The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 791 Whose vibration gold?

Chapter 791 Whose vibration gold?

Ulysses Claw's [-]-ton giant ship, although rusty, has all internal organs. It can be docked and set sail temporarily, but it cannot hide its disrepair. Its main function is to serve as an arms processing factory , Naturally, there are not many crew members.

Therefore, in the face of a sudden power outage crisis, Ulysses Crow's voice was almost hoarse, and his subordinates were still dazed, groping in the dark, not knowing what to do.

Some were frightened by the gunshots and wanted to go out, others wanted to find a flashlight, and some didn't know how to solve the power outage anyway, and they didn't even know where the distribution box was, let alone repair it.

Ulysses Crow, who had exhausted the bullets in the magazine but couldn't find where the spare bullets were, yelled for a long time. In the crisis that unfolded, it was vividly displayed.

After throwing all the smoke bombs, Greer took out the concussion bomb and threw it at the place with the most people, then turned his head and covered his ears, the concussion bomb drew a parabola in the darkness, and then suddenly burst into a strong light and bang.

If a person stays in the dark for a long time and suddenly walks into the sunlight, he will be blind for a short time, and even the retina will be damaged; while in a sealed space, loud sounds will reverberate, causing a greater impact.

Ulysses Claw's subordinates were honored to be attacked by strong light and loud noise at the same time, their ears were buzzing, and their eyes were burning like pain. Those who were closer fell to the ground unconscious, while those farther away covered their eyes howling.

Ulysses Crow himself was not spared either. He half knelt on the ground covering his eyes, howling, and the anger in his heart was soaring!Teng! 'It's been going up for many years, and I haven't suffered such a big loss.I was attacked in my base camp, and I still don't know who the attackers are and how many people there are
He knew that he had fallen, and the other party must have come for Zhenjin. It is difficult to give up billions of wealth, but life is more important, so he endured the discomfort in his eyes, and groped out according to his memory, wanting to leave the factory as soon as possible , to meet up with the subordinates outside, and then fight back.

Taking advantage of this gap, Greer removed the armor on his body, put on the hanging ring, quickly drew a circle in the thick smoke, and opened the space door under the pile of vibrating gold, and the other end was Kun-style The open space next to the fighter plane.

A hollow suddenly appeared below, allowing the special container filled with vibrating gold to fall down like a bean from a bamboo tube, and landed on the ground of one meter, colliding with each other, making a crisp sound. Fall to the ground.

Vibrating gold fell through the space door, and the outside light and wind also passed through the space door, entering this narrow, dark and damp cabin, which was extraordinarily bright in this darkness, but the vast smoke blocked the peeping eyes, and the concussion bombs turned all People are knocked down, and no one looks here at all.

Greer easily removed all the Zhenjin, and then jumped down from the space door, landed lightly on the ground, and closed the space door with his hand. It took less than 3 minutes to complete the task.

"Come out and wash the floor." Greer reached out and knocked on the shell of the Quinjet fighter, and then began to pack up the scattered vibrating gold containers, preparing to throw them directly into the Quinjet fighter, and pack it up after take-off.

But he just picked up a tube of vibrating gold, and before he threw it, he saw Stark walking out wearing a red and gold steel suit, with MK46 engraved on the inside of his left arm, the Ark reactor on his chest was the most pentagonal, and there were still There are multiple micro-reactors used for segmental power supply, so it can be dispersed into individual components, which can fly and attack independently.

"Uh, you are"

"Welcome the guests." Stark walked out ostentatiously without putting on his helmet, looked up at the blue sky, and said, "He doesn't want to come out, maybe we need to hold a grand welcome ceremony for him. "

"Who?" Greer said as he casually threw the vibrating tube into the Quin-style fighter, then chanted a spell and cooperated with gestures to construct a magical light belt with the energy of a different space, and swayed it according to Greer's thoughts, entangled a ground Throw the vibration gold tube into the cabin, and then immediately go to the next one.

The speed was astonishingly fast, and within a short while, all the vibrating tubes rolling everywhere were thrown into the Quin-style fighter, making the clean and tidy cabin dirty with a lot of grass clippings and dirt, but at this moment I can't care about anything else.

