The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 773 The Cree and the Obelisk

Chapter 773 The Cree and the Obelisk

Jia Ying let go of Daisy's hand, took out a simple and simple box from the pocket of her underwear, handed it to Daisy, and said in recollection: "This is the safety knot I made for you. You have worn it around your neck since you were a child. Come on, I found it some time ago."

Daisy took it and opened it. Inside was a Chinese knot made of red string, with a few rusty copper coins hanging on it. It looked very old, and there were very old characters on it, which looked like Xiaozhuan. She could recognize it. I came out thanks to the magic book of Master Gu Yi. In order to understand it, I learned a lot of ancient characters.

"I discovered this by accident when I declared to be a reporter. At that time, there were frequent wars, and many people had to sell their properties to make ends meet. I also bought some other antiques, but when I gave birth to you, I There are only a few copper coins left, so I made a safe knot for you."

Jia Ying babbled about old things, but Daisy was completely dumbfounded. She suddenly realized that she couldn't count, otherwise how could she not calculate how many years have passed since the Republic of China?Looking at his mother's young appearance again, it is not too much to say that she is his sister.

Republic of China?Could it be the end of the last century?
Seeing Daisy's stunned look, Jia Ying laughed out loud and said, "When I first met your father, I told him that I interviewed Lu Xiaoman, and he also looked like this."

"Are you... are you kidding?" Daisy felt that there was a problem with her language function, and she couldn't even speak.

Jia Ying put away her smile and said seriously: "I have forgotten how long I have lived, but I am not immortal, but the awakened ability can absorb the vitality of others to supplement the vitality consumed by myself.

I was the first villager in Yiren Village. When I was walking outside, I brought back the Yiren who found life outside was very difficult. Gradually, more and more people came to form a village. When the old people were about to end their lives , Let me absorb all their vitality so that I can live longer and bring the aliens who are struggling to survive outside back to the village. "

Daisy is already numb. I have heard too many stories today, from the Earth to the Inhuman Race, and now it belongs to the Inhuman Village and Jia Ying. The three views are so broken that I can't even pick them up.

"Back then, the leader of the Inhuman race relied on absorbing the vitality of other people to make himself live longer, but I have the same ability. This should not be a coincidence. Seeing your ability and potential now makes me more sure. This point." Jia Ying then turned the topic back to convince Daisy that she did have the blood of the strongest leader in history.

Daisy didn't know what to say at all, the gap in knowledge between generations was too deep, and there were too many things she didn't understand, but Jia Ying only talked about the main points, and she didn't know where to start. Believe it, it's a bit ridiculous, don't believe it, Jia What Ying said is indeed quite true.

Before she could think any more, Jia Ying made another big move: "You can activate the obelisk is the best evidence."

"Huh?" Daisy was taken aback, why did she start talking about the obelisk again, she almost forgot about this thing that activated her ability.

Since Black Bolt and the others wanted to snatch the obelisk three years ago, Greer put the obelisk in the dragon of Castle Deland to avoid loss.

After that, it was the Green Goblin, the Extremis, and the Mandarin, followed by the Dark Elves, Hela, etc. One big event after another involved almost all the time and energy of the Avengers, and they had no time to worry about it. Others, so the obelisk is so forgotten, dusting on the shelf,

Now after hearing what Jia Ying said, she remembered the obelisk in the basement below the Stark family warehouse. That trip to the basement warehouse changed her life and made her feel helpless. Li turned into a powerful alien.

I only heard Jia Ying say: "In order to better control the Inhumans, the Cree created an obelisk. Only selected people can enter the temple, and the obelisk can be used to activate abilities to change from a weak human to a powerful one." A powerful alien."

"The temple? But it's not in the temple." Daisy recalled carefully, the dilapidated underground warehouse was full of materials, and it had nothing to do with the temple.

"That's right, only those who are selected can enter the temple to activate the ability, and we can activate the obelisk anytime and anywhere."

"Could it be because of..." Daisy understood what Jia Ying meant.

