The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 86 The Infinite Gem of Echo

Chapter 86 The Infinite Gem of Echo

This time it was General Ross's turn to hesitate. Since World War II, the Stark family has been the military's largest weapons supplier. Deep relationships and connections.

He also heard some rumors about the bill that Senator Stern mentioned. Since Stark announced that he is Iron Man, he has frequently appeared in areas with extremely tragic armed conflicts in the past month, destroying a large number of Obamas. Weapons produced by Stark Enterprises that were secretly sold on behalf of them.

Such frequent dispatches have also exposed a large amount of data on steel battle suits, which are able to fly at supersonic speeds, are much more flexible than fighter jets, can carry more ammunition than drones, and require little space for landing and take-off. Clothes, capable of many kinds of military missions, including but not limited to low-altitude raids on fleets, armored groups, assassination, destruction behind enemy lines, and so on.

It is believed by military experts that it will lead future wars and is a new type of weapon that can change the mode of war.Just as the appearance of Maxim heavy machine guns and tanks swept the cavalry who had dominated the battlefield for more than 2000 years into the garbage dump, and the rise of aircraft carriers completely wiped out battleships, etc., the rise of each new weapon will eliminate old tactics and change warfare. Way.

The military intends to buy the steel battle suit, regardless of the finished product or the use of patent rights. They sent someone to contact Stark, but Stark refused without hesitation, and did not even have the opportunity to ask for a price.

In Stark's words, this is only a semi-finished product, and it will not be sold until it is completed.But as long as you are not a fool, you will know that this is just an excuse. Tanks, aircraft, etc. are still being upgraded, and they can also be said to be unfinished products. After all, if they are perfect, do they still need to be upgraded?

After hitting a soft nail, the Pentagon did not send any more people there, but organized military experts to conduct a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the impact and effect of the appearance of the steel suit on the war, and then determine the next step based on the results.

After all, although the steel suit is very strong, the technology in this world far surpasses that of Greer's previous life. Just one kind of steel suit is not enough to control the war situation.For example, the Quinjet fighter jet of SHIELD is still a theory in Greer's world, but it is already a mature product in this world.

Therefore, although the military really wants to get the steel suit, it is not enough to steal it by chance. After all, if you rob Stark's steel suit today, you can also rob other rich people tomorrow. Once the rules of the game are broken, it will cause other players in the game to rebound , That's why the military wants to pay for it. If Stark was a civilian, he would have bought and sold it by force.

Just like Greer, without any background, people deliberately want to catch you, and you will be beaten up by military helicopters as soon as you show up. If it is not for running fast or in a sparsely populated place, they will definitely dare to use missiles to bomb you, but It's not a threat to stop in the open sea.

It was precisely because of these concerns that General Ross did not immediately agree. After weighing the pros and cons in his mind, he said, "If you can really get the Ministry of Defense to pass the bill, I will sign it and support you in leading the establishment of a special investigation committee. "

"Then it's settled!" After the other party finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Rose removed the phone from his ear and put it back in his pocket. Looking at the hole in the tail cabin, with a gloomy old face, he just As if the whole world owed him money.

The helicopter was hit and almost didn't crash before, and the flight is not very stable until now, wobbly, Ross picked up the internal communication headset of the helicopter next to him, and shouted angrily: "Don't chase after it, let's go back." The pilot in the cockpit After receiving the order, he immediately stopped this meaningless pursuit, turned around and returned to the small town before, to pick up Betty who landed.

On the Twisting side, Greer kicked Abomination, blasted the scarred Abomination into pieces with [-]% of the photon blood vessels, and then left the scene quickly while the dust was filling the air, running until the distance was enough. It stopped near a subway entrance ten streets away.

I contacted Uncle Jimmy on the phone, and soon he arrived on a motorcycle. He was relieved when he saw that Greer was unscathed.When rushing to Brooklyn, I still had lingering fears along the way, how could there be such a monster in Twister?Hyde didn't dare to go home and temporarily lived with his daughter in another friend's house. Wait for the words.

Obviously terrified by the car falling from the sky and seeing the bangs and columns of flames, it was too much like a bomb attack, especially after the bombing attack a few years ago People, especially, are terrified of doing it all over again.

Greer, who was riding a motorcycle, was not in the mood to talk, just speeding up blindly, wanting to go back quickly, lie on the bed and have a good sleep, the shoulders and arms hit by the hatred are still hurting.

When I got back to Uncle Jimmy's restaurant, I didn't even want to eat dinner, so I bought two burgers on the side of the road and went upstairs.After closing the door and putting the burger on the table next to him, he freed his hand to take off his coat, revealing the decade belt tightly tied to his shirt.

Putting his right hand on the driver, the silver-white metal belt and the knight card box on the left disappeared in an instant, leaving only the decade driver, which Greer placed next to Hamburg.After taking off his shirt, his shoulders and waist were still sore, and there were large bruises. If Agito's defense was weaker, he might have broken his tendons and fractured his bones.

This body is still too thin, unlike the original fat layer that has multiple functions such as energy storage and heat preservation. No matter how thin it is, the ribs will be exposed, but I guess there is no chance to gain weight, so I run around all day Go, fight and kill.Just like tonight, after a tough battle, I was almost starving, and I swallowed two super castles in a while.

After finishing dinner in a hurry, I wiped my hands, put the decade driver under the pillow, lay lightly on my side on the bed, closed my eyes, and fell asleep ten seconds later. I was so tired, physically and mentally exhausted pole.

In the dream, Greer felt like catkins being blown by the wind, turning up and down obliquely like weightless, wisps of dark red liquid flowing around the body in an orderly manner, obviously this scene was so weird, but he But there is no feeling, as if the consciousness is sealed or a puppet without thought, no matter what happens in front of you, you can only watch.

In such a state, there is no concept of time at all. I don't know how long it has passed. In the dark surroundings, five light spots of different colors suddenly appear, flashing with the same frequency as if echoing.

At the same time, in an underground base, Eric Shavig, a physicist and astronomer who had met once, was looking at the computer in front of him in surprise, as if he had discovered the door to a new world Shock and delight.

The place he is in is a huge underground space, with dozens of computers on one side, and only one cabinet-sized instrument in the middle of such a large space. Flickering indefinitely, the frequency is exactly the same as the five light spots that Greer saw in his 'dream'.

(End of this chapter)

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