After picking up the vibrating tube, Greer quickly picked up the Neo decade driver, buckled it around his waist, and came to Stark's side in two or three steps, ready to transform into the enemy at any time.

And in the direction Stark was looking at, an invisible aircraft was about to pass over Ulysses Crow's transport ship. Prepared to be dropped.

And Okoye, who was in charge of the driving, had already raised his hand, ready to press the button to drop the black panther. He pressed all his fingers down, but stopped in mid-air, with a look of astonishment on his dark face, and said: "Your Highness, we It seems to have been discovered."

"We were discovered?" The black panther, who was about to fall freely, couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, and was speechless for a moment. They always thought that Wakanda was the most technologically advanced in the world. Compared with it, the outside world was a barbaric place. .

Wakanda's aircraft can fly freely in any airspace, and will not be detected by any radar or detectors at all, because they often travel to and from all over the world, thus giving birth to the legend of UFOs.

But now he is actually told that the high-tech spaceship that Wakanda is proud of has been discovered. This is simply saying that the heavily armed American soldiers were defeated by a group of wild monkeys, which is unimaginable.

The speed of the Wakanda aircraft is extremely fast. After such a delay, it has passed the underground arsenal of Ulysses Crow, and Okoye also found that the detector showed that there was an obvious difference between the jungles on the ground, so he immediately carried out inspections there. Accurate detection.

The Wakanda aircraft began to slow down, and when it passed over the Quin-jet fighter jet, it captured an amazing scene: a person was waving a glowing rope, and quickly threw a large pile of special containers filled with primitive vibration gold scattered on the ground into the In the plane behind him, a man in iron armor stepped out from it.

Immediately afterwards, the man in the iron armor raised his right arm and faced the 'camera'. The arm armor opened, and a missile not much bigger than a ballpoint pen popped out from inside. The ship also sounded a 'missile attack' siren.

No need to guess anymore, they were indeed spotted, and the other party also fired missiles in an attempt to shoot down the unidentified aircraft.

Okoye hurriedly activated the defense system, and the supersonic cannon under the flying ship fired an invisible energy wave, which accurately hit the miniature missile that was also flying at high speed, 'Boom! ' It exploded at once, but what came out of it was not flames and shock waves, but a large amount of red smoke and dust was thrown in all directions, and spread out with the explosion.

The high-altitude wind is very strong, which makes the diffusion of these special dyes faster, and the head and face of the low-flying Black Panther spacecraft are covered with the wind, and they are suddenly exposed from the invisible state, and these red dyes are specially made by Stark. I have seen the invisible space carrier of SHIELD, and when I went back, I got a dye that specifically destroys invisibility.

It was not used on the space carrier of S.H.I.E.L.D., but it made the Panther's aircraft taste the power first, directly destroying the overall stealth function, and also increasing the radar reflection area, which greatly increased the chance of being discovered. It can be said that it cannot Flying so recklessly at low altitude again.

Such a change was beyond the expectation of Okoye and T'Challa. They have never encountered such a simple and crude method to break the invisible function of the Wakanda spacecraft, but it is still very effective.However, it can only be used under the specific circumstances of low altitude and low speed.

It was only then that Greer discovered that there was an aircraft about 100 meters in the air, and understood what Stark said about the "welcome ceremony". It was indeed very grand. A small missile released nearly ten thousand cubic meters of The 'friend' was also very satisfied with the smoke and dust in the airspace, so he was no longer invisible and 'walked' out.

Okoye made another discovery. A lot of people poured out on the deck of the [-]-ton giant ship in the distance. Among them, the facial recognition system caught the trace of Ulysses Crow, and Okoye hurriedly reported: "His Royal Highness , I have found Ulysses Crow."

T'Challa immediately made a decision: "You go and catch him, and I'll get the vibrating gold."

Okoye hesitated to speak, but anyone who has been online for more than a week will know who the Iron Man below is, Tony Stark, a billionaire, Iron Man, and the Avengers.
The real hammer is that Iron Man is violently collecting Zhenjin. He should have done the slum on the road when he came. If he wants to get it back, he must not use his mouth. Only his fists can decide who can take away Zhenjin.

