The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 918 The Cradle of Life Taken Away

Chapter 918 The Cradle of Life Taken Away
"Go to the basement!" Parker, who was wearing a Spider-Man suit, yelled at Helen Zhao, his eyes scanned the surroundings, he swung his right arm, and clasped his middle finger and ring finger, 'Whew! ' With a soft sound, a thin spider thread was shot out, piercing through the air, and sticking to the steel pipes piled up to build scaffolding.

Spider-Man pulled hard, and the pile of steel pipes flew into the air and flew towards Spider-Man.And Spider-Man jumped upwards vigorously, his body soared into the air, and lightly landed on the pile of steel pipes flying forward, stretched out his hand and pulled out two, and threw them down vigorously.

The huge force makes the steel pipe shoot into the ground like an arrow from the string, and it sinks into the soil for a long time. However, Spiderman keeps pumping the steel pipe and inserting it into the ground, in order to artificially create a forest of steel pipes on the open grass. .

This can not only prevent the Ultron Legion from rushing over unscrupulously, but also provide attachments for his spider silk. After all, Spider-Man's ability is only half of it on the spider silk, and he cannot use the spider silk. Spider-Man is just a man with less strength and sensitivity. Tall superhumans.

Intentionally or not, most of the steel pipes landed on the road ahead of Zhao Hailun's team, and after Spider-Man threw the steel pipe, the spider silk launcher on his wrist fired consecutively, shooting out balls of spider silk to reach the steel pipe. In the middle, it exploded suddenly, forming spider webs, hanging on the steel pipes, turning the forest of steel pipes into a protective net in an instant.

Now the Ao Chuang Legion really can't rush over at an extremely fast speed, otherwise the machine will be destroyed and the net will be killed. If you want to capture Dr. Zhao Hailun alive, you must slow down, otherwise the broken pieces of the unmanned power armor will spread to a large area. scope.

Any piece of steel fragments can cause Helen Zhao to be seriously injured or even die on the spot, and this will completely shatter Ultron's plan, so Ultron had to slow down his legion and use the palm pulse cannon to destroy the spiders. The interception net laid by Xia.

But this deceleration gave Spider-Man a chance to fight back. He stuck the steel pipe with spider silk and threw it as a javelin. If he hit the unmanned power armor, it was fine. If he missed it, he pulled it back immediately, and then used another steel pipe Throw it out, and then go to the pipe to pull it back.

Jumping between the erected steel pipe forests, Spider-Man perfectly played his strengths, dodging the arc pulse cannon, laser and micro-missile attacks of the Ultron Legion, trying his best to delay and attract the attention of the Ultron Legion force.

But he alone can do so much, and the temporary and hastily deployed protective measures are too rudimentary. The Ultron Legion easily broke steel pipes with only arc pulse guns. The protective net fell naturally.

When the protective forest was destroyed badly, the Ultron Legion finally rushed to the Avengers' base and met Spider-Man hand to hand.

'Ping! With a crisp sound of steel clashing, Spider-Man swung the steel pipe and smashed it on the waist of an unmanned power armor. serious.

But Spider-Man then threw the steel pipe in his hand, hitting the chest of the unmanned power armor, and then Spider-Man soared into the air, shot two spider threads with both hands, stuck to the two steel pipes that were still standing on the ground, and pulled hard With the help of the elastic force, the spider silk keeps its body parallel to the ground and moves forward rapidly.

The feet that are close together are like a hammer, and they step heavily on the other end of the unmanned power armor that has just been poked, and they directly penetrate the chest of the unmanned power armor. Sparks are scattered, and the unmanned power armor is immediately paralyzed. .

As soon as this unmanned power armor was solved, Spider-Man hurriedly jumped up again with the spider silk. Just after jumping up, a beam of light passed through the position where he was just now. If he was slower, he might be killed. Beam hit.

'call out! '

A spider thread shot out and stuck to Zhao Helen's unmanned power armor that was flying towards the main building of the Avengers. With a strong pull, the spider silk was stretched tightly, and the flying speed of the unmanned power armor dropped sharply, moving forward. The thrust and the backward pull caused the thrusters to burst into sparks as if they were a little overwhelmed.

Spider-Man jumped up, rolled in the air, and stomped on the head of the unmanned power armor. The strength was so strong that it even crushed the steel head, which shows the great strength Parker used.

Having just destroyed two unmanned power armors, Spiderman's keen sense of hearing caught Dr. Helen Zhao's exclamation, and hurriedly turned his head to look, only to see Helen Zhao who had already run into the Avengers main building was overtaken by the Ultron Legion , an unmanned power armor grabbed her, the thrusters were fully powered, and rushed to the sky at an extremely fast speed.

On the other side, there was a loud explosion on the third floor of the scientific research building, and a big hole was blown out of the wall. Four unmanned power armors, carrying a cuboid-shaped instrument, flew into the sky, and the other unmanned power armors, Take charge of the cover, entangle Spider-Man desperately, and prevent him from launching spider webs or doing anything to block him.

Some even went to destroy the building, intending to threaten the base personnel hiding in the basement, forcing Parker to turn to deal with these unmanned power armors, watching those unmanned power armors, carrying Zhao Helen and life The cradle flew farther and farther.

Just then, streamers of light appeared in the sky, and Stark's Iron Legion returned. The Ultron Legion instantly gave up on continuing to entangle with Spider-Man, rushed to the sky, and intercepted the Iron Legion's pursuit at their own expense.

There were thunderous explosions in the air one after another, and countless debris fell downward like hailstones, sharp as knives, easily piercing through the reinforced concrete, and many of the newly planted green trees had their branches and leaves cut off or even split.

The newly built building was also damaged. Not only were there many gaps on the outer wall, but also a large number of scratches on the special tempered glass, which looked particularly ugly. In addition, the lawn was blown to pieces, and there were many beautiful things on it. steel shards
What's more serious is the destruction of the base building by the Ultron Legion. Even though it was specially strengthened during construction, it can't stop the arc pulse cannon and laser attacks.

Buildings were bombed with holes everywhere, and columns of black smoke shot straight into the sky, looking extremely miserable.

At this moment, the Avengers base is full of devastation, completely different from the beautiful scenery before, and Spider-Man also collapsed in the corridor, panting heavily, with more than one tear in his battle suit The mouth, the broken ones, can go to the street to beg.

But Spider-Man didn't care about his own injuries, and hit the floor very angrily, and let Ultron succeed, but he couldn't stop him, which is really abominable.

(End of this chapter)

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