"That's right, our ancestors unlocked the restrictions of the Obelisk Temple. As long as you have his genes, you can use the Obelisk anytime and anywhere."

Daisy blinked, and wanted to pinch herself to verify whether she was in a dream. This story is too legendary, and I can come up with a magnificent legendary story with just brain supplementation: a strange boy, in a vicious world Growing up under the oppression of aliens, through his own efforts, he gradually grew into the leader of the Inhumans, leading the Inhumans to resist the tyranny of the Cree.
It's a pity that there is an extra third party in the story—Asgard, otherwise the story will go in another direction, maybe there will be no great prosperity of human beings, and the rise and prosperity of the Inhumans will be replaced, and maybe they can be with Ah Sgard fights for hegemony.

With this story, it is not an exaggeration to write an autobiographical novel with tens of millions of words.

Daisy now understands why the old man in Yiren Village is willing to continue Jia Ying's life, because only she can activate the obelisk and let the people in the village awaken their abilities. The obelisk went into decline.

But Daisy is more concerned about the temple that Jia Ying said, the temple that has been passed down by word of mouth, should be the genetic laboratory of the Cree people. If this is the case, will Attilan on the back of the moon also belong to the Cree people? laboratory?
If this is the case, it can explain why the Inhuman race with few scientific researchers can build a city on the back of the moon and live self-sufficiently for so many years.

It is likely that the Kree built a lunar base, and then after being driven out by Asgard, the Inhumans migrated there.As for why he left the earth, he can think that it should be related to Asgard's intervention. The winner gets everything, and the loser loses everything.

When Daisy curiously asked about the temple, on the other side of the earth, in the brightly lit Avengers Building, Stark was wearing protective clothing and goggles, manipulating the mechanical arm, Carefully pick up some metal fragments placed in special glass.

The instruments in the laboratory took turns to conduct a detailed analysis of these broken metals that were still contaminated with soil. For this reason, the biological laboratory with the highest protection level was used to prevent the threat of alien viruses.

The invasion of aliens not only brought destruction, but also never-before-seen viruses, such as the war of twisting contracts, it appeared that the firefighters participating in the rescue would unconsciously release strong electromagnetic waves, making the surrounding bodies The metal products were suspended, and Manhattan was closed for several months. Comprehensive disinfection and large-scale inspections cost countless money and resources.

Also because of the emergence of alien viruses, the clean-up work in Manhattan, which was originally outsourced to private individuals, was handed over to the Disaster Control Department jointly established by Stark and the federal government to oversee the collection, transportation and storage of alien and other special materials.

Facts have proved that this is very necessary. In the assassination of the president that was raging a while ago, the murderer used the modified Chitauri armor and laser gun. The president, who was shocked, became furious and set off a new round of recycling. Actions on exile civilian alien material.

Therefore, Stark was not very interested in the alien metal brought back by Greer. He just did a routine inspection, and then projected the inspection report. He held his wine glass and said while drinking: "This thing and The Chitauri, the dark elves and stuff like that were completely different before, and obviously Attilan was built by a different kind of alien."


"Huh?" Stark was about to pour the wine into his mouth, but he paused when he heard Greer's words, then continued to drink as if nothing had happened, and said, "Oh, tell me."

"The Inhumans are the experimental products of the Cree. Later, Asgard came and won the battle. The earth became Asgard's territory, and the Inhumans became children that no one loved, so they ran away in embarrassment. We have reached the back of the moon." Greer briefly introduced the situation of the Inhumans.

After returning from Attilan, he immediately went to Karma Taj to look up the historical records of the past. Although he was vague, he could at least get a general idea of ​​what happened back then.

The grievances between the Inhumans and Karma Taj are still very deep. The heroes who slayed demons and demons in those days basically joined Karma Taj and became the first generation of Karma Taj people.