But Ulysses Crow cannot let it go. This guy is a cancer of Wakanda. He has been working on smuggling vibration gold. He must be killed in order to cut off the vibration gold smuggling between Wakanda and the outside world.Wakanda's intelligence agency PRIDE has been looking for him for a long time, and finally found him, and let him go this time
Seeing her worry, T'Challa forcefully opened the hatch and said, "Don't worry, I will bring Zhenjin back."

After finishing speaking, the position of the Kun-style fighter was determined, and the Panther jumped down. The Panther's uniform on his body maintained a good falling posture in the air, and it also had the function of anti-gravity, so that the Panther would not be like a meteorite It smashed into the ground, but landed on the ground lightly like a cat.

During the fall, the Panther threw out two vibration gold beads, trying to paralyze the Quin-jet fighter so that they could not carry the vibration gold away, but the thumb-sized beads were thrown out, and the armor on Stark's shoulders opened , a miniature electromagnetic gun was raised on the left and right, and the projectiles fired accurately hit the falling beads, knocking them into the air.

The Panther once again refreshed his cognition, destroying the Zhenjinzhu of the enemy's power engine, and lost for the first time. You must know that the Zhenjinzhu has power and is extremely fast, but it has not escaped the opponent's lock. Let the Panther realize that Si Tucker's technological level may be a little higher than he imagined.

At a height of 20 meters, the black panther landed in only four or five seconds, less than [-] meters away from Greer and Stark, staring at Iron Man and the unknown boy standing in front of the Quinjet. .

Stark looked at the black panther whose body was only black, and joked: "Oh, is Africa too poor to import other pigments? It seems that my foundation will increase its aid to Africa. "

"." The other two people present did not respond to his cold humor, and Greer even wanted to give him a blank stare. Is this the time to say this?You shouldn't think about it, T'Challa's father is still alive, so why did the Black Panther appear?
Black Panther raised his hand, pointed in the direction of the two, and said in a low voice: "Those are us"

"What? You want to buy my plane? It's not for sale."


"I think the clothes on you are mine."

The conversation was very unpleasant. The two people who were also born with a golden spoon in their mouths have always been tried to please others, and occasionally they will consider other people's feelings generously, especially T'Challa. He thinks this is Wakanda's inspiration. Kim, this guy is playing dumb and making fun of himself here, it is too much.

And Stark thinks T'Challa is too naive, doesn't he think that a few words can get the priceless Zhenjin back, does he think that the two of them are afraid of a Wakanda prince?

"Ulysses Crow stole it from us, so" T'Challa was interrupted by Stark before he finished speaking: "Then you should ask him for it."

"But they're here with you."

"It's none of my business." Stark spread his hands, acting innocent, and had no intention of talking to the panther at all.

The panther didn't speak any more, but slowly raised his arms, with sharp and sharp claws popping out from his fingertips, obviously wanting to use force to get Zhenjin.

"What should we do next?" Greer turned his head to look at the domineering Stark beside him, wanting to know his attitude. It doesn't look like he wants to get along with the Black Panther, and there will never be another universe. Stark didn't tell him that Wakanda's force is worth it.

"Of course it's the Zhenjin that guards us." Stark specially emphasized 'we', his voice not slight at all, for fear that the panther wouldn't be able to hear it.

Almost as soon as his voice fell, the black panther started to run at such a high speed that it almost turned into a black shadow. Mark46's helmet closed instantly, his arms were raised, and the arc pulse gun in his palm was aimed at the black panther, directly open fire.

The running black panther swiftly flashed to the right, dodged the arc pulse gun at such a short distance, and grabbed Stark's chest with its sharp claws, trying to destroy the Ark reactor with the sharp claws. Obviously the whole world knows Iron Man's power source, but they don't know that Stark has already updated to segmental power supply, and the Ark reactor on his chest is only used to launch cluster cannons.

Before his claws approached, Stark jumped up behind him wearing a silver and red armor Kamen Rider Agito, with incandescent flames rising from his hands, gathered into two shining king swords, and stabbed the black panther's chest with one , and slashed at the panther's neck.

(End of this chapter)

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