others, that's it!

It always feels like playing with a snake!
Rogers did not agree to cooperate with Hydra. He felt that it was too skinny. Now S.H.I.E.L.D. has the upper hand, but the Allied Forces and the Science and Strategy Corps had a greater advantage than they do now. A paper clip operation, absorbing a large number of Hydra scientists.

Ever since, S.H.I.E.L.D. almost collapsed. If Stark and the others had not extended a helping hand in time, I am afraid that the World Security Council would have already attacked S.H.I.E.L.D., unlike now, it still maintains a certain degree of autonomy.

Years of battlefield experience told Rogers that there should be no waves in the wind, otherwise it will definitely collapse.

Stark and Rogers had a heated debate on this. Stark is a pragmatic person. No matter you are good or bad, you can use it as long as it is useful. Rogers is different. He is very principled and will never fight with those villains. cooperate.

In the end, Rogers has begun to question what Stark wants to do with the gravitational onium. Since the threat of the Thanos fleet is imminent and there is an urgent need to get out what he called the gravitational bomb as soon as possible, why not cooperate with S.H.I.E.L.D.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has the world's top scientific team, is also connected with many laboratories around the world, and mobilizes all kinds of precious materials. If they work together, can't they save time?Why do you have to close the door and sneak around, are you so afraid of people?
"Hehe," Stark laughed mercilessly, spread his hands, and said, "Is it so strong? Then why didn't you create Ultron, even if you can get Ultron, how is my nanotechnology research? Now, at what stage has the composite material made of glass fiber, ceramics, carbon nanotubes and other materials of the steel suit been imitated?"

Stark's mouth was like a machine gun, and he continuously reported seven or eight kinds of his unique super-strong materials, the only one in the world, and no one has succeeded in imitating it so far, including the photon blood vessel system based on Kamen Rider faiz and the Apollo metal , the superconducting wires made are sold all over the world, and they are not afraid of imitation at all.

Roger was at a loss for words, he really didn't understand, commando or something, he knew it clearly, the scientific research department emmmmm
Greer shook his head endlessly. Rogers was arguing about what not to do. He insisted on arguing with Stark about science and technology. There is no one in the world who is smarter than Stark. They really use their own shortcomings to attack others' strengths.

Not wanting to see these two fall in love and kill each other, Greer turned to look at Coulson, and said, "Director Coulson, how is Wakanda?"

Since the last time the United Nations General Assembly came up with a sentence to open Wakanda and connect with the world, there has been no follow-up. Instead, T’Challa went to the West Coast Villa to make a fuss, revealing that Wakanda was attacked by Ultron, and the loss was not small. , and lost a large amount of vibration gold.

Coulson showed a wry smile, shook his head, and said: "I don't know, S.H.I.E.L.D. has sent agents to Wakanda more than once, but there is no news. For that, the East African Tree House Branch was set up to use Gathering intelligence on Wakanda, but nothing useful so far."

"." Greer was speechless. What is Wakanda doing? Didn't it mean to open up?Why just talk and not do it? Although their level of warfare is still at the stage of swords and spears plus close combat, the technology is still quite advanced, and the vibrating gold material is also good. It is still necessary when the earth is facing the threat of tyrants. Joining Wakanda.

"Well, now the value of the intelligence brought back by Hydra is one point higher," Greer folded his hands and put it in his mind, and said: "You can send a copy of the interrogation record to Wakanda to let them know the earth Facing the threat of the Thanos fleet, if you don’t want to be randomly killed half, then stop hiding.”

"pretty good idea."

Greer and Coulson were discussing as if no one was watching, Stark and Rogers were arguing as if no one was watching, and only Sam was left watching the play, unable to intervene or know what to say, so he simply fell silent.

S.H.I.E.L.D. quickly sorted out a mission record and sent it to important departments such as the World Security Council and the United Nations to let high-level officials from all over the world know that the threat of aliens mentioned by the Avengers in the conference hall was real. A real thing, not an Avengers stopgap.

This report is top-secret, and only a very few people can know it, but it quickly spread among the nobles. Of course, the net worth of those who can know is ten zeros, but it didn't cause too much panic It is not only that the rich are quite ignorant of the strength of Thanos, but also that the earth has been attacked by aliens more than once.

From the Chitauri's attack on the contract, to the dark elves' battle against the fog city, wave after wave of aliens almost wiped out the freshness of the earthlings. Seeing that another alien fleet is coming to earth, it's no wonder They will panic and say, ah, the world is going to be destroyed, and aliens are coming, so run for your life, but, oh, the aliens are coming again, where should I fight this time? It's time to increase the price, go stock up.

There is no passion at all, let alone surging.

The only effect is that, as Stark expected, it does reduce the pressure on the Avengers, because the world needs the Avengers to fight the alien fleet again. Of course, conspiracy theorists can always find conspiracy from novel angles Come:
For example, this must be another lie concocted by the Avengers. They want to use aliens to intimidate the world. The purpose is to downplay the Ultron incident and remind the world of the contributions of the Avengers, so that they will no longer pursue the Ultron incident.

In short, these conspirators are clung to the biggest mistake made by the Avengers, desperately trying to pull the Avengers down, yes, they are talking about the registered proposals headed by Ross.

After being blown back by the bombs thrown by the Avengers one after another, the meeting in the United Nations General Assembly Hall, which was very stable, reflected on it. Instead of going to the upper level with a big picture, it began to incite the bottom layer in an attempt to kidnap public opinion.

