The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 768 Attilan's War

Chapter 768 Attilan's War
When Greer found a building that was far enough away without any shelter, he suddenly heard Daisy beside him ask, "What exactly is she trying to do?"

"Huh, learn from the Martial Emperor?"

Daisy looked at the high-spirited and commanding Jia Ying with complicated eyes. The image of a gentle mother that she had established before was shattered into pieces, and she couldn't put together even a single corner of it.

She couldn't understand why her mother started this war. In the local conflict just now, nearly 300 people were killed or injured. Once a full-scale war broke out, Attilan would be destroyed. In this desolate place, rebuilding is not easy.

Didn't you say you're going back to Earth?The Yiren Village has been built, and a large amount of supplies have been transported in. Just waiting for people to settle in, you can start a new life, which is much, much better than the Yiren Village back then.

Why set off the flames of war, I don't know how many people will die in this war, even if she captures Attilan, these dead people will not be able to be resurrected, and what if she captures Attilan?Bring more people back to Earth?Or do you want to be king in Attilan?
Fighting for power, the bones of the fight are exposed in the wild, and there is no chicken crowing for thousands of miles. She has read such stories more than once in the book, and never thought that one day, she will appear by her side, and it will be initiated by her closest relatives. of.

Daisy, with a sad and puzzled face on her face, seemed to want to move forward, but Greer hurriedly held her back, not letting her go forward, and said: "Isn't this war prepared for a day or two, before the winner is decided? It cannot be stopped."

"I just want to know why?" Daisy was in an extremely depressed mood. She came to pick up her mother excitedly, but found that the other party had prepared a huge surprise for herself.

"When you know it, you'll be about the same as them." Greer could only sigh. Everything he thought before was in vain. With this tense atmosphere before the battle, he went to find Black Bolt King. If he didn't open his mouth, the other party would attack. Even if he had time to speak, no one would believe him.

Black Bolt felt that the opponent was a mob, and he was caught off guard because he was careless before. As long as he summoned his troops, he could easily wipe out the opponent, and solve Attilan's internal problems by the way, and he was able to calm down for a long time.

But Jia Ying and Maximus think that they have a large number of people, and they have the bonus of human weapons. As long as they attract the people from the side of Black Bolt King and suppress them with RPG, they can win a big victory and overthrow them in one fell swoop. The tyranny of Black Bolt.

Both sides feel that they have the chance to win, so it is impossible to stop the fight. It must be fought to the death, and the victory of the other will be the end. As for how many people will die in the middle, it is not in their consideration.

In a word, those who make big things don't care about small things.

In the tense preparations for the battle, Jia Ying actually found time to greet Greer and Daisy, and Daisy asked the question that lingered in her mind: "Why?"

"Because I don't want to repeat the same mistakes," Jia Ying stretched out her hand to smooth the bangs on Daisy's forehead, and said softly, "It was because I didn't have enough strength that the Yiren Village was breached and we were separated for 20 years."

Daisy said eagerly: "But now"

"It's the same now." Jia Ying's voice suddenly increased, pointing to the luxurious palace in the distance, and said: "Is the Avengers very popular?"

"." Daisy was speechless. The Avengers are very popular among the people, but in the eyes of the White House and the Pentagon, they are absolutely thorn in the flesh and thorn in the eye. They wish to disband or control them immediately and become their A sharp weapon, not uncontrolled like it is now.

"How many people want to study us who are different from ordinary people and gain the power we have. How long can the Avengers be able to shelter from the wind and rain for a while? Once they are weaker, those people will rush forward." Jia Ying seemed to recall In the past, grief and sadness appeared on his face, and he said: "What I have experienced, I don't want you to experience it again."

Daisy subconsciously turned her head to look at Greer beside her, and Jia Ying also turned her head, looked directly at Greer, and asked, "I remember that you have left the earth twice, and you disappeared every time. Have you been convinced that Daisy is absolutely safe for a long time?"

"Of course, the Avengers Alliance, the Kama Taj Temple, the Dragon of Deran Castle, three layers of defense," Greer said with certainty: "No matter how many soldiers there are, no matter how strong they are, we must find a place, find a place It must also be able to get close, and if it is close, the Delan castle dragon can also fly away."

