The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 909 Ross is in action

Chapter 909 Ross is in action

After Ao Chuang issued the declaration of enthronement as king, the global network, TV, network and other signals all returned to normal, and the previous work continued, but the human beings who watched this scene could not continue to watch TV dramas and play games.

One by one hurriedly posted on social software or forums to inform or ask about what just happened, and some people who were more sensitive to the end of the world simply called the police, saying that there was a thug who called himself Ultron and wanted to launch terror Attack, you catch him quickly.

The government department is also in a daze, sitting down drinking tea and reading the newspaper, when such a big incident suddenly happened, people were caught off guard and hurriedly reported to their superiors, while the highest level hurriedly called a think tank meeting and asked questions The intelligence department, when did a terrorist named Ultron appear in the world, and call the Ministry of Space and Space, what happened to the space-based armed satellites deployed by Stark in outer space.

Apart from Stark and the others who know the most, it should be the military. Ross brought a lot of confidential information to let the military know everything about Stark's artificial intelligence space-based armed satellites. Chuang really exists, and also controls Stark's space-based armed satellites to destroy the city.

How to deal with Stark in the meeting, but suddenly the computer went black and the Ultron Declaration was played, which made all the generals panic, and hurriedly wanted to contact Stark to ask what happened?Is his space-based armed satellite still under his control?
But the communication couldn't be connected for a long time, which made people even more flustered. They hurriedly contacted Capitol Hill, only to learn that Stark had already left, and he flew away wearing a steel suit. He didn't even drive a luxury car and left it in the In the parking lot on Capitol Hill.

Leaving in a hurry, no matter how you look at it, there is a sense of guilty absconding, and people can't help but feel that this may be Stark's conspiracy. When everyone was panicking, Rose stood up again, with a serious face Said: "This is the biggest problem we face. Dangerous things are beyond the supervision of government departments. It is unknown where people are, what they are doing, and whether the dangerous weapons they hold are safe. It is equivalent to what they want to do. What to do, it's too dangerous."

This time, there are more people who agree with Ross. The threat of Ultronga space-based armed satellites is too great. The death is too unclear and aggrieved.

Now, no matter whether Ultron really exists or Stark directs and acts on his own, it makes them feel very dangerous. After all, the air defense command has been bombed to pieces and almost completely wiped out. The generals who are also high-ranking and leading troops feel the same way.

Before he got over it, he threatened to bomb the city with a space-based armed satellite. With the drone bombing the Air Defense Command in front, it really couldn't be regarded as a prank or a joke.

'Boom!Boom! There was a knock on the door, and the luxurious door opened, and an officer walked in with a document, and said to the Minister of Defense: "Mr. Mark, the President wants to see you."

Don't think about it, it must be the declaration of Ultron's ascension to the throne just now. The Minister of Defense hurriedly got up, and as soon as he walked to the door, he thought of something again, turned his head, and said to Ross: "General Thaddeus, come with me Meet the President."

"Okay, sir." Ross stood up immediately, walked a few steps quickly, followed the Secretary of Defense, and drove to the White House not far away. He knocked on the door of the Oval Office. The secretary immediately signaled them to silence, because the president was Talk to other heads of state.

".I'm also learning about the situation and will report it as soon as possible." The newly appointed president, who looked very unreliable at first glance, said high-sounding words, but there was actually no content. After hanging up the red phone, he raised his head and looked at the The Minister of Defense he appointed rang the bell for a cup of Coke. Before waiting for the Coke to come up, he said, "Wow, did you see that? I have so many calls that I can't finish answering. There are armed satellites launched by a private company.

There is also a madman who wants to use those satellites to bomb the city. I wonder if I am the president. Why do I not know so many things? They ask me, and I don’t know how to answer them. Can you tell me now? "

The Minister of Defense did not speak, but signaled to Ross to come forward and report. Ross immediately submitted the folders he had sorted out. While the President was reading them, he reported intermittently. The intelligence he had, the artificial intelligence that escaped from Stark , to the launched armed satellite
The president who listened was stunned and had to take a sip of Coke to subdue his shock. His tone was full of disbelief, and he said, "So you are going to tell me now that Stark has launched a large number of armed artificial satellites privately, and even created an out-of-control artificial intelligence. Am I listening to a movie script?"

"Sir, I also hope that this is a script, and I am the screenwriter and not the general, but unfortunately, it is true that Stark's artificial intelligence is out of control, and it controls the armed satellites launched by Stark, resulting in the current Cities around the world are at risk."

"." The president was silent for a few seconds before he opened his mouth and said, "Maybe I need to go to the White House bunker to inspect it. Don't get me wrong. I'm not hiding in fear. I just haven't been there. I want to go in and see what it looks like."

"." Both Rose and Mark were silent, and it was impossible to object, so they could only follow his words: "Yes, you can indeed go and have a look."

Just leave, and immediately went to the bunker with a Coke, while Ross continued to report the current situation on the road, but Stark could not be contacted. Capitol Hill said that Stark flew away wearing a steel suit, and has sent someone Seek out Stark at Avengers Base for the latest updates, but prepare for the worst.

"Prepare for the worst? Then go prepare. I have to think about how to tell them that Ultron is an artificial intelligence and wants to destroy human beings. God, it sounds like a Hollywood movie."

Mark was about to leave, but Ross was left behind by the president, and asked seriously, "Do you think Stark did it?"

"Stark has no reason to do this, I think it is Ultron, but what Stark did is too dangerous, we must strengthen the control of the Avengers, we can no longer let them do whatever they want, but we I only found out after the fact.” Ross peddled his management theory, which he relied on to get to the top.

Because politicians don't like those so-called superheroes or super criminals, who are beyond their control, because these guys who have extraordinary theories, when they are dissatisfied with politicians, may not protest, but directly kill them.

Especially after the Green Goblin broke out twice and killed many rich and powerful people, it made these high-ranking people even more uneasy. Their bodyguards can only deal with ordinary people. In front of the guy, the fragile one is like a piece of paper, it is too unsafe, and I can't even close my eyes when I sleep.

Ross, who promotes management theory, is therefore popular. Even if so many things happen, he is not reprimanded, but has been promoted all the way, because he fits the concept of the superior.

(End of this chapter)

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