The people can vote, and politicians who need ballot boxes must conform to public opinion and follow public opinion, so as to complete their bottom-up revolution.
It is a pity that it is common to die before being successful, but it is rare to be successful. Ross just started to promote public opinion when he received the news that Hale was arrested. It was the kind of stolen goods. The chains are tightly locked, and there is no possibility of a comeback.

Halle was locked up, he felt a little dangerous, everyone who should know knows that he is very optimistic about Halle, and has been focusing on cultivating Halle, so here comes the conspiracy theory, why do you want to train a nine-headed snake?What do you want to train Hydra?Are you a Hydra too?
This series of questions is enough for him to explain for a long, long time, but he may not be able to explain it clearly. There is a kind of yellow mud on the crotch. No matter how you wipe it, it is impossible to clean it. No one got me wrong?

Ross was very anxious, very anxious, so anxious that he could no longer take care of attacking the Avengers. He was so anxious that he convened a think tank to discuss how to deal with the career crisis caused by Hale being a Hydra.

Yes, in Rose's view, this is his biggest career crisis. Even if he created a monster like Abomination, there is no professional crisis. After all, Abomination is an experimental accident. Surprised.

Didn't even the smartest Dr. Banner have the most important experimental accident in his life?So experimental accidents are normal, and there is nothing to criticize. After all, the abomination didn't cause too much damage, so don't eliminate it.

But Haier is defined as Hydra, which is very different. Now Hydra is a street mouse, everyone shouts and beats, and no one dares to get involved with them, because getting involved is death, worse than being politically incorrect Be serious.

Rose could already think of how his political opponents would attack him, and he definitely wanted to pull him down as a rookie in the political arena, so as to free up a position to complete his position.I also want the Avengers, I have been biting them before, and now I have finally grasped my handle, and I still want to punish myself to death.

All Rose is in a hurry, and urgently needs to come up with a crisis public relations plan to survive this crisis. It is best to be comparable to the performance of the Avengers in the United Nations General Assembly Hall. The repeated bombings have blown everyone into a daze Yes, the anti-killing was completed in an instant, and the imminent crisis was resolved. It was a perfect crisis public relations.

Ross used to hate the perfect PR of the Avengers, but now he is very envious. He really wants to have such a plan, so that he can clean up the Hydra and make a clean and beautiful non-stick pan.

After discussing and discussing, the best solution is to say that I have no idea that Halle is a Hydra, and more people should be involved, so that the law does not blame the public. For example, Halle was promoted to general all the way. She, who signed the order, has many years of military career, whether there are problems with colleagues and leaders, needs to be investigated in depth.

After so much nonsense, alas, Rose, who has taken a fancy to Halle, is not so conspicuous all of a sudden, right? You see, so many people didn’t realize that Halle is a hydra, so why should I be asked to have golden eyes, Ross? Did you just see something wrong with Halle?It's just embarrassing me Ross.

There are a lot of other plans, but none of them are as effective as this nonsense plan. Only by muddying the water can people not see how deep the water is and how many fish there are.

The plan was finally finalized, and the next step was to implement it, but Ross didn't feel any joy, but a slight sadness. Why is it so difficult to do something these days, and nothing goes well, well, except for promotion, promotion It is indeed quite enviable to be the Secretary of State and become a rising star in the political arena.

But after this incident, Ross can no longer target the Avengers for a long time, but has to concentrate on getting rid of his relationship with Hydra. The relationship between Qing and Hydra will kill him, but the latter is more important.

When Rose tried his best to throw the pot away and dressed himself as a pure white flower, Pim Technology also ushered in several black SUVs painted with the pattern of spreading eagles, forcibly breaking into Pym Technology, attracting the retired doorman Shocked, he rang the alarm.

The door of the car was opened quickly, and a heavily armed soldier jumped out of the car, followed by seven or eight agents in black suits and big sunglasses, showing their faces to the crowd. He took out the S.H.I.E.L.D. certificate, and shouted loudly: "I am Jimmy Wu, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and I am here to conduct an investigation. Please cooperate, otherwise, we will force it in a very unpleasant way."

While showing their credentials, they were accompanied by teams of soldiers covered from head to toe, aiming their guns at the people surrounding them, causing the employees of Pym Technology to look at each other, not knowing how to mess with S.H.I.E.L.D.

After Jimmy Wu finished speaking, he waved his hand and led people into the building of Pym Technology, and began to carry out the arrest mission.

In the office on the top floor, Darren Klaus received the report immediately. When he heard that the S.H.I.E.L.D. , he wants to run away, but he has to take the Huangshan battle suit with him. It was researched by him with painstaking efforts, and it is also the only hope for turning around in the future, so he must not give up.

Darren Klaus almost staggered into the laboratory, but saw a person he least wanted to see at the moment, Hope Van Dyne standing in front of the Yellow Cedar suit storage room, facing He looked at the embarrassed Darren Klaus expressionlessly.

"Hey, Hope," Darren Krause squeezed out a smile, walked over, and said as he walked, "I came up with a good idea, maybe it can solve the problem of Huang Shan's suit, so I'll get him Go experiment."

"Really? I thought you wanted to run away with it."

Hope Van Dyne's words made Darren Klaus' face even more ugly. He was already guessing whether this woman might be the informer. After approaching her, he suddenly punched her, trying to knock her unconscious. , so as to take away the Huangshan battle suit.

Hope Van Dyne stood there indifferently, letting Darren Klaus's fist approach him, suddenly raised his foot, and kicked Darren Klaus in the chest, kicking him directly, hitting him On the steel wall, he fainted directly.

(End of this chapter)

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