The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 954 Infinite Ring

Chapter 954 Infinite Ring

Hank Pym's breathing was disordered, and the arm that was leaning on the cane couldn't stop shaking. His cloudy eyes were staring at Stark in front of him, as if trying to figure out what he was trying to do.

The first thing that came to mind was that Stark plotted his Pym particles, so I said that, in fact, I didn’t know how to rescue his wife, he really wanted to walk away, ignoring this guy who was talking about running the train, but he wanted to leave many times , but the legs are always unable to move.

In the end, Hank Pym had to admit that Tony Stark had caught on to his weakness. He always believed that his wife was not dead, but just trapped in the microscopic world, waiting for him to save.

Even though it has been 30 or [-] years, he never gave up. Even if he was kicked out of his company, he didn't say that he would spend time trying to find a way to go back. Instead, he retired and hid in a mansion to concentrate on studying Pym particles and the microcosm. and be able to discover.

However, Hank Pym soon regained his composure, rationally regained the high ground, and said in a deep voice, "What can I do?"

"Are you sure you want to talk on the street? How about, let's find a quieter place." Stark said and turned to his car, and Greer on the roof also jumped up, turned over in the air, and stabilized Landing firmly, like playing gymnastics.

Stark's car started and drove forward along the road. Greer looked back at Hank Pym who was still standing there, and then at Stark who turned off the autopilot and drove manually, and said: "Just leave like this?"

"Don't worry, he will follow." Stark said confidently, and he did exactly that. He didn't slow down and wait for others during the whole process. He drove all the way and stopped at the parking lot of a fast food restaurant next to the road. inside.

Stark walked into the store and said: "The cheeseburgers in this store are very good, and the fries are average."

Greer looked up and glanced. The shops are basically bound by wooden boards. This is also a major feature of American Emperor. Except for the first-tier big cities, other small towns rarely see houses built with reinforced concrete and bricks. , are basically all kinds of wood construction.

This store is no exception. The wooden doors, wooden walls, wooden pillars and wooden floors, even the bar and tables and chairs are all made of wood. It is really ecological in Taiyuan. I really don’t know how much wood is consumed every year. Into chopsticks, enough for a small town to use for a year.

Stark, who was wearing big sunglasses, skillfully ordered a cheeseburger with heated milk. Greer glanced at the menu and ordered a beef burger.

Before the food was served, the door of the rather deserted fast food restaurant was pushed open. Hank Pym walked in with a gloomy face, sat on the table next to Stark, ordered a hamburger and French fries casually, and Turning his head to look at Stark, he said, "Can we talk now?"

Stark took out his mobile phone, put it on the table, clicked on it a few times, and projected an image in the air, with a piece of information on it, saying: "You were in 987 to dismantle the missile and something happened. Since that incident, Ant-Man has not appeared again, becoming "

Hank Pym looked at these top-secret documents and black-and-white video materials, and asked, "Where did you get these materials?"

"He left me some things, and I found a lot of valuable things from them, such as the records of your missions and related surveillance images," Stark turned off the holographic projection, leaned back, and leaned on the On the back of the chair, he said: "I just realized that the Avengers were not the first superheroes recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. Before us, there were people who used extraordinary abilities to perform seemingly impossible tasks."

Hank Pym didn't speak, but he couldn't help recalling the hideous years in his mind. He and Janet teamed up to swipe all over the world, challenging various impossible tasks, and leaving behind countless legends.

Especially during the Cold War, the two of them played more roles than an army. I don’t know how much confidential information and materials they obtained. It can be said that they made great contributions to the final victory. Unfortunately, the good times didn’t last long. Janet had to risk forcing herself to shrink out of control and was never seen again.

In the days after losing Janet, it was the most painful time for Hank Pym. Before he got out of the loss and pain, he discovered that Howard Stark, a friend and director, was organizing scientists and wanted to copy him. Pym particles.

The anger of betrayal made him quit S.H.I.E.L.D., established Pym Technology, and then immersed himself in the research without paying too much attention to his daughter's growth, which caused his daughter to become more and more rebellious. At the most critical moment, he even voted for it. He kicked out of his company.

While Hank Pym was recalling the glorious past, the waitress at the waist of the bucket also brought up the meals ordered by the three of them, then sat back behind the bar and continued to watch her TV.

"The accident caused the Wasp to shrink to the point where she could not be observed, and she has been trapped in the microcosm since then, so if you want to save her, you must shrink to the same size and go deep into the microcosm to find it," Stark said, clicking on the watch. After a few clicks, a new image was played in the air through the holographic projection on the screen of the mobile phone, saying: "The Planck scale is the smallest scale that humans can measure, and all classical physics theories will lose effectiveness under the Planck scale.

If our universe is a realm of gravity, then below the Planck scale is the realm of quantum, where unpredictable quantum effects control everything, so Dr. Hanke, in fact, you The research has gone in the wrong direction. Pym particles are not used to shrink objects, but to explore the unknown universe. "

"I went in the wrong direction?" Hank Pym seemed to have heard something extremely ridiculous, with a contemptuous smile on his face, and said, "Do you think you understand Pym particles after reading a few documents? Hmph, You look like your father, you always feel that you are the smartest, and you don't listen to others at all."

Hank Pym was extremely disappointed. He followed up with a glimmer of hope, but he heard a kid who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth talking nonsense here. It was a waste of his time.

Thinking of this, Hank Pym wanted to stand up and leave with a 'hum', thinking in his heart that no one with the surname Stark could be trusted, so why did he believe in evil?

But Stark's holographic projection has already played the next picture, a slowly rotating Mobius strip, and then Stark's voice came to his ears: "This is the evidence, someone has used It and the Pym particles traveled through the space-time barrier and reached another universe."

(End of this chapter)

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