The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 940 The Real World

Chapter 940 The Real World

Even the representatives of various countries sitting in front began to discuss in a low voice, looking for information about Veronica's armed satellite in the documents in their hands, and comparing it with what Stark explained at the moment to see if there is any discrepancy .

I have to say that Stark's speech was very contagious. Representatives of many countries capable of purchasing were moved and began to carefully study the performance and data of the Veronica combat platform. Look at Tony Stark.

Seeing that the meeting was running in the same direction, Roston became anxious. It was a meeting aimed at the Avengers that he spent a lot of effort, time and resources, and somehow turned into Tony · Stark's weapons sale will be held.

He quickly picked up the microphone, forcibly interrupted Stark's endless 'sales', and said: "Mr. Stark, what we want to know is whether the extremely dangerous Ultron was made for you."

Stark looked back at Rose and said, "If you didn't make it, then I should have made it. Did you make it?"

"No, if I know something is dangerous, I will definitely go first." Rose wanted to express his opinion, but before he could speak halfway, Stark replied loudly: "That's what I made, like me Such smart people are, after all, a minority.”

Rose was almost choked to death. It was a roundabout call to him for being unintelligent. He clenched his fist and then let it go. Endure, laugh, laugh, and see how long Stark can laugh.

The host hurriedly controlled the field and continued to ask questions according to the predetermined process: "Then Mr. Stark, as the world's top expert in artificial intelligence, and has successfully edited and run an artificial intelligence for a long time, before you made Ultron, Has the danger and uncontrollability of the new AI been assessed?"

This question is quite murderous. It basically refers to Stark's failure to do a good job of evaluation before creating Ultron, which led to Ultron's escape, which in turn caused huge losses to the world. Once this crime is carried out, then Even if the latter charges cannot be fulfilled, Stark will be punished and compensated for the loss due to poor security control.

As far as the current world's losses and Stark's asset situation are concerned, it is impossible to be worthy of selling others. At that time, it will be logical to pay off the debts of Stark's patents. In this case, help Ross to promote Everyone in this meeting can benefit from it.

Only when there is interest can we cooperate next time. If you lose money, who will play with you?

After the question was asked, the conference hall, which was still buzzing just now, fell into silence again. The eyes of the people around turned to Stark, wanting to see how he would answer, and even more wondering why Stark wanted to create a new Generation AI.

Stark still looked like that, picked up the microphone with a smile on his face, and said: "I know what you want to do, and I'm too lazy to play with you. The answer is no, neither dangerous nor uncontrollable."

The meeting hall suddenly fell into an uproar, and everyone was guessing how Stark would quibble. Unexpectedly, Stark blew himself up directly and made a very unfavorable statement, which was as outrageous as recommending a disinfectant injection.

Stark didn't speak any more, and sat there with his legs crossed, looking at the big screen in front of him with a half-smile, listening to the buzzing buzzing in his ears, like an adult watching children playing war Just like games, you will only feel childish, and you will not admire the children's wonderful play.

Seeing that the discussion was getting louder, but Stark had no intention of saying any more, the host had to shout loudly: "Mr. Stark, do you mean that you have not carried out risk assessment and uncontrollable presuppositions? "

The discussion in the conference room subsided a little bit, and everyone wanted to know what shocking words this brave man would say. The reporters who came in were more and more excited, and one even took out a quick-acting heart-rescue pill and slammed it into his mouth. fall.

Shocking news came one after another, and this trip was absolutely worthwhile. To be able to participate in such a news conference with frequent news once in a lifetime, being a reporter is worth it.

Under the attention of everyone, Stark finally picked up the microphone again and said: "Science is full of unknowns, and it is impossible to predict all aspects. If you can think of it, it is not a scientific invention, but imitation and replication.

Artificial intelligence is a brand-new subject, and it can only be estimated how strong the calculation power brought by the calculation matrix is. No one can predict that a bunch of programs and calculation matrices will explode to such a strong effect.

When Einstein proposed the mass-energy conversion formula, did he think that human beings would use it to make nuclear bombs that would destroy the world?Did the person who invented gunpowder think of it, can gunpowder be used in war?If the Wright Brothers had known that their planes were going to be used to drop tons of bombs and kill tens of millions of people, they would have smashed up the planes and gone to the printing business. "

Stark paused for a moment, stood up, walked to the stage unexpectedly, stood facing the camera below and the crowd of people, and shouted loudly: "I created Ultron and secretly launched a large number of Vero Nika has also stored hundreds of steel suits and plans to make more, but I think it is still not enough, far from enough.

Do you know what I want to do?Dominate the earth?Hehe, I am indeed preparing for a war, but it is not fighting with humans, but fighting with the aliens. I don’t know when the alien fleet will descend on the earth. "

When Stark spoke, the lights on the temples of the sunglasses lit up, and suddenly the content on the big screen behind him changed to the battle of the contract, the battle of the fog city, and the battle of Heim's underworld. All of them are the Avengers. Videos and pictures of fighting aliens.

"Look at this." Stark didn't turn around at all, but just raised his hand to signal behind him, and said, "Have you calculated how many times the earth has been invaded by aliens in the past few years? Who's fighting them? You, you, you, or you?"

When Stark spoke, he pointed at the well-dressed and high-ranking politicians below. The smile on his face had disappeared and was replaced by seriousness.

"When you are giving speeches for votes, attacking political opponents in various ways, and accusing enemy countries of black and white, can you take a minute to think about how many times the earth has been invaded by aliens and why? The earth has been invaded by aliens more and more frequently in recent years?
Has anyone thought about it?Who thought?to tell me the answer? "

Stark scanned the dense crowd in the audience, turned his head to look at the host, and asked: "You know a lot of inside information about the Avengers, so do you know the answer to this question? Tell me why the earth is frequently encountering Alien invasion?"

