The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 934 A Troubled Future

Chapter 934 A Troubled Future

Coulson said with a serious face: "I'm afraid it's not just the Avengers that he wants to control."

Romanov nodded and said: "To be precise, it is all people who are different from humans or have powers beyond ordinary people. His slogan is to create a safe world."

Sam' poof! Laughing out loud, he said, "Then he should destroy all the guns, ammunition, tanks and planes in the world. That is world peace."

"He can only use the public's fear of superpowers to control superpowers, and if he dares to tell the world to lay down their weapons, the arms dealer can tear him apart." Romanov's tone was still so calm, and he said lightly, It seems that they are not talking about secrets, but talking about family affairs.

Coulson seemed to be unable to hear their chat, and asked straightforwardly: "Can you get the agreement?"

"It's kind of hard because he hasn't compiled it yet, and I can't get the agreement out of his head."

"Okay, I will ask the R&D department to get you a device that can enter other people's minds as soon as possible." Coulson said humorously, and disconnected the communication with Romanov. After all, people are undercover, and the number of contacts will increase. risk of exposure.

Rogers put his hands on his forehead and said: "Stark knows this agreement, so he really wants to disband the Avengers and make Ross lose the target of sanctions."

"The current environment is indeed very unfavorable to the Avengers." Coulson walked over, sat next to Rogers, and said, "Perhaps it is a good choice to temporarily avoid the edge."

"But Thanos." Rogers frowned when he thought of this name. He worked so hard to collect infinite gems, not for fame or profit, but to destroy half of the lives. He is simply a lunatic, and a very powerful lunatic.

Rogers didn't understand why Stark didn't trust the government so much. He probably understood now, because he was worried that the government would use this as a reason to recruit and control people with superpowers. For this, you can refer to the wartime control regulations.

In order to win the war, all factories and personnel in the country must serve the war, and in order to deal with the enemies from outer space, should the powerful Avengers and other superpowers obey the unified command of the government and cooperate with the army? ?
Use very legitimate reasons to include you, if you don't listen, then you have no perspective on the overall situation, that is, you don't care about the safety of all mankind, you don't want to fight for mankind, and you will be cast aside by everyone.

Moreover, you said that there should be aliens invading the earth, but you are unwilling to obey the command, and you are unwilling to hand over advanced technology and share it with the world, so as to improve the combat effectiveness of the human army and increase the winning rate of the earth. Do humans win?
In short, if Stark said something, it might cause a lot of trouble in the follow-up, so he didn't say it all the time, but quietly affected the world.

For example, restarting the weapon manufacturing department, wanting to replace the army with weapons and equipment that can cause damage to alien aircraft, and by the way, to raise enough funds for its own Veronica combat system, and to reach an agreement with the military in private, using The blueprint of the Hammer UAV was exchanged for a lot of support, which gave Ross the opportunity to establish a secret base and manufacture a large number of UAVs for training.

It's a pity that this plan was destroyed by Ultron or Ebony Maw at the beginning, and Ross's drone was used to bomb Stark's weapon manufacturing factory, so that Stark's efforts were put to waste and returned Big trouble for Stark.

This is probably because people are not as good as heaven is. The plan was very good and the progress was smooth, but Cheng Yaojin broke out halfway and messed up everything.

Rogers is powerless, even though he is Captain America, he is also the idol of many people since childhood, but politicians are realistic, no matter what American spirit you have, as long as they conflict with their interests, they are enemies, and they can beat you into a bad guy without mercy ,the wanted.

He is just the captain, not the president, and the president who likes to drink coke and tweet, and he is also hated by the parliament. Even some people in the military don't want to listen to him, thinking that this guy is a fool. Orders can only be executed by a brain-dead person, and I am not a brain-dead person, so I will never execute them.

The root cause is that superpowers have touched the nerves of some ordinary people with money and power, making them unable to eat and sleep well. They always feel that these guys who came from poor backgrounds but suddenly possessed great power want to do something to them. What, I also want to study something from these people.

Therefore, these rich and powerful upper-class people reached a consensus in this way. Those who were pushed up by the consortium saw that the father of the funder had an idea, and immediately followed up. The political trend naturally changed accordingly. Until today, it has become a An irresistible torrent that will overwhelm everything that stands in its way.

What Rawls can do now is to submit the future video given by Stark, and tell the superiors that the matter is serious, stop thinking about internal struggles, and start to act quickly to deal with the situation from outer space. threat.

Coulson projected the "future video" on the big screen opposite, watching the shattered world, the crowd reduced to ashes, the out-of-control cars colliding with each other, and the falling plane
He knows 'what's going to happen in the future', so after S.H.I.E.L.D. regained its stability, he began to prepare for what will happen in the future, but today is the first time he saw a video about the future.

Half of the population suddenly turned into fly ash in front of relatives and friends. The damage and psychological shadow this brings to the survivors will last a lifetime, and even the world will be paralyzed. I don’t know how long it will take to restore normal order.

"I hope they can also feel the horror of the future like me, so they can start to act now." Coulson said to himself in a low voice, and his worries about the future of human beings increased to a higher level.

"I'm afraid they will pursue force even more regardless of all means." Rogers' brows could not be stretched. Since World War II, humans have been pursuing stronger soldiers and more destructive weapons. 70 years later, he woke up. Human beings no longer engaged in large-scale wars and restored peace in most areas, but more eagerly pursued more powerful weapons and equipment.

Just like himself, after waking up, he has drawn blood more than once to extract the super soldier factor flowing in his blood. This is not only the demand of the military, but also the demand of many old, frail, rich and powerful people. urgent need.

They yearn for youthful bodies, strong bodies, and abundant energy, and they want to rejuvenate and prolong life at all costs. They are also the promoters of advanced medicine and the biggest funders of the super soldier project because they are afraid of death.

(End of this chapter)

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