What Greer really cares about is the Cree people. Back then, the Cree people conducted genetic experiments on the earth and built many experimental bases. Attilan is just one of them. If Attilan can be preserved until now, then the other experimental bases Does it also exist?
When Stark heard this, the wine in his glass suddenly tasted bad, and he became energetic. This is an alien laboratory. Even if thousands of years have passed, the Cree people came to Earth by spaceship to build it. The laboratory is definitely a high-tech laboratory for humans who have not yet left the earth.

The performance of a laboratory's equipment determines the upper limit of a scientist. The calculation volume of a supercomputer in one second is equal to a person's lifetime with an abacus. Such a gap cannot be made up by ingenuity.

Why Stark can design and manufacture forty or fifty types of steel suits by himself, ingenuity can only account for half, and the remaining half is due to the intelligent butler Jarvis.Jarvis, who has stored countless data, can instantly help Stark find the knowledge he wants, assist him in computing and processing massive amounts of data, and complete the work Stark ordered
It can be said that Jarvis alone is worth a hundred teams, and he also works hard, is on call 24 hours a day, and is an absolute caring assistant.

Now there may be a well-equipped laboratory built by aliens whose technology far exceeds that of the earth. Stark can't wait to enter it immediately to see what the alien's laboratory looks like and what is the direction of scientific instrument development?
Science is a road full of thorns. It takes countless people stepping on it step by step to find a broad road. They may go the wrong way, but now they can get maps and bulldozers. For human beings who are facing the threat of Thanos, it is absolutely Send charcoal in the snow.

Stark put down the wine bottle and glass, stared at Greer with burning eyes, and asked, "Where is it?"

After asking, he said to himself again: "It can't be on the ground, otherwise it would have been discovered and occupied by people long ago. That would be the bottom of the sea, in the mountains or underground."

Greer folded his arms on his chest and said, "Well, it used to be underground, but it has been submerged by the sea."

"You know?" Stark was startled, he just asked casually, he didn't expect Greer to tell the specific location, he didn't expect that he actually knew where it was, but he didn't even know it in another universe thing alas.

"I only know that in Puerto Rico, most of it is under the sea, but some are under the city, and...that's all I remember." Greer shrugged, saying that he could do nothing about it.

He tried his best, and he only watched "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." once in his previous life. After such a long time, he still vaguely remembers that.I can leave such an impression because Daisy completed her awakening in that underground city in the TV series. If it were someone else, Greer might have forgotten all about it.

Stark nodded and immediately ordered: "Jarvis, immediately mobilize satellites to scan the coastal area of ​​Puerto Rico."

"Okay, sir," Jarvis's voice sounded in the room: "It is estimated that in 3 minutes, the first satellite will pass the designated location and start a multi-spectral terrain scan."

"It used to be land, but now it is ocean. Jarvis pays attention to adding factors of time cover-up, and goes deep into ancient rock formations."

"Sir, this requires ground penetrating radar for added accuracy."

"Then add it to the drone, the number is one hundred." Stark was very bold, he didn't care about money at all, he just wanted to find this underground Cree city as quickly as possible.

"Okay, sir!" Jarvis responded immediately, and then the underground factory of the new Avengers base began to work. The assembly line manufactured drones, equipped with ground-penetrating radars, and then packed them into boxes and shipped them to Linhe. Submarine base, by the small submarine quietly down the river.

The small submarine powered by the Ark reactor was extremely fast. It went straight from the Hudson River into the Atlantic Ocean, and then went all the way south, reaching the waters near Puerto Rico, and then began to float up and released the drone inside.

A palm-sized nano-drone turned on the optical stealth mode. Driven by the output power of the miniature ark reactor, it spread out and rushed to the distant island. Using the ground-penetrating radar on board, it cooperated with the satellites in space. , to perform an accurate scan of the subsurface.

The area of ​​Puerto Rico is less than [-] square kilometers, which is not a very large island. However, Stark released a group of drones as high as [-] units at one time, and soon completed the detection of the entire island, and began to expand the scope of exploration , to scan and detect the surrounding sea area.

(End of this chapter)

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