The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 943 Crisis and Opportunity

Chapter 943 Crisis and Opportunity

The host silently stuffed a few hand cards into his pocket, and put down the remote control for changing the PPT in his hand. Anyway, the big screen is also controlled by Stark, and holding the remote control is useless. It's better to put down the decent , Seeing that Greer finally went down, he was about to talk about the scene, but he saw that the people below were whispering and discussing, no one looked at him, and no one cared about him.

Including, Ross, who was winking at him, was also discussing in a low voice with the people around him. The smile that had won the victory before was gone, replaced by a solemn complexion and frowns. Everyone was still dazed, not understanding how things had changed. It's like this.

Their plan is very good. Let everyone see how much damage the Avengers have caused to the world over the years, and the main card is this Ultron crisis, so the host's question is three The sentence is inseparable from the Ultron crisis, and always reminds the people in the audience how much casualties and economic losses the Ultron incident has caused.

I never expected that Stark hid such a big card, directly blasting people inside and out, and reshaping the three views one by one in just one or two hours. There is no lack of feeling that you are living in a dream The people, it is what Stark and Greer said, it is too shocking.

Now everyone's attention is focused on the dark forest universe Greer said and the more mysterious dark dimension and interdimensional space. Besides the proposal, no one cares at all.

People who have entered the sage state, unless they are particularly shocked, it is difficult for ordinary things to arouse any interest, let alone arouse people's sympathy, thus forming a tsunami-like momentum and overwhelming the Avengers' defense.

The Ultron crisis has become irrelevant at this moment. The most important thing for representatives and high-level officials of various countries is to verify whether the universe that Greer said is really so cruel, and whether the earth is really so dangerous. This will determine the future direction of mankind.

Although many alien invasions have already made human beings realize that they are not alone and not all good people in the universe, but they always feel that they are a small army, and those aliens behaved poorly, giving people a kind of Illusion, aliens are nothing more than that, they are all civilizations born in the universe, I am not much worse than you.

But today, Greer ruthlessly pierced the window paper, showing them how vast the universe is, how advanced the aliens' technology is, how terrifying the alien space around the earth is, and how human beings are. fragile.

The Ultron crisis and casualties are not important anymore. At this moment, the five big hooligans and a dozen little hooligans are using dedicated lines to urgently hold a telephone and video conference to discuss the dark forest theory proposed by the Avengers 2 minutes ago. How to deal with it?

General Ross took a lot of effort to promote the meeting, and it ended in such an anticlimactic manner. Even the things discussed were not what he proposed. The rhythm and direction were completely controlled by Stark and Greer, which made General Ross look rather pale. Ugly, if replaced by an old man with personal weakness, he might be fainted on the spot.

He worked so hard and thoughtfully to come up with this meeting, and he wanted to get the Avengers Alliance, so as to become the capital of the promotion, but in the end, he was disturbed by the opponent who wanted to criticize, and it seemed that he even made the countries of the world Focus on the Avengers again.

What is even more irritating than this is that even the biggest crime of the Avengers, the crisis of Ultron, seems to be ignored by all countries, because countries need the Avengers to fight against the dangerous universe and unknown life forms in different dimensions.

As long as the universe is a dark forest system, instead of hello, me, hello, everyone, countries will not want to deal with the Avengers, but will try to appease them so that they can stand up at critical moments.

In other words, Ross and his think tank spent countless brain cells to formulate plans and agreements as thick as Cihai, which can basically be thrown into the trash can or sold as waste paper.

Unless, they can prove that the universe is not so dark, the alien civilization technology is not so advanced, and the so-called different dimensions are simply nonsense, but this is quite difficult.

Their people are good at conspiracies and tricks, but they don't know anything about the universe, let alone the space of different dimensions.
Ross thought of what Greer mentioned many times in his speech. He has captured a lot of videos of alien planets, and there are even clips of two powerful alien civilizations in the Milky Way conducting space wars. So we can start from this point. Find out the falsehood of the video, then prove that the video is false, and prove that what he said is also false.

Anyway, it proves that these are all forged, just to get rid of the crime, don't believe it at all, and continue to restrict and deal with them.

Thinking, thinking, Ross nodded silently. This direction is right. The Ultron crisis is an unprecedented opportunity. When this matter subsides, it will not be so easy to deal with the Avengers.

Even in the current situation, we can deal with the Avengers from other aspects, such as civil society, especially those individuals and companies that have suffered serious losses and casualties. No matter what the overall situation is, they must be generous and forgive. I have suffered a loss, and I must not just let it go.

Politicians want votes. As long as they incite voters, politicians can change their minds. There are also high-level officials in various countries. They want the Avengers to be on top at critical moments, but they want the Avengers to be obedient.

Greer showed today that the ability to connect to the offices of heads of state with a wave of his hand is indeed very deterrent, but it must also make these high-ranking old people feel uncomfortable and scared. This Kamen Rider is powerful, plus This hand can really take their lives at any time, and the feeling of holding their lives in human hands all the time is not pleasant.

It has to be said that Ross is worthy of being an old political (yin) guest (B) who has been in the political arena for many years. When everyone else was still concerned about the disruption of this plan, he keenly grasped the opportunity in the crisis. Many people were killed by machine guns, but most of them were from the lower classes, and there were very few people from the middle and upper classes.

But Greer's action has threatened the lives of too many people in the upper class, making them feel that the security system that has been built with a lot of money and the bodyguards hired at a high price are not so safe. If this boy wants to deal with them, these Stuff is simply useless.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, who knows one day, Kamen Rider's tendon will be wrong, or he will be provoked, what should he do if he was born to be himself?
No one wants to put their lives in the hands of others, so the necessary supervision is very necessary, and this has something to do with his plan.

(End of this chapter)

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