The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 763 Planning Attilan

Chapter 763 Planning Attilan

In this way, Jia Ying should thank Hela. Without Hela's blood moon assist, Attilan fell into a food crisis. All the aliens on the planet were brought back to Attilan, and they never left that narrow man-made space.

According to Jia Ying, Attilan was almost on the verge of collapse, and civilians were starving to death. Gordon tried his best to transport food from the earth to Attilan, but he could only give those close to him enough to survive. Food, not to mention eating well, is impossible to be full.

But in that rotten TV series, isn’t Black Bolt very benevolent? Even though his younger brother leads people to mess with him and his subordinates, he doesn’t open his mouth to use onomatopoeic powers to defeat opponents. Such a benevolent monarch is definitely a teammate. Nightmare, gospel of the enemy.

Such a virgin-like person should know that when there is insufficient food, if people are not allowed to return to the earth, they are going to starve to death. Are you not afraid that people who are extremely hungry will do something terrible?Think about the peasant uprisings every time in history, but the people were struggling to make a living, so they rose up and overthrew the superior people to the ground, making them worthless ever since.

As for the characters in the TV series, Greer felt that Jia Ying was a bit pitiful, and wanted to use the love of mother and daughter to achieve her goal. Attilan's food crisis won, but it was definitely not as miserable as she said, but it was also Not optimistic.

However, it is true that she wants to bring the aliens back to Earth. In Attilan, where the hierarchy is strict, aliens with powerful abilities emerge in endlessly. For outsiders like Jia Ying, it is definitely not a place to stand, not to mention the small size of Attilan , full of ambitions but nowhere to display, only to return to the vast world of the earth, can accomplish much.

However, it is a good thing for the Inhumans to return to the earth. If they plan properly, they can get a new force to deal with Thanos. The Inhumans with supernatural powers are much better than ordinary people.

Stark's Iron Legion, Karma Taj's mages, and Inhumans, this configuration is definitely a luxurious configuration compared to the Avengers split in two in the movie, and the probability of victory is always Can improve a lot.

Thinking of this, Greer had an idea in his mind, and said, "No problem, we will go to Attilan when we are ready."

"Really?" Daisy was incomparably pleasantly surprised. She thought it would take more saliva, but she didn't expect Greer to agree so easily.

"Yeah." Greer nodded, and said, "I used to live on the earth, and now I just go home, not to mention the enmity between us and Black Bolt King."

Daisy also thought of the middle-aged women who appeared one after another on the bustling road and in the abandoned factories that could release sound waves and hair that could grow rapidly, and the girls who seemed to cast magic. Started a battle with the Avengers. An earth-shattering battle.

It was also in that battle that Gordon discovered Daisy and told Jia Ying, which made their mother and daughter who had been separated for more than ten years recognize each other.

"How many people want to come back?" Greer sat beside Daisy and asked for details.

"Well, I don't know too well, but there should be quite a few. My mother said that they are all villagers in that village, although I don't remember it at all." Daisy sighed, her memories of her childhood were almost zero, only some vague impressions , I probably remember Man in Armor, Neo decade drive.
"That village was razed to the ground a long time ago, and now it's a forest. Where do they come back to live? Have they found a place?"

"Mom said to rebuild the village, which belongs to the alien's village."

"Earth's version of Attilan." Greer probably knows Jia Ying's idea. In the deep mountains and old forests far away from human habitation, build a paradise with only aliens, and prevent outsiders from entering, so as to avoid the recurrence of what happened 70 years ago and 20 years ago. Invasion crisis.

"Well, it's almost finished. They transported all the resources in Attilan back to the earth to build the village." Daisy roughly told the story of the Inhuman village. All resources were spent on rebuilding the village. Without savings, there was no way to cope with the sudden food crisis.

"Attilan is so small, there are no mountains, no water, and no sea. I really don't know how the Inhumans have lived there for so long." Greer thought in his heart, and felt that it would be him, in a place without mountains, water, and woods. If you stay for tens of hundreds of years or even longer, you may have gone crazy, let alone live and work in peace and contentment.

