Chapter 967 Coaxing
"Gravityonium?!" Coulson's heart moved, and he quickly found a mission that was carried out a long time ago from the depths of his brain's memory. A scientist named Franklin Hall was hijacked during a secret delivery. After a series of investigations, it was discovered that Dr. Hall had sent his own road map on his own initiative, which made the hijacking successful.

The hijacker is Ian Quinn of Hydra. He has built a large-scale gravity proton element underground in his manor in Malta. It only needs Dr. Hall to activate it to create an infinitely powerful gravity control. device.

By the time the team led by Coulson sneaked (attacked) into (entered) the manor, Dr. Hall had successfully activated this super-large gravitational proton element instrument. In an instant, the earth trembled and the gravity was reversed, which made Dr. Hall excited. I can't help but feel that my life's pursuit has finally been completed.

To be on the safe side, Coulson kicked the glass and let Dr. Hall fall into the silver liquid mass produced by the large gravitational proton, and finally suspended the large gravitational proton, allowing gravity and Gravity returned to normal.

After that, the surging silver liquid was sealed up and locked in the bottom floor of the refrigerator. The reinforced concrete walls there were ten meters thick. Can't open it.

For the sake of safety, Coulson also took away the number on the door and erased the records of the refrigerator base, so that people other than him could not know what was sealed here.

General Hale saw that Coulson fell into memory, and said: "It seems that you remembered that Dr. Franklin Hall is the best candidate to make a gravity manipulator. As long as he succeeds, he can use the gravity manipulator , to trade more things with the Alien Alliance, in addition to the agreement, you can also exchange for technology, but unfortunately it was destroyed by you, we can only use aliens to trade and reach a protection agreement."

"Alien?" Coulson couldn't help frowning. He had seen this word in the SHIELD database. This race has existed for a long time in human history, and many strange people and strange events recorded in history, In fact, most of them are related to aliens.

But then this race disappeared, strange people and strange things stopped abruptly, and even myths and legends appeared faults. Soon after, mankind entered the industrial revolution and opened a mighty wave of industrialization. In just a few hundred years Over time, a splendid civilization developed.

Although there is no evidence, Coulson always feels that this information about the Inhuman race is implying that the "Inhuman" race that once existed in history is hindering the progress of mankind, and does not want to make mankind too powerful, so that out of their control.

With a smile on his face, Hale said, "You can ask the Avengers, they must know what a foreigner is, and they can even show you what a foreigner looks like and what abilities they have."

Rogers couldn't help turning his head to look at Greer and Stark next to him, but saw that the expressions of the two did not change, they were still staring at the screen, whispering to each other, mocking Halle for wanting to make trouble at this time, Discussing how to get Ross involved.

In the interrogation room, Coulson reappeared the old kind smile on his face, and said: "Since you also want to protect the earth, why not tell me when the alien fleet will arrive on the earth, as well as you and the aliens?" What are the details of the protection agreement reached by the Human Alliance?"

"Thanos is a famous tyrant in the Milky Way. When he conquers a planet, he will randomly slaughter half of the population of that planet, regardless of men, women, old or weak, and then walk away. We give the Alien Alliance Gravity, and they will help The remaining half of humanity should restore order as soon as possible, and take some people away from the earth to avoid being slaughtered by Thanos."

Hale said, leaning forward, and said in a seductive tone: "Colson, you are very capable, you shouldn't bet on the 50.00% survival rate, let's leave Earth together."

"It's really tempting," Coulson nodded, "but the gravitonium is gone."

"What?" The expression on Hale's face suddenly froze, and he forced a smile: "This joke is not funny at all."

"I also hope it's a joke, but it's true," Coulson said, taking out the tablet, flipping it over, showing it to Hale, and said: "This is the secret base for storing gravitonium, long before you occupied S.H.I.E.L.D. At that time, a large number of items code-named 084, including gravitonium, were all transported away."

Hale carefully looked at the mission record on the tablet, and later said that the freighter sank in a storm during the transshipment, and there was no further information.

Coulson clicked on the tablet a few more times, brought up a subsea video, and said: "When I was sorting out the documents during Hydra's rule, I found this freighter. I sent a submarine to search that area, and there was no evidence at all. any shipwreck.

So, Hale, I really don't know where the gravitonium is, maybe you need to ask your colleagues where they hide the gravitonium. "

"How could this happen?" Heldon panicked, looked up at Coulson suddenly, and said through gritted teeth: "What I'm saying is the truth, Thanos' fleet is rushing to the earth, we are running out of time, we must Complete the deal with the Alien Alliance as soon as possible, if you don’t believe me, I can use the teleporter provided by the Alien Alliance to take you to meet them.”

"I'm telling the truth," Coulson also said seriously: "You should know Hydra. After they stole the power of S.H.I.E.L.D., they transferred a large number of rare materials and 084 items. So far, only Less than a third."

Hale was silent. She naturally knew how free Hydra was after getting rid of Nick Fury and Alexander Pierce regained power. She really regarded S.H.I.E.L.D. Take whatever you want, and even start fighting for power and profit.

Coulson said very sincerely: "Hale, we must cooperate to find the gravitonium."

Hale suddenly laughed, the kind of laughing, shaking his head while laughing, and said: "Colson, you still don't believe it, do you want to use me to find the hidden Hydra? It doesn't matter, wait for Thanos When the fleet arrives, you will believe it, but I want to see who will be the lucky half, you or me."

"Maybe not." Coulson stood up and said in his usual gentle voice: "I will look for clues about gravitonium when I go back, and study your teleportation device. I hope you will think about it too. Thinking, who will take away the gravitonium, you and I have different positions, but if the human race is extinct, then there is no point in arguing about it.”

