The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 936 Incomprehensible people and people

Chapter 936 Incomprehensible people and people
The 'invitation letter' was delivered, and Rogers didn't stay too long. The two sides were so unfamiliar that there was nothing to talk about. In other words, from the very beginning, Stark somewhat rejected Rogers. The differences of opinion have reached the level of the Great Rift Valley in East Africa.

Stark is a typical individual heroism. He has seen the darkness of government departments and human nature, and he is proficient in the rules of the game in the upper class. He knows the virtues of those gray-haired congressmen who hold heavy fists.

Their thinking is rigid and stubborn, like the stones in a latrine, smelly and hard, their understanding of future technology is limited to mobile phones and Twitter, as for artificial intelligence, space fleet, they can't understand a word, all rely on think tanks Let's explain what these are.

Expect them to understand the difference between cosmic wars and earth wars, expect them to know that not all life is as weak as the people on Earth, expect them to understand that infinite gems can wipe out half of life. It is better to expect the beggar on the street to be a god in the game world, who can wave his hand Just wipe out Thanos' fleet.

Not only those old men, but also generals who have experienced many battles and are proficient in various thermal weapons and laser weapons under development. It can be said that they have been in contact with conventional warfare since birth, and the most powerful weapon they have seen is nuclear bombs.

I always feel that the nuclear bomb is in my hand, and I have the world. What Chitauri, what dark elves, if they are not in the city, they don’t need any Avengers at all. Once a nuclear bomb passes, everything will be solved. If it can’t be solved, Then two nuclear bombs will solve it.

Of course, they also have imaginations about future wars, and of course they are just imaginations. If you explain to them how powerful the Infinity Stones are, you can't make them understand the concept of "rule power". Say it again, otherwise you will definitely think this is nonsense, the nuclear bombs of all human beings can't blow up the earth, how can you be such a small rock?
The power of blowing up a mere planet is beyond their comprehension. It is even more nonsense for them to say that six infinity gems and infinity gloves can wipe out half of life in the universe with one snap of their fingers, because they feel that they are experts and know weapons very well. Its performance and power only destroy life without affecting others. This is the brain hole of science fiction movies, and it does not exist in reality.

Explaining the rules and power of infinite gems to them is probably as nonsense as a layman watching a super warship's sniper rifle smash the glass windows of the alien fleet. Just like knowing the king, fabricate an external threat to offset the internal anger and dissatisfaction with him.

And Rogers, who was born in the army and participated in World War II, is a typical collectivist and believes in the power of the collective. Even though he once broke into the heavily-packed Hydra factory alone, he finally rushed out because he was beaten. They acted together with the captured soldiers, and followed up with the Roaring Commandos to destroy one weapon factory after another, also because of the support of large troops in the rear.

He believes that resisting the invasion of Thanos this time still requires global efforts to gather resources and build countless defensive facilities and offensive weapons to have a chance to win the final victory. Only a few members of the Avengers, no matter how strong Will be overwhelmed by Thanos' fleet.

The gap of decades and the huge generation gap cannot be made up easily, especially since both of them are very strong, stick to their beliefs, and will never be easily shaken. The conflict is obvious.

After waving off the Quinjet transport plane, Greer turned his head, looked at Stark, and said, "Do you really want to attend this meeting?"

"Try it, it's better than doing nothing." Stark said lightly, obviously he didn't have any hope for this important meeting second only to the United Nations General Assembly, or he never had any hope. Let those people understand the necessity of what he did.

If it can really be understood, Nick Fury's Avengers plan will not take more than ten years to be realized with the east wind of the contract war. You know, the Aegis under the leadership of Nick Fury There are quite a few superpowers on hand, and it is not difficult to form a superpower team.

But until the contract war broke out, the superpowers in the hands of Nick Fury were also "black households". Except for him and a few people, no one knew the existence of these superpowers, and even all the superpowers And the scientific research team serving superpowers, neither of them knew of each other's existence.

Greer shrugged, folded his arms in front of him, looked at the quietly flowing Hudson River, and said, "Okay, let's try."

"Why do you want to go?" Stark looked through the sunglasses and looked at Greer. He hated those high-ranking officials with fat stomachs more than himself. The means cannot be used on him.

But Greer was different. Back then in Manhattan's Chinatown, he fought against Abomination, but was attacked by Ross's soldiers. Later, when he fought against the Inhumans, the army also came to disrupt the situation, and...
It can be said that Greer, a commoner, has been protected by S.H.I.E.L.D. and Stark successively, so he has not encountered various means, otherwise
Greer said with a smile: "I also want to see it live. Those high-ranking big shots talk nonsense and turn black and white. Watching it on TV is not as exciting as watching it live."

"Really?" Stark inexplicably felt something was wrong, as if he was telling the doctor, 'Eat whatever you want'.

"Of course it's true, after all." Greer smiled, and didn't say "maybe there is no chance" later.

Time flies, and the relocation of the Avengers base is proceeding very quickly. A large number of things have been transported away, and then disappeared. No matter how careful people follow, they can't lock the whereabouts of these relocation trucks. They always follow and disappear.

People outside only saw the trucks coming in and out, and only the people inside knew that most of the things removed were documents, equipment related to the steel suit, and other advanced instruments, such as virtual training centers, comprehensive defense systems, etc. , have remained and have not been demolished.

There is also the Avengers base that Stark threatened to sell. It seems that it is just talking. It has not been listed for sale, and of course no repair work has been carried out. It is left there, but only those who want to enter the Avengers base. Only people can understand how difficult it is to enter this seemingly abandoned base.

(End of this chapter)

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