The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 906 Declaring War

Chapter 906 Declaring War
Greer had just persuaded Rogers to leave, and before he had time to pull over and get out of the car, he heard Ultron's declaration of becoming king, and the atmosphere in the car suddenly turned wrong.

Sam heard the car on the side of the road and stared at the car navigation screen. After the navigation screen resumed, he said, "So is this what Stark expected?"

"No, I think something might be wrong."

Rogers' eyebrows were almost frowned, especially when he saw the energy cannons exposed by the satellites orbiting the world played by Ultron, and asked: "Stark deployed so many satellite weapons? He What do you want to do?"

Greer turned his head and said, "Of course it's against Thanos."

Before Rogers could answer, Sam pointed to Capitol Hill, which was full of powerful politicians, and said, "Do you think they believe it?"

"You can't expect idiots to understand your thinking. It's the scariest thing when they keep up with you, because that means you're as stupid as they are." Greer still had the time to tease, but his body showed He had a headache, rubbed his forehead, and said, "I'm going back to the Avengers base, and I can't delay any longer. You'd better prepare yourself, maybe tomorrow you will be responsible for hunting down and blowing up large data centers and supercomputers all over the world." criminal."

"." Rogers wanted to persuade Greer, but he swallowed the words again. The damage caused by Ultron has become stronger and stronger. Don't we have to wait until Ultron causes huge damage to the world, and then he can't do it again? to do it?
I always feel sorry for the bottles and cans at home, and I am afraid to do this or sit there. When the house is demolished, those bottles and cans will not be kept.

After Greer finished speaking, he opened the car door and went down, then walked to the side alley, turned around, immediately put on the hanging ring, began to inject magic power into it, then opened the space door, and stepped over. Came to the magnificent Avengers base.

As soon as he entered the building, he saw Dr. Banner running in a panic, and was stopped by Greer, who turned around and said anxiously: "Jarvis seems to have something wrong, no matter how much he shouted, he didn't respond. Going to check on his host."

"What?" Errell hurriedly ran after him. Without Jarvis, the entire Avengers base was almost at a standstill. Even the elevator had to be manually pressed to go down. When he reached the basement where Jarvis's host was placed, he found that there was no A light was on, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt electrical wires. Even the roaring cooling system in the past could not be heard, and the silence was terrifying.

This made Greer and Banner look at each other, and both realized that something was wrong. Jarvis really had a big problem. It can be imagined with the duodenum that Ultron must have done it.In this case, the Veronica integrated combat platform protected by Jarvis really fell into the hands of Ultron.

Banner hurriedly picked up the flashlight and began to scan around. He walked quickly inside and shouted, "Greer, please check the circuit and restore the lighting first."

"Understood!" Greer ran to the main control room, used magic to condense the sacred sword of Vishanti, and opened the locked door with one sword. , created a small whirlwind to roll out the unpleasant smell inside before entering.

The circuit boards pulled out one after another, each one was smoking, obviously burned out due to overload, Greer couldn't help but sighed: "Ultron is amazing at what it does."

Not only did he defeat Jarvis on the network, but he also burned out Jarvis' mainframe with current overload, so that even if Stark wanted to enable Jarvis's backup, he would have to rebuild the mainframe. Here, Ultron will do whatever he wants on the Internet, and no one can stop him anymore.

Dr. Banner just started to check, when he received the bad news that Greer found that the control circuit was almost completely wiped out, there was no possibility of repair, all had to be replaced, and he checked several server cabinets, the condition was similar, the motherboard, Important components such as the CPU are broken or destroyed, just like a computer with Pentium 4 installed is forced to play Nishuihan.

Dr. Banner reluctantly closed the server cabinet that exuded a burnt smell, and illuminated the deeper part of the smog with a flashlight. Under the light beam, each server cabinet appeared and disappeared in the smoke, as if in a fairyland. It is true that they all ascended to heaven.

Dr. Banner looked at this scene, and said with some despair: "I don't think I need to watch it again." He guessed it was all broken. Now not only the circuit board needs to be repaired, but also the server cabinet needs to be repaired, which is nothing like rebuilding a data center. the difference.

Greer didn't speak, but just opened the space door leading to a thousand meters away, and created a Vatum wind near the space door, simulating the principle of the exhaust fan, pumping out the dirty air in the basement, replacing the stalled one. ventilation system.

Going back to the top, he happened to meet a dazed Rhode and asked, "What happened? Why didn't Jarvis respond to me? I want to contact Stark."

"He has a big problem." Greer recounted what he had seen and heard in the basement, making Rhodes aware of the seriousness of the problem, but still asked suspiciously: "Didn't you block Ultron last time?"

"Yeah, I blocked it last time, but who can be sure that it was Ultron at full strength? Now I wonder if Ultron was just playing around and not serious at all." Greer could no longer imagine Ultron on the Internet. How strong is it? An artificial intelligence as strong as Jarvis can tear it apart, so other systems are just a piece of paper in front of Ultron, and they can be broken at will.

There was a sharp piercing sound in the sky, and the three of them looked up, and saw a gold and red human-shaped armor flying towards here rapidly. Although they knew it should be Stark, Greer still gathered his magic power, Construct the starting method of many magic skills - the ring of Raggador.

'Bang! 'Mark47 landed on the ground, and made a deep footprint on the lawn. The helmet quickly opened and retracted, revealing Stark's face, and walked towards the three of them quickly.

Seeing that it was indeed Stark, Greer was relieved to disperse the ring of Raggador. Before the three of them could say anything, Stark spoke eagerly: "Greyer Er, didn’t you say you can enter the Internet? Now is the time to show your true strength, go to the Internet world, find Ultron, and entangle him.”

"Banner, let's start the backup data center, Rhodes, you call Parker, you go to the warehouse to get the power supply cable, I want you to connect the Ark reactor in the river to the backup data center, and you must not let O Create the Veronica platform.”

(End of this chapter)

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