Chapter 956
Hank Pym watched the videos one by one, people who were walking suddenly turned into ashes, causing the people next to them to scream in horror, and the out-of-control cars crashed into the surroundings randomly, some As soon as they hit someone, that person was already wiped out, some hit the person straight on, the helicopter in the air lost control and crashed into the building, some...
"This is." Hank Pym felt as if he was watching the video of the network interruption some time ago. There were many similar accidents at that time, but no one was wiped out.

"The future!" Stark spit out a word, his face was quite solemn, and said: "This may be our future."

"What?" There was a question mark on Hank Pym's forehead. Ever since he met Tony Stark, no one had understood the question. He always felt that he was not in the same dimension as him, so he couldn't understand what the other party said. What do you mean.

Stark turned around, stood facing Hank Pym, and said, "Don't you want to know how I got the data to make this machine without stretching technology and Pym particles? In the future, or another Brother Yu People from the universe, they came to this universe to find the infinite gems and save their own future, and they brought these videos by the way."

Hank Pym was completely dumbfounded. He stared blankly at Stark who seemed to be very serious. He always felt that he was talking nonsense. What he said was really a joke. For people who are still in the future, why don’t you say that you met? What about God?
"It's ridiculous. If I haven't seen Thor PLUS and Thor in the same frame, I wouldn't believe it." Greer walked over with two bottles of drinks, threw a bottle to Stark, and screwed himself. Kailai said: "I met Thor in Asgard who had gained weight several times. As a guinea pig, he performed the first space-time travel mission and took away the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and the Infinity Cube from Odin's treasury. Gloves.

Then when the Nine Realms overlapped, I met Thor and another Stark, that Stark was wearing a steel suit made of mature nanotechnology, a module much smaller than the drink bottle in my hand, but It can be expanded into an infinitely powerful steel suit. He gave me a storage disk, which contains a lot of data and information. "

"Are you serious?" Hank Pym still couldn't believe such nonsense, otherwise, wouldn't this prove that his research all along was wrong, and he still had to believe in the theory of infinite parallel universes that he always thought was nonsense .

The theory of parallel universes is the most nonsense that Hank Pym thinks, because no matter how small the probability is, according to the theory of infinite parallel universes, there will always be a universe that will come true, so he always thinks this is nonsense at all.

But today, Stark told him that the theory of infinite parallel universes is correct, which is too subversive. Hank Pym really couldn't believe it. He always felt that something was wrong, but he said no What is wrong with coming out, I can only frown and think hard, so I can ask questions.

And Stark didn't give him the meaning of resolving his confusion, and continued: "The reason why these people are wiped out is Thanos. He is collecting six infinite gems, putting them on the infinite gauntlet, and then snapping his fingers, half of the people in the universe It's gone to ashes."

Following Stark's words, the holographic projection screen also converted the future picture into the introduction of six infinite gems and infinite gloves, so that Hank Pym, who was first exposed to the universe secret, could briefly understand the reason for infinite war.

After Hank Pym finished reading the information on the Infinity Stones, Stark continued: "The life of half of the universe was wiped out in that universe, so they started a plan called time-space hijacking five years later. , that is, go to the past timeline, find and collect infinite gems, and resurrect the erased people."

Hank Pym's mouth has been opened into an O shape, and he feels like he is listening to science fiction, no, a fairy tale, every sentence contains endless information, which makes his brain unable to digest for a while, and even stops a bit. Not very stable.

"And their device for traveling through time and space, in addition to being based on the theory of the Möbius ring, is your Pym particle, which shrinks itself to an unknown area where time and space lose meaning, thereby leaving the original time and space and entering another time and space. "Stark's holographic projection also showed how to make a person in the universe operate.

The explanation and demonstration that lasted more than ten minutes ended here, but Hank Pym did not recover from the shock for a long time. The information Stark gave was too much, and it would not be digested in a short time. Forget about verifying the truth of these words.

Hank Pym was sitting on a chair, taking deep breaths to increase the amount of oxygen he could absorb to supply his brain with thinking. It was so amazing that he couldn't believe what he heard. It was simply subversive.

It's like getting used to the round sky and suddenly telling you that the earth is a ball suspended in the universe. Suddenly, the whole person is in a bad mood. It is completely unbelievable. How did the big ball float in the void of the universe without filler? of.

Then, based on your own experience and cognition, it is absolutely nonsense to think that the earth is a ball, and the truth is that the sky is round, or it seems that many people don’t know that Yuanxiao and glutinous rice balls are completely different foods. When you tell This is a different time for him, and he is often greeted with idiot eyes.

The more knowledgeable a person is, the more he believes in himself and the harder it is to be persuaded by others. This is why many crazy scientists in the movie, when the facts are in front of them, and the protagonist repeatedly tells him the truth, he just doesn’t believe it. reason.

At this moment, Hank Pym is in such a state. After studying the "truth" for decades, he suddenly told him that it might be wrong. How could he change his mind immediately? Instead, he would subconsciously use his old knowledge to think and judge these things. Whether the new knowledge is true or false.

While Hank Pym was thinking seriously, Greer and Stark circled around the expensive space-time shuttle, Stark was checking the situation of the time-space shuttle, and Greer was curious. , I never thought that Stark actually made this thing.

"Are you doing this just in case?" Greer felt that this might be Stark's backhand, but he was more worried about whether it would make the already chaotic space-time even worse.

"Maybe it will come in handy." Stark said casually, but the inspection was extremely meticulous. For this reason, the room built in the corner of the training center was upgraded to a high-level dust-free area to prevent equipment splash dust.

