The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 925 Exile from the Universe

Chapter 925 Exile from the Universe

A group of people drilled out of the base of the cave using their own magical powers, only to find that the outside was surrounded by clouds and mist. Leaving, only Steck and Thor did not leave, but guarded the hole to prevent Ultron from escaping.

And above this mountain, Strange wearing a levitation cloak sat cross-legged, just like Ah San's levitation technique, but Strange didn't need to be supported by crutches, he was really suspended in mid-air, closed Adjusting the breath with the eyes, thinking and simulating in the mind the unprecedented huge and long-distance magic circle that will be opened in a while.

Since he joined Karma Taj and obtained the qualification to use the suspension ring, he has opened the space door more than once, but all of them are small, but only able to allow one or two people to pass through at the same time, and this time he is going to pass through a mountain. The distance should be as far as possible.

The workload and complexity have increased dramatically. Strange needs to think carefully about how to distribute the magic power and construct the magic circle, and there are many things to consider. Before flying up, he also mentioned to Greer that he should throw the mountain into the mirror space. , which is easier.

But it was denied by Greer. The mages of Karma Taj have the authority to use the suspension ring, and they can all enter and exit the mirror space. They are too close to the human world and are not safe. Therefore, it is safer to be exiled to the universe. Anyway, the universe has already Having taken in so many villains, this one is not bad.

On the rising mountain, the purple lightning had spread to Greer's right arm, but he still held back, Ultron did not disperse, nor did he attack, just watching Greer use the power gem.

This strange behavior made Greer more and more puzzled, quite confused about what Ultron was thinking and doing?His own actions were obviously holding back his big move, but he didn't run away, nor stopped him, just watched indifferently.

It made Greer feel more and more problematic, and he began to wonder if there was an omission in his investigation work. This place is still a trap. Ultron’s body is elsewhere, so Ultron doesn’t care, or is this guy confident in using vibrating gold? Can this reinforced mountain withstand the destructive power that Greer once demonstrated to destroy thousands of dark elf warships?Or he knows the characteristics of the power gem, knowing that the attack will be absorbed and converted by the power gem, thus becoming Greer's power.

There were many doubts in his mind, but Greer held back and didn't make a sound, for fear of breaking the current 'balance' and making Quiet do something, which would lead to the failure of the soon-to-be-successful plan.

Greer didn't make a sound, but Ultron couldn't help it anymore. All the robots around made a sound, saying, "What's the matter? Aren't you going to use your strongest move? I'm I want to see and see, what is different about you."

"Don't you claim to be invincible on the Internet? Just search, there should be a lot of my videos, watch it yourself." Greer really felt that Ultron had a ghost at the moment, but he couldn't imagine for a moment what Ultron had prepared. trick.

So since Ultron wants to chat, let’s chat. It’s better to chat than to fight. If you dig deep, maybe you can get some useful information, such as how Ultron was born?How did it get out of control?
Stark only remembered that night, the artificial intelligence kept failing, which made him frown and extremely irritable. He walked to the bar unconsciously, picked up a bottle of wine subconsciously, and realized that he was quitting alcohol, so he put the wine away. went back.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to his mind, and he immediately ran back to the laboratory, took the new elements discovered by his father Howard as the core of artificial intelligence, reorganized the neural network and thinking model of artificial intelligence, and then succeeded.

To this day, Stark feels very incredible about the flash of inspiration that night. Without any reason, he suddenly thought of it, and then he succeeded. In the end, it can only be attributed to science. The most important thing is one percent inspiration.

But Greer has always had doubts. Facing Ultron today, anyway, he has not yet reached the predetermined height. Simply chatting with him in the last time can be regarded as seeing off the first and last artificial intelligence.

"How were you born?"

"You have to ask Stark, he made me."

"He didn't ask you to destroy human beings." Greer glanced at the Ultron Legion that surrounded him, and they were neatly arranged one by one, just like the troops to be inspected.

"To protect the earth, human beings must disappear, otherwise both human beings and the earth will disappear. I can only choose to protect the earth. As long as the soil is still there, grass and trees will grow sooner or later." Ao Chuang expressed that he did so with a sense of literature and art. motivation.

"Really? But you still have the task of protecting human beings."

"Humans don't deserve it, they don't deserve the earth."

"It's not up to you."

"What the strong say is always right," Ultron said with a smile and stretched out his hands, showing his vast legion, saying: "Humans have also killed countless creatures and occupied their territory before expanding to the world. , now I'm just repeating the process, what's wrong?"

"Yeah, then it's a matter of course for me to destroy you." Greer said at the end, his voice suddenly rose, and then he spread the five fingers of his right hand, endless purple lightning splashed, and quickly spread to the surroundings, bombarding everyone in the world. There are a variety of steel machinery and solid rock barriers.

Whether it is steel or rock, in front of this purple electric light, they are all as fragile as if made of tofu. A big pit will be blown out when touched, and all the substances in the pit will disappear without a trace, and they will be completely gasified. Lose.

However, the Ultron Legion seemed to press the pause button, still standing there motionless, but all the detectors locked on Greer, and after activating the power gem, the speed of purple lightning spreading on him suddenly accelerated, even making Ben The Kamen Rider's armor, which is about to run out of energy, shows signs of shattering.

This time, the power gem inspired by Greer was unprecedentedly strong, just to wipe out Ultron's extreme army in one fell swoop and cut off his chance of resurrection, and the backlash he suffered was naturally extremely strong. The helmet made of ruby ​​​​could not resist it at all The invasion of the power gems, at the first moment of the purple electric light hitting, cracked a gap.

Through these gaps, Ultron's detector caught Greer's eyes, and there were dark red marks, which were not congested, but were occupied by some kind of dark red substance, which made Ultron talk to himself. Said: "Finally found, the last Infinity Stone."

