The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 911 The Core of Ultron

Chapter 911 The Core of Ultron

When Stark realized something was wrong and urgently searched for Greer in the online world, Greer, who was besieged by countless robot armies, was still unilaterally slaughtering Ultron's robot army.

The electromagnetic holy sword in his hand swung airtightly, and the robots that looked exactly like him were hacked one after another, and none of them could resist Greer's offensive.

Any robot that is slashed by the electromagnetic dragon knight's holy sword will immediately disperse into the original 0 and 1, so that from a distance, Greer is almost surrounded by emerald green data, although some of them are surrounded by Kamen Rider Ex -Aid absorbed, became Kamen Rider Ex-Aid's experience to upgrade weapons, but most of them disappeared without a trace.

Although the Electromagnetic Dragon Knight Holy Sword is like opening Wushuang, but the number of robots is too many, and after repeated battles, it is inevitable that they will be slashed by robots a few times. Quite painful, and damaged armor.

"The defense is too weak, we need to strengthen it." Greer thought silently in his heart, and then a large amount of data covered the thin pink 'leather coat' on the body surface, condensing into a thick armor.

Put on thick green metal boots on both feet, thick metal leggings on both legs, the back wall on both arms, armor of various colors from the shoulders to the chest and the back, the robot's sword chops Going up, only the slightest sparks splashed, and it could no longer hurt Greer himself.

Greer glanced at the empty left hand, and then at the densely packed army of robots, a new idea emerged in his mind again: "Long-range weapons, increase the attack distance, and avoid melee contact with robots."

There are too many enemies. Even if you stand still and let you swing your sword, you will be exhausted, and it is difficult to eliminate them all. Therefore, you must change to a more energy-saving attack method, such as guns, which are better than big knives, swords, etc. Spears take too much effort.

The collected data was used to transform the weapon again. Numerous 0s and 1s appeared on the newly strengthened left arm armor. In the blink of an eye, an electromagnetic cannon was condensed from nothing—Dragon Knight Cannon.

The same endowed electromagnetic properties, firing is a mass of electric light bombs, hitting a robot in the middle, it explodes instantly, endless electric light flashes, spreading in all directions like a chain of lightning, tearing the surrounding robots into pieces debris.

"It's so powerful." Greer was also shocked by the effect of this attack. One shot cleared a large area, which was many times more efficient than a single sword attack. Sure enough, it was better to deal with multiple enemies. suitable.

Greer was excited to play, and directly started the continuous shooting, and a flash of electric light flew in all directions. Every time the electric light flashed, a large number of robots would be shredded.

"There are swords and guns, and a cloak, I guess I can cosplay Omega." Greer still had time to think about this between attacks, but compared to the cloak used to wear it, it is still a thick armor, which is more practical .

After all, what he has to deal with is not one, but a large number of robots, and Ultron continues to increase the number of these robots, which is almost endless.

The Electromagnetic Sword looked down on it at the beginning, but it was quickly made up for by the sword imitated by the robot. The same is true for the Electromagnetic Cannon. It attacked very smoothly at the beginning, and each shot can smash a lot of robots.

But the attack didn't last long. Soon, the robots that Ao Chuang attacked later also got long-range weapons with exactly the same shape and attack effects that mimicked Greer's electromagnetic cannon as much as possible.But the pirated version can't beat the genuine one, and Greer still maintains the power to blow up a large area. Although the shells fired by the robot are dense, very few hit Greer's body, and almost all of them are blocked by the thick armor on his body. It is difficult to hurt Greer inside.

"It turns out that you can only imitate, you can't surpass, it's too bad." Greer has finally figured out Ultron's ability, he can only imitate moves, it is impossible to know the 'mental method', naturally not as powerful as the original version.

The army of death is still coming, but Greer has no interest in continuing to fight monsters and upgrade. He has been thinking about what Ultron wants to do?
Knowing that these superficial robots are not his opponents, but give him experience, so that he can continuously upgrade his weapons and armor, but he has not stopped such stupid behavior.

Is Ultron crazy?The answer is no, so what he did was definitely not aimless, but for his purpose, so what exactly does he want to do?
Greer was thinking, a data packet mixed into the battlefield, sent from the mailbox of 'Tony Stark' to the mailbox named 'Greyer Rusoff, Kamen Rider Ex-Aid',' Open it and take a look. It is the information that Stark asked Greer to retreat, and he guessed that Ultron would use this to evolve.
"Hehe, you want to imitate my evolution? You really think too much." Greer kicked his legs on the ground and jumped up high. The electromagnetic cannon in his right hand aimed at the entrance of the Ultron robot and launched an attack. , but this time it was not an electro-optic bomb, but a mass of data.

The data group hit the entrance, and instantly expanded into the game field. The continuous influx of the Ultron army stopped abruptly, and was isolated from the game field, which was equivalent to closing the entrance and exit.

'Boom!Tom!Tom! '

As soon as the data fell on the entrances and exits in all directions, one by one the game fields were expanded, and this place was quickly cut off from other networks, so that Ultron couldn't get in, and the Ultron army inside couldn't get out.

"If you want to imitate me, you have to pay a price." Greer turned his gaze to the robot army besieged by the game field below, smiled ferociously, rushed in, and carried out a brutal slaughter.

In order to facilitate quick killing, I also specially imitated the Kamen Rider wizard, upgraded the back armor to the gale dragon wings that can be switched between shields and steel wings, and held the electromagnetic dragon knight holy sword like an iron plow. In the robot army, back and forth Flying, hacking each robot back to its original data.

After a long time, Gale Dragon's wings closed and turned back into armor again. Looking around, there were gradually dissipating 0s and 1s everywhere, and no Ultron army imitating Greer was slaughtered.

And during the massacre, those robots all seemed to be disconnected, standing still in place, letting their swords strike.

Let Greer understand how Ultron imitated. Every robot is equivalent to Ultron's clone, fighting with Greer, and then gaining experience, accumulating time and time again, adding speculation and analysis to complete the analysis.

"Only by destroying the core of Ultron." After killing so many robots, Greer also came up with the key to defeating Ultron. It is useless to destroy only the peripheral data.

(End of this chapter)

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