The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 948 Pym Particles

Chapter 948 Pym Particles
Another reason for broadening the horizons of those in power in the world is indeed to 'wipe their ass' for the Ultron incident. The loss of this Ultron incident is indeed too great. Under the guidance of caring people, it has indeed developed in the direction of excitement.

If you want to calm down this matter, you must either compromise and accept the extremely harsh agreement, or make a bigger matter to make the Ultron incident less important, and there is no greater crisis in this world than the crisis of extinction. something happened.

In the long history of mankind, there have been countless times of internal fighting, but as long as there is a powerful foreign enemy approaching, the conflicts in the fight must be put aside, and the powerful enemy will be fought together. After defeating the strong enemy, the two who were just like brothers , Immediately he could pull out a brick from behind and shoot at the opponent.

Of course he knows that this is just a stopgap measure. Once there is no foreign enemy invasion for a long time, or Thanos is repelled, some people will still bring up the past of the Avengers.

But the future will tell the future, now Greer and Stark just want to have a quiet time, fully prepare for the infinite war with Thanos, he will definitely come, come to this remote and barren planet, to fight An infinite war over the fate of the entire universe.

And this war started by one person's crazy ideas, there will be no winners, and everyone will lose in a mess. Greer and Stark just want to lose less ugly, and lose less than Thanos.

This small meeting with few participants but the most powerful one lasted for two or three hours. All the minutes of the meeting were printed out and could fill the table. All the participants had their perspectives shattered and re-acquainted with this The world, this universe.

In particular, Stark released a large number of videos about the battle of Helm's Underworld, which made these high-ranking people understand how dangerous it was at the beginning, and the fog was almost drowned by the strange black grass. Get rid of Hella, and the entire European continent and even the world will be swallowed up.

The giant tree that towers above the sky and covers the entire Heim Underworld makes everyone feel terrified. It is just like the World Tree in Nordic myths and legends, but it was immediately popularized by Greer. The World Tree may Much, much bigger than this.

Moreover, the world tree cannot be seen in the Asgard system, but can only be perceived. The nine kingdoms are constantly rotating on the world tree and connected to each other through the rainbow bridge. This is also the theory of the king-level weapon summoning the rainbow bridge. support.

Such a "wonderful" theory has once again refreshed the cognition of the big leaders. They always feel that the common sense of astronomy they have learned since childhood seems to be wrong.

However, Stark said that this is only caused by different civilization routes, just like different languages ​​express the same phenomenon differently, just like Asgard calls it the Rainbow Bridge, while humans call it Einstein Rosen bridge.

When I walked out of this building by the Hudson River, thousands of houses were already brightly lit outside, but the brightest letter A in the central city was missing, which made Manhattan residents who had long been used to it feel inexplicable Empty, always feel like something is missing.

Stark and Greer stood on the Hudson River, lying on the guardrail, watching the ships passing by in the Hudson River, and the high-rise Queens and Brooklyn on the opposite side.

Greer looked at it for a while and said, "This matter should be over."

"Probably," Stark unconsciously raised his right arm, held his left wrist, and slowly moved, "at least it can be quiet for a while."

"Quiet for a while, this has become a rare thing, really," Greer stretched his waist, turned around, lay on the railing, looked at the starry sky, and said: "Then will they engage in an extraterrestrial armed satellite defense system?"

This is the real reason why Stark participated in this meeting and talked about so many cosmic threats. He almost exhausted Stark's funds for the Iron Legion and armed satellite systems. Those who could not make ends meet began to sell weapons and technology too.

As a result, Stark Industries was bombed, and the Iron Legion also suffered heavy losses in that battle. Even without the compensation for casualties caused by Austrian creation in Sanhexi and other areas, Stark was almost on the verge of bankruptcy. After all, there is no Stark Industries It's a hematopoietic machine.

Stark Industries is not an Internet group, but an industrial company. The bombing of the most fundamental factory is equivalent to cutting off the main artery. Although there are some branches in other places, it is impossible to fill the Iron Legion and other Stark industries. A series of plans, like a gluttonous gold-swallowing behemoth.

In fact, there is one point that Rogers is right. Fighting against Thanos is a matter for all mankind. It is really far inferior to relying on a few people from one company to work together globally, so Stark simply took this opportunity to inform the countries of these things, so that They understand how big the universe is and how powerful civilization is.

"I suspect that Thanos also knows about the future," Greer expressed his worries, and said, "People from another time and space are also looking for the Infinity Stone, will they collide with Thanos on the way? Well, that would be bad."

"It's possible," Stark nodded, and said, "Xingyun is a mechanical transformation man. I usually like to leave a hidden back door in my high-tech products to prevent accidents."

"So the one most likely to be caught is Xing Yun."


"." It seems that the biggest advantage is gone.

Stark smiled, patted Greer's shoulder comfortingly, and said, "I'm experimenting with manufacturing the device needed to travel through time and space, and there is only one place and only one place for the Pym particles needed. Man can make, and I'm going to talk to him."

"Do you want to buy his formula and company?"

"He won't sell it. He didn't sell it back then, and he won't sell it in the future. He is a very annoying diehard." Stark obviously had a very bad impression of Ant-Man, and he almost wrote his dislike on his face. .

Greer rubbed his forehead with some headaches. If Thanos also wants to build a space-time shuttle and go to other time-spaces to find infinite gems, then the infinite war will become an infinite space-time war, and the intensity will increase countless times in an instant.

Greer suddenly thought of the countless distorted time and space. Could it be possible that Thanos also contributed to it?
Thinking about it, it seems very possible. After all, if Earth technology can create a space-time shuttle, it is not difficult for Thanos, whose technology is far superior to Earth, to make a copy. In this case, wouldn’t it be easier for Thanos to gather six Gem, and snap that damn finger?

Here comes the question, Thanos snapped his fingers in other time and space, and it would definitely not affect this time and space, so would he come back to snap his fingers on purpose?
This seems to be a question, a question worth pondering.

(End of this chapter)

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