After confirming the matter of the Inhuman race, the two yawned and held hands and went back to the house to sleep. They were so tired that they even gave up washing. It was already early in the morning, and the sun would come out if they didn't sleep. There were still a lot of things waiting for dawn. Solution: Karma Taj's mage control, the whereabouts of the vibranium in the hands of Ulysses Crow, the global defense system dominated by Veronica, and the Inhumans who want to migrate back to Earth
After returning from the universe, there is never a day free, and the busy feet do not touch the ground. Even the rest time is shortened by nearly a quarter of that before going to Helm's Underworld.

The time is pitiful, but the things are terrible.
America on the earth has entered the night, while Attilan on the moon is at noon. The sun simulated by the special protective cover hangs high in the sky, shining bright sunlight downward, and the temperature is controlled at [-] to [-] degrees. It is already spring. On the occasion of summer.

The Inhumans living in Attilan witnessed history. For the first time, Attilan ended immediately after the beginning of autumn, and did not enter winter, but jumped directly to the spring when all things recovered. season.

This is the decision made by the high-level Inhuman race under the Black Bolt King: skip the fruitless autumn and the winter when everything is sleeping, and directly enter the spring when everything recovers and is suitable for planting, so as to plant a new season of food crops and get through this as soon as possible second food crisis.

Since the construction of Attilan, there has never been such a situation, nor has there been any crisis. In the face of supernatural powers, all riots are scum, but now there are riots and the grain depot is burned. Let the food crisis rise directly to the level of hell, so that Attilan's time has to 'fast forward' one hundred days.

It's just that they have many aliens with amazing destructive power, but they can't make the crops mature quickly. If there is an alien who can accelerate the growth and maturity of crops, why worry about the food crisis.

Outside the city, in the farmland divided into many floors like buildings, a large number of ragged aliens are hard at work sowing seeds. Around a dozen well-dressed aliens, some of whom have mutated bodies, look around vigilantly, and from time to time Look back at the sallow and emaciated farmers to prevent them from playing tricks.

Since the civilian riots led to the burning of the grain depot, the relationship between Yiren and these ordinary people who have never seen it before has become extremely tense. Commoners usually envy Yiren for living a luxurious life, but now they are angry that Yiren occupies so many The food made them starve, and Yiren was also angry with these ordinary people for making troubles, so that the grain depot was burned down, which made the food shortage and reduced their living standards, making it difficult for them to continue to eat well.

In the city, there are many low and dilapidated buildings, surrounded by a magnificent pyramid-shaped building, which is absolutely outstanding. No matter where you are in Attilan, you can see this outstanding building at a glance.

But the people who lived in this luxurious building gathered together with sad faces, watching the calculation results on the big screen in the center, and they were silent for a while.

If the withered crops caused Attilan to fall into a food crisis, then the burning of the grain depot pushed Attilan into the abyss of despair.

Originally, the crops were withered, and we could skip the autumn and winter and go directly to the spring. With the addition of grain reserves, we could barely survive the sea, but the grain depot was "accidentally" burned, what should we do before the grain harvest season arrives?This is not a day or two, a week or two, but three or four months.

More than 100 days is a desperate number. It is so long that the top leaders of the Inhuman race can gather together but they can't think of any way. They can only stand silently. The atmosphere is so oppressive that people can't breathe.

The Black Bolt King, who has always been calm, sat slumped on a high position with his head lowered, making it difficult for people to see his expression clearly. The other members of the royal family also had the same sad faces. Feed your subjects.

It was only the food crisis that triggered a civilian riot before. Once they know that the few grain depots that have been publicized have been burned, it is impossible to wait until the grain is harvested. Can't sit still.

Now the Black Bolt King is able to stabilize the situation, relying on the deterrence of aliens. The various abilities have powerful destructive power, which is an insurmountable gap for ordinary people, but rather than being starved to death, I am afraid that more people will choose to rise up. Die on the way to grab food, not starve to death.