The host remained silent, pretending to look down at the card in his hand. On such a serious occasion, one must not say unfounded words, um, well, except for bald eagles, they can activate skills: slander, that is, white powdery things, on His hands immediately became evidence of possession of an illegal weapon.

"I'll tell you why," Stark took a deep breath, and said, "Because of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube that Hydra once held, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube that SHIELD and the government have been studying, in the war of twisting contracts, in A cosmic Rubik's Cube with a huge space door opened in the air."

During the time spent talking, the large screen behind Stark converted pictures of the Rubik's Cube, non-confidential research materials, and the legend of the Rubik's Cube in Asgard, etc., which are very detailed, allowing people to know the universe at a glance. The origin and power of Rubik's Cube.

Stark controlled the big screen, and the person who was supposed to control the big screen was typing on the keyboard anxiously, trying to get back the controller, but the keyboard was about to be knocked out, and it was useless. As for the power failure, it really didn't work If you have the guts, you must ask for instructions.

During the process of asking for instructions, Stark continued to talk about the confidential information, saying: "The Cosmic Rubik's Cube contains endless energy. Humans want to obtain the energy in it by studying the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and create the giant that Hydra once created. powerful weapon.

But such a weapon means that human beings are ready for advanced warfare. To popularize science, advanced warfare is a war between planets, that is to say, other planets can attack you, and you can also attack other planets.

Before making preparations for advanced warfare, it is against the laws of the universe for high-level civilizations to attack weak civilizations. Of course, this is like the international law of the earth. Everyone knows how effective it is. Just give the weak country a reason to cry. "

It was the first time for many people to hear such a theory, and they started whispering to each other immediately. The representatives of the big hooligans sitting in front were also flipping through the materials, and finally saw a page of materials saying that Thor was once in the S.H.I.E.L.D. There was a similar sentence mentioned on the space carrier, but seeing what Stark meant, he knew more.

A representative of the Security Council pressed the speech button in front of him and asked, "Mr. Stark, how do you know this?"

Stark was about to answer when Greer's voice suddenly came from the loudspeaker: "I told him, and I told him that the alien fleet needs to invade the earth, and I also told you how many threats there are in the universe." told him."

Greer stood up from his seat as he spoke, a cyan wind magic circle emerged from his wrist, which drove him to fly up in full view, and landed lightly on the stage. Such a cool way of appearance immediately made him Many people's eyes focused on this mysterious boy.

Without waiting for others to ask questions, Greer introduced himself, saying: "Let me introduce myself, Greer Russov, a Kamen Rider with poor mental health, is the biggest difference from other humans currently on Earth. It should be that I have been to the universe, time and time again."

Greer is holding the microphone in his right hand and leaning on the speech table with his left hand. In addition, he is wearing a very informal uniform, which does not match this solemn and solemn conference hall. It makes people feel very out of place. A security guard with no winks will definitely block the outside and not allow them to come in, and then show their strength to shock everyone, thus performing a well-loved plot.

Greer didn't give them a chance to ask questions at all, or ignored them when they asked questions, but just said to himself: "Actually, I don't want to come, because I have nothing to say to you people, all you see is what you see. bigger.

Just like a toad at the bottom of a well, it can’t even imagine what the vast world outside is like. Even if someone tells you that there are tall buildings and heavy traffic outside, you still don’t believe it is true, but think that the other party is talking nonsense. How can it accommodate high-rise buildings in such a place? "

After Greer came up, Stark went down very neatly, sat back on the seat, then took out his mobile phone, clicked on the transparent thin screen, and changed the background image of the big screen to Greer Many pictures of the universe were handed to him.

First, a huge skull is projected, and the desktop screen in front of everyone also shows the content on the big screen. Next to it, there are a lot of spaceships of various colors entering and leaving the skull. The dense steel buildings inside the skull are narrow. Strange creatures crowded the streets.

Greer glanced back at the big screen, turned his head, and said: "Okay, now I will tell you about my journey in the universe, and I hope you can have an idea of ​​the outside world. This nebula is called It is a land of nothingness, and the diameter of this head is only hundreds of kilometers. It was developed into a mine by a cosmic man who claimed to be a collector. The price of digging this head is extremely high. Gold is not worth mentioning in front of this mineral.

By the way, this head was long, long, long ago, it should have grown on the neck of the Celestial Group, and then it was chopped off, and it just floated in the void of the universe.

Oh, you don’t know what the God Group is? "

After finishing speaking, I heard someone ask: "Is this true? Just based on the photos."

"Believe it or not, I'm just sharing the photos I took while traveling in the universe. After all, we haven't added friends, so we can't let you see my circle of friends, so I can only share them temporarily. I want to tell you how big the universe is, What kind of cosmic beings are they? I always think that the nuclear bomb is the strongest weapon." Greer interrupted him loudly, and signaled Stark to play the next page.

The PPT on the next page is blue sky and white clouds, but there are black holes and lingering lightning everywhere. Greer continued: "This is the collector's brother. Everyone calls him the master. He is the ruler of Saka, and This planet is very strange, full of passages connecting the known and unknown universes, and is used by many planets as a garbage dump and exile for criminals, so Saka is full of garbage and criminals.

And what the Grandmaster likes most is watching the strong fight, just like the Colosseum in ancient Rome, throwing strong people from different planets into his arena to fight to the death, which is also the only entertainment item on Saka. "

(End of this chapter)

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