The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 89 Ghost Rider

Chapter 89 Ghost Rider
This night was destined to be restless. The two streets of Manhattan Island were ignited by rockets fired by armed helicopters. The blazing flames turned half of the sky red. Even in New Jersey, which was far away, the red sky could be clearly seen.

Under the red light, five black commercial vehicles were driving rapidly on a remote and quiet road. Frank Amick was sitting in the second bulletproof car, with his head tilted, looking through a sticker with a Looking at the red sky on the east side through the car window with reflective film, he was still talking with the phone in his hand.

The dilapidated lampposts and the low and dilapidated houses swept back quickly. After turning the corner, Frank Amick hung up the phone, and a man sitting on the co-pilot stepped forward. He turned his head and said, "Boss, the brother behind said that there is a motorcycle following us."

Frank Amick frowned when he heard the words. During this period of time, there was no peace. Five consecutive transactions were destroyed, the goods were seized by the police, the men were slaughtered, and the money was taken away. Money, goods, and people are empty.

His business has been greatly affected, and his subordinates have also begun to be alienated. The work is not as straightforward as before, and no one dares to do the life-threatening work of receiving goods. This made Frank very angry, but he had no choice but to Can first find a way to deal with the person hiding in the dark.

Now that he heard a motorcycle following behind him, Frank Amick first thought of the guy who broke the deal, his face sank, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Get rid of him."

After receiving orders from Frank Amick, the two cars behind began to slow down and turned to drive side by side, occupying the narrow road. The windows of the rear seat and the passenger's car were opened, revealing six gunmen. The gangster pulled the trigger on the motorcycle behind him.

With 'dah!clatter! 'The sound of a gun with a silencer sounded, and a series of meteors shot out from the muzzle, flying towards the rear headlights rapidly.Just after the gunshot rang out, the motorcycle instantly burst into flames, and even the rider was enveloped in flames.

"Yeah!" One of the gunmen yelled happily, crying and howling, "I hit his fuel tank."

"Obviously it was me!" Another gunman retorted immediately, and the other four people also stopped firing, but they were surprised to find that the burning motorcycle was not tilted, and was still driving forward at a faster speed than before the fire. Be quick and leave a long trail of flames on the highway.

"What's the matter?" Before he finished speaking, a burning iron chain protruded from a motorcycle, flying straight to the left, passing the car on the left in the blink of an eye, and the rider on the motorcycle , with a wave of his right hand holding the iron chain, the iron chain swiped to the right like a stick, easily cutting the two fast-moving cars and the people inside in half.

The two cars were also ignited, turning into two 'fire' cars in an instant, continuing to move forward under the inertia.The rider retracted the iron chain and wrapped it around his body. With flames all over his body, he passed the two cars and continued to chase the three cars ahead.

The driver of the third car looked at the burning motorcycle in the rearview mirror and the two ignited cars that were thrown behind in amazement, not understanding what happened.The speed of the car reached ninety yards, but the motorcycle caught up in two or three breaths. With his right hand, he pulled the iron chain in his arms, and the long iron chain floated out of thin air. It is so conspicuous in the night sky.

In the next second, the flaming iron chain, which was only two or three meters long, fell down and grew to more than 20 meters in an instant, '嗤啦! ' With a sound, the car was split in half, and the flames spread rapidly. In just one breath, the car that was divided into two halves turned into a big fireball, and the people inside were also burned to ashes.

Frank lay on the back seat, looking at the scorching motorcycle that was chasing after him. In just a short while, most of his subordinates were wiped out. I am afraid that these transactions are all the same. Guy wrecked it.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Frank yelled at the driver, and contacted the leading car to keep him behind, but just as the car staggered, it was drawn by the flame chain from behind. It turned into two balls of flames, and Frank turned pale with fright. He had never seen such a weird thing before, so he could only urge the driver to leave quickly.

The driver, who was so frightened and trembling all over, stepped on the accelerator tremblingly, trying to speed up and get rid of the burning motorcycle, but his eyes could not help but glance at the rearview mirror on the left, the burning iron chain once again Flying over, the driver let out a strange cry, and hurriedly turned the steering wheel to one side to avoid it.

It's just that his speed was too slow compared to the iron chain, and before the steering wheel started to turn, the iron chain had already hit the rear wheel, cutting off a third of the wheel, causing the fast-moving car to overturn immediately.It rolled several times on the ground and hit a big tree next to the roadbed, knocking down the big tree, but it also made the car stuck there.

The motorcycle with burning flames was parked next to the overturned car, and the flames on the body were quickly extinguished, allowing the skeleton-like motorcycle to return to a plain heavy motorcycle, and the iron chains wrapped around the body also became the original Look, the burning skull 'grows' flesh and blood.

Frank, who was struggling to get out of the car, got a small half of his body out of the broken glass window, and a hand wearing a black leather glove grabbed his collar and dragged him out of the car abruptly. He came out, held it high in the air, flung it backwards, and hit the overturned vehicle body.

The pain made Frank yell out. This big hand pinched his neck, causing his head to look up, and he saw the face of the attacker. It turned out to be the retired police officer Dave that Karl Burbank had mentioned before. Mon McCready, but didn't Carl Burbank say the guy was killed?
Before Frank could think of anything more, Damon, who was full of hatred, said, "You know what? For more than ten years, I have been thinking about how we will meet, and now I finally got what I wanted."

Frank tried his best to force a smile on his face, and said, "Hey, what do you want? Dollar bills, or gold and silver, which are easy to sell, I can give you anything."

Before Frank could finish speaking, Damon said with a faint smile on his face, "I want your soul."

"What?" Frank thought he heard it wrong, no one wants a soul, but before he could ask, he saw a terrified scene, Damon's face suddenly burst into flames, and in the blink of an eye, Burned his head into a white skull.

(End of this chapter)

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