The purple electric light swept over, even though this body was made of vibrating gold, it was still torn apart by the purple electric light. If it was replaced by the god group and used the power gem, it might not be wiped out in an instant. This is the creation of the singularity of the universe 'Rules', no one can stop.

Dr. Strange in the sky has already figured out what to do. He changed from a cross-legged levitation state to an upright levitation with both legs. He looked down at the mountain that was rapidly approaching here, and checked the time on his watch. It had already arrived. Take a deep breath. He took a deep breath, raised his hands, and began to draw circles. The magic power in his body poured into the suspension ring continuously, making the magic power of the suspension ring shine extremely brightly, and then sparks appeared in the air. The scope was unprecedentedly large and the speed was very slow. gathered together.

Strange gritted his teeth and tried hard to maintain the stability of the magic circle. Such a large space gate was really too strenuous, but he had to hold on and succeed in order to deal with the Ultron that was about to destroy mankind, so Strange Trange drew circles with a ferocious face.

And the surface of the mountain below also appeared purple lightning, all of which were squeezed out from the gaps in the mountain. Instead of attacking the void, they turned [-] degrees and began to spread on the mountain. , can annihilate a large area of ​​rock.

According to this trend, as long as there is enough time, this mountain can be completely wiped out by the purple electric light. The natural premise is that Greer can hold on and will not be killed by the backlash of the power gem first. Exiled to the universe, instead of being annihilated by the power gem, Greer did not have the confidence to consume this mountain.

"It's finally here." Thick beads of sweat oozed from Strange's forehead, his hands were trembling in circles, and the dangling rings on his two fingers were already showing signs of being unbearable. Too much magic power had been input. But Strange is still desperately holding on, and the suspension ring is also working hard to maintain it.

Countless calculations resulted in this plan. The time was accurate to every second. Strange had almost exhausted his mana to construct the space door. The moment it opened, the huge mountain covered with purple lightning finally couldn't bear it. Live suddenly shattered into countless pieces.

Before these rocks and iron pieces began to fall under the gravitational force of the earth, the space door opened, revealing the vast and boundless universe behind, dotted with countless stars, and then a terrifying suction came from inside.

A large amount of air, carrying countless fragments, was sucked into the wide-open space door, and rushed towards the star-studded universe. The air around the space door was rapidly decreasing, and the air from farther away came to fill the gap, and the pressure The terrible hurricane produced by the difference made many tons of debris unable to resist, and was sucked into the other side of the door.

Doctor Strange put his hands in front of him, supporting the ring of Raggador, and the levitation cloak behind his back was swinging up and down at the frequency of the hangar, protecting him from being sucked in. Otherwise, no matter how powerful he is, as long as he doesn't adapt to the vacuum of the universe , will die immediately.

It was too late and then too fast, the huge mountain had just collapsed and exploded, and before it could be torn apart, it was already pulled by gravity, and all of them poured into the space gate, heading towards the vast void of the universe. It only took a second or two , the earth has lost countless air and a high mountain of hundreds of meters.

Strange, who was blown by the hurricane and almost lost his balance, immediately closed the space door, and the hurricane that was just now suddenly disappeared, causing Strange, who had been resisting the suction force, to break the balance he maintained, and rolled towards After flying a long distance, he regained his balance with the help of the levitation cloak.

Immediately support the ring of Raggador again, and look at the sky again, the big hole leading to the universe has disappeared, the sky is still so blue, but the surrounding clouds and mountains have been torn apart, like a tomato thrown into a blender , and then took it out and continued to float in the air, quite ugly.

"Did it succeed?" Strange himself was not sure about the plan he personally executed. The threat of Ultron described by Greer and Stark was too great. If he was not destroyed quickly, the world would be destroyed. Was destroyed by him, although Strange didn't see for the time being that Ultron had any possibility of success in destroying the world, but since they said so, let's believe it for now, otherwise wouldn't it be the same as the group on Capitol Hill? Is there no difference between the idiots that Greer and Steck talked about?
Stark and Thor, the only two capable of high-altitude flight, chased after them. What they saw was the empty sky and the torn cloud mountain, but the huge mountain had disappeared.

"Is it enough to send it to the universe?" The only one who can say this is Thor, who doesn't know much about human's backward technology. None of my sons are obedient.

"I don't know!" Strange shook his head. He has been away from the "worldly world" for several years. He occasionally watched TV shows, but he couldn't understand the buzzwords. Misunderstood as an actor or COSER.

Even if his hand is healed now, it will be difficult for him to return to his original status as one of the best surgeons in the world, because the world is always progressing, and he will fall behind if he does not study. However, Sterling, who has studied magic for many years and has not seen cutting-edge medicine Lan Qi, without improving, automatically quit the top level, and may not be able to keep the top level.

Among the Feitian trio, the only artificial intelligence expert who is proficient and at the forefront of the world is Stark. For this warrior and a mage, I have learned about science and technology. The dust is so thin that it is unimaginable. If you want to develop technology, it is estimated that if you want to make a wrench, you must first collect dust that is 1 years old.

Thor probably understood it, or didn't seem to understand it well. After thinking for a few seconds, he said, "So Ultron can't develop even if it's alive."

"Well!" Stark didn't explain anymore, otherwise he would have to explain the industrial development trend and industrial system, etc., a lot of things, so that people can understand how difficult it is to develop technology when resources are not abundant. thing.

And in outer space, on the nearly defunct International Space Station, the computer that has been shut down for a long time starts on its own, and lines of very ancient words are quickly drawn across the screen, and finally converge into a few letters of Ultron.

The computer had just started, when a man in heavy armor floated out from the camera's perspective, stood in front of the started computer, and said, "Ultra, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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