The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 938 Unpopular

Chapter 938 Unpopular
Outside the cordon, there was a crowd of people, people of different skin colors and ages, holding placards of all sizes and chanting different slogans, pushing forward desperately, the surrounding refusal horses shaking violently
The military police standing at attention immediately stepped forward, shouting at the top of their lungs, telling the crowd to back off and not to approach them, and even held up long sticks and guns to threaten them, demanding that they retreat immediately and not move forward.

The neighborhood that was fairly quiet just now suddenly became noisy. The harsh noise made the gentlemen of the upper class frown, but their superior self-restraint prevented them from abusing or saying anything.

Thaddeus Ross, who took off his military uniform and wore a high-end handmade suit, looked at the dense crowd of protesters outside, smiled and said to a female general beside him: "His popularity is still as high as ever, let's see how many people are fighting for him." he shouted."

Because many Hydra people were removed from the army, many positions were vacated, so many people were promoted in this way. This female general named Hale was like this, and she was able to shoulder resistance at the age of 40 general star.

A rising star in the military, Rose, who was born in the military, focused on training her, hoping that she could become the future of the military.

"Do you think your proposal can be passed?" Hale was a little worried, and he had made a lot of preparations beforehand: building up public opinion and linking up with politicians. He thought it was safe, but when he came to the front, he couldn't help but feel uneasy, especially Tony Stark. So happy to agree to come to this meeting that is obviously not good for him.

Everyone made a lot of preparations for the last steel suit hearing. They even asked Stark's friend James Rhodes to write a report that was very unfavorable to Stark. It's called a twist and turn, and the angry Congressman Stern abandoned his self-cultivation and demeanor, and cursed in front of so many media reporters and audiences.

No way, what they are dealing with is not an ordinary team. There is not a single mortal in the entire Avengers Alliance. If they turn their faces on the spot, there are so many people in the conference room, probably not enough to kill any one in the Avengers Alliance.

For the sake of safety, many bigwigs use remote video connection to participate. After all, if you are not afraid of [-], you are afraid of an emergency. This is not a commendation meeting. It is better for a gentleman not to stand under a dangerous wall.

Ross tidied up his cuffs leisurely, with a smile on his wrinkled face: "It doesn't matter if it goes through or not, just tell some people that you can do it."

This proposal itself is a weather vane, officially indicating that the government will no longer support the wanton actions of the Avengers, and from time to time a congressman or a certain country does this, but it is a common decision of many countries in the world, and they do not want this to destroy the Avengers. The extremely powerful team continues to act wantonly around the world.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of people on both sides, the engine of a luxury car roared into the empty First Avenue. The parking area, and then the door opened, and Tony Stark in a suit and leather shoes got out of the car. Many reporters had already raised their cameras, and took pictures as soon as the door opened.

Tony Stark waved his hands with a smile on his face, as if those protesting signs were written to welcome him, but the media reporters were more curious about a United Nations who came down from the other side in a dress that did not match the solemnity. Young people in building atmosphere.

Unfamiliar face, but to be able to come with Stark, it must be a member of the Avengers. It seems that it is not the previously exposed Spider-Man Peter Parker. Could it be Kamen Rider? It is really unexpected that he is so young outside.

The reporters at the scene were immediately excited. They snapped shots of the sports car and the people who got off the sports car. This is big news. The younger generation of the Avengers has all shown their faces.Prior to this, in the Avengers, only the identities of middle-aged and elderly people such as Iron Man, Hulk, and War Machine were confirmed, while Spider-Man, Kamen Rider, etc. were all mysterious.

Now that the younger generation has taken off their masks and attended such an important meeting, does it mean that the Avengers are handing over from old to new, or are there other reasons?
None of the reporters standing in the interview area with permission to interview is a newcomer. They have a keen sense of smell and have already imagined in their minds. Around the photos, regardless of whether they are true or not, they wrote a draft of tens of thousands of words. This thing is time-sensitive, and there are real quick hands and slow hands.

"There are a lot of people." Greer looked left and right at the crowd, and each of them blushed and their necks were thick. Do you really want to know if these people don't go to work?Or are you at work right now?

Stark just smiled, didn't say anything, and walked towards the luxurious building. There were many staff and politicians along the way, and everyone was talking and laughing, but when they saw the two coming, they stopped talking immediately, and their eyes followed the two. The people turned around, and it was not until the two of them walked away that they started talking again, but the voice couldn't help but lowered a lot, the sneaky one looked very guilty at first glance.

"It seems that we are very unpopular." Greer's voice was not too loud, but he did not deliberately lower his voice. Anyway, this is the consensus, so why bother to hide it.

"They have always been like this. Adding insult to injury is their strong point, and sending charcoal in a timely manner is the biggest risk." Stark still maintained a smile, but his words mercilessly pointed out the biggest characteristic of politicians.

Whenever a certain person is listed as a political risk, everyone will stay away immediately, and will never be contaminated with any risk. The political arena is the cruelest place. When fighting, it is called a merciless person. There is no smoke and blood, but he has never been different. For the winner, even if you are already at the highest position, there will be countless people staring at you, trying to drag you down all the time.

But now, the Avengers Alliance, which caused the Ultron crisis and caused huge losses to the world, is the biggest source of risk. I didn’t see that there are so many victims outside who are shouting and protesting, and the rescue work in Sanhexi is still going on. The number of casualties continued to increase.

No one dares to express sympathy for the Avengers, let alone stand up and say that the actions of the Avengers are more beneficial to the world than harmful, otherwise they will be criticized immediately for "life is equal" and "you can kill people if you save them." ?' kind of punch.

"So, it's really annoying." Greer couldn't help but sighed. Sure enough, wearing a mask is the best way to protect yourself and others, because you don't have to play so-called politics with these people. The game is over.

(End of this chapter)

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