After finishing speaking, Coulson nodded to Hale, turned and left the interrogation room. Hale sneered the whole time, and four heavily armed soldiers outside walked in and escorted Hale back to the cell. Hale didn't say anything more. In a word.

In the control room, Stark shrugged and said, "It seems that Coulson's decoy tactics have failed."

Rogers frowned and said, "But he might really be coming."

"Not necessarily," Greer was usually very worried about the threat of the tyrant, but now he said optimistically: "Isn't all liars like this, let me use my identity as a bluff to tell you what's going on. It's a crime, it scares you so much that you lose your ability to think, and when the time comes, he will do whatever he says."

Stark said from the side: "Greer, have you forgotten? The captain lived in an era when there were no mobile phones, and there was no telecom fraud."

Sam couldn't help turning his head to look at Stark. He couldn't understand why Stark always carried a gun with a stick, and he only targeted the captain.When Stark was born, the captain had been frozen for many years. When the captain ran out of the ice, Stark would be in his 40s and [-]s. There was no intersection at all. How could they dislike each other?
Rogers glanced at Stark, did not argue with him, and continued: "But we must consider this situation."

"We've been thinking about this situation," Stark said immediately, "The Iron Legion, Veronica, and the Deep Space Satellite Network are all prepared for the day when Thanos comes. Maybe the S.H.I.E.L.D. It was not until the smooth flow was restored, do you want me to introduce it in detail?"

Rogers was a little anxious, and was about to speak, but saw Coulson strode in, handed the tablet in his hand to a staff member, walked towards Rogers, and said as he walked, "We need to search the tablet more carefully. Hai Yu, Stark, do you have any suggestions?"

Stark turned his head, folded his arms in front of him, and said, "Unless the ship sinks into the mud, you can send a submarine to find it, so if you can't find it below, you can look up."

"Above?" Coulson was taken aback when he heard the words. The sea was above the sky. Could it be that the [-]-ton giant ship was blown away by the storm?

Then Coulson thought that in the underground laboratory in Malta, after the large instrument was activated by Dr. Hall, the roof and the floor were directly upside down, and the gravity of the entire manor was in disarray. Then, would a ship encountering a storm, inadvertently Let the gravitonium start to change the gravitational force around the ship and fly into the sky?
Thinking of this, Coulson immediately took out his mobile phone and started contacting the air force of S.H.I.E.L.D., saying, "I'm Phil Coulson. Immediately send two reconnaissance planes to point N23SF44. "

Before Coulson finished speaking, Stark beside him said, "I've found it."

As he spoke, he quickly clicked a few times on the watch, and an image was projected in the air. In the clouds as white as snow, a ship was looming, with a height of 530 meters.

"Don't start yet, wait for my order." Coulson hung up the communication, walked to Stark's side, looked at the ship getting closer, and said, "Your drone?"

"Hmm," Stark controlled the drone to fly around the floating ship, inspecting the interior, and said without raising his head: "Are you interested? It's still very useful. We need to send reconnaissance planes, and the mothership suspended in the air can immediately take off small drones and rush to the scene."

"Maybe we can talk about it." Coulson is indeed very interested in the global drone system developed by Stark. If S.H.I.E.L.D. also has one, then no matter where the agents go to perform missions, they can get intelligence and nearby video support. There will never be a time when S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot send reinforcements there.

"What do aliens want gravitonium for?" Greer raised his doubts. This thing sounds very advanced. Could it be that aliens can't make it?

"Artificial gravity, but the most important thing should be the bomb." Stark raised his head, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Colson, discuss it, the drone platform is shared with S.H.I.E.L.D. I."

"What do you want to do?"

"Prepare a big surprise for Thanos," Stark said with a gleam of wisdom in his eyes, "Since the gravitonium can activate the gravity manipulator, it can also be changed to a gravitational bomb. If it is detonated inside the spacecraft If so, it will be wonderful.”

"Hmm, like the black hole grenade?" Greer thought of the dark elf's weapon. Once detonated, there will be a strong gravitational force, creating an artificial black hole, and compressing everything around it into a single point.

"Almost, but we don't need extreme compression. We just need a large-scale traction to cause great damage to the spaceship." Stark looked at the ship floating in the air with fiery eyes, and he wanted to go over and get it right away. Gravitonium, then experiment.

Before Coulson could respond, Stark had already said to the watch: "Jarvis, launch the small thruster box immediately, and don't let this ship fall."

"Okay, sir!"

An armor on the top floor of the Avengers base thousands of miles away was slowly opened, and then the mechanical arm and the conveyor belt sent an integrated device to the launch port, and the high-power rocket propulsion started, 'Whoosh! ' rushed into the sky with a sound, adjusted the flight attitude, and didn't stop the rocket's engine until it reached the vicinity of the floating ship.

Then the arrow body split apart, and rows of miniature propellers the size of moon cakes flew out from it. According to the calculation results, they rushed towards the ship neatly and sucked tightly around the ship. Once the ship loses buoyancy, it will immediately Turn on the power to ensure that the ship falls back to the sea smoothly.

At the same time, a steel unmanned aerial vehicle also entered the interior of the ship and began to search for gravitational onium. Everything was controlled by Jarvis, and the Stark industrial satellite and Veronica platform in the sky provided communication and intelligence support.

The high level of intelligence makes Coulson quite envious. If S.H.I.E.L.D. has such a high level of intelligence, the efficiency can be increased many times, and the problem of Hydra usurping power will probably not occur.

Under the watchful eyes of several people, the steel drone found a basketball-sized silver liquid ball suspended in the air in the engine room, with strong electric lights flashing on the surface, and several gaps were cracked under the metal ball. Tempered glass case.

(End of this chapter)

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