"???" Jia Ying was stunned for a moment. She understood every word Greer said, but she didn't know what it meant.

Daisy on the side explained, saying: "The place where we live now is connected to the temple by the space gate and Castle Delan, and we can enter these two places at any time. The temples scattered around the world are connected to each other. The castle dragon can fly at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, and there are defense towers equipped with many weapons."

Jia Ying knew that Greer had a castle, but it was the first time she knew that it could connect to the temple, and there was also a laser defense tower, and it was placed in the Kunlun Mountains. The terrain is so dangerous that it is difficult for a helicopter to go there. It is not ordinary to attack here. big.

It is more dangerous than the Yiren Village she chose. It is an excellent paradise, plus it can fly and change cards. It is beyond people's imagination. It is an absolute representative of the changing times. If it were 30 or [-] years ago, how could there be so many? Weird stuff.

Jia Ying frowned slightly. Why did the topic turn to the defense of the residence? She wanted to use this reason to persuade the two of them, but she had just set up an atmosphere, and before she could say anything later, she was caught by Ge Riel brought up the defense and magical abilities of the Dragon of Castle Deland, and has begun to introduce the space folding of the Dragon of Castle Deland, which makes the indoor area much, much larger than it looks from the outside.

While Greer was rambling about, just not talking about the war, the atmosphere in the besieged palace was quite different.

The angry face of Black Bolt King, who was forcibly brought back by Tritan, was a little distorted. This time, not only did he not get the food, but also killed and injured so many aliens and civilians. This has never happened since the establishment of Attilan .

He discussed with Karnike for a long time, envisioning many actions that Jia Ying might take, but he never expected that she would bring back so many guns from the earth, which caught them by surprise.

The crowded crowd gave the gunman a good concealment, and he launched an attack suddenly without any reaction time, and he was already beaten into a sieve. Eighty percent of the aliens fell in the first wave of sneak attacks, and the rest were left behind. It was the aliens and gunmen on Jia Ying's side who were besieged and suppressed, and they were wiped out at a great price.Without those bullets, even if Jia Ying's men were exhausted, they would not be able to wipe out all the strangers he brought.

Thinking of losing so many Inhumans due to his mistake this time, Black Bolt felt very distressed. Attilan's Terrigen crystal reserves have almost bottomed out, but the chance of Inhumans awakening is decreasing year by year. Such a talent awakened at a young age has not appeared for a long, long time.

This still excludes those civilian children, and only let the descendants of the aliens use Terrigen crystals, otherwise the success rate of awakening will be lower. It may take five or six years or even longer for the dozen or so aliens lost ten minutes ago Only then can it be replenished.

Carnac just sent someone to send the news that many civilians appeared in multiple areas and walked towards the palace. Obviously, Jia Ying outside did not give up. She and her accomplices are still dispatching troops to prepare for a more violent attack.

This made the Black Bolt King even more angry. She was using Attilan's people as cannon fodder. If she won the fight, even if she won, the civilians would suffer heavy casualties, and Attilan would be severely injured and even collapsed.What made Black Bolt even more angry was Maximus' participation. It was Maximus who ordered the shooting, without any consideration of how much damage he would cause Attilan to kill these aliens.

At this moment, Black Bolt regretted that he was soft-hearted in the past. He didn't listen to Carnac's words and dealt with the resentful Maximus early, which led to today's catastrophe. Now he can only swallow this bitter fruit, and all he can do is try his best Cut your losses.

The long-haired Medusa came over and looked at the sad king, feeling equally uncomfortable. In just one or two months, the peaceful and peaceful Attilan became full of chaos.In an equal chaos, Black Bolt King will also be held accountable by the genetic committee. Whoever makes him the king of Attilan is his responsibility for whatever happens.

If it were placed in the ignorant ancient times, natural disasters and man-made disasters, maybe there would be an edict of guilt.

Black Bolt King stared into the distance. On the narrow and dilapidated street, some ragged, yellow and thin civilians were walking towards the palace. They all held steamed buns and bread in their hands without exception. Some were wolfing down, some were chewing. Swallow slowly, and some eat two mouthfuls and hide quickly for fear of being snatched.