And here, Hank Pym has almost digested it, stood up tremblingly on crutches, and said, "You haven't said how to rescue Janet?"

He didn't want to talk about how the other party was sure that Janet was still alive, because now he was even more convinced that Janet was still alive, but she was trapped in the microcosm and couldn't leave.

"Use this." Stark pointed to the huge instrument in front of him, as well as the holographic projection of a small and exquisite bracelet and a cool-looking outer armor.

"what is this?"

"Space-time shuttle, positioning device, and battle suit to enter the quantum realm."

"." Hank Pym wanted to say that I hadn't heard of any of these, let alone seen them, but he still held back his doubts. What he wants to know most now is how to rescue Janet. Others are small problems. It doesn't matter if he doesn't know it all his life.

Stark looked at his unfinished space-time shuttle and said: "I am now manufacturing it based on the data and drawings in the data, but that is their time-space data, I need our time-space data for comparison. , After all, it is an unknown area, if there is any deviation, maybe the rescuers will be trapped there."

"Do you mean to shrink down to below the Planck scale?" Hank Pym heard what Stark meant, and if he wanted to collect data, he would definitely send someone in, commonly known as a small white mouse.

Stark turned his head, looked at Hank Pym and said, "Maybe you can consider finding an heir and try shrinking to the limit."

Hank Pym didn't speak, just frowned, and Stark immediately added: "It doesn't matter even if he is lost, as long as I have enough data, I can complete the space-time shuttle, quantum suit, positioning bracelet, Wouldn't it be okay to rescue him together at that time?"

It was indeed a good idea. Hank Pym admitted that he was tempted, but he didn't say it out loud. He would not rashly believe someone named Stark who had suffered a loss once. He only said that he would think about it when he went back, and he would give it to him as soon as possible. reply.

Stark didn't stop him, but when the other party was about to walk out, he said: "I know you have misunderstood my father, but he was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. at the time, and he was thinking about the safety of the entire human being, just like now Similarly, in order to protect human beings, sacrifices are sometimes unavoidable, including myself."

"Huh?" Hank Pym was stunned for a moment, looking at Stark who said this inexplicably, but Stark didn't say anything, just raised his hand and threw him a storage disk, saying: "I hope you Move to the Avengers base as soon as possible, you are likely to be targeted by Thanos, he wants to collect infinite gems, and he also needs to travel through time and space, that is, he needs your Pym particles."

Hank Pym took the storage disk and wanted to ask questions, but he turned around and left. He has received enough information today and needs time to digest it.

After Hank Pym left, Greer said, "So you built this, do you want to go to the other's universe?"

Stark nodded and said: "Just in case you don't need it, but it is really necessary to see what happened?"

The one thing that was not said was: Those people have been collecting gems, but they have never returned them.

Hank Pym was driving his car on the road. As he walked, the car suddenly became extremely small, turned into a side alley, and entered the wall through a very hidden entrance at the corner. A very small elevator drives the car down into the mansion.

After entering the mansion, Hank Pym began to read the storage disk given by Stark. In addition to those doomsday videos, there was also a brief introduction to the space-time shuttle, Thanos collecting infinite gems and erasing half of the world with a snap of his fingers. The facts of life in the universe.

Hank Pym was even more shocked. He never imagined that when he was still wandering on the earth, so many earth-shattering events happened in the universe. It was unimaginably terrifying to wipe out half of the universe with a snap of his fingers.

As for what Stark said about the need for a mouse to collect data in the quantum domain below the Planck scale, Hank Pym paid the most attention and searched for it the most, and he didn't even pay much attention to Pym Technology. It was not until the candidate was confirmed that he went to see his daughter, and told his daughter who had always been estranged that Janet was still alive and had planned to go to the quantum realm to save her.

Hope Van Dyne was dumbfounded when he heard this. His mother, who had disappeared for more than 20 years, was still alive. She was so bloody, why not make a TV series.

"I know it's unbelievable, but it's true, Janet is still alive, trapped in the quantum realm, waiting for us to rescue her," Hank Pym said with tears in his eyes, "As long as the data collection is complete , you can create instruments and equipment that travel through the quantum world, enter it, and look for Janet."

"Don't tell me, you want to go in and collect data?"

"No, I found a candidate, he should be very suitable for this job." Hank Pym said and handed a document to his daughter, saying: "Although he is a repeat offender, he has a good heart and is short of money. Yes, it is very suitable for this kind of black work."

Hope van Dyne opened it, showing a very ordinary middle-aged face, wearing a prison uniform, holding a sign, followed by an introduction to family and growth, nothing special, I really don’t know why it was chosen by Hank Pym , and Hank Pym will not say that this is the information Stark gave him, which greatly reduces the time for him to investigate his successor.

After flipping through the documents in his hand, Hope Van Dyne took several deep breaths and said, "Are you sure she's still alive?"

"I want to rescue her more than anyone else, but the premise is to collect enough data to complete the instrument, otherwise if I go in rashly, I might be trapped inside," Hank Pym said very Sincerely said: "Hope, I need your help."

Rescuing her mother from the Quantum Realm made Hope van Dyne completely irresistible. This was the first time she had spoken so many words to her father in so many years. Lang's habit of sneaking in the plan.

In the end, Hank Pym, as expected, became concerned about the telescopic technology of Pym Technology, and told his daughter about the danger and unpredictability of the microcosm. He said very seriously that Darren Krause developed the telescopic technology. If you want to use it in the military, this is a very dangerous thing, and it will seriously damage the peace of the world.

In order to win over his daughter, Hank Pym also told from Tony Stark that the people Darren Klaus had contacted had Hydra.

(End of this chapter)

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