In the end, Carnac, the advisor (prime minister) of Black Bolt King, broke the dead silence and said in a bitter tone: "There is nothing to discuss, the cruel facts are in front of us, and the only food left , even aliens can’t guarantee it, let alone ordinary people.”

Karnike's words made everyone's heads hang lower, and the anger in their hearts became more intense. Those ignorant and ignorant civilians actually believed the damned rumors, which caused the grain depot to be burned, thus destroying Attilan's future.

Black Bolt King finally raised his head, and quickly gestured with his hands a few times. The queen Medusa next to him "translated" and said: "If you give up the common people, Attilan will be gone."

"If you don't give up on them, Attilan will also be destroyed, so." Carnac took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and said painfully: "Negotiate with them."

"They? Who? Civilians?" The royal princess Crystal asked suspiciously. She didn't understand how to negotiate with civilians. Did she tell them: We don't have enough food for you to survive. For the future of Attilan, please go quietly. die, ok?
Whoever dares to say this in the past will not be torn to pieces by the angry civilians, she will be able to swallow the moon alive.

Karnike shook his head and said, "Jia Ying!"

"That earth woman?" Crystal clenched her fists when she heard this name, the anger she couldn't hide on her face was that she 'rebelled' the therapist Lincoln and killed the seriously injured Gorgon. Cleverly ignored that it was Black Bolt who chose to save Tetanus, who had the ability to teleport, and gave up Gorgon, who was just a bodyguard.

"She said last time that she has food in her hand, and the condition is to take away those aliens from the earth." Karnike tried to calm his tone and not let the anger in his heart pour out. This is what he could think of The only way to survive the crisis is to let go of some aliens in exchange for food that allows more people to survive. This is the right choice.

The other aliens in the conference room slowly raised their heads and made eye contact with each other. This is indeed the best choice. The last time Jia Ying came, some people actually tended to agree, but Black Bolt and Karnike insisted on not agreeing. To release people, I would rather mess up Attilan's seasons than let the Inhumans return to Earth, but there is no other way now.

Cui Tan, who looked like a combination of Benboerba and Baboerben, said in a muffled voice, "But they know Attilan."

As soon as this topic came up, the aliens who were about to express their opinions shut their mouths again. Attilan, whose base was built on the back of the moon, has been hiding from the world for a long time. The supernatural power is in the pit and prevents it from getting close to Attilan. With so many aliens returning to the earth, the existence of Attilan will no longer be a secret.

"We have no choice." Carnac shook his head helplessly and sighed, but he would not agree to such a humiliating condition if there was any other way, but now Attilan has reached the moment of life and death, and he must abandon his pawns to save the car.

After the Black Bolt King finished speaking, he sat there quietly, listening to other people's discussions. After the ministers reached a consensus, he waved his hands wearily, and directly ended this time. Nothing to discuss the meeting.

The aliens dispersed in twos and threes, sighing along the way, but they were greatly relieved. Although they were aliens, no matter how bad the situation was, they could still get a certain amount of food and had the highest chance of surviving. Most of their relatives and friends As a commoner, with just a little food, he would definitely starve to death.

Now the Black Bolt King has given in, and uses those aliens who originally came from the earth to exchange for food. In this way, there is no need to worry about being hungry. Attilan, nothing will happen for a while, but there is no food, and it only takes a month or two for Attilan to be destroyed.

Karnike, who was the first to propose a solution, walked in the gorgeous corridor with a gloomy face. Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps behind him, which made Karnike stop and turned around, but saw Crystal chasing him, extremely dissatisfied Asked: "Are you really going to release those people back to Earth?"

She was quite angry. For the alien village on Earth that was in crisis, Attilan sent a large number of aliens to fight against those guys who were armed to the teeth. There were still a lot of casualties before bringing those people back. But now , those people actually want to betray Attilan, it is simply ungrateful.

(End of this chapter)

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