Obviously someone used food to send these civilians to the palace. It is very likely that these people did not know that they were going to attack the palace, thinking that they were just looking for food from the Black Bolt King, but once a fight broke out, most of these civilians would die, just like Just outside the city, innocent and ignorant civilians became the best cover for the conspirators and also became victims.

As soon as Medusa walked up to Black Bolt King, she saw Black Bolt King raised his hand and made a few quick gestures. Medusa couldn't help frowning and said, "Do you think these civilians are innocent? But now we I can't tell which of them is Jia Ying and Maximus."

Black Bolt's gesture paused for two seconds before restarting. Medusa still shook her head: "No, they have human weapons in their hands. It's too dangerous to send people there, so we can only persuade them to retreat from a distance."

Black Bolt nodded silently, and agreed with Medusa's suggestion, asking Karnak to find a way to disperse the civilians and keep them away from the palace.

After Medusa gave the order, Black Bolt re-signed: Maybe Attilan has to make some changes.

Medusa pondered for a few seconds before saying: "Maximus is using the so-called equality to confuse the common people to do things for him. He really wants to give them some hope."

Then, she didn't know what to say. In the ancient times, the Inhumans were still on the earth, and they implemented a strict and strict hierarchy. The Inhumans were high above, and secondly, the mortals were at the bottom.

This system has been implemented for too long, and it is not easy to change it. Even if you are down and living in Attilan, the genetic committee still dominates this system of superiority and inferiority. All aliens are also beneficiaries of this system. It is easier said than done to change.

Back then, Lincoln, Martin King, and one was the president. As a result, they were all blacked out. Cutting off people's fortunes was like killing their parents. Most people wanted to find you desperately.This also applies to Attilan. If Black Bolt wants to make common people equal to aliens, he will immediately fall into a situation of betrayal.

Opponents are not just the genetic committee. The important ministers around Black Bolt are all aliens. They are all beneficiaries of this system of superiority and inferiority. Not everyone has the consciousness of selflessness and dedication to the country, Maximus He is barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes. Anyway, he has few strangers under his command. He can talk about equality and can do what Black Bolt, who wears luxurious leather boots, cannot do.

Silence, still silence, intention to change, but too many scruples, really powerless.

And Carnac also installed the order of the Black Bolt King, sending aliens to intercept and warn the civilians, return immediately, and are not allowed to approach the palace, otherwise
All the aliens sent out were deterred by throwing their powers far away from the crowd, and it really worked. The sallow and emaciated civilians hurriedly stopped and looked at the aliens in the distance with fear on their faces.

The long-standing concept has made the people of Attilan accustomed to superiority and inferiority. Some people are frightened and dare not move forward, and even back away, for fear of offending noble strangers. teeth, shaking his body and moving forward a little bit, not daring to back away, lest the food that can keep his wife and children alive would be taken back.

Maximus in the rear looked at the intimidating alien sent by Black Bolt, and sneered, "He hasn't figured out where he lost yet."

"No, he knows, but he has no other way. In the face of people who will starve to death, you can only make them retreat by taking out food." Jia Ying shook her head lightly, and said: "Let's start, let them know the times different."

Lincoln nodded, took out a communicator, and shouted: "Attack!"

Among the crowds on the streets extending in all directions around the palace, several people showed fierce faces at the same time. One of them carried the RPG on his shoulder and aimed at the aliens in the distance, while the people around him hurriedly reloaded it. Such an obvious action Naturally discovered by strangers.

At this moment, the person carrying the RPG pulled the trigger, and the rockets 'whoosh! ' jumped out, the scorching tail flame covered a large area behind in a fan shape, wounded and dead, and lost ten or twenty before killing the enemy, scaring other civilians to crawl away These few guys who launch RPGs.

The first time I used RPG, the hit rate was extremely impressive. The alien didn’t even move. The rocket flew 20 meters away by itself, hit the outer wall of a building, and blew out a terrifying big hole, which killed the inside by the way. people, and that is the place where aliens live, and there are either aliens or family members.

